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Illegal Immigrant Gets Away With Homicide

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posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 07:33 PM

Originally posted by Jameela
reply to post by Night Star

If you wanted to 'stand up' for the families, and if you wanted to 'stand' against illegal immigration, perhaps a better way than misinforming people on websites would be to spend your time writing letters to congressmen and the leaders in government and address your grievances with the government for not enforcing existing laws concerning the deportation of immigrants who are found in this country illegally.

if you wanted to do something that helps the families then perhaps send some money to help them financially in their time of loss, or do some petitioning in your community seeking signatures in order that you have more than only your voice when you write to your leaders.

But to misinform people on websites is not doing one thing to stand up for anyone. It is only a way to spread lies and hate against a group of people, most of whom wish you no harm, but only to seek the same American Dream your family had when they immigrated to the United States.

No Body is Misinforming Anyone on this Website, your living in a dream land.
Illegals Kill Citizens. Period, You can go ahead and live in your Sanctuary City and support illegals and give them all the love and caring you feel the need to.
You have an Agenda, You more than likely believe in open borders.
Illegals don't come here to obey our laws, they don't come here to stay and accept our culture and society, they don't even want to learn out language, You Go Ahead and Press #2 for Spanish, I Won't!
They don't give a Sh*t about anything except that Dollar and sending it home to their family to save for them.

You really think they respect you and me or any one other than their own?
You need to get out of your mothers home or get out of school and get into the real world.
You're trying to mislead weak minded people into believing these people want to be like you and me,,,,,Not The Truth!

They kill people and that's a fact,,, people that would not of died if the illegal was not here.
I will not respond to you, so don't even try to push any more of your Love Of Illegals and The La La Land You Live In!

edit on 28-4-2012 by guohua because: Spelling

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 07:36 PM

Originally posted by muse7
reply to post by LoneCloudHopper

Looks like you've been watching a little too much Fox News. You should go outside and live life to the fullest
living in constant fear of other people from other countries is not good.

Go ahead and continue kissing Rupert Murdoch's ring though.

I live in Canada and never watch Fox News. I hardly watch the mainstream media at all anymore. I think you could use a breath of fresh air. You might also try responding to mypoints, if you're able.

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 07:44 PM

Originally posted by muse7
reply to post by LoneCloudHopper

Looks like you've been watching a little too much Fox News. You should go outside and live life to the fullest
living in constant fear of other people from other countries is not good.

Go ahead and continue kissing Rupert Murdoch's ring though.

Looks like you've been living in your basement to long, Take off your blinders and go out side, Even better, go to your local Hispanic side of town, not hard to find, it'll be the side with all the bill boards in Spanish and the cars slowing to turn into the local beer store. The music will be in Spanish too.
But of-course you won't go.
She is a Murderer and deserves prison, remember she Fled The Seen Of The Accident. She did not attempt to render assistance, the man Died!
Who's paying the bills?

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 07:48 PM

Originally posted by LoneCloudHopper
You might also try responding to mypoints, if you're able.

You're points are valid but they are not the point of the OP. I think the "duh" answer is because if you were offered a job in a foreign country that paid 10 times what you are making now wouldn't you take it and send home money?

Many may say that you would only do it legally but in the end most, if not all, would do it.

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 07:51 PM

Originally posted by guohua
She is a Murderer and deserves prison, remember she Fled The Seen Of The Accident. She did not attempt to render assistance, the man Died!

Actually the law says it is a misdemeanor with a applicable sentence of 30 days to 30 months. I guess the judge ordered time served (5 months). Probably what anyone else without a record would have gotten and well within the law.

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 07:55 PM
reply to post by daskakik

I was offered to go out West and make a lot more and I turned it down. I'm a writer and I don't live for money, I live for art. There are a lot of teachers, preachers, artists and soldiers in my family background. I guess you might call us the idealistic type (people who are driven for things other than money.) It breaks my heart to see what's happening around me and around the world these days. I speak out against the travesties because it feels right. It's very hard for me to understand people who are so self-serving that they only care about filling their own wallets. Those who will lie, cover-up and steal, anything for their own interests. It's too cold to be called human.

