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Ron Paul wins Louisiana

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posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 06:24 PM

Originally posted by TinfoilTP

Originally posted by MsAphrodite
reply to post by captaintyinknots

Oh clearly you think, and clearly you still care or you would not be posting so ardently in this thread. Your actions belie your words my friend. You have a candidate and it is easy to see who that candidate is.

As I have warned, this is going to get very messy. The shills are coming out now, and their goal will be to make Ron Paul look bad via his supporters. It is their next plan, be prepared.

The old, there's a boogey shill around every corner, scare tactics.
So overused it is standard around here.

The Ron Paul supporters are doing a fine job all on their own putting people off to Ron Paul. There is no need for fantasy based shill characters. The open cheating for their candidate, the bloodlust, the fear tactics being used it's all proving the point that when you look over at the Paul camp, expect to find kookiness.

Open cheating? For who? The fraud is against Paul 100% of the time. When Paul wins delegates, it's through the very system the GOP designed, within the rules they've adopted, when they kick him out and have the active chair arrested, it is the GOP who are cheating Ron Paul, to stand by idle and except a man being ripped off whether you support him or not is a complete disgrace.

Democracy in the US is broken and hijacked, the people no longer have a say, if they ever did. You should be deeply saddened by this, but for some reason, you're ok with it, as long as your hand pick puppet is continually praised. Sickening. I expected the cases of fraud to unite US citizens, if not behind Paul, at least behind the idea that democracy is sacred and must be defended, apparently not. Lets give the government everything, there are already some countries in Europe that have had their elected government overthrown and replaced with an unelected banker, maybe we're heading there next. If we accept this fraud then we have nothing left, and they know it full well.

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 06:24 PM
reply to post by captaintyinknots

Obviously, you don't care about profits, and I'm doubly glad that you don't advocate anything I'm for...I'm sure you won a ton of supporters for the voting boycott here today XD

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 06:27 PM

Originally posted by captaintyinknots

Originally posted by finitedualities
reply to post by captaintyinknots

So, with that, you proved I was spot on. You'd much rather stick your head in the ground and hope it all goes away. Good luck with that XD

Unfair edit...maybe boycotting would work, but I'm almost positive that they'd just do their damndest through the media to "prove" that the elections were fair, and nothing would change. If Paul getting support hurts you so, there are more profitable ways to get your opinion out there, just saying.
edit on 29-4-2012 by finitedualities because: (no reason given)

1)it would be impossible to overlook, if americans boycotted en mass.

2)I get my voice out there in many ways. This site is entertainment for me. Why do you assume its the only place I speak?

3)why would you think I care about profits?

4)rp getting support doesn't hurt me. Its makes me sad. The population is being played, once again, and led to believe that there is a candidate out there that can change things, and its simply a fairy tale.

Answer truthfully, ok? Are you a disheartened Obama supporter? If so, I can understand your skepticism, but Ron Paul isn't some obscure Senator that came from nowhere. He has a record that is unblemished. He is exactly we need.

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 06:29 PM

Originally posted by macaronicaesar

Originally posted by captaintyinknots

Originally posted by macaronicaesar

Originally posted by captaintyinknots

Originally posted by Equ1nox
lol the shills are out in force, must be getting worried
so, if not supporting rp makes one a shill, what name shall we use for the people who start endless amounts of pro-rp threads?

More shills in that crowd than anywhere else on ats.

Who do you support and why? Instead of constantly attacking the one guy who stands for "something" defend your candidate of choice, I bet you can't. There is no defense for the other 4 candidates.

You guys seriously must have a playbook. All the responses are the same.

As I've already stated (contrary to some liars' accusations), I don't support any candidate. I am boycotting the election, and the idea that putting anyone into a broken system will fix that system. We need systemic change, and the only way for that to happens is a) violent revolution, whcih I do not support

So, you stand for nothing, typical. You're full of hot air like all the other Paul basher, news alert, he is the only one looking to change the current system. The rest of them are knee deep in the system and in full support of the status quo. Whether you support his ideas or not, there is no debating he is genuine and has the peoples interest at heart, forget the fact that he has plenty of good ideas.

