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The Masons discovered the highest truth on Jesus and the Essene centuries ago.

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posted on May, 7 2012 @ 06:14 PM
reply to post by MagnumOpus

If we were to use a match to light a fire, we would be hailed as magicians. Which begs the question, was Jesus really performing miracles? Or was he just using science that far surpassed that age?

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 06:18 PM
I would say the story's of Jesus and miracles are story's which can be seen in other cultures story's
The true miracle is the Immortal Soul

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 06:20 PM
reply to post by artistpoet

That's not a miracle. That's the design of the universe. Nothing ever just goes somewhere else.

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 06:33 PM
reply to post by Starchild23

By using Miracle in the context I did referring to Immortality of the Soul - It was with a sense of relief or gratitude sorta wow it is not wonderful and beautiful that it is so - Yet You obviously understand that but for some it is but a flight of fancy
The miracles spoken of as performed by Jesus for me are just allegory to do with Mystery School teachings that hold deeper meanings of our true nature

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 07:00 PM
reply to post by artistpoet

I'm glad you're doing deeper research than just allowing tradition to take you by the hand so you can follow the same road as millions of others.

It's the truths that are hardest to find, that are most worth knowing. They may bring pain and terror, but if you didn't think it was worth it, you wouldn't be searching, would you?

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 07:15 PM
reply to post by Starchild23

traditions? surely you must be referring to Catholicism...

there's nothing new under the sun, including personal philosophy where one thinks they are different than everybody else.

well in all actuality they are not and it is better to be a part of something, and quite possibly something that is bigger than the individual is.

take Heavy Metal for instance, I belong to that family of followers and it is HUGE! it feels really good to be apart of that belief system.

when one goes rogue it is also quite possible that they either feel like they are Edward Scissorhands which in the real world develops into antisocial disorder which then matures into alot of possibilities... eg; Adolph Hitler/Jeffrey Dahmer/Ted Bundy ect ect.

history can pretty much prove that it is better to be a part of something no matter what it is, it's called socializing and civilization where we exchange goods and ideas and arts.

my Heavy Metal following does in a way to me reflect my faith in what I believe in, eg; Jesus...

ps; MetalHeads are about the only ones left in modern Christendom who still look like Jesus! for thought
edit on 7-5-2012 by SisyphusRide because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 07:17 PM
reply to post by SisyphusRide

Your mistake is in believing that someone else can promise you salvation for YOUR life.

Only you can make atonement. And no one, not even a thousand year dead man who lead by a good example, is going to personally take you by the hand and wipe the tears from your face.

Overcome your fear, and you will no longer need to be taken by the hand. Stop being so afraid of's unhealthy.

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 07:22 PM
Originally posted by Starchild23

Your mistake is in believing that someone else can promise you salvation for YOUR life.
since when do you know what I believe? tell me please that you are not from Europe and the only thing you are aware of under the sun is Catholicism?

Only you can make atonement. And no one, not even a thousand year dead man who lead by a good example, is going to personally take you by the hand and wipe the tears from your face.
atonement is not a word I am familiar with... it is not in my personal belief system. I live my belief daily.

Overcome your fear, and you will no longer need to be taken by the hand. Stop being so afraid of's unhealthy.
? run that by me again...


please indulge me... tell me what I believe, I'd like to hear it.
edit on 7-5-2012 by SisyphusRide because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 07:34 PM
reply to post by SisyphusRide

since when do you know what I believe? tell me please that you are not from Europe and the only thing you are aware of under the sun is Catholicism?

From your posts, I've gathered you're Christian. There isn't a whole lot of difference between Catholics and Christians...they share the same three beliefs, and rely on the same dead man to control their lives, so you may as well drop that line right now.

atonement is not a word I am familiar with... it is not in my personal belief system. I live my belief daily.

Oh, that's can just lay all the blame on some dead guy and come out of that church clean as a newborn. Sorry, that doesn't cut it in this world. You make your mistakes, you fix them. Afraid of death? You must have lead a poor life. Where do we come from? You worry too much about the past and not enough about the present.

