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Is it Time to Ban Vaccines Once and For All?

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posted on Apr, 25 2012 @ 02:17 AM
reply to post by Rubinstein

Yes, Measles was delightful, that's why I felt half dead/suffering for a whole week.

posted on Apr, 25 2012 @ 02:34 AM
reply to post by frazzle

I'm the one worrying?

Believe me, I couldn't muster enough care.

But I would ask you the same thing, for joining this ''vaccine holocaust''. Let's disregard all and any evidence that vaccines help people, and dwell in the ignorance that is 80% of this thread.

You don't want to be vaccinated, that is fine, but don't come up with these one sided statements about how horrible, and what an alleged evil purpose they have.

Who knows, you might convince some parent to not get their child vaccinated, if god forbid some thing horrible happened to that child, I'd like you all to give yourself pats on the back.

posted on Apr, 25 2012 @ 02:55 AM
I've been sceptical about vaccines for many years, I believe the dangers are under played.

Interestingly I went recently to the GP surgery recently and was invited to have one of these old person flu jabs. I declined the offer and explained my concerns, my concerns were not refuted and I was not pressed to take the jab, In fact I derived the impression that my concerns about vaccines were shared.

It would be interesting to know therefore how many doctors, nurses or people working in doctors surgeries take the vaccines themselves? Have they been warned off taking them? If so, that would be pretty strong evidence not to take vaccines in my opinion.

posted on Apr, 25 2012 @ 04:02 AM
The public health fall-out of banning vaccines would be catastrophic; we'd see a return of previously forgotten infectious disease, present endemic/cyclical diseases would become more virulent and the economic ramifications of having to treat major outbreaks would go well towards bankrupting a national economy.

In short, the answer is a resounding NO. As in if you think banning vaccines is a good idea you're so out of your depth as far as public health and infectious disease goes it isn't even funny.

posted on Apr, 25 2012 @ 05:02 AM
you know it would be nice if all the folks claiming that vaccines didn't help reduce disease, but were nothing more than an excuse to vaccinate understood history better. you are wrong rubinstein they were fighting polio long before they instituted country wide vaccination, they started work in 1938, and had a safe one by 1955, during a epidemic.

you keep repeating how they came out with it after polio was declining. that isn't true, there were on average 20 thousand cases a year. when the vaccine came out, it was more than 35 thousand that year, afterwords it dropped to to less than a thousand!
also please people, i'm not trying to start anything, but please go educate yourself on virology or at least a few lessons on evolution. the arguments are easily explained, such as why schools demand you get your kid vaccinated.
it is because a person who is a carrier can produce a version of a virus that vaccines don't work against, vaccines prevent viruses from mutating by not being able to use the bodies cells, which is a good thing!

also evolution explains a decline in some diseases over time, but if you look at history you see a surge a few generations later. populations produce generations resistant over time, and when that disease is no longer a concern to the populations survival the resistance can go down in later generations. this is why we see declines and surges in bubonic plague and small poxes before we killed it off. this also shows vaccines helped, since those in good health were statistically better off.

the idea of banning something because a tiny miniscule percentage of people have something go wrong has never been justified, especially when there is statistical proof ranging in the millions that it has saved lives.
the logic anti-vacs use is flawed, i could use the same logic with cars, which kill thousands a year even with millions safely using them, but no one would find that persuasive because the good outweighs the bad enough that people wouldn't take it seriously.
just like vaccines, when you look at the statistics, only someone with an agenda would deny that the good out weighs the bad. or they are too wrapped up in their own problems that logic or reasoned argument won't work with them.

edit on 25-4-2012 by demongoat because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2012 @ 05:41 AM
reply to post by kerazeesicko

The fact that you read this entire post and think that vaccines are still good proves that you know nothing and your point is invalid.

posted on Apr, 25 2012 @ 05:56 AM

Originally posted by rory212
Vaccines from 1950s and 60s are completely different from today's vaccines.

Today they put in adjuvants, heavy metals, and live viruses.

