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Jesus Said When He Would Return to the Day

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posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 11:42 AM

Originally posted by yougetwhatyoudeserve
I think it is very funny to see how the people in this thread are arguing about Christianity, everybody thinks he or she, and only he or she, is right and the people who reply are wrong. It is so incredibly funny to see this stupid behaviour from grown up adults haha...

Ya, why don't people just accept the evidence. The disciples testified to having seen Jesus alive from the dead in various group settings. Since group hallucinations are impossible and people don't willingly die for a lie, nobody has been able to come up with a naturalistic explanation to account for their eyewitness testimony. Therefore, this proves unequivocally that Jesus raised Himself from the grave because He is God as only God can do.

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 02:52 PM

Originally posted by Parture
Where do you come up with 3 billion?

If you bothered to open the SOURCE link in my post, it showed you the numbers. Please, before you try to debate me, at least read the facts....

I'm of the believe that SATAN would be a better figure to worship, rather than God. God has not helped anyone in who knows how long. He lets children get murdered every day in Syria, He does nothing to help the starving children in lesser developed countries. The list goes on...

Face it, God is weak, and an egomaniac that throws a tantrum if nobody believes in him.

edit on 28-4-2012 by gavron because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by Parture
Since group hallucinations are impossible and people don't willingly die for a lie, nobody has been able to come up with a naturalistic explanation to account for their eyewitness testimony.

... you might want to look up Jim Jones, or Charles Manson. Obsessed followers will do anything for their cause.

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 03:40 PM

Originally posted by gavron

Originally posted by Parture
Where do you come up with 3 billion?

If you bothered to open the SOURCE link in my post, it showed you the numbers. Please, before you try to debate me, at least read the facts....

I'm of the believe that SATAN would be a better figure to worship, rather than God. God has not helped anyone in who knows how long. He lets children get murdered every day in Syria, He does nothing to help the starving children in lesser developed countries. The list goes on...

Face it, God is weak, and an egomaniac that throws a tantrum if nobody believes in him

I didn't find any justification your link for 3 billion. God stopped Hitler. Hitler was infused by the evil spirit. You believe in naturalism that let's children get murdered in Syria but it's ok if it is naturalism? You're a sick f u c k. Whereas God lets man do things on his own for awhile after killing His Son on the cross to show we need God. You can't have it both ways. You can't kill Jesus and then expect Him to be here to stop things. When Jesus returns He returns to reign with His overcomers with a rod of iron to stop such heinous crimes committed by man against fellow man. You are blaming God for your own sinfulness.

Face it, God has given you the free choice to be with Him or eternally separate yourself from Him in Hell. Why complain about it?
edit on 28-4-2012 by Parture because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 03:43 PM

Originally posted by gavron

Originally posted by Parture
Since group hallucinations are impossible and people don't willingly die for a lie, nobody has been able to come up with a naturalistic explanation to account for their eyewitness testimony.

... you might want to look up Jim Jones, or Charles Manson. Obsessed followers will do anything for their cause.

They never accepted Christ so what do they have do with this? They are like you obsessed followers of a lie.

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 03:49 PM

Originally posted by Parture

Originally posted by gavron

Originally posted by Parture
Since group hallucinations are impossible and people don't willingly die for a lie, nobody has been able to come up with a naturalistic explanation to account for their eyewitness testimony.

... you might want to look up Jim Jones, or Charles Manson. Obsessed followers will do anything for their cause.

They never accepted Christ so what do they have do with this? They are like you obsessed followers of a lie.

But there are those obsessed with Christ that are just like Charles Manson followers. Seriously, there is no difference between an obsessed Manson follower and a bible thumper.

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 03:55 PM

Originally posted by Parture
People who aren't Christians are enimies of Christ. They will go to Hell.]

Lets see now. number of Total Christians in 2000, appx 2,039 million. So according to you they are saved.

Everyone else dies....who does that leave going to hell?

1.570 million Islam
950 million Hindus
up to 1600 Buddhists
many many more.

So seems that God kills off at LEAST three billion people....just because he is an egomaniac.

He truly is not a god I would want to follow....someone so cruel.

edit on 28-4-2012 by gavron because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 03:58 PM

Originally posted by gavron
But there are those obsessed with Christ that are just like Charles Manson followers. Seriously, there is no difference between an obsessed Manson follower and a bible thumper.

I don't see how they are the same. Perhaps you could make a comparison.

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 03:59 PM

Originally posted by Parture
God stopped Hitler.

