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Obama White House Fundraises For Anti-Christian Bully Savage

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posted on May, 3 2012 @ 03:18 PM

Originally posted by groingrinder
I usually agree with your posts. But I will have to disagree this time. The ignorant community of Bible toting neanderthals needs desperately some personal attention in regards to their constant bullying of gays and lesbians. IT IS GREAT THAT THEY WERE SINGLED OUT FOR A LITTLE PERSONAL ATTENTION. Random "christians" should have been brought front and center and had the crap kicked out of them. Then maybe, and it is a real big maybe, they would understand the harm they do.

That seems quite harsh, and to be honest, it is irrespnsible to be stating words like that. Christianity does not encourage physical or emotional destruction, as many state, but rather peace. That being said, of course, Christians do have homophobes, ignorant, and angry people. Then again, there are plenty of athiests, Muslims, Buddists, Tribals, so on and so forth that also contain people of that nature in thier fold. The focus of the post is that there were harsh words directed at Christians at their ideologies, where Gays and the like tend to cry "abuse" from the same type of verbal tripe.

posted on May, 3 2012 @ 03:20 PM

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by IronArm

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by IronArm
reply to post by antonia

As temperatures rise, people find the easiest shots they can summon to hit at the opposing side. Homosexuality tends to be a very hot topic to be used against Christians and our stance against it, as well as the Levitican laws to be used out of context to legitimize liberal idelogies contesting Christinan faith along side the homosexual issue.

As temperatures rise, people find the easiest shots they can summon to hit at the opposing side. Christianity tends to be a very hot topic to be used against Homosexuals and their right to equality.

Levitican laws used to legitimize conservative ideologies contesting homosexual equality by Christians.

Words spoken by the Bible about homsexuality are not limited to the Levitican law, although the hair/blood/food issues generally are.

Sometimes people just need to look in a mirror.

What does that even mean? Is there a point to that post?

posted on May, 3 2012 @ 03:22 PM
More anti-homosexual rhetoric. Why aren't these people being called haters? Well, except for the liberals, of course.

But why aren't they being called haters the same way Savage is?

This video is 12 minutes long.

posted on May, 3 2012 @ 04:04 PM

Originally posted by Annee
Did you read where the Catholic nuns were admonished by the Pope - - - for not making abortion and homosexuality their #1 focus. Shocking isn't it - - - they thought helping the poor was more important.

Yeah kind of outrageous considering how many young boys are homosexually assaulted by the clergy

Originally posted by Annee

There are plenty of PC gay activists.

Do all of them really need to be? And really - why should they be - - considering how they are treated - - and the horrible things anti-gay Christians say without restraint.

Well they do have every right to be angry over what has been dione to them, but.. it's a bit of a catching more flies with suger. I believe that our court justices need to examine the writings and letters of the founders of this country. There were limits I don't have my files on this computer but Jefferson made it clear that the only restraint from freedom of religious expression is when it crossed over and took rights away from others. In addiution it was stated that claiming freedom of religion was not a defesne when used as an excuse for criminal activity. I have spent more time learniing about history and religion as an adult than I spent learning anything up through High School

Something that I have found quite disturbing is regarding the "day of silence" I have even attended 2 hgih schools during this day, so I can verify there is no "agenda" as many claim to turn their kids gay. The only agenda that the Day of Silence involves is the silence for a day of gays and their friens who also get bullies for being friends with them, is to dray attention to how they are silenced, they are beat up on and bullied and people even school officials turn a blind eye to it because of the gay thing. So in effect the Day of Silence is a silent plea that they be treated with normal human respect, that they not have to worry about beign beat up in the locker-room and having the school admins ignore it when they try to go to them for help because of the gay thing.

It's not too much for any human to ask, to be able to live without that type of pain.

Okay now the disturbing part. In at least 3 cases that I have heard of a judge determined that to forbid a classmate from wearing a shirt with sayings like "be straight not gay" on the Day of Silence would be violating her right to religious freedom.

So we have a group of students participating in the Day of Silence in effect begging the world to let them just be unaccosted, to feel safe going to school for the education all US Citizens have a right to

And on the other hand on that very same day you have a supposedly "Christian" student supporting the continued harm to these kids.