1885 - Live rabies vaccine
1937 - Live yellow fever vaccine
1950 - Live mumps vaccine
1961 - Live polio vaccine (now mostly replaced by inactivated polio vaccine)
1963 - Live measles vaccine

Big difference from a shot your grandfather received and the one you are receiving,

Yeah, ours have several decades of additional research and experience to make them safer and more effective. I'd also wager that, regardless of any heavy metals that may or may not be present in vaccines, our overall exposure to heavy metals is lower today than it was in the pre-EPA era.

posted on Apr, 25 2012 @ 05:56 AM

Originally posted by rory212
Vaccines from 1950s and 60s are completely different from today's vaccines.

Today they put in adjuvants, heavy metals, and live viruses.

1885 - Live rabies vaccine
1937 - Live yellow fever vaccine
1950 - Live mumps vaccine
1961 - Live polio vaccine (now mostly replaced by inactivated polio vaccine)
1963 - Live measles vaccine

Big difference from a shot your grandfather received and the one you are receiving,

Yeah, ours have several decades of additional research and experience to make them safer and more effective. I'd also wager that, regardless of any heavy metals that may or may not be present in vaccines, our overall exposure to heavy metals is lower today than it was in the pre-EPA era.

posted on Apr, 25 2012 @ 06:28 AM
Good post PapagiorgioCZ

Anyone who has first hand experience is in a much stronger position, it's harder to lie to them. I've seen a number of people go down with serious illnesses within 1-2 weeks of vaccination, especially when receiving multiple shots. 1 of these people is now dead, 2 of them nearly died, the others are permanently disabled. In not one case were they told it was the all cases they were told "This is a mystery illness". The corps don't want people asking for compensation and doctors don't want to get a bad reputation.

All of those people who are telling us the importance of being protected against Measles or Chicken Pox seem to be oblivious to the vaccine damage that's being caused, mainly because it's not reported or tracked. Capitalist companies will not go funding this type of research, they are hear to make money, not put people off and pay out compensation. People need to realize that they don't have access to accurate information, just one side of the story, and even that is not accurate.

Originally posted by PapagiorgioCZ
I've always thought
Why would a "western" government want to reduce "western" country population while many of them already have birth/death ratio less than 2 hence dying off. Business?

No question it's poison. I have enough mercury from my fillings. It has to be poison to play with immune system. Probably it's behind majority of auto-immune diseases.
I have first hand proof so I don't need any else. The year I got some nasty military cocktails into my butt I became allergic to grass. And since then my muscles' movement in negative (eccentric) phase is not smooth as it was before. When I go slowly downstairs my legs are kinda shaking. Especially after few cups of coffee. There's more but I can't blame vaccines for everything.
One guy I know became allergic to pot. He loves it so he was sad... When I asked him if he had some vaccines recently, he said he's waiting for second dose of vaccine against tick-borne encephalitis. Of course he used that stuff all the time.
Remember that myelin deficiency is not only behind neuropathy or multiple sclerosis but it's also suspected to be behind schizophrenia.
I think you can became allergic on anything in the time window of induced immune reaction.
Putting that stuff into newborns is absolutely devilish.
If not banned it should have warnings on it like those on cigarettes.

edit on 24/4/2012 by PapagiorgioCZ because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-4-2012 by Rubinstein because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2012 @ 06:36 AM

I'm glad that you've raised this point. Why from a Globalist Banker perspective is it so important to vaccinate those who are flying around the world? Let's go back to the basic principle of vaccination, it is to enslave us, by making us sick they put a ball and chain around our ankle, then we become dependent on paying Big Pharma for our treatments. So, why are people who fly around in the cross-hairs? If you've got money to fly around, then you are in a demographic that is one of the most free on the planet, but you're meant to be a slave, so they re-roll the dice for you with vaccinations, trying to make you sick and take away your money, also reducing your lifespan. The free people are the first ones in the cross-hairs, this is a slave planet, where the free people are top of the hitlist.

This is also why we have the T-Ray body-scanners in airports, it is to target the most free people for enslavement, by inducing Cancers. Free people are the top target of the Elite.

One of my neighbors went on a cruise at the start of his retirement, he had been saving for a decade for this cruise. The doctor insisted he have 2 vaccines before traveling, the doctor insisted on giving them at the same time. Within 10 days my neighbor, previously healthy, was on what appeared to be his deathbed. They found a treatment to keep him alive, it costs $2000 per month, he's not the same as before. It shuts the part of the immune system down which is now attacking his own body, it doesn't take Einstein to work out what has happened.

