NO...not you guys, nor me....but the state!!!
Wake up governments of the world and take note of what's happening all over the world. Take the Middle East for example. The people CAN take power
and ARE!
The game's up. It's not good enough to say that anyone with a voice is 'against the state' and is therefore considered a criminal, locked up and
tortured, even murdered, and for you boneheads can push more legislation through to contain us and tell us what's good for us?
I for one, being a Christian, am not perturbed nor scared of your tactics. Why should I be? I have the promise of eternal life, whilst you nugget
heads are going to hell...forever! Now that was your choice not ours politicians!
STOP being scared of the state...they are not going to have power for much longer. Their power is weakening and yeah so I'm on a red list, because
although I abide by every law made I aint gonna be pushed around neither...SO WHAT...get a back bone those of you who are scared of the government.
This December marks the start of the last 7 year period of the 3rd Dimension. Over 2 billion of us are coming back after world war three for a great
life in the fifth dimension...ahhh peace for a thousand years...sounds like something worth fighting for doesn't it!!
So, they (the illuminati) purportedly have 8,000 to 10,000 insurgent camps throughout the U.S now, ready for the micro-chipping of its fine citizens,
so they can be tracked like dogs. Not withstanding that we don't know the real number, their program will FAIL big time. Mammon is getting armed and
ready for conflict. The secret government is outnumbered.
Rise up and take your sword. Don't give these pipe dreamers any excuse to lock you up. You can still be powerful and make a difference. Just get
ready so that when law and order does break down and you can get away with what you couldn't before, because they will be too busy trying to
incarcerate you, you will be ready to defend your rights. If you have to take a life then (and only then), God understands. Read Deuteronomy if you
have any doubts about this.
Just know this illuminati...if you lock a white angel up against their will and they haven't broken any laws whatsoever, know that an RPG would not
be a bad way to prove our point. Case in was done recently to a prison and I think they got the message. Not saying I agree with whatever
the reason was or not. Just saying that it proves that it can and eventually will be done, if innocent individuals are being held by the state for no
valid reason, at least when the time comes.
Last your backs illuminati...the Grim reaper works for us too!
Want to join a great organisation that stands for family values and clean living, whilst at the same time preparing for the coming world war three
event, by joining our Christian Militia? (optional). Take a look at what will be the world's largest and most powerful motorcycle club, or should I
say the kingdom's. My goal is 10,000 members minimum, period...and we will achieve it, with your help. I'll be looking for Members for the USA
chapters too. Check out the NWO Youtube page , that'll keep ya busy in knowing what these scumbags are up to, for now.
Brett Young
International Club President
New Zealand Club President