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Explain to me how Homosexuals are "born that way".

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posted on May, 5 2012 @ 11:52 AM
I'm open minded and willing to change my opinion but as of yet not a single person has show a valid research study on the subject.

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 01:21 PM

Originally posted by libertytoall
I'm open minded and willing to change my opinion but as of yet not a single person has show a valid research study on the subject.

10% of the population is Left-Handed
10% of the population is Homosexual

Are you going to also say Left-Handed people were not born - - but are by choice?

We've already gone through that in society. Left-Handed children having their knuckles wrapped by a ruler - - and being forced to be right handed.

It was only recently a gene most likely linked to Left-Handedness was discovered (2006/2007)


I personally find it ridiculous to argue with or discount a gay person who says they were "born that way".


Through research there are enough indicators to point to homosexuality being a normal birth right. As well as all other "shades of gray" in birth orientation.

There are 2 problems with research. There is nothing medically wrong or life threatening with being homosexual. Why fund something that's only real problem is its Socially and/or Religiously adverse to some.

The 2nd problem is the Dr. Mangala problem. What if - - as with the fruit flies - - changing brain chemical changed gender attraction (

Can you just see anti-gay parents dragging their children who they fear are gay to some quack doctor for brain chemical therapy?

Homosexuality is natural. It should just be accepted by society - - - and stop all the ridiculousness objection to it.

edit on 5-5-2012 by Annee because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 01:28 PM
reply to post by Annee

10% of the population is Left-Handed
10% of the population is Homosexual

Are you going to also say Left-Handed people were not born - - but are by choice?


Hard to refute....but the "Bible-Thumpers" will continue to "thump" their silly books, regardless.......

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by ProudBird
reply to post by Annee

10% of the population is Left-Handed
10% of the population is Homosexual

Are you going to also say Left-Handed people were not born - - but are by choice?


Hard to refute....but the "Bible-Thumpers" will continue to "thump" their silly books, regardless.......

Yeah - well they are losing the battle - - - even though its taking time.

The religious use all kinds of stuff from their books to try to control society and deny rights to anyone who doesn't fall into their narrow confined belief.

The Mark of Ham (Curse of Cain) was used to justify slavery.
Women are still the "evil temptress" of men's failure.
Seizures were Demonic possession.
Judas is claimed to have had red hair - - a sign of betrayal

For me its just scary - - - that these myths persist today - - - and people really believe them.

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 01:50 PM
reply to post by Annee

For me its just scary - - - that these myths persist today - - - and people really believe them.


It is frightening, in its own way.

Also, somewhat disheartening. That such 'antediluvian' beliefs are still taking precedence, in this age of science and enlightenment. Some of us (we) Humans must just shake our heads, and the propensity of others to hold on to such childish, and ridiculous's a bit like a kid who believes that a "monster" lives under her bed!!

THAT is what 'organized religion' has done to the Human race!

edit on Sat 5 May 2012 by ProudBird because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 02:55 PM

Can you just see anti-gay parents dragging their children who they fear are gay to some quack doctor for brain chemical therapy?

Exactly, which is why studies such as the birth order study that focuses on gay men is dangerous. It is dangerous, first of all, because it is suggesting it has proved causation, when it has only loosely correlated homosexuality to 1 in 7 gay men. As I mentioned before, that is a very weak correlation to begin with and in no way does it suggest causation, for several reasons, including what I mentioned above and because they found handedness and other factors to be possible correlations as well.

Anyway, why things like that are dangerous, even if they were proven, let alone unproven, is that what if a woman got pregnant for the millionth time with a boy, would she abort that child or mistreat it, even subconsciously, after birth because of the "fact" (note, I used that sarcastically) that that male child would be homosexual?

I have red, curly hair, fair skin, and green eyes. My parents both have dark--almost black--hair, blue-green eyes, and deeply tan skin. Genetically speaking, I am a freak. Coming from two parents with markedly different observable traits. and because I comprise a very small percentage of the world's population, I am extremely uncommon. Not so long ago, redheads were considered "evil" in various cultures. Now, I cannot tell you how many box-jobs I see roaming the streets on any given day. Genetics are at play here and just like many other genetic differences that stand out among the population, things are eventually understood and later accepted among society. This is the case with homosexuality, in my opinion, and in the opinion of many scientists and clinicians.