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 08:18 PM
reply to post by daskakik

According to news stories during the Travon Martin circus, hispanics are counted as white in the crime stats. So you can't really count "other than white" as hispanic.

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 08:20 PM
reply to post by LoneCloudHopper

Quite a contradiction you present.

I'm a writer and I don't live for money, I live for art.

Yet you are pointing out the money aspect of the issue.

I speak out against the travesties because it feels right.

But you seem to easily write off the plight of these illegals. They are not self serving they are filling the jobs that they are being offered. They are serving others.

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 08:26 PM

Originally posted by daskakik
reply to post by Night Star

You were asked to back up the claim that "tens of thousands of murders have been committed by illegals since 9/11". You can't. Nobody is disputing the fact that illegals do commit crimes but to just parrot a number mentioned on some random site or a youtube video is either naive or intentionally misleading.

I have exchanged enough posts with you to know that it isn't naivety. You have been repeating the same tired points for the 2 years that I have been visiting ATS. You have an agenda whether you care to admit it or not.

edit on 28-4-2012 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

OK, here's a news article, from 9/11/2001 to 11/28/2006 with statistics.

WASHINGTON – While the military “quagmire” in Iraq was said to tip the scales of power in the U.S. midterm elections, most Americans have no idea more of their fellow citizens – men, women and children – were murdered this year by illegal aliens than the combined death toll of U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan since those military campaigns began.

Though no federal statistics are kept on murders or any other crimes committed by illegal aliens, a number of groups have produced estimates based on data collected from prisons, news reports and independent research.

The above statement is true, but like they say, estimates can be based on Data Collected.

Twelve Americans are murdered every day by illegal aliens, according to statistics released by Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa. If those numbers are correct, it translates to 4,380 Americans murdered annually by illegal aliens. That’s 21,900 since Sept. 11, 2001.

OK, now read these numbers by Illegals driving Drunk,,,,

While King reports 12 Americans are murdered daily by illegal aliens, he says 13 are killed by drunk illegal alien drivers – for another annual death toll of 4,745. That’s 23,725 since Sept. 11, 2001.

And Here is A True Statement,,,,,,,, Think of the Murders Committed by illegals Not Known About!
But Why Leave Our Borders Open? Close The Border and Deport illegals!

But the carnage wrought by illegal alien murderers represents only a fraction of the pool of blood spilled by American citizens as a result of an open border and un-enforced immigration laws.

While no one – in or out of government – tracks all U.S. accidents caused by illegal aliens, the statistical and anecdotal evidence suggests many of last year’s 42,636 road deaths involved illegal aliens.

Last years would have been 2006 for this article.

OK, now grab your shorts and hold tight, I'm not trying to derail your thread my friend, but this is also listed in the same article and I think the Open Borders and Sanctuary City Crowd Needs To Have Their Eyes Opened.

King also reports eight American children are victims of sexual abuse by illegal aliens every day – a total of 2,920 annually.

Based on a one-year in-depth study, Deborah Schurman-Kauflin of the Violent Crimes Institute of Atlanta estimates there are about 240,000 illegal immigrant sex offenders in the United States who have had an average of four victims each. She analyzed 1,500 cases from January 1999 through April 2006 that included serial rapes, serial murders, sexual homicides and child molestation committed by illegal immigrants.

In April 2005, the Government Accountability Office released a report on a study of 55,322 illegal aliens incarcerated in federal, state, and local facilities during 2003. It found the following:

The 55,322 illegal aliens studied represented a total of 459,614 arrests – some eight arrests per illegal alien;

Read That Carefully,,,, Eight Arrest Per illegal! Yes, yes, their here to improve their lives and respect our Country and Us. B. S.