Originally posted by SplitInfinity
reply to post by TooManyTheories

This would be EXTREMELY UNWISE! I travel extensively...and when going to GOD FORSAKEN regions of the Globe...I have to undergo a HUGE number of BOOSTER SHOTS. All immunization is is introducing either a weak or dead version od a Disease into you blood stream so that your immune system can easily identify it.

I personally know...Extermely Healthy and Well Trained individuals who have been rushed in to an area before recieving Booster Shots and come back with all sorts of ailments. I have been doing this for DECADES and I have NEVER had a reaction. This does not mean others may...but not having children immunized...will be a doing that THEY will pay for with their lives by your misunderstanding. Split Infinity

edit on 25-4-2012 by Rubinstein because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2012 @ 06:47 AM
You're basing your assertion on the 'Official Statistics'. There is no real tracking on place on vaccine damage, look around you and you'll see it happening all the time, but most people aren't aware of it. They don't know that their Cancers, MS, Diabetes or HIV came from a vaccine. How many mothers know that there crib death/cot death was from a vaccine? This information is kept from us, you have to start looking more carefully, speaking to people and asking questions, then you're realize what's really going on.

The statistics you've been given are nothing more than lies...if they weren't, you'd be right

Originally posted by Blaine91555
Hmmm, trade off the risk to a tiny number of people and guarantee the death of millions is a good trade off? How is that true?

edit on 25-4-2012 by Rubinstein because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2012 @ 06:50 AM

Originally posted by hawkiye
There is no evidence any vaccine caused a 99% reduction in any disease!

I completely agree, but for some reason most people who haven't looked into this seem to think they have. They have a 'belief' which is not based on empirical evidence; they blindly follow and believe it.

posted on Apr, 25 2012 @ 06:54 AM

Originally posted by hawkiye
Vaccines stopped nothing! No you can't the evidence is their own data! How do you explain declines in those diseases in non-vaccinated countries at the same time? And how do you explain rises in cases of vaccinated folks etc etc etc. You see I have done the research you have not you are just repeating generational brainwashing but thanks for playing...

This is right hawkiye, people seem to think that data from companies who sell a product, is going to be completely accurate and unbiased. They need to realize that the 'studies' and 'history' they get from Big Pharma and Co is just 'Marketing'.

It's like watching a McDonald's advert and assuming they have your best interests at heart

posted on Apr, 25 2012 @ 07:25 AM

Originally posted by Aeonflux

It would be interesting to know therefore how many doctors, nurses or people working in doctors surgeries take the vaccines themselves? Have they been warned off taking them? If so, that would be pretty strong evidence not to take vaccines in my opinion.

I am a nurse and I work in the hospital setting. We are encouraged to get the flu vaccine every year. And if we do not want it, we have to fill out paperwork and fax it to the appropriate people. A "declination form". And so for most nurses it is easier just to take the shot than to hassle with the declination process. For me, I go through the process. I do not know for sure whether flu vaccines are more risky than not, and so I choose nature instead.

posted on Apr, 25 2012 @ 08:07 AM

I can only imagine that some of these posters who think vaccines are as good as eating Bee Propolis, are filtering out the other side of the argument, I suspect they don't look at the evidence provided in the thread, as very few have tried to debate a particular piece of evidence that was raised, and some still claim there is zero evidence of vaccine damage, despite the huge quantity of evidence already available in this thread. Perhaps these posters are just replying to the title and don't feel they need to look through any of the evidence

Originally posted by SonofLeod
reply to post by kerazeesicko

The fact that you read this entire post and think that vaccines are still good proves that you know nothing and your point is invalid.

posted on Apr, 25 2012 @ 08:10 AM
Thanks for posting angellicview

This is a common story, nurses and doctors are regularly seeing people going down with illnesses after being vaccinated, but the information on their computers tells them it's not the vaccines...however their instincts know better. It is no surprise that doctors have to be paid to give vaccines and that doctors do not want the vaccines for themselves or their families

Thanks for sharing you story, I'm glad you make the effort of avoiding vaccination.

Originally posted by angellicview

Originally posted by Aeonflux

It would be interesting to know therefore how many doctors, nurses or people working in doctors surgeries take the vaccines themselves? Have they been warned off taking them? If so, that would be pretty strong evidence not to take vaccines in my opinion.