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 04:04 PM

Originally posted by ProudBird
Some of us Humans must just shake our heads, and the propensity of others to hold on to such childish, and ridiculous's a bit like a kid who believes that a "monster" lives under her bed!!

THAT is what 'organized religion' has done to the Human race!

Yes. Honestly I think the Terra Papers are more realistic then anything else. Have you read them?

To me that story is logical.

Religion blocks you from being open to any other concept. Religion closes your mind.

IMO - - only a closed mind would not accept that homosexuals are born.

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by mountaingirl1111
Read the studies that follow the children of homosexual couples and compare their mental outcomes to those of heterosexual couples, and you'll see that they are no more likely to become gay than children of hetero couples.

homophobes HATE to hear that, in my experience.

then again, they "hate" lots of things with a passion.

i always have to wonder why a person at work or church seems to hate gays with a passion -

only to time and time again, after some prying, find out they're a latent/repressed homosexual with a very heavy sense of guilt and self-discipline and denial, usually with the delusion they are praising God by going out commiting homosexual acts then repenting and hating on other gays in order to win a spot in heaven or whatever. its really quite CHILDISH how so many humans still think, even in their relationship with humanity's creator.

as for the gay parents studies, most all point at zero impact on sexuality. again, all the cases of forced gender reassignment due to botched circumcision or ambiguous genitalia at birth (intersex) all point to the fact that children cannot be reassigned an arbitrary sexuality by upbringing-

they are born with gender preference wired in in their brain (the default embryonic state is female, feminine, attracted to males, unless sufficient testosterone processes occur in the case of an XY male)

and no matter how a boy is raised - even as a girl and given a vagina - if he was born to be heterosexual he will grow up to be attracted to girls even if you reassigned and raised him as a girl 100%

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 05:56 PM
reply to post by Annee

Oh dear:

.....the Terra Papers are more realistic then anything else. Have you read them?

Oh yes indeed, I have!!!

Absent any "proof", either way, I rank the "Terra Papers" in the same category as the "Bible". Quite frankly.

Look.....we, in this 'modern age', do not know much about our past. We can through continued archaeology, go deeper to gain better understanding.....but, until (and unless) newer discoveries, about our past, and origins, as a species here on this planet, are made.....we MUST strive forward, based on our current knowledge and understanding.

It is "all" that we can do!! (Or else, we are remaining stagnant, rooted in indecision....and THAT is not a "pretty picture"...).
edit on Sat 5 May 2012 by ProudBird because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 06:32 PM

Originally posted by libertytoall
I'm open minded and willing to change my opinion but as of yet not a single person has show a valid research study on the subject.

Not here to fix you, just here to say your wrong.

Fix yourself.

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 07:27 PM

Originally posted by ProudBird
reply to post by Annee

Oh dear:

.....the Terra Papers are more realistic then anything else. Have you read them?

Oh yes indeed, I have!!!

Absent any "proof", either way, I rank the "Terra Papers" in the same category as the "Bible". Quite frankly.

The reason I don't is - - - there's no mysticism in the "Terra Papers".

I look at it from a logical perspective. Beings that discovered new land - - developed it - - and developed indigenous beings for their own purpose.

I think the universe is just a big old political mess - - just like earth. I think the war in Heaven was a real war over control of earth.

I think there is truth in ancient writings. Man has manipulated and clouded factual truth.

posted on May, 6 2012 @ 10:24 AM

Originally posted by libertytoall
I'm open minded and willing to change my opinion but as of yet not a single person has show a valid research study on the subject.

three lies in one sentence, epic!

quit ignoring everything people say simply because you dont agree with them.

posted on May, 6 2012 @ 12:40 PM
reply to post by mountaingirl1111

I think there is more at work here. Setting aside any discrimination, it is odd that two of the same sex want to have sexual relations. We don't see anything else on the planet doing this but there are reasons as well. The dingo does with his fake penis but thats different. I have odd beliefs. I think that man was brougth to earth and not originally from here. It expalins so much in our dealings with everything else on this planet. To complicate things, there were also other things brought here from other planets, transpermia. Anyhow, I feel that gay tendencies are a form of acting out from being rejected and not being happy on this planet. This planet is rejecting us, and will always reject us as it is not our home. When you have a planet do this to you, and you are stuck here as you have no way to get off this rock and get home, then you act out. Drugs, smoking, being gay and so on. This might sound odd but it is a small part of a very large picture.

posted on May, 6 2012 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by itsthetooth
I feel that gay tendencies are a form of acting out from being rejected and not being happy on this planet.