Laying all of your faiths on an outdated system? Sounds like someone isn't comfortable with the responsibilities of the modern world. You want a source of hope? BE it. Be that hope. Because if you keep waiting for Jesus to show up, you'll be bones and your children will have to deal with the mess you took too long cleaning up.

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 08:09 PM

Originally posted by Starchild23
From your posts, I've gathered you're Christian.

I am an American...

thank you, but everything that follows your initial posture is not even worth getting my panties in a bunch over by reading it. You obviously have not gathered much from my posts but are only on the defensive because of what you have personally experienced...

I do not deny the good Christian peoples though, I do not deny any good thing... I'm American as I have said, that's what we do.

...and to extend upon

I am a Headbanging Iron Man Metalhead who thinks Jesus was just the coolest person to walk the earth, I admire the man surely (nothing wrong with that) Jesus is the definition of a 'Rebel'

Something else you surely will never possibly understand (specially if you are from UK) are the 'true' Bikers for Jesus... those folks who are married with children and work regular jobs ect...

edit on 7-5-2012 by SisyphusRide because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 08:30 PM
Anyone seen the subject lately?

Remember-----Masons----Essene-----Jesus----best explantions

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 08:47 PM
In digging around the Mason web sites---more Mason resemblance to the Essene is at hand. The Essene had aprons and little trowels, somewhat like the Masons use.

Freemasonry and the Essenes

Lawrie or I should rather say Brewster - was the first to discover a connection between the Freemasons and the Jewish sect of the Essenes, a doctrine which is announced in his History of Freemasonry. He does not indeed trace the origin of the Masonic Institution to the Essenes, but only makes them the successors of the Masons of the Temple, whose forms and tenets they transmitted to Pythagoras and his school at Crotona, by whom the art was disseminated throughout Europe. Believing as he did in the theory that Freemasonry was first organized at the Temple of Solomon by a union of the Jewish workmen with the association of Dionysian Artificers - a theory which has already been discussed in a preceding chapter - the editor of Lawrie's History meets with a hiatus in the regular and uninterrupted progress of the Order which requires to be filled up. The ingenious mode in which he accomplishes this task may be best explained in his own words:

"To these opinions it may be objected, that if the Fraternity of Freemasons flourished during the reign of Solomon, it would have existed in Judea in after ages, and attracted the notice of sacred or profane historians. Whether or not this objection is well founded, we shall not pretend to determine; but if it can be shown That there did exist, after the building of the temple, an association of men resembling Freemasons, in the nature, ceremonies, and object of their institution, the force of the objection will not only be taken away, but additional strength will be communicated to the opinion which we have been supporting. The association here alluded to is that of the Essenes, whose origin and sentiments have occasioned much discussion among ecclesiastical historians. They are all, however, of one mind concerning the constitution and observances of this religious order."' *


The truth is that the Essenes and the Freemasons derive whatever similarity or resemblance they may have from that spirit of brotherhood which has prevailed in all ages of the civilized world, the inherent principles of which, as the natural results of any fraternization, where all the members are engaged in the same pursuit and governed by one common bond of unity, are brotherly love, charity, and generally that secrecy and exclusiveness which secures to them an isolation, in the practice of their rites, from the rest of the world. And hence, between all fraternities, ancient and modern, these "remarkable coincidences" will be apt to be found.

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 11:33 PM
All sorts of people, well read, see the Masonic fascinations with the Essene.

The Freemasons find pure Christianity in Essenism and consider the "Brethren of the White Clothing", or Mystic Order of Essenes, to be the most important fraternity the world has ever seen. The women - the wives, mothers, daughters, and other females of the Essene communities, were associate members. Those not caring to marry brought up orphan children for organization. This group dates back to Moses and even to more ancient days, and was designated at various times and places in history as Nazarites, School of the Prophets, Hasidees, Therapeutae ( healers) , Contemplative Ones, Nazarenes, Ministers fo Peace, Friends, and the Pure and Silent Brethren.

