posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 12:41 AM
Originally posted by emsed1
reply to post by jim3981
Are you freaking kidding me? Are you really trying to base your entire premise on a video by David Duke?
Were you alive in the 70s and 80s? This man was the Grand Dragon of the KKK!
I'm an open-minded person, but I can't believe I got pulled into this worthless racist thread.
I happen to agree with Dr Duke's premise in that video I referenced. Israel is imposing multi-culturalism on Sweden, and at the same time it is
illegal for marrying a gentile in Israel. That is called hypocritical.
The thread is about identifying actual perpetrators. I happen to see mostly Zionist criminals all the way up to Rothchild's in my research so far. I'm
trying to get some constructive feedback here to identify actual perpetrators. Maybe there are mostly non-jews pulling off the crimes behind the
scenes. Lets uncover them!
However, when I look around in the real world I see zionists. for instance....Murdoch is in a government
inquiry under
Leveson for phone hacking. That does not give me warm fuzzy feelings that the outcome will be fair and neutral with one Jew presiding over the
trial of another.
I have good friend sthat are Jews and no that all on them are not bad people. It is most likely government officials pulling this stuff on us. I just
need names and specifics.
Like I said before though. How would I know who the criminals are with all the deception and lies?
I'm at the beginning stages here. I guess most people have gone past my stage on to aliens or something else.
edit on 28-4-2012 by jim3981 because: (no reason given)
edit on 28-4-2012 by jim3981 because: (no reason