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Please show me the individuals behind the crimes

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posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 01:53 PM
I think there are a group of people running the world and they think it is their playground while everybody else is supposed to be a slave. I think most people will agree on that.

However, I'm having a difficult time understanding the specific individuals behind the NWO crimes.

For instance. 911 was a NWO crime. Cheney, Bush, and many zionists have their fingerprints on that.

All the mis-information in the media and hollywood is a crime, and that can be linked to the Zionists like Murdoch's, Bloomberg.

The federal reserve and banking collapse can be linked to zionism, as illustrated in the documentary the warning. It was pulled off by Robert Rubin, Larry Summers, and Alan Greenspan.

"We didn't truly know the dangers of the market, because it was a dark market," says Brooksley Born, the head of an obscure federal regulatory agency -- the Commodity Futures Trading Commission [CFTC] -- who not only warned of the potential for economic meltdown in the late 1990s, but also tried to convince the country's key economic powerbrokers to take actions that could have helped avert the crisis. "They were totally opposed to it," Born says. "That puzzled me. What was it that was in this market that had to be hidden?" In The Warning, veteran FRONTLINE producer Michael Kirk unearths the hidden history of the nation's worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. At the center of it all he finds Brooksley Born, who speaks for the first time on television about her failed campaign to regulate the secretive, multitrillion-dollar derivatives market whose crash helped trigger the financial collapse in the fall of 2008. Read more:

However, I still haven't figured out what individuals are committing the other "NWO" crimes.

On another note, I think the shape shifting aliens and stuff could have be Psyops to confuse and distort the true picture. It is difficult enough to drive most people away. I believe in aliens, but need to focus on real people for now. If enough people can rationally figure the NWO out, and can prove it....Game over, because the whole NWO game thrives on deception.

Once the propaganda plug gets pulled and everybody isn't brainwashed the system of NWO control can't work. It relies on enough people not being able to comprehend such a horrible thing. It is horrible allright.... a bunch of sick evil people controlling major functions of society.

The easiest explanation for me so far is zionism. That is the easiest, but doesn't fit the whole CFR and Bilderberg concept. I can see zionists involved in every government and the west going to war for them in the mid-east. They had their finger prints on 911, and also the "liberty" NSA ship bombing in 1967.

The liberty attack,and also an earlier false flag called susanna in the mid-east were significant because those events committed the US and UK to ongoing war in the mid-east since the 50's.

liberty attack

Fifteen years after the attack, an Israeli pilot approached Liberty survivors and then held extensive interviews with former Congressman Paul N. (Pete) McCloskey about his role. According to this senior Israeli lead pilot, he recognized the Liberty as American immediately, so informed his headquarters, and was told to ignore the American flag and continue his attack. He refused to do so and returned to base, where he was arrested. Later, a dual-citizen Israeli major told survivors that he was in an Israeli war room where he heard that pilot's radio report. The attacking pilots and everyone in the Israeli war room knew that they were attacking an American ship, the major said. He recanted the statement only after he received threatening phone calls from Israel.

Maybe the whole Bilderberg thing is real, and the illuminati is too. However, the illuminati symbolism could be explained by zionism because they control the media anyways.

Can we discuss actual crimes by specific members of the illuminati and bilderberg to understand how they are involved in the world domination?

Let's indentify the real criminals.

edit on 24-4-2012 by jim3981 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 01:59 PM
reply to post by jim3981

I am SO with you on this. The generalization is IMO part of their modus operandi. They do well at keeping their names, faces, whatever, out of the light of day and public scrutiny. I also believe we probably do know some of them, that their faces would be recognized. Ego is an amazing thing after all.

We are disinfo'ed everyday by MSM, Govs, Religion, Politicians, Interest Groups etc. and we can barely make hide nor hair of most information available as it is seemingly debunked, scrutinized and plausibly denied at every turn.

I happen to spend a good portion of my time talking to anyone who will listen about things like our Debt based Monetary system, social bondage, toxic food chain etc. and all I can ever say when asked, "Who is behind it all?" is that you must try to discern that for yourself. TPTB is an all encompassing title.

Find 10 opinions on any topic, then find 10 pieces of factual information from 'trusted' sources and THEN make up your own mind.

Good luck! I am watching and hoping to see something come to light!

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 02:27 PM
If you haven't seen it...

Presidential Secrets - NWO

It's a pretty dated documentary, granted. The above is a jump link to the NWO segment of the video. Doesn't exactly name many specific individuals, but Chip Tatum gave a pretty good explanation from an "inside" perspective IMO.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 03:04 PM
What does this have to do with any secret society?

I'd suggest taking this over to the conspiracy boards.

It also sounds as if you are thinly veiling the word "Jews" with the word "Zionist".