Their arrests represented a total of about 700,000 criminal offenses – some 13 offenses per illegal alien;

36 percent had been arrested at least five times before.

Please invite them into your home not mine!

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 08:37 PM
reply to post by guohua

I already posted info that proves that the tens of thousands of murders claim is wrong. Night Star already accepted that she was just repeating the number without really checking if it was correct.

I'm not inviting them into your home you're government (influenced by business) is.

By the way, the 55,322 illegal aliens with 8 convictions is only .5% of the 10 million in the US (.25% if you believe there are 20 Million) so yes most (99.5 - 99.75%) are there for a better life. See what happens when you look at information objectively?

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 10:09 PM
Regardless of exact numbers, too many lives have been lost period! Too many deaths that could have been prevented. It is not that here is no compassion for illegals who may have a tough life in a different Country, but there is a way to come here legally. All my ancestors except for the Native American ones, came here legally and with great respect for our Country. They learned the language of the land and didn't expect the Americans to speak their language just because they moved here.

Many will say that we stole land from the Natives, not realizing that tribes fought over land and food amongst themselves. One of my ancestors tribes were almost wiped out.

Illegal immigration is a problem on so many levels and needs to be dealt with somehow.

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by guohua

These 'facts' are being peddled by one of the most right-wing congressman in America. They're linked to a press release:

Biting the Hand That Feeds You

If that is so upsetting to you, perhaps you'd be willing to argue for tighter regulations of industries as 12 Americans per day die on the job.

King (and WND) cite the study from the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety. King and WND claim this study "found 20 percent of fatal accidents involve at least one driver who lacks a valid license."
Go to that study, however, and it turns out that these are "suspended, revoked or otherwise invalid licenses," not necessarily fake licenses of illegal immigrants.

You can read a little more about it here: Fact or fiction? The myths and realities of illegal immigration

The fears you have of these people are widely disproportionate of the rest of the population. For every one crime an illegal commits there are over 1,000 more that commit no crimes at all. Not counting, of course...being in the country illegally. That's not a violent crime that society needs protection from though.

It's an irrational fear driving your desire to force these people out of their homes and separate them from their families so that you can protect yourself from something those people haven't even done to you.

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 11:13 PM

Originally posted by Night Star
Regardless of exact numbers, too many lives have been lost period! Too many deaths that could have been prevented. It is not that here is no compassion for illegals who may have a tough life in a different Country, but there is a way to come here legally. All my ancestors except for the Native American ones, came here legally and with great respect for our Country. They learned the language of the land and didn't expect the Americans to speak their language just because they moved here.

Same old arguments. So what, many of the old waves of immigrants didn't have to do anything but give a name and many didn't learn the language, held strong to their old ways and they even killed american citizens. Now their grandchildren try to act like things were different.

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 02:09 AM
reply to post by Night Star

your really buying what their selling today. Why pick on the fact that she was an Illegal immigrant? With all due respect i'd be nice to the neighbors right now. They have kinda been shafted for a long time. I'm sure that human being that ran over an American citizen feels awful and if you asked her she probably would never leave her own country if it wasn't deliberately made poverty stricken.
Whatever the case i'm compelled to reply to you in an effort to counter balance your extreme point. Honestly your post is classic sock puppet and if your not getting paid for it then you should look into it.
crank up the hyperbole!

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 01:44 PM

Originally posted by w3thepatient
reply to post by Night Star

your really buying what their selling today. Why pick on the fact that she was an Illegal immigrant? With all due respect i'd be nice to the neighbors right now. They have kinda been shafted for a long time. I'm sure that human being that ran over an American citizen feels awful and if you asked her she probably would never leave her own country if it wasn't deliberately made poverty stricken.
Whatever the case i'm compelled to reply to you in an effort to counter balance your extreme point. Honestly your post is classic sock puppet and if your not getting paid for it then you should look into it.
crank up the hyperbole!