Am I the only one who has a problem with people using religion to encourage hate ??

For the Christians it should be a huge concern too. Jesus wanted those Christians to lead all of his children to him through kindness and love, he wanted them to accept him willingly. But frankly the only potential outcome of their actions .....if they have their to force people who have not accepted his message, to act on the outside as if they do under penalty of pain...against their will. Effectively instead of folliwing Jesus's instructions for his followers, they are denying him by turning to the old testi,emt to draw their punishment since it wasn't what Jesus wanted them to do......and in doing so they are pushing people farther and farthers away instead of leading them to him....

The biggest issue I think is that many "christians" go to church on sundays, are told by a supposed expert what they are to believe, and are read to a couple of passages from the bible and are dependant on the teacher to understand it all.

But Christ warned his followers to beware of false prophets that many would come claiming to be him or speak for him.....Now what is the best way to safeguard's not as confusing and hard to understand as many make it out to be...

BTW did you read the link to an earlier post that I put in my first here today? IF niot....just scan to the "wait for it " part

I am very aware of false prophets

edit on 5/3/12 by Pixiefyre because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 3 2012 @ 04:14 PM
reply to post by Annee

They are several things actually. They are serial killers - - - some pedophiles. All apparently involved in same sex of some kind.

Thank you for finally answering! The only common denominator concerning the LGBs on that list is that they were all serial killers. I made absolutely no reference regarding pedophiles, or pedophilia, and I even told you TWICE that pedophilia had absolutely nothing to do with that list! Yet, for some silly reason, that's all you could focus on!

Criminal activity is CRIMINAL ACTIVITY.

I agree!

It is not LGBTQ Criminal Activity.

I never claimed, or even implied that it was! It was you that dreamed that crap up.

I found it stupid - - and completely off topic.

No... you only ASSUMED that it was "stupid - - and completely off topic", and that was only because of your refusal to learn what I was trying to get at.

I chose to address the pedophile part of it and ignore the rest.

Once again: THERE WAS NO "PEDOPHILE PART OF IT"! And no... you did not ignore the rest of it. What you did, instead of ignoring it, was twist it into something that it wasn't!

My only point with that list was to demonstrate that your "cherry picked" examples of poor Christian behavior were no more representative of Christians, as a group, than my "cherry picked" LGBs were of the Gay community, as a group.

Unfortunately, instead of being an adult, and trying to learn what I was getting at, you jumped to your own damn conclusion, "stuck your fingers in your ears", and ran off screaming "LA, la, LA, la, la, LA, LA".

I wonder what "Super Nanny" would think of that kind of behavior.

Just so you know: I don't support bullying at all! It doesn't matter who the hell it's directed against!

My concern about "White House" support for Savage's organization is that, by association, they are also condoning bigotry against Christians, and whoever else he might decide to go after.

See ya,

posted on May, 3 2012 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by Pixiefyre
I have spent more time learniing about history and religion as an adult than I spent learning anything up through High School.

Me too. Had to take history twice my senior year. Had no interest.

Now - - I've been on a computer in forums for 20 years - - and find it fascinating.

Did you know the Southern Baptists are descended from the original Puritans?

Did you know Creator was not in the first 2 drafts of the Constitution?

posted on May, 3 2012 @ 04:28 PM

Originally posted by Pixiefyre

Okay now the disturbing part. In at least 3 cases that I have heard of a judge determined that to forbid a classmate from wearing a shirt with sayings like "be straight not gay" on the Day of Silence would be violating her right to religious freedom.

This is ridiculous.

In northern CA (I believe) on Cinco De Mayo - - - 3 students were banned from wearing shirts with the American flag on it.

They were told that this one day a year - - - it would not be allowed.

The school was sued. The school won. Some judges get it right.

posted on May, 3 2012 @ 04:37 PM
reply to post by EvilSadamClone

Ignore Ben Annee, he's just a stupid troll.

Well done! I'll give star for your outstanding effort!