God stopped Hitler? That's the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard

If that is true, then God is truly evil....only stopping him after murdering over 6 million jewish people. Any God that would sit idly by and watch millions suffer and die is beyond cruel.

God did nothing.

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 04:02 PM

Originally posted by gavron
Lets see now. number of Total Christians in 2000, appx 2,039 million. So according to you they are saved.

Everyone else dies....who does that leave going to hell?

1.570 million Islam
950 million Hindus
up to 1600 Buddhists
many many more.

So seems that God kills off at LEAST three billion people....just because he is an egomaniac.

He truly is not a god I would want to follow....someone so cruel.

edit on 28-4-2012 by gavron because: (no reason given)

Of 6 billion less than 1% are Christian so at most 6 million Christians on the planet in 2000.

You can't just throw out some number. You need to think things through. The New City is 1379 x 1379 miles so that should comfortably fit 1 billion souls. If there were 50 billion souls from Adam and 250 billion in the coming millennial kingdom that produces a savings ratio of 1 in 300.

Also, when Jesus returns He doesn't kill everyone, for who are His overcomers to reign over for 1000 years if there are only believers left? He only kills those who war against Him or those who take the mark of the beast.

You need to learn to think more critically and conscientiously and less unintelligibly. You come across real stupid.
edit on 28-4-2012 by Parture because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 04:04 PM
You're obviously discounting the possibility that Satan or his minions have done what they do best, and fraudulently presented the Bible as the word of God, when in fact they drafted the whole thing.

What better and more cruel joke to decieve the righteous could there be than to coerce Gods followers into actually following the words of Satan.

Unless you have a time machine / interdimentional travel system handy to go back and check the scribes were not under the influence of the beast when they wrote the scriptures?

Gods plan, could actually be Satans plan, and you could be following it obediently and fulfilling his counter plans for humanity to a T.

There would be no greater triumph for him than to use our gullibility and free will against us in such a way...and for the master of deception and illusion, it would have been a fairly easy thing to achieve too.

The 'word' may indeed be the words of a cunning reptile.

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 04:05 PM

Originally posted by gavron
God stopped Hitler? That's the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard

If that is true, then God is truly evil....only stopping him after murdering over 6 million jewish people. Any God that would sit idly by and watch millions suffer and die is beyond cruel.

God did nothing.

God is the one who was on the side of allies to stop Hitler killing the Jews, God's chosen people who will be the center of all nations.

You killed Jesus saying you don't want Him here and then blame Him for not being here? You are one sick f u c k twisted and demented.

Jesus returns when the human race is nearly about to destroy itself, because people want to run the show on their own. Jesus returns to show we can't do it on our own but need Him.

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 04:06 PM

Originally posted by Parture
Of 6 billion less than 1% are Christian so at most 6 million Christians on the planet in 2000.

Maybe you should look at the SOURCE link I posted with those numbers. Or are you so afraid of the facts there?

What are you afraid of, Parture?

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 04:09 PM

Originally posted by Parture

God is the one who was on the side of allies to stop Hitler killing the Jews, God's chosen people who will be the center of all nations.

God can part the Red Sea, but is so weak he cannot stop Hitler from killing over 6 millions Jewish people?

Again, any God hat would allow millions to perish like that is cruel beyond belief. He did nothing to help anyone in World War 2....

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 04:13 PM

Originally posted by MysterX
You're obviously discounting the possibility that Satan or his minions have done what they do best, and fraudulently presented the Bible as the word of God, when in fact they drafted the whole thing.

What better and more cruel joke to decieve the righteous could there be than to coerce Gods followers into actually following the words of Satan.

Unless you have a time machine / interdimentional travel system handy to go back and check the scribes were not under the influence of the beast when they wrote the scriptures?

Gods plan, could actually be Satans plan, and you could be following it obediently and fulfilling his counter plans for humanity to a T.

There would be no greater triumph for him than to use our gullibility and free will against us in such a way...and for the master of deception and illusion, it would have been a fairly easy thing to achieve too.

The 'word' may indeed be the words of a cunning reptile.

You think Satan exists who is actually God of the Bible and Satan is in fact the uncreated Creator? so that it was in fact the uncreated Creator who murdered Jesus and not a pawn of Satan? That's a contradiction because Satan is a created being and the uncreated Creator would have power over a created being so you contradict yourself.

Christians are not coerced. It's our free choice just as it is your free choice to reject Christ.

