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Explain to me how Homosexuals are "born that way".

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posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 05:58 PM
reply to post by DJGUY007

Exactly. Haters are murderers and there's no other way of putting it.

edit on 30-4-2012 by Garfee because: sp

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 07:17 PM

Originally posted by braydenf
because we would cease to exsist if everyone on the earth were gay.
we arent designed to work like that

But everyone on the earth ISN'T gay. Just because gay sex doesn't produce children, doesn't it mean "it doesn't work that way." Not every time a straight person has sex is meant to produce children. Not every straight ACT has anything to do with procreation - kissing, oral sex, masturbation. By your logic, it means even if you're straight, that masturbation is 'doesn't work that way' because it doesn't produce children.

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 07:20 PM

Originally posted by thebtheb

Originally posted by braydenf
because we would cease to exsist if everyone on the earth were gay.
we arent designed to work like that

But everyone on the earth ISN'T gay. Just because gay sex doesn't produce children, doesn't it mean "it doesn't work that way." Not every time a straight person has sex is meant to produce children. Not every straight ACT has anything to do with procreation - kissing, oral sex, masturbation. By your logic, it means even if you're straight, that masturbation is 'doesn't work that way' because it doesn't produce children.

The point is moot anyway. What If everyone on earth was a man? Does that mean being a man is wrong?

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 08:26 PM
If everyone on earth was a cowboy we wouldn't be here very long either.

or a cop
or a fireman
or a carpenter
or a nurse
or a Catholic Priest.
or a Blacksmith.

I could go on all day.
What an insane premise.

We need everyone to function on this Earth.
Everyone has their own calling.
Everyone has their own function in society.
Everyone has value.
Everyone has worth.

I would allow a dozen gay men over to my house to have a pillow fight before I would let a Catholic Priest step foot through my door. Gay men like to have sex with OTHER GAY MEN!!!!!!! NOT CHILDREN!!!!!!!

I'll place my bet on gay men anyday with my children.

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 10:14 PM
reply to post by Screwed

That was a very insightful I was out of line and I apologise for some comments I made earlier in this thread....I had some "light bulb" moments today that I would like to share....

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 10:48 PM
I want to share "Perry's story" this is a kid I met in 7th grade, during the 80's and yes, God help this kid his name was actually Perry and he came to school everyday with a bow tie and a smile, he really wanted to interact with other kids, and if you engaged him in conversation he was pretty cool, but he did come from a family that named him Perry and sent him to school in bow ties, he was seen as an "odd duck" by other kids, I have no idea if he was gay, but certainly gave off that "vibe".

Back then we still had home economic classes, as well as textiles, wood shop, auto shop, and MY love horticulture ( went on to study horticulture at Cal Poly, SLO, CA ) anyways...Perry was the only boy to sign up for Home ec. class, and he loved it, we did cool things sewing, cooking, I loved it too. We usually had to split up in teams, and I always enjoyed Perry being on my team, and made a point to pick him when it was my call.

One day we all had to form teams and make a dish, at the end of class we would all sample each teams effort, well this horrible, nasty set of girls decided to put yucky stuff in Perry's sample and stood around him threatening him to eat it, one of the team of "bullies" had a change of heart, and came and told me they had put soap, hot sauce, etc... in his sample,

When I walked over to him, he was sitting there about to cry, these vicious girls were absolutely tourmenting him, EAT IT...they kept saying. I walked over there and gave them the "look" , lol, I have been told it's powerful, held out my hand and said "let's go", bell rang a few minutes later and we hung out at recess, played carems, lol, a sort of billard type game. I was one of the "cool" girls that got to hang out on the 9th grade lawn, and no one ever bothered Perry again in my or my friends presence....I hope that kid had a happy life......

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 11:00 PM
reply to post by Lionhearte

First you clearly don't understand genetics... two brown eyed people can create a blue eyed person.... so realize genetics is way more complicated then u comprehend. Second... i can only speak from experience... my fathers side of the family has a lot of homosexuals in it. My brother is gay but i am not.... i would have to say he has always been gay... from the begining.

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 11:02 PM
LOL, one last thing I am a great floral designer, but men are brilliant floral designers, and yeah most are gay, but I'm telling you these guys have have a "gift" and when they bring thier masculine energy to design, WOW

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 12:08 AM

Originally posted by jaguarsky
reply to post by MaryStillToe

BTW darlin' unless you are yourself a geneticist how in the world would you presume to "correct" your friend regarding peer reviewed genetic research? That seems rather arrogant. Are your parents arrogant too? Do you have any arrogant siblings?

