posted on Jun, 27 2012 @ 09:37 PM
When I hear people say "white privilege" or something akin to it, I cringe a little. Why? Simply because I never had it, yet the opportunities offered
to me throughout childhood up to now were countless.
My parents have constantly worked hard since they left school. They put me through nursery school and taught me to read, write and count before
primary school. They put myself and my brothers through a load of extra-curricular programs.
Because of the head starts I had in a couple of subjects, teachers at school took more of an interest. Bursaries and scholarships for instrument
lessons, shortlists for trips abroad, and great references for jobs/university. Then again, this was a pretty good state school... some of us got
flying lessons in the Cadet Force!
Now here's the thing. My parents aren't white. They're black, and so am I. They've never relied on benefits or the Equal Opportunities Act (UK
affirmative action bill) to help themselves or their children. What they did do was work hard and work us hard. They're not even rich - my mum's a
secretary and my dad's a bus driver.
We're a family of hard workers, and not just in the UK. So even if there was such a thing as white privilege, it wouldn't matter if you're willing to
put in the hard graft - as all people should. Nothing in this life is free.
In any case, I'd be more inclined to say that in terms of financial gain and employment opportunities, it's a myth in many places. The white working
class in the UK is in the same state that low-income ethnic minorities are.
EDIT: Sorry for the necro!
edit on 27-6-2012 by ihavenoaccount because: Necropost again... sorry bout that.