I am a nurse and I work in the hospital setting. We are encouraged to get the flu vaccine every year. And if we do not want it, we have to fill out paperwork and fax it to the appropriate people. A "declination form". And so for most nurses it is easier just to take the shot than to hassle with the declination process. For me, I go through the process. I do not know for sure whether flu vaccines are more risky than not, and so I choose nature instead.

posted on Apr, 25 2012 @ 08:13 AM

Originally posted by FurvusRexCaeli

Yeah, ours have several decades of additional research and experience to make them safer and more effective. I'd also wager that, regardless of any heavy metals that may or may not be present in vaccines, our overall exposure to heavy metals is lower today than it was in the pre-EPA era.

They've just become better at covering up the damages, the marketing has improved. What makes you think they actually want to make the vaccines safer? They profit if we get Cancer and Diabetes Type 1, their profits skyrocket. They just have to manipulate us to believe it's unrelated.

posted on Apr, 25 2012 @ 08:14 AM

Originally posted by Mentalistbee
reply to post by Rubinstein

Yes, Measles was delightful, that's why I felt half dead/suffering for a whole week.

Beats a lifetime of Autism.

I don't enjoy going for a run, but I feel great afterwards; my mind gets sharper, my muscles become toned and I feel great as endorphins are released into my blood
edit on 25-4-2012 by Rubinstein because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2012 @ 08:22 AM

Originally posted by Mentalistbee
You don't want to be vaccinated, that is fine, but don't come up with these one sided statements about how horrible, and what an alleged evil purpose they have.

There is evidence available at the start of the this not evil?

Originally posted by Mentalistbee
Who knows, you might convince some parent to not get their child vaccinated, if god forbid some thing horrible happened to that child, I'd like you all to give yourself pats on the back.

Let's hope we have already convinced hundreds or thousands of parents not to vaccinate (this is a popular site), as overall far more lives will be saved and far less lives ruined.

You should ask yourself Mentalistbee, what do these posters know that I don't? Why are they willing to spend so much time pushing this information which goes against what the mainstream have told you. How do we benefit from telling you this, we're not making any money out of it, we've just seen too many lives ruined and we're trying to stop this from happening to another innocent child.

posted on Apr, 25 2012 @ 08:33 AM

In which case let's go along with the official story on 9/11, let's all get vaccinated, let's believe that the war on Libya was legit and genuinely for humanitarian reasons, let's believe that paying taxes to Rothschild's World Bank will combat 'Global Warming'. Thank God Bin Laden is dead eh?

You will not get the truth on so-called 'Professional Sites', they are under the influence of an unregulated capitalist system which is there to profit; by selling you vaccines and by making you sick with them. Big Pharma is a religion, if you step inside it's boundaries they will preach to your its teachings. It's not real science, they only fund what makes them money, they do not want to put people off their products or pay out compensation. It's all a lie more and more people are waking up to that.

This guy's well qualified to talk about vaccines, he's the former head of the Merck Vaccine Division...Cancer? What? He must be a Tin Foil Hat then I suppose

Originally posted by fleabit
This sort of thread is why I say.. NEVER.. EVER.. take advice from a conspiracy site, especially if it is in regards to your children's well being. So many tinfoil laden theories - misguided reasoning - don't entrust the health of your child to people on a conspiracy site. Consult your DOCTOR. You know.. professionals with degrees who are actually a lot better qualified to answer these sorts of questions.

Two doctors wrote among other things, "Immunization has reduced the rates of those diseases – and measles, mumps, rubella, and tetanus – by at least 97 percent." - so, you can trust people with PHDs, or.. conspiracy nuts. Do you really want to risk your child's life because people here think there are hidden microchips in vaccines?

Do the research on your own on professional sites. Don't ever base life decisions on sites like this. I respect a lot of people's opinions here, but I also think a huge % of people are so far out in left field, their "help" will only hurt you in the end. They think they know it all - there are actually professionals who DO know a whole lot more than people here. Trust them.. not these sites. It saddens me when people try to give advice to others in regards to CHILDREN.

edit on 25-4-2012 by Rubinstein because: (no reason given)

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