When you put suffixes on words describing people you build an artificial wall that divides you from them. Fences make good neighbors, but walls make terrible enemies.

What happens then? When we kill all the "-ish" and "-ist" folks all we are left with is a small group of intolerant, bigoted like-minded people who won't waste time making up a word for you and putting an "-ist" behind it.

The only words that should truly ever be used to describe others are 'brother' and 'sister'.

I don't discount your claims of conspiracy. I believe there is more than meets the eye, but I don't believe a secret "-ist" society is doing it.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 03:12 PM
reply to post by EarthChilde

If you believe you are 'dis-info'd' then STOP listening to them.

If you believe money, societal mores, food, etc. are harming you STOP using them.

If you believe 'THEY' are causing the Tree of Liberty to die, then STOP them.

From the dawn of man there has always been a 'THEY' that lie to control 'US'. But every generation or so there is an 'US' that realizes 'THEY' are just people and have no dominion over anyone else.

The Bilderbergs, cough... Illuminati, Trilateral Commission, etc etc etc... are just PEOPLE of average intelligence who have money at their disposal to implement stupid plans that arose in their average brains.

'THEY' don't control 'YOU'. Unless you believe their disinfo, spend their money, obey their laws, eat their food...

Their weakness is that 'THEY' don't believe there is a slumbering beast that can rise against them. 'THEY' look out from their penthouses and cannot conceive of 'YOU' having the cajones to dump their tea in the harbor.

If you are going to fight 'THEY' then join together FOR something. Don't fly headlong into revolution because you are 'AGAINST' something.

If you aren't FOR anything, then you are FOR nothing.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 03:14 PM
reply to post by jlm912

I LOVE that signature. I've just started discovering de la Paz.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by emsed1

I can only speak for myself, but:

Not all jews are zionists.

Hell, not all zionists are even jewish. I believe everyone has a right to claim a home. You could consider me "zionist" in certain light.

I don't believe all zionists are NWO.

All of that being said, I do believe NWO aspirations include zionism. Israel as we know it seems to be striving for mid-east dominance. I don't agree with the ethnic cleansing, or the tyranical immorally biased treatment of the Palestinians. In fact, Israel kinda reminds me of a young U.S. with a few differences... It makes me wonder if the NWO is seeking perpetual dominance or trying to ultimately usher in some kind of biblical-based armageddon.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 10:24 PM

Originally posted by emsed1
reply to post by EarthChilde

If you believe you are 'dis-info'd' then STOP listening to them.

If you believe money, societal mores, food, etc. are harming you STOP using them.

If you believe 'THEY' are causing the Tree of Liberty to die, then STOP them.

From the dawn of man there has always been a 'THEY' that lie to control 'US'. But every generation or so there is an 'US' that realizes 'THEY' are just people and have no dominion over anyone else.

The Bilderbergs, cough... Illuminati, Trilateral Commission, etc etc etc... are just PEOPLE of average intelligence who have money at their disposal to implement stupid plans that arose in their average brains.

'THEY' don't control 'YOU'. Unless you believe their disinfo, spend their money, obey their laws, eat their food...

Their weakness is that 'THEY' don't believe there is a slumbering beast that can rise against them. 'THEY' look out from their penthouses and cannot conceive of 'YOU' having the cajones to dump their tea in the harbor.

If you are going to fight 'THEY' then join together FOR something. Don't fly headlong into revolution because you are 'AGAINST' something.

If you aren't FOR anything, then you are FOR nothing.

Why does this post not have any stars? Blasphemy! Star for you!

Originally posted by
I can only speak for myself, but:

Not all jews are zionists.

Hell, not all zionists are even jewish. I believe everyone has a right to claim a home. You could consider me "zionist" in certain light.

I don't believe all zionists are NWO.

All of that being said, I do believe NWO aspirations include zionism. Israel as we know it seems to be striving for mid-east dominance. I don't agree with the ethnic cleansing, or the tyranical immorally biased treatment of the Palestinians. In fact, Israel kinda reminds me of a young U.S. with a few differences... It makes me wonder if the NWO is seeking perpetual dominance or trying to ultimately usher in some kind of biblical-based armageddon.

You really believe that?

Are you really one of those shallow-minded individuals to believe, "Its the zionists!" or "Its the freemasons!" or "Its Israel!" just... STOP.

It is the Bilderbergers, the oligarchs, the elite, it has been since Napoleon. Until you step back from your black-painted window of blindness, and realize that it isn't any *one* group of people or ethnicity, will you be free to rise up against THEM, the ELITE. The Global Elite are just that, the GLOBAL Elite, meaning they don't belong to any particular ethnic group or religion, they are the ELITE of the ELITE of every religion, country, ethnicity, and organizations/corporations. They are the GLOBAL Elite, say it with me, GLOBAL. They, the Bilderbergers, the Trilateralists, the Globalists, they are the ones you should be focused on.