Almost all scholars agree the original Apostles believed they saw Jesus alive from the dead in various group settings. It is as evidential as you can get with their testimony in the NT. So you don't need a time machine. They truly beileved it in their heart of hearts. Paul said he spent 15 days with Peter, and with John and with James, who conveyed to him the same eyewitness testimony. Again, people don't willingly die for a lie so you know they weren't lying.

If deception was fairly easy to achieve then how come you can't come up with a plausible scenario to account for their written record?
edit on 28-4-2012 by Parture because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 04:16 PM

Originally posted by gavron

Originally posted by Parture
Of 6 billion less than 1% are Christian so at most 6 million Christians on the planet in 2000.

Maybe you should look at the SOURCE link I posted with those numbers. Or are you so afraid of the facts there?

What are you afraid of, Parture?

I showed you how the thinking in the link you gave me was faulty. Why avoid what I said and not respond?

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 04:18 PM

Originally posted by gavron

Originally posted by Parture

God is the one who was on the side of allies to stop Hitler killing the Jews, God's chosen people who will be the center of all nations.

God can part the Red Sea, but is so weak he cannot stop Hitler from killing over 6 millions Jewish people?

Again, any God hat would allow millions to perish like that is cruel beyond belief. He did nothing to help anyone in World War 2....

The Red Sea was parted naturalistically. This sort of event happens more than you would think. It was just the timing of it that was particularly amazing. How would parting a sea help the Jews? You're not thinking clearly?

God stopped Hitler and taught that next time some evil tyrant tries to take hold stop appeasing him, but take him out.

Why is it ok in a naturalistic only world for so much kiling to go on but not in a world where you killed Jesus who then shows man he can't operate on his own without God's help?

You're not too bright are you?
edit on 28-4-2012 by Parture because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by Parture
Since Jesus said we can know when He returns "right at the door" (Matt. 24.33) then how do we figure out when He returns?

Very simply He returns on the 2,520th day (end of Daniel's final seven) from when the Tribulation starts. 2,520 is the smallest number divisible by all numbers from 2 to 10 as a basic prophetic working unit, and it is 7 years x 360 days per year.

The last 3 feasts pertain to when Jesus returns. Feast of Trumpets (representing the first rapture according to readiness, Luke 21.36, Rev. 3.10 at 9.7 "before the throne") commences the 7 year Tribulation, and the 2,520th day must land on Tisha B'Av, the day the 1st and 2nd Temples were destroyed, for Jesus returns to reign in the 3rd Temple for 1000 years on earth with His overcomers. Not all who are saved receive this reward though all saved do get to enter the New City after the 1000 years. Consider this consequences for slothful Christians.

Furthermore, we know the "branch is tender" (Matt. 24.32) because Israel is a nation again and the Total Lunar Tetrads coincide with when Israel became a nation May 14, 1948 and entered Jerusalem June 7, 1967 as the signs in the heavens. The 8th feast Tetrad since Christ is 2014/15. And there are exactly 2,520 days from Sept. 14 Feast of Trumpets 2015 to Aug. 7 Tisha B'Av 2022. Not so for 2014-21 or 2016-23.

To further seal the deal, not that we need more proof, the 3 events that occur right before the Tribulation starts (Rev. 6.12) in exact order are the great earthquake (either 320,000 killed in Haiti 2010 or 5th greatest in magnitude, Japan 2011), the blacksackcloth sun Nov. 3, 2013 (rarest of all, the 4th H3 Hybrid since Christ), and of course the Total Lunar Tetrad 2014/15 that only falls on passover and tabernacles and won't happen again till 2582/83. The H3 won't happen again till 2172.

If you care to include other evidences like the Malachy Prophecy (religious Rome destroyed in the 1st half of the Tribulation in Rev. 8 in agreement with 17.16), the prophecy of Jubilees, and Ezekiel's prophecy that takes us to exactly May, 1948 when Israel would become a nation again this only strengthens the timeline.

Considering the last drop of conventional oil is 2035 when 900 billion barrels (current estimate of available oil by industry reports) are used up at an average of 100 million barrels a day, the war over this resource will be a good 15 years before that to control the flow of oil in the middle east. Hence, 200 million military units in the middle east (Rev. 9.16) and the nuclear exchange (v.18). This fits perfectly with the timeline of the 6th and 7th trumpets from Aug. 20, 2020 to Aug. 7, 2022. Jesus steps down on the mount of olives on the latter date.