I read the conclusion of each study my friend quoted information from. At the end of any scientific research paper or study, a researcher or scientiest must draw a conclusion based on the results of their research.To date, all researchers trying to prove a correlation between genes and homosexuality have admitted that their studies were inconclusive.

READING is fundamental.

edit on 1-5-2012 by MaryStillToe because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 01:07 AM

Originally posted by OrionStarfire
I read an interesting study in a Carl Sagan book years ago about a study done on rat population. They gave a bunch of rats a tank, gave them enough food to support a large breeding population but no more space, like a bigger tank.

These rats bred and bred, until one day the tank was so crowded that the researchers began to notice a strange phenomenon...some of the rats began to display Homosexual behaviors! It seems that the smaller rats (or the Beta rats) would show a display similar to the girl rats that "offered" their self to the Alpha rats. The Alpha rats would either accept the offering or attack the Beta rat.

This resulted in a drastic population reduction in the Rat tank, and it was theorized that Homosexuality is a natural occurrence when the "unatural" circumstances of overpopulation occurs and is a way for the biology to weed out the weaklings so that only the Alphas pass their genes to the next generation.

Though I don't believe that homosexuals are born that way, rather they become that way after realizing that they are inequipt in one way or another to please or impress a straight woman, same with gay chicks, especially the bull lesbian types, what would a straight guy find attractive about that? In my experience straight woman find strength, confidence, and leadership skills attractive above all. Most of the Gay dudes I have met, lack this air of confidence.

Pheromones might have something to do with it as well. I also think that events in a persons life can make them gay, biology is a tricky thing to pin down as I believe metamorphosis can be triggered in the human genome from a multitude of subtle psychological events.

But it all boils down to lack of confidence with women, I saw allot of guys "become" gay in highschool, before they became gay they would try to get laid by a girl, they just weren't good at getting the girls and were the guys that were awkward around the ladies. This anxiety they experienced around the ladies made them resorted to sexual acts with other weirdos...yuck!

Excellent post, OrionStarfire. Your "wall of text" needs to be re-formatted for easier reading.

I think you nailed it. And if you look at most lesbians -- there has always been (in my eyes) something profoundly pathetic about them. I assume that many are victims of severe sexual abuse from males,

There was some extensive study of prostitutes that found that 80% of them were lesbians. And most women who end up in the sex industry are victims of childhood sexual abuse or rape.

And the poor "bull dykes" trying so hard to be what they can NEVER be -- men.

Just sad all around.

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 01:22 AM

Originally posted by Siberbat
This thread is not dead yet??? Talk about beating a dead horse. Geez!

This is a nice break from serious (and depressing) subjects. Many of the responses put a smile on my face.

I'm assuming most of the Gays and their straight supporters are Obama followers.

They can have another parade when Obama is re-elected and finishes driving the US into the ground.

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 02:19 AM

Originally posted by AuranVector

Originally posted by Siberbat
This thread is not dead yet??? Talk about beating a dead horse. Geez!

This is a nice break from serious (and depressing) subjects. Many of the responses put a smile on my face.

I'm assuming most of the Gays and their straight supporters are Obama followers.

They can have another parade when Obama is re-elected and finishes driving the US into the ground.

What does a person's sexuality have to do with their politics?

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 03:12 AM
So,if you dont think your born that way then i guess you think its a choice? Therefore you think YOU are gay. You could easily be attracted to and have sex with others of your are just choosing not too, and all other gays could also just choose not too. Is that what your telling us??? Sorry but i cant just choose to be gay or not,I am attracted to women and not men just because Im choosing it. I just naturally have been attracted to women my whole life because thats is how I was born. Hey Lionhearte,if you like the same sex and are just "choosing " to be with the opposite,more power too you.( newsflash though..........your gay )

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 03:23 AM
reply to post by Lionhearte

It really doesn't matter whether you are gay or straight, we are all equal.

And I learnt that as a youngster, and its always stuck with me.

We think too much these days, and feel far too little.

More than cleverness, we need kindness and gentleness.

Without these qualities life will be violent and all will be lost.

For god sake when will humanity learn to put our differences behind us, we have the power of love in all of our hearts and we choose to throw it away, fight illegal wars and promote bigotry and racism.