That is just crap. Total BS.

The reproductive "soup" gets stirred - - and whatever comes out - comes out.

That includes: Blondes - Red Hair - Left Handed - Homosexual - - - etc.

posted on May, 6 2012 @ 12:47 PM
I knew a brother and sister who were born only minutes apart, and both were gay. Because I believe in a Creator and the human soul, I could only conclude that souls enter human bodies at the moment of birth, and that a male and female soul entered the wrong bodies by mistake, or perhaps even planned it that way. Has any one else heard of twins (brother and sister) who are gay?

posted on May, 6 2012 @ 12:56 PM

Originally posted by Bkrmn
I knew a brother and sister who were born only minutes apart, and both were gay. Because I believe in a Creator and the human soul, I could only conclude that souls enter human bodies at the moment of birth, and that a male and female soul entered the wrong bodies by mistake, or perhaps even planned it that way. Has any one else heard of twins (brother and sister) who are gay?

There is a difference in soul (or energy consciousness) and physical.

The physical soup gets stirred - - - and that's what you get in physical.

One - really has nothing to do with the other.

posted on May, 6 2012 @ 01:01 PM

Originally posted by itsthetooth
reply to post by mountaingirl1111

I think there is more at work here. Setting aside any discrimination, it is odd that two of the same sex want to have sexual relations. We don't see anything else on the planet doing this but there are reasons as well. The dingo does with his fake penis but thats different. I have odd beliefs. I think that man was brougth to earth and not originally from here. It expalins so much in our dealings with everything else on this planet. To complicate things, there were also other things brought here from other planets, transpermia. Anyhow, I feel that gay tendencies are a form of acting out from being rejected and not being happy on this planet. This planet is rejecting us, and will always reject us as it is not our home. When you have a planet do this to you, and you are stuck here as you have no way to get off this rock and get home, then you act out. Drugs, smoking, being gay and so on. This might sound odd but it is a small part of a very large picture.

The thing is, it isn't just humans. it's animals, too. The famous "gay" penguins at the Toronto zoo had displayed homosexual behavior and the zookeepers there decided to separate them in order for them to "breed". So, not only does the animal kingdom have homosexual members, but they also have to deal with humans making sure they breed, not love. More examples, though still more to be found using a quick search:

Gay rams in Oregon being killed in order to study their brains to identify the gay gene, but scientists deny they are looking for a "cure" for homosexuality.

Bison, lions, elephants, to name a few.

1500 species of animals exhibit homosexual tendencies.

The point is, is that animals are completely happy not being with another animal simply to breed. The homosexual tendencies in the animal kingdom roughly match that of the human population: 8%. Being a red head with green eyes, only up to 2% of the world's population has red hair OR green eyes, and the rarest combination is what I have, which is a much lower probability than 2%. In essence, being a green-eyed redhead, I am less common than either homosexual humans or animals. What does that say and what does this tell us? This tells us that it is natural and that the only time there is a problem with it, is when humans get involved, allowing their social programming and group psyche to determine what is normal and what is not. Since animals are free from such restrictions, it seems pretty easy to say that it is nature, not nurture.

edit on 6-5-2012 by mountaingirl1111 because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-5-2012 by mountaingirl1111 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2012 @ 01:12 PM
I'm just going to stick my oar in after only reading the title.

The way I see it is that I grew up attracted to females, I did not choose that, it was just there.

How about you OP?

posted on May, 6 2012 @ 01:39 PM

Originally posted by Chukkles
I'm just going to stick my oar in after only reading the title.

The way I see it is that I grew up attracted to females, I did not choose that, it was just there.

How about you OP?

Simple statements like this are just Awesome.

Thank you.

posted on May, 6 2012 @ 03:01 PM

Originally posted by elitegamer23

Originally posted by libertytoall
I'm open minded and willing to change my opinion but as of yet not a single person has show a valid research study on the subject.

three lies in one sentence, epic!

quit ignoring everything people say simply because you dont agree with them.

Well regardless of how strong your personal opinions are on the subject it doesn't make them facts.

Comparing 10% of the population as left handed to 10% of the population being gay has absolutely ZERO relation to eachother. Is this the scientific evidence I'm suppose to read to sway my opinion??
edit on 6-5-2012 by libertytoall because: (no reason given)

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