He is the only one who is trying to protect you. You think Mitt Romney or Barrack Obama are interested in changing the system? They both take money from the lobbyist ground who keep the current system in tact.

I don't mean to sound rude, but if you care to change the system, there is only 1 candidate that represents change at all, obviously he won't be able to do it alone, but if Paul happens to win, which is admittedly a long long long shot, he will have a mandate from the people, fellow republicans will have to support some of his ideas.

What scares you about Paul or what do you believe he is being insincere about? I'm all about a discussion on
differing opinions of ideology, but if all you got is msm talking points, I prefer not to bother.

1)again, straight out of the playbook. I don't support rp, so I stand for nothing. Pathetic.

2)again, please show me where I have "bashed" rp. You all keep saying it, so show me where I did it. Or, admit you are a liar.

3)why are you bringing mitt or obama into this? I have flatly stated that I do not support them.

4)wanting to change the system, and having the power to do so, are very different things. That is the thing rp followers miss most often. He can want to do whatever. That doesn't mean he just walks in and does it.

5)nothing about rp scares me. His followers, however, scare the hell out of me.

6)I have already stated I respect the fact that he doesn't waver on his policies.

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 06:34 PM
reply to post by macaronicaesar

So in your mind, Ron Paul deserves 57% of the delegates when he only got 20ish% in the real primary? That is in anyones mind cheating when the delegate counts do not reflect the will of the people. But it is fine and dandy when the cheating is in Ron Paul's favor.

Hypocritical and disgusting.

These local level delegates don't even get to go to Florida to vote for their Messiah. They will be shoved off to their State capitols to elect other delegates to go to Florida, so don't come crying when Romney's big money fixes the problem at that level.

The double standards being displayed here by the Paulites will come back to bite them when the professionals show up and teach these rookies how to rig an election the proper way.

edit on 29-4-2012 by TinfoilTP because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 06:34 PM
reply to post by macaronicaesar

Sure ill answer honestly: no, I am not. I had these exact same conversations with people about obama when he was the deity of the moment. I told people he would accomplish nothing. I was called a shill.

I know plenty about rp, his record, and his stances. And I've already stated that I respect that we doesn't waver.

Oi simply scoff at the idea thatanyone can fix this system from within the system.

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 06:45 PM

Originally posted by finitedualities
reply to post by captaintyinknots

Obviously, you don't care about profits, and I'm doubly glad that you don't advocate anything I'm for...I'm sure you won a ton of supporters for the voting boycott here today XD

Again, whatever you say kiddo. Again, this site is entertainment to me. Are you really here thinking you're winning support for rp?

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 07:21 PM

Originally posted by Doalrite
funny... fox news is reporting Ron Paul lost and get this RIck Santorum
why am i not surprised?

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 07:29 PM

Originally posted by MsAphrodite
reply to post by DrEugeneFixer

Keep up kids...

You do know that article and poll in that thread is about 4 weeks old...and out of 60+ polls of Ron Paul vs Obama in the past year...Ron Paul has been ahead in only two, a +1 and a +2, which are both statistical ties because of the margin of error.

Why don't you use the latest Rasmussen Poll that shows Obama at +6 instead of a four week old one???

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 07:32 PM
So once again Ron Paul supporters are claiming Ron Paul "won" a state when all he has done is won some delegates out of the district conventions.

And once again they are oblivious to the fact that all that matters now is how many Romney GAINS in each state...he was projected to get 5 in Louisianna...if he gets any more than 5...he comes out ahead.

I've been curious about this for awhile...but do you Ron Paul supporters also happen to be Cubs fans???

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 07:36 PM

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher

Why don't you use the latest Rasmussen Poll that shows Obama at +6 instead of a four week old one???

LOL. It'll probably be a while before you get an answer to that one.

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 08:31 PM
Back to you people who dispute the authenticity of this information; here is a link to the New Orleans Republicans website, where they are calling for the resignation of the state party leadership. Just making it easier for the Paul delegates, before they throw them out anyway.