If you are poverty stricken, you have no money to move to another Country. I am not against any race, I am against illegal immigration and the havoc it causes. I have seen with my own eyes illegals getting hired instead of an American citizen. They have told me with their own words how they screwed the system by saying they are a one income household when they were not and collected food stamps, cheap housing, medical for their children,

When I asked them why they would do that when so many people really need it, they just shrug their shoulders and say America is stupid. That came from my illegal friends. These were basically nice folks except for what they were doing. When I asked them why they didn't try to become legal, they said they got more by being here illegally. Their husbands and boyfriends would work under the table and not have to pay taxes etc. It just wasn't right that they should get away with such things.

There was one man whos' company I loved at work. He too was an illegal. He was humerous, sweet, interesting, kind, generous etc. I worked beside this man for 8 years and had much respect for him. It wasn't until one day I was checking to see where pedophiles lived in the area as I had a great nephew living in the apartment downstairs and was wondering. I was shocked beyond belief to see my former co- worker's face there in the files.

I have seen with my own eyes, illegals hired before an American citizen who desperately needed a job to feed and care for their families. Once again I was shocked that an American citizen could be turned away when they were qualified for that job.

Why pick on the fact that she was an Illegal immigrant? Because had she not have been here, that man would still be alive today. Yet I am such a bad person for wanting that poor man alive. She was here illegally. She shouldn't have been here. How you can't understand that is beyond me.

I have always donated to poor people, to people in other Countries, to food banks etc. I am not a hateful person, I am not racist.

If I am a bad person for standing up for a fellow citizen in any way, there is something terribly wrong with that.

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 01:50 PM

Originally posted by daskakik

Originally posted by Night Star
Regardless of exact numbers, too many lives have been lost period! Too many deaths that could have been prevented. It is not that here is no compassion for illegals who may have a tough life in a different Country, but there is a way to come here legally. All my ancestors except for the Native American ones, came here legally and with great respect for our Country. They learned the language of the land and didn't expect the Americans to speak their language just because they moved here.

Same old arguments. So what, many of the old waves of immigrants didn't have to do anything but give a name and many didn't learn the language, held strong to their old ways and they even killed american citizens. Now their grandchildren try to act like things were different.

When I was growing up we had mostly French immigrants and yes some held on to their own language however, we were never forced to dial one for english, we were never forced to speak spanish to get a simple factory job. So things were different. Back then there were more jobs and we didn't see millions of unemployed citizens while an illegal held a job first. When I was growing up, you could quit a job and get hired the same day somewhere else. So yes again things were different.

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 02:12 PM

Originally posted by Night Star
When I was growing up we had mostly French immigrants and yes some held on to their own language however, we were never forced to dial one for english

The things that are different are do to other reasons not the immigrants. Press one is due to the recent wide availability of automated phone systems.

we were never forced to speak spanish to get a simple factory job.

I was aware of spanish requirements in certain jobs since the 70's.

Back then there were more jobs and we didn't see millions of unemployed citizens while an illegal held a job first. When I was growing up, you could quit a job and get hired the same day somewhere else. So yes again things were different.

During the depression there were 12-15 million unemployed, so you're wrong, things have not always been so different.

History isn't made up of just what you saw. There have been huge waves of immigrants that set up their own neighborhoods which exist to this day. You trying to finger out recent immigrants just shows how biased you are.

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by daskakik

People from all over the USA are being affected negatively because of illegal immigration. What you think of me isn't the point.

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 02:29 PM
reply to post by Night Star

People all over the US have always been affected by immigration. Your ancestors affected those already here just as much as those you are demonizing today. You just can't seem to find your way off that high horse.

I know it isn't about what I think of you, it is about you being wrong and, despite being shown this in thread after thread, you're still trying to spread the same lies.

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 03:03 PM
I am against illegal immigration, against citizens being murdered by them. I am against illegals getting jobs that belong to citizens and blame corporations. I am against pedophiles and illegal ones, by law, would never have been here had our laws been enforced. You have a right to your opinion and I have a right to mine.

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