Once we begin to understand and work with our similarities the world will become a place of unity and peace.


posted on May, 1 2012 @ 06:16 AM

Originally posted by DJGUY007

I am a gay man and I find this thread to be incredibly offensive.

I knew i was gay from a young age - long before I understood sex or had a sexual identity. If the poster ever bothered to ask a gay person this you'd find this to be a common thread - I have memories of identifying as gay from the age of 4 or 5.

You can't identify as gay if you don't understand sex or have a sexual identity. Do you understand why that statement makes no sense?

I am not going to call you a liar or a troll, but I did notice that you created your account only one day ago and your only post on the site was in this thread.

Did you think if you claimed to be gay and offered a story about having a nearly perfect childhood with no abuse that it would give your point of view more credibility? If so, that is very sad indeed.

edit on 1-5-2012 by MaryStillToe because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 06:35 AM
Personally it's playing the likes of ABBA's Dancing Queen in the birthing theatre that does it. lol lol

Seriously though am sure it's to do with the fact that we all stem from female chromosones or something like that and that's its during the evovling period that decides on male or female. Perhaps the chemical concoption isn't purely male or female. which leaves behind certain traits in the developing embryo. Am no biologist but it's something along those lines I think.

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 06:57 AM

Originally posted by MaryStillToe

Originally posted by DJGUY007

I am a gay man and I find this thread to be incredibly offensive.

I knew i was gay from a young age - long before I understood sex or had a sexual identity. If the poster ever bothered to ask a gay person this you'd find this to be a common thread - I have memories of identifying as gay from the age of 4 or 5.

You can't identify as gay if you don't understand sex or have a sexual identity. Do you understand why that statement makes no sense?

I am not going to call you a liar or a troll, but I did notice that you created your account only one day ago and your only post on the site was in this thread.

Did you think if you claimed to be gay and offered a story about having a nearly perfect childhood with no abuse that it would give your point of view more credibility? If so, that is very sad indeed.

What qualifies you as an expert on the subject?

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 07:06 AM
but gay is happy, joyous and cheerful. homosexual intercourse is only one aspect of homosexuality, the physical part for those gays who partake in it.

most people just know from very early on like 3-4yo.. starts with feeling different from boys and from girls..

don't forget in some cultures, like Vedic, intersex and herms are recognized, as the '3rd sex'.

theres a famous case where circumcision went bad and the parents had the child sex-changed to a girl and the "girl" grew up to be attracted to girls since he was a boy. he was born heterosexual. he could not be taught to be gay, which is in effect what the parents were unknowingly doing, its just that they removed his botched circumcision penis and had a famous shrink working with the child for years and years as his challenge in life, to teach sexual orientation.

ultimately the shrink failed. likewise, ex-gays who chose there is 'no life' in being gay and try to marry and have kids, have a high almost 100% rate of REVERTING back to homosexuality after attempting to be straight.

i suppose they aren't devout enough or whatever? well actually its just all the more evidence amounting toward being born that way - GAY - not homoSEXual - homosexuality encompasses same-sex attraction moreso than SEX, however apparently, bible-mongers have a dirty mind since they time and time again perversely reduce same-sex twin flames to their forbidden morbid fetishlike fantasy of...lust-filled Satan-spawned sodomite infidels, casting themselves despite their own heavier transgressions, in a delusionally highest light, contrasting purity from the 'sin' of odly cheerful gayness & homosexuality and always condemning gays for some sort of being favored by God or whatever.. "pick me, pick me!"

edit on 1-5-2012 by BiggerPicture because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 07:07 AM

Originally posted by Manunnaki
Food for thought. Why would anyone chose to be gay knowing that society people in society rather could potentially kill them for being gay. Make sense of that.

although that does not really sway things either way- people commit suicide, indulge in pursuits, pastimes etc that increase the chances of dying.

That is humans for ya

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 07:11 AM

Originally posted by BiggerPicture
ultimately the shrink failed. likewise, ex-gays who chose there is 'no life' in being gay and try to marry and have kids, have a high almost 100% rate of REVERTING back to homosexuality after attempting to be straight.

oh really, you have evidence that near 100% of "former" homosexuals revert to being homosexual- of can you just not tolerate there are people out there like that

bible-mongers have a dirty mind

ah more intolerance from the purveyors of tolerance- castigate over one billion people as "bible mongers with dirty mind"- my my

of odly cheerful gayness & homosexuality.


I know many homosexuals who are not inherently "cheery"

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