Not SATANISTS at BOHEMIAN GROVE (For Christ's sake)



They have no ALLEGIANCE, but to each other.
They have no COUNTRY
They have no FLAG
They have no GOD
They have no AGENDA, only their single-minded determination to accumulate as much POWER as they can get their hands on, at the expense of you, the expense of me, at the expense of every goddam one of us.
edit on 24-4-2012 by Davian because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 11:39 PM
reply to post by Davian

I get it, guy. I didn't say it was specifically and solely any one group, did I? I merely meant that I see Israel/Mossad as an arm of said elite; that I do believe. Excuse my talking "around my elbow to get to my @sshole."

Your hostility isn't to inviting of anyone to really take you seriously. Aggression usually triggers aggressive response unless you're dealing with a submissive individual, or in my case, passive... towards you because I recognize you as not being my enemy. But for future reference, you may want to tone back the emotion if you aim to "wake anyone up."

posted on Apr, 25 2012 @ 09:01 AM
I have to say that many NWO posts rub me the wrong way. But, I think we are on to something here.

I think we should take a look at places like Goldman-Sachs, the "Federal" Reserve system and other financial companies who've gotten too big for their britches.

Hell, it was reported that Bank of America was suing ITSELF this week over foreclosure fraud.

I think in any situation that doesn't smell right the place to find the guilty is to look at who will benefit.

Take this, for example... Yesterday a plan was announced to keep US troops in Afghanistan until 2024 for "security". All the other allied troops are leaving next year.

As we've seen in recent weeks Pashtun hate us, Karzai hates us, the Taliban hate us... Why would we stay?

This issue hits especially hard (as I'm sure it does for many of you) because I lost a friend in an ambush. It was his first time commanding a patrol in Helmand and his guys were surrounded and slaughtered.

On the other hand we have seen numerous instances of horrific behavior by troops on both sides of the war.

Who stands to benefit?

Osama is gone. Saddam is gone. We are to the point that we are sending robot planes halfway around the world for targeted assassinations.

Who stands to benefit?

Look at a map sometime of the area around Afghanistan. What can we see? What I see is the oil-rich Caspian Sea that borders a nation friendly to us. I see a straight shot for a pipeline passing through Turkmenistan, the provinces of the Northern Alliance and then three Pashtun provinces.

The Pashtuns hate us.

The alternative is to swing a little west and go through... well... Iran.

Sure, it's a conspiracy. Who stands to benefit from an oil pipeline? Who needs oil?

When you figure out who benefits you will also figure out who needs 'security'.

I don't mean to derail the thread, but there ARE real conspiracies in the world.

posted on Apr, 25 2012 @ 09:23 AM
When I think about deception, I ask myself...Is it Strategic Deception or Tactical Deception?

most of what people in a forum like this focus on is tactical deception...they know all about false flags and psychological operations, disinformation etc.

it seems obvious that all of the small events are components of an strategic goal and only once this has been defined, first for oneself and then for all others will the fog of deception dissipate and the culprits revealed.

I, for example, am comfortable with the idea that the State of Israel, from one point of view at least, was created for the very purpose of being destroyed at some point in the future.

When trying to explain this idea, I depend upon the story of Osiris and Set. I'll leave it to the student to read the story, but will say with great certainty that the State of Israel is an object serving the same purpose as the sarcophagus Set constructed with Osiris' measurements.

That is strategic deception...Osiris would only have one goal if the scenario emerged again and that is to not get into the box...leaving Set to either find someone else to take it or keep it himself.

for Sets goal it makes sense that he would be the one begging people to just get into the damn box over and over again because if no one does he has to keep it.

who are the individuals behind the crimes? ...its the guy holding the box.

edit on 25-4-2012 by michaelbrux because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2012 @ 09:46 AM
Just check the list of names on the Bilderburg list....Tri Com. White'll have a list of all the criminals

posted on Apr, 25 2012 @ 12:49 PM
reply to post by michaelbrux

Very good point. It's easy to get distracted by the tactical actions and lose sight of the strategy. I think this is by design.

It seems like the worst perpetrators down through history are also the most patient. They bide their time until everything falls into place.

posted on Apr, 25 2012 @ 01:38 PM
reply to post by emsed1

it is a good point.

what's even more interesting is that no one will EVER reveal anything they know or heard about Strategic Deception.

its almost as if they are just as much part of the fog of darkness in the world as anyone they'd enjoy pointing their fingers at.

most posters want us looking at tactical level events...that way they know we'll never figure out what is really going on.