The designation "Essene" was not popularly known, with accounts for the omission of the word in many of the popular histories and writings of the time. The Essene attire was so distinctive and unique that among the populace these mystics were known as "Brethren of the White Clothing" - each member after initiation adopting a robe of white composed of one piece of material, such as the " seamless garment " worn by Christ Jesus, and their salutation was, "Peace be unto you".

Besides preparing for the birth of the Messiah, this group distinguished itself in many other ways, such as the proclaiming of the equality of all mankind and the denouncing of slavery. They were the first socialists to organize a community high above the standards of their times. They were the first collectivists to encourage the ownership of all things in common, as mentioned in the book of Acts in our Bible, and were also the first mystic sect in all Jewish history.


The historian Ginsburg in his book, The Essenes, Their History and Doctrine, says," The purpose of Jesus, the Essene, was to effect a great moral revolution. From the age of twelve to thirty he was in the Essene colonies and conceived the plan which he intended to carry out. There he was educated until he was sent out by his order to effect a great moral revolution. It cannot be doubted that our Saviour Himself belonged to this holy brotherhood". A most painstaking historical researsh , The Essenes by A. A. Schultz, compiled from the numerous records of the Literary and Philosophic Society of Liverpool in 1896, finds the above statements confirmed in documents written in Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic.

posted on May, 8 2012 @ 05:51 AM
Everyone in religion for this day and age is all upset over the issues of Revelations, End-Times, and The Rapture. Everyone is seeking out who or what is The Beast and when is the Armageddon.
What most don't appear to know is the Mason have a major role in the issues for Rapture.

Right about the time of the formation of the US and its Declaration of Independence, there is a Mason telling the story for Rapture, or the return to the truths of religion. It is taking people from the lower realm of understanding to the higher realm. Part of the Upper Realm is Jesus The Man.

Since the Masons, at the beginning of the US, knew this interesting issue on religion's wrong directions, this Rapture theme took up a good deal of interest and today Rapture, End-Times, and other is the focus of much religious preaching.

But, what the churches didn't notice is the Masons discovered the reasons for Rapture and the coming truths being exposed. Even Merriweather Lewis knew the issue because his Apron as the Skull and Bones at the bottom under the steps toward enlightenments.

It would appear that the mixed up and out of touch Christians speak out of one side of their mouths that Masons are bad and evil and then out of the other side of their mouth with the issue of Rature, that the Masons discovered and made popular.

The rapture is a reference to the "being caught up" referred to in 1 Thessalonians 4:17, when the "dead in Christ" and "we who are alive and remain" will be caught up in the clouds to meet "the Lord".[1] The term "rapture" is used in at least two senses in modern traditions of Christian eschatology; in pre-tribulationist views, in which a group of people will be "left behind", and as a synonym for the final resurrection generally.[2][3][4]


The concept of the rapture, in connection with premillennialism, was expressed by the 17th-century American Puritan father and son Increase and Cotton Mather. They held to the idea that believers would be caught up in the air, followed by judgments on the Earth, and then the millennium.[18][19] The term rapture was used by Philip Doddridge[20] and John Gill[21] in their New Testament commentaries, with the idea that believers would be caught up prior to judgment on the Earth and Jesus' second coming.

There exists at least one 18th century and two 19th century pre-tribulation references: in an essay published in 1788 in Philadelphia by the Baptist Morgan Edwards which articulated the concept of a pre-tribulation rapture,[22] in the writings of Catholic priest Emmanuel Lacunza in 1812,[23] and by John Nelson Darby in 1827.[24] However, both the book published in 1788 and the writings of Lacunza have opposing views regarding their interpretations.[citation needed] Emmanuel Lacunza (1731–1801), a Jesuit priest, (under the pseudonym Juan Josafat Ben Ezra) wrote an apocalyptic work entitled La venida del Mesías en gloria y majestad (The Coming of the Messiah in Glory and Majesty). The book appeared first in 1811, 10 years after his death. In 1827, it was translated into English by the Scottish minister Edward Irving.