See ya,

posted on May, 3 2012 @ 05:05 PM
reply to post by Annee

Yep and did you know that ONE person wanted it to say Jesus Christ and was voted down unanimously. See using the word God of Nature, and Creator in the constitution does not designate any specific diety look at how many :"God's" the Greeks,, Egyptians, Mayans and so forth had they did not all consider them the specific Christian Goid... but to their religions they were Gods and Creators none the less.

posted on May, 3 2012 @ 05:10 PM

Originally posted by Pixiefyre
reply to post by Annee

Yep and did you know that ONE person wanted it to say Jesus Christ and was voted down unanimously. See using the word God of Nature, and Creator in the constitution does not designate any specific diety look at how many :"God's" the Greeks,, Egyptians, Mayans and so forth had they did not all consider them the specific Christian Goid... but to their religions they were Gods and Creators none the less.


Most founding fathers were Deist - - - and Creator represents the Deist concept of a universal Creator.

Not a religious god some feel they have to answer to.


posted on May, 3 2012 @ 05:20 PM
reply to post by Annee

Yeah Diests believe in a God not necessarily the Judeo Christian God, they do not believe in any religious books, nor do they believe in Jesus

I sure wish I had my computer right now I have all the documents and statemets on that

posted on May, 3 2012 @ 05:20 PM
reply to post by EvilSadamClone

Why aren't these people being called haters?

If we knew their names, I'm sure some of them would be. Mostly, that video is about stupid people, saying stupid things, though.

But why aren't they being called haters the same way Savage is?

If we knew their names, I'm sure some of them would be. Mostly, that video is about stupid people, saying stupid things, though.

Hell fire, you've said some pretty stupid things as well, should we call you a "hater" too? At least we know your "username".

See ya,

posted on May, 3 2012 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by Annee

BTW did you catch that link I pointed you too and see who my sister's nephew was for a time??

posted on May, 3 2012 @ 05:23 PM
reply to post by EvilSadamClone

That woman is CRAZY. Wow, My head almost exploded after watching that.

posted on May, 3 2012 @ 06:08 PM
reply to post by antonia

You see, that's why it bothers me so much that the Christians whine every single time there's any sort of criticism towards them and make a big deal out of it, yet that kind of hate that woman spewed is what many homosexuals face every single day of their lives. For some reasons Christians seem to believe that they are not to be criticized in any way or it victimizes and oppresses them, but for some stupid reason, it is never the same thing for them.

So I just can't take the Christians demands of respect and victimization seriously. They dish it out, a lot, but can't take it when they get criticized. When they realize to actually treat others with respect instead of demanding and never giving it, maybe things will change for the better. Until then, I'll never take them seriously.

The way to earn respect is in treating others with respect and fairness, and letting them live their own lives in peace, and not harassing them just because they have a different lifestyles than you.

posted on May, 3 2012 @ 06:26 PM

Originally posted by Pixiefyre
reply to post by Annee

BTW did you catch that link I pointed you too and see who my sister's nephew was for a time??



posted on May, 3 2012 @ 07:08 PM
reply to post by Annee

Yeah it got a bit scary because when everything went boom she had 2 kids with the uncle but had divorced him. The kids had the same last name as the grandma who was all aover the news at the time

posted on May, 3 2012 @ 07:42 PM
reply to post by Pixiefyre

You make it sound like the clergy doing this are not themselves homosexual. I saw something last night on the net talking about this issue, stating that it is not celibacy which produces the abuse but the attraction to boys. But the point will be obscured as long as a certain group of people refuse to take responsibility for their actions.

posted on May, 3 2012 @ 08:07 PM
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

My point was more on track with this is a huge issue within at least the Catholic Church, and unlike other pedofiles our government lets the church take care of it and for years they were just moving them to other diocisesw. Pedofelial I think is just some disorder. Recently a public official near where I live with a wife and 2 daughters was found to have masswive amounts of child pronograophy on multiple computers, it was found when one of the computers he used was his daughters and he left the video's and images on it. He felt it was harmless because looking at it kept him from actually doing it

posted on May, 3 2012 @ 09:46 PM
reply to post by antonia

Annee started the pedo thing to derail Ben's list of serial killing lgbt's......

I cannot figure it out either....just a red herring tactic she is trying to use.

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