The Greater New Orleans Republicans call for the resignation of the leadership of the Republican Party of Louisiana in response to the debacle of today’s caucus.

“We congratulate Ron Paul supporters for apparently capturing their first state delegation in this Presidential election cycle through an excellent get out the vote effort today,” stated GNOR Chairman Sarah Roy. “However, the result of this ill-conceived and confusing caucus clearly does not represent the will of the vast majority of Louisiana Republican voters as Ron Paul recently received only six percent of the vote in the Louisiana Presidential Primary.”

This odd and undemocratic result unfortunately will embarrass and distract Governor Jindal, as he labors to pass his Legislative agenda, and presumed Presidential nominee Mitt Romney, as he clinches the nomination and turns his attention to defeating President Barack Obama

New Orleans Republicans

Romney embarrassment. Awwww. I say that's newsworthy!
edit on 29-4-2012 by ogbert because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 09:01 PM
reply to post by Riposte

Bad Kitty for President is a great book my son won at school explaining how the delegate thing works....seems like some people might benefit from this fun factual book that helps kids understand our election process.

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 09:33 PM
Great Job friend I have always supported you even when you left my top friends and walked away from me. I do love the fact you are actually taking on the Anti-Christ Mitt Romney.

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 09:43 PM
reply to post by ogbert

“However, the result of this ill-conceived and confusing caucus clearly does not represent the will of the vast majority of Louisiana Republican voters as Ron Paul recently received only six percent of the vote in the Louisiana Presidential Primary.”

That says it all. The will of the people has been circumvented by the Paulbots.

His shining example of liberty and freedom has come to equal that of a backwards third world country with a tinpot dictator where they create their own versions of fair elections. All to the tone of fanatics with bloodlust in their rhetoric they plaster across the internet. There are a few examples right here in this thread.

The people need to wise up and resist this obvious form of facism as it rears its ugly head.

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 10:02 PM
reply to post by TinfoilTP

I hear ya! Unfortunately, political parties are private and they can make the rules anyway they see fit. Part of my point is that mainstream media does not educate the people on this. They further mis-construe the facts by putting so much attention to what is in many instances, simply a straw poll.

Doug Wead, Paul's advisor, explains that the campaign had a choice in spending their money to go after 20 delegates in the straw poll; or, to go after the 24 in the caucuses.

The actual delegates will be chosen at a state convention in June which Ron Paul supporters will now dominate. Not just by a bare majority but by 74%. It means what they will not only get their 24 delegates to Santorum’s 15 and Romney’s 5, but they will also decide who the delegates representing Santorum and Romney will be. Ain’t it sweet? And it is the brainchild of Jesse Benton – John Tate’s masterful delegate strategy run by our intrepid, Dimitri Kesari.

Doug Wead's Blog

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 10:05 PM
reply to post by DrEugeneFixer

What are you doing on this forum when you could be collecting more money by attempting to discredit threads on the 9/11 forum? Or maybe your assignment was switched to discredit Ron Paul.

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 10:06 PM
Those dumb old goats down south dont know no better....

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 10:40 PM
I am a huge Ron Paul supporter. I will say, if I'm being honest, I would be angry if what is happening with him happened in the reverse, where Paul got majority but supporters of another candidate were raking in delegates. That being said, since the issue is following the constitution or not, where the constitution is supposed to be our foundation, I have no problem with it. Plus it says something that Paul supporters actually believe in his message enough to get involved in the political process and change the party/country, as opposed to watching the MSM and voting based on what they say.

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 11:02 PM
reply to post by DrEugeneFixer

That is so far from the truth.
I know because I was a dem that switched to GOP last fall so I could vote for Paul. I voted for Obama last time. I know of at least 5 friends that have done the same thing all independently of each other. A lot of us Paul supporters are former Democrats that have just recently switched, and the only ones that need to switch are the Dems in closed primary states. So all those Dems that support Paul in states that aren't closed primary will still be registered Democrat.

It has happened all over the US in that last year.
There are tons of us, obviously you weren't aware, but your comment is totally baseless.

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