The term rapture in regards to religious teachings, was first used by Philip Doddridge in 1738 and then John Gill in 1748. They used it in their New Testament commentaries, implementing that believers in Christ would be caught up prior to judgment on the earth at Christ's Second Coming. The concept of a pretribulation rapture was articulated by Baptist Morgan Edwards in an essay published in 1788 in Philadelphia, but it was not until John Nelson Darby, considered the father of dispensationalism, first proposed the pretribulation rapture in 1827.


John Nelson Darby was an Anglo Irish evangelist and laywer, and he was a member of the secret order of Freemasonry. In 1832 at the Powerscourt Conference which was an annual meeting of bible students organized by his friends, he first brought into frution his discovery of the Secret Rapture. The question most don't ask is how did it come about before the Conference? John Nelson Darby interest in bible prophecy came out of what he learned in the lodge from the Jewish interpretation of the ages known as Cabalism. Cabalism is witchcraft and sorcery and deals with ancient magic and demonic rituals, yet Darby being a Freemason which is also a Satanic structure involved in the same, arranged Cabalist theories with bible prophecy until he was able to forge a new interpretation, unheard of in any previous age in history, which he revealed at the Powerscourt Conference in 1832, known as the Secret Rapture.


So by John Nelson Darby being influenced by Jewish Cabalism, in which Cabalism is witchcraft and sorcery and deals with ancient magic and demonic rituals, the Jewish Elite who control Hollywood, began to use propaganda to spread this rapture doctrine. Why, because it was never taught before on the face of the earth prior to 1738, which before then no one had ever heard of such a doctrine because it wasn't written of in the bible. So the televangelist would have a hard time trying to teach such a doctrine. So the Jewish Elite began indoctrinating well known televangelists and actors and actresses and musicians and television networks to promote this doctrine of "The Rapture". Let me tell you they pulled out all cards lol just so they can pull this one over the people heads.

So, what we basically find is the Christians of today owe the very discovery of Rapture to the Mason's insights of religion and where the stories are wrong and embellished beyond reality. The Rapture thesis makes the Christians the Dumb Beasts and the Anti-Christs. And the more correct teachings of the Masons on Jesus, The Man, are his true supporters.

Now, it would appear the finger must point to the out of control Christian beliefs as being the false church, those dead in Christ, or the corrupt church of the End-Times.

And when we look back at those Masons that formed the US Constitution and said to stay well clear of religious foreign wars, maintain separation for chuch and state, we can see that they had some of the best insights and foundations to have those ideals put foreward for the protection of the US.

The problem is the corrupt churches on the US have undermined these principles and have become a national security threat for the US via these corrupted beliefs that largely drag the US into foreign wars.

It now becomes past due to expose the organized churches corruptions and drive them to the truth with Rapture teachings on how they have been wrong and misled the US thinking, or put them out of business for false teachings and lies that harm the people of the US.

edit on 8-5-2012 by MagnumOpus because: Rapture issues were found by the Masons and they are way ahead of the dead churches

posted on May, 8 2012 @ 11:24 AM
reply to post by MagnumOpus

So the modern version of Rapture was never in the Bible? And yet the Christians praise it like it's God's word...which it really isn't.

This reveals the depth of Christian intelligence.

posted on May, 8 2012 @ 11:31 AM
reply to post by Starchild23

Yep, It's all hearsay.

OP was banned, Didn't see that coming at all

posted on May, 8 2012 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by Starchild23
reply to post by MagnumOpus

So the modern version of Rapture was never in the Bible? And yet the Christians praise it like it's God's word...which it really isn't.

This reveals the depth of Christian intelligence.