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 08:27 PM

Originally posted by jlm912
reply to post by Davian

I get it, guy. I didn't say it was specifically and solely any one group, did I? I merely meant that I see Israel/Mossad as an arm of said elite; that I do believe. Excuse my talking "around my elbow to get to my @sshole."

Your hostility isn't to inviting of anyone to really take you seriously. Aggression usually triggers aggressive response unless you're dealing with a submissive individual, or in my case, passive... towards you because I recognize you as not being my enemy. But for future reference, you may want to tone back the emotion if you aim to "wake anyone up."

Relax I wasn't being hostile, just passionate. And I agree with you, I believe that Israel is one of their many puppet states, America; currently as well.

I have to say that many NWO posts rub me the wrong way.

I don't really know what else to call it, really...

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 08:37 PM

Originally posted by emsed1
reply to post by EarthChilde

If you believe you are 'dis-info'd' then STOP listening to them.

I don't listen to them.

If you believe money, societal mores, food, etc. are harming you STOP using them.

Every chance I get. I do not buy into the slovenly attitude that someone else owes me ANYTHING.

If you believe 'THEY' are causing the Tree of Liberty to die, then STOP them.

I communicate everyday with people that are asleep at the wheel, sheeple. To start THEIR thought process and allow them to perhaps start seeing that they too can be more self sufficient.

From the dawn of man there has always been a 'THEY' that lie to control 'US'. But every generation or so there is an 'US' that realizes 'THEY' are just people and have no dominion over anyone else.

THEY are definitely being handed the opportunity as most people give away their control over their own lives.

The Bilderbergs, cough... Illuminati, Trilateral Commission, etc etc etc... are just PEOPLE of average intelligence who have money at their disposal to implement stupid plans that arose in their average brains.

Money and positions of opportunity to coerce an already corrupt system. Money to change laws and discriminate against anyone not in THEIR playbook.

'THEY' don't control 'YOU'. Unless you believe their disinfo, spend their money, obey their laws, eat their food...

THEY do not control me but THEY DO control many people.

Their weakness is that 'THEY' don't believe there is a slumbering beast that can rise against them. 'THEY' look out from their penthouses and cannot conceive of 'YOU' having the cajones to dump their tea in the harbor.

If you are going to fight 'THEY' then join together FOR something. Don't fly headlong into revolution because you are 'AGAINST' something.

If you aren't FOR anything, then you are FOR nothing.

Man, how in the flying **** can you take a post so out of context and spin it to be as aggressive as that was?

Thanks for absolutely challenging my patience.

Sensationalist chirp at best.
edit on 26-4-2012 by EarthChilde because: grammar

edit on 26-4-2012 by EarthChilde because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 09:27 PM
Back to specifics. Lets identify specific criminals.

One of the crimes is controlling elections in the United States and governments. You know the drill. Once the politician is bought and paid for, he does what his master paid him to do.

Look at the biggest GOP doners in the US presidential elections this year so far.

The two largest donors by far are Jewish.

Way out in front is casino mogul Sheldon Adelson, who, along with family members, has contributed $26.5 million. Most of that went to the super PAC supporting Newt Gingrich for president.

Investor Harold Simmons of Texas ranks second. Simmons, his wife Annette and his company, Contran Corp., have given $16.7 million.

The article.....

This link shows the wealth of some of the top jewish folks.

Notice Rothchild is a Jew with net worth at $1.5 trillion. However, I don't think they are all NWO characters.

edit on 26-4-2012 by jim3981 because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-4-2012 by jim3981 because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-4-2012 by jim3981 because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-4-2012 by jim3981 because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-4-2012 by jim3981 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 09:45 PM
Another major NWO crime in my opinion is globalization, mass immigration, and multi culturalism. Why is it a crime?

It leads to going multi-cultural and mass immigration in countries leads to loosing their idenities.

However Israel is only in favor of a monolithic society and one race. They don't allow interracial marriage in Israel. In fact, one has to have pure jew going back many generations for marrage to be allowed. It is illegal for a gentile to marry a jew in Israel.

Israel gives money for pure jews to move back to Israel, but don't allow Palestians to move back to Israel, their homeland.

Barbara Specter. Jew Leading multi-culturalism in Sweden.

Check out 1 minute of this video. Start at one minute in . It tells how the Barbara Specter is promoting Multi-culturalism in Sweden. Major NWO crime in my opinion. Leads to divide and conquer.
edit on 26-4-2012 by jim3981 because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-4-2012 by jim3981 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 10:09 PM
reply to post by jim3981

The dude in Norway that killed all those kids said multi-culturalism was the enemy too.

The real enemy is intolerance.

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 10:13 PM
Bill Gates: innovating to zero

"The world today has 6.8 billion people... that's headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent."


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