Now that you know this what do you do? "Overcometh" so that you become a spiritual Christian and not a carnal one to receive your reward to be first raptured and return with Christ to reign 1000 years. Many Christians don't care for this reward so they will lose this blessing (Rev. 1.3).

edit on 25-4-2012 by Parture because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-4-2012 by Parture because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-4-2012 by Parture because: (no reason given)

Just another posting by a religious "believer", who espouses fact when in reality ithe fact is just a belief, nothing more, nothing less.
Question - What will Jesus look like?

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 04:21 PM

Originally posted by Sailor Sam

Originally posted by Parture
Since Jesus said we can know when He returns "right at the door" (Matt. 24.33) then how do we figure out when He returns?

Very simply He returns on the 2,520th day (end of Daniel's final seven) from when the Tribulation starts. 2,520 is the smallest number divisible by all numbers from 2 to 10 as a basic prophetic working unit, and it is 7 years x 360 days per year.

The last 3 feasts pertain to when Jesus returns. Feast of Trumpets (representing the first rapture according to readiness, Luke 21.36, Rev. 3.10 at 9.7 "before the throne") commences the 7 year Tribulation, and the 2,520th day must land on Tisha B'Av, the day the 1st and 2nd Temples were destroyed, for Jesus returns to reign in the 3rd Temple for 1000 years on earth with His overcomers. Not all who are saved receive this reward though all saved do get to enter the New City after the 1000 years. Consider this consequences for slothful Christians.

Furthermore, we know the "branch is tender" (Matt. 24.32) because Israel is a nation again and the Total Lunar Tetrads coincide with when Israel became a nation May 14, 1948 and entered Jerusalem June 7, 1967 as the signs in the heavens. The 8th feast Tetrad since Christ is 2014/15. And there are exactly 2,520 days from Sept. 14 Feast of Trumpets 2015 to Aug. 7 Tisha B'Av 2022. Not so for 2014-21 or 2016-23.

To further seal the deal, not that we need more proof, the 3 events that occur right before the Tribulation starts (Rev. 6.12) in exact order are the great earthquake (either 320,000 killed in Haiti 2010 or 5th greatest in magnitude, Japan 2011), the blacksackcloth sun Nov. 3, 2013 (rarest of all, the 4th H3 Hybrid since Christ), and of course the Total Lunar Tetrad 2014/15 that only falls on passover and tabernacles and won't happen again till 2582/83. The H3 won't happen again till 2172.

If you care to include other evidences like the Malachy Prophecy (religious Rome destroyed in the 1st half of the Tribulation in Rev. 8 in agreement with 17.16), the prophecy of Jubilees, and Ezekiel's prophecy that takes us to exactly May, 1948 when Israel would become a nation again this only strengthens the timeline.

Considering the last drop of conventional oil is 2035 when 900 billion barrels (current estimate of available oil by industry reports) are used up at an average of 100 million barrels a day, the war over this resource will be a good 15 years before that to control the flow of oil in the middle east. Hence, 200 million military units in the middle east (Rev. 9.16) and the nuclear exchange (v.18). This fits perfectly with the timeline of the 6th and 7th trumpets from Aug. 20, 2020 to Aug. 7, 2022. Jesus steps down on the mount of olives on the latter date.

Now that you know this what do you do? "Overcometh" so that you become a spiritual Christian and not a carnal one to receive your reward to be first raptured and return with Christ to reign 1000 years. Many Christians don't care for this reward so they will lose this blessing (Rev. 1.3).

edit on 25-4-2012 by Parture because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-4-2012 by Parture because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-4-2012 by Parture because: (no reason given)

Just another posting by a religious "believer", who espouses fact when in reality ithe fact is just a belief, nothing more, nothing less.
Question - What will Jesus look like?

The evidence is given, now the burden is on you to overturn this evidence. If you can't it only gives more strength to the proof.
edit on 28-4-2012 by Parture because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 04:30 PM
reply to post by Parture

Parture - What has been given is someone "belief", no evidence.
Hell even the earthquake as a sign is a guess, it may be this one or that one or even a third I don't know about?
I don't need to offer any evidence, I am stating that what is supposed to be evidence is just a belief.
I am not trying to convince others that my belief is the factual truth, that is what you are trying to do with the OP.
As yet you not offered proof, just passages from a book that has been mistranslated by numerous people anyway to suit their own ends.

So what will Jesus look like - A long haired, sandal wearing hippy, a spiv in a business suit, a fatigue wearing Rambo with a machine gun, a Roman Catholic, a Southern Baptist or a Protestant?
edit on 28-4-2012 by Sailor Sam because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-4-2012 by Sailor Sam because: spelling

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