It does appear this is the case, and the Masons are right in the middle of things. There is a lot of misunderstanding of where the Christians think Heaven is when the narrative speaks of Heaven in Jesus speaking. The intention of Jesus and the Essene was Heaven upon the Earth and all their themes were for that direction, taking heaven from the spirit world to the literal real world of Earth. And the theme of Rapture is about a quickening of learning of how things were misunderstood, and that the dead of Christ means the corruption of the churches away from what was actually intended. That raising the dead of Christ is about teaching the right meanings of Jesus. Rapture is correctly addressed by Masons, but the arrogance of the churches is the problem with the rejection of the truth Jesus desired.

More insights on this URL with a ton of citations, that if one reads carefully, tells the issue is the dead of Christ, the corrupted beliefs of the churches, and that heaven is intended to become upon the Earth and not in the clouds. Heaven takes a shift from spiritual in the sky theme to reality of upon the Earth theme.

Just like a great architect first designs his buildings in his mind and moves those mind's eye visions into the actual vision of the actual eyes upon the Earth. So, is the theme of Jesus for Heaven on Earth.

I do think "pillows" and "fly" below is more akin to clouds and heaven in the skies, but one can see that the arrogance of those to force the wrong understanding is the problem. Jesus heaven was upon the Earth, and he wanted the people not to be corrupted from the truth.

This URL is some tough photos of just what happens with these serious misunderstandings of what the theme was from Jesus that results in killing those that also corrupt Governments.

“I pray NOT that you would take them OUT of the world, but that you would keep them from the evil.”

Quote from Yahshua - John 17:15


“Wherefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against your pillows , wherewith you hunt souls to make them fly, and I will tear them from your arms, and will let the souls go, even the souls that you hunt to make them fly.”

- Ezekiel 13:17-20


“For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.

“For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:

“Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds (of host of heaven), to meet the Lord in the air (in the Spirit): and so shall we ever be with the Lord.”

1Thessalonians 4:15-17


“Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the LAST TRUMP: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.”

- 1 Corinthians 15:51-52


John Nelson Darby was not all that he was cracked up to be—and had one of mankind's most wicked employers and associations.

He was leader of the Brethren Church, of which Edward Crowley was a member and preacher. Does that name, Crowley sound familiar? It should to every Christian. Edward Crowley was the father of Aleister Crowley, the world's most well known satanist.

John Nelson Darby, in the 1860's was put on the payroll of the British East India company, and sent to America for the specific purpose of weakening the strong faith of American Christians. When these la la land doctrines were picked up by the dubious lawyer, C. I. Scofield, in his Reference Bible in 1909, the strong delusion of this abominable theology shifted into high gear.

It is claimed that Darby was a lawyer and as such a member of the secret order of Freemasonry. His interest in Bible prophecy came out of what he learned in the lodge from the Jewish interpretation of the ages known as Cabalism. Being an alleged "Christian Mason" he arranged Cabalist theories with prophecy until he forged a new interpretation, unheard of in any previous age of Church history.

It is the case that the Masons better understood the meanings of these old narratives and it is the churches not the Masons that are the central issue of being wrong of their interpretations. Thus, they are the arrogant and dumb Beasts, those so arrogant as to oppose Jesus meanings of heaven upon the Earth, and those whose arrogance is the anti-christ.

Those that understood correctly would tell this, as the idea was not heaven in the skies of clouds, but upon the Earth:

“Wherefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against your pillows (clouds), wherewith you hunt souls to make them fly (heaven in clouds), and I will tear them from your arms, and will let the souls go, even the souls that you hunt to make them fly.”

And the issue is that this interpretation is wrong, as heaven on Earth doesn't need things that fly or heaven in the sky:

“Wherefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against your pillows (lies), wherewith you hunt souls to make them fly (rapture), and I will tear them from your arms, and will let the souls go, even the souls that you hunt to make them fly.”

- Ezekiel 13:17-20

edit on 8-5-2012 by MagnumOpus because: Arrogance is the common symbol of the Beasts and Anti-Christ

posted on May, 8 2012 @ 01:32 PM
The Masons study the Essene to a depth that far exceeds the Bible ingoring most of the Essene, and thus the Organized Churches of most all flavors and colors. The Masons study of the Essene discover Jesus, The Man, and it discovers that the Essene want to make Heaven Upon the Earth. It is so simple a theme that most of the vapid Christians can't spot that theme in the Lord's Prayer itself.

Such is the depth of their depravity and arrogance.'s_Prayer

The Lord's Prayer (also called the Pater Noster[1] or Our Father[2]) is a central prayer in Christianity. In the New Testament of the Christian Bible, it appears in two forms: in the Gospel of Matthew[3] as part of the discourse on ostentation in the Sermon on the Mount, and in the Gospel of Luke, which records Jesus being approached by "one of his disciples" with a request to teach them "to pray as John taught his disciples."[4] The prayer concludes with "deliver us from evil" in Matthew, and with "lead us not into temptation" in Luke. The liturgical form is Matthean. Some Christians, particularly Protestants, conclude the prayer with a doxology, an addendum appearing in some manuscripts of Matthew.


"Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name.
Your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil."

The very wording of the Lord's Prayer speaks to the issue of bringing Heaven upon the Earth and the goal of Jesus and the Essene. The Lord Kingdom comes to Earth as it is Heaven

Deliver from evil is to leave behind all the Babylon versions of heaven in the sky and the games of Nimrod's tower and false beliefs. Not be subject to temptation being not taking up the golden calfs or other persuits of money that corrupts good.

Yet, it appears the Masons, and those not dead of Christ, can read that message with the fullest insights. For the Dead of Christ are those that didn't study Jesus and the Essene because the Bible left out the most important parts needed for clearest understanding for what was the goal and how not to be misled.

The Rapture is then the learning about the correct way to read the passages and it comes with the twinkling of the eye, the rush of knowledge for the correct visions of what they sought for humanity.

posted on May, 8 2012 @ 01:46 PM
reply to post by MagnumOpus

If you wouldn't mind me relating a more personal take on this...

"Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name.
Your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.

The father in heaven, or the essence of the cosmos. Hallowed by thy name, as in we must remember it, and the way it interacts with this world. I'm talking about the flow of energies here, by the way. Some call it Karma, some call it God's will. It's all energy...flowing back and forth and influencing the course of events by influencing the players on a subliminal level. Which is why "on earth as it is in heaven" our lives as it does elsewhere. In the body and in the mind.

Give us this day our daily bread,

This welcomes positive energy in our lives, rather than focusing on the negative energies.

and forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.

Let our bad karma, our negative energies, dissipate, as well as the negative energies of those around us, who may have wronged us our others.

And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil."

Let us constantly seek to create good karma, and don't become addicted to bad karma. Let us produce good energies, instead of constantly giving in to the desires that create opportunities for bad energy.

This is a possible interpretation of the Lord's Prayer. Just my two bent pennies on the topic.

posted on May, 8 2012 @ 08:25 PM
I don't think the Masons share that view too well, and maybe not Jesus and company.

The Masons are into the Intelligent Design theme where some life force envisioned a plan with order in perhaps the mind of the Intelligent Designer, The Architech, and worked via some means to make various things from atoms to DNA all work in a sort of harmony.

The the old days it appears that most of the residents of earth could understand what they saw visually, but when they went to sleep and had visions that looked real they appeared to think god was speaking to them. So, old kings would spend a great deal of time trying to figure out what dreams were about.

It was this Mind's Eye that god existed in the mind's of man and if the minds came up with good things it was Angels speaking the visions and words, and if bad things then Satan posessed them.

Still it was this which was man's spiritual world. The Essene didn't really want things to exist in imaginations, but Heaven on Earth where all saw the same issues and worked for stewardship and benevolence to others.

Thus, the didn't want to deal with clouds and people flying off into the air, all they wanted was the simple reality and less of the mind's eye that varied from person to person.

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