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The Myth of White Privilege

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posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 09:54 AM
The Myth of White Privilege - by Selwyn Duke

Something must be wrong. My finances are in shambles; mainstream newspapers won't publish my pieces; and, no matter how much I try to convince Fox News that they need male eye candy as well, they just won't give me a show. Then I gaze into the mirror at my alabaster complexion and say, "What's wrong with this picture? I'll have to address this at the next White People's Meeting."

Of course, it isn't really true that all we Caucasians get together in a big conference hall somewhere and, rubbing our hands together with devilish glee, conspire as to how we're gonna get ourselves some'a that there white privilege. Yet you wouldn't know it listening to egghead academics, media mouths, and uncivil rights agitators.

Put "white privilege" into a search engine and no small number of results will be for ".edu" URLs, which means that our mental institutions of higher learning are busy teaching "critical race theory" and ideas such as "Whites are taught not to recognize white privilege" and that, as this University of Dayton site informs, white persons have a "special freedom or immunity from some [liabilities or burdens] to which non-white persons are subject[.]" There is also something called "The White Privilege Conference" and a website devoted to it (I actually had to log on to make sure it wasn't a spoof site, but truth is stranger -- and stupider -- than fiction). And American Thinker recently wrote about an event called "Erasing White Privilege," during which whites sat around in a room confessing their collective oppressor sins while "people of color" discharged rage, "yelling at them" and "preaching." Ain't Obama's post-racial America grand?

Of course, I don't imagine there are many plumbers, supermarket workers, or forklift operators at such meetings -- and not just because they actually have to work. It's also because they know something:
White privilege is a myth.

(Read more)

An article that does a decent job outlining why the idea of white privilege is a myth. I ask even those who disagree initially to read through the article, think critically, and then reflect over their views. Are black people in Africa gifted with black privilege? Are Asian people living in Asia gifted with Asian privilege? If your answer to these questions is no, then why are white people living in predominantly white populations somehow gifted with white privilege?

White privilege is a myth. It is used by those with anti-white views to stroke racial tensions. It encourages us to focus on our differences and promotes fear and paranoia. All the while keeping us fighting and divided.

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 10:09 AM
reply to post by Dark Ghost

I have a question for you, where do you live? Do you live in urban, suburban, or rural areas? What is the ethnic make up and % of whites to minorities? What is the median income level of your area? These are valid questions and have a lot to do with the topic of the thread.

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 10:17 AM
I was born on a farm. When I was young, a car full of black men drove up in our driveway. I was alone. I had never really encountered a black man before so I went and got my dad. He greeted them as friends. In fact, one of them was his friend. They asked if they could hunt our land. My dad got his shotgun and we all went out together and had a grand time. We cooked and ate what we obtained together. I lost my fear of the black man as a child.

When I became a police officer, my partner was black. We saved each other's life more than once and trusted each other with our life. He became my son's godfather and I his.

We knew race existed and we had a saying. Black or white, a chump is still a chump. That is is how we referred to perps; as chumps. It didn't matter what color they were, they were still chumps.

Anyone who insults me because I don't like Obama is a racist chump.

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 10:32 AM
reply to post by Dark Ghost

It's also because they know something: White privilege is a myth.

The extent to which your quoted text goes, yes, that is indeed a myth.

but let's be realistic shall we? and forgive me, I'm far too white and lazy to actually post the statistics but...

Whites earn more than minorities.
Whites are more able to get student aid and loans to go to school
White males are more likely to have life saving heart surgery than their black counterparts, where heart disease is a leading killer of black men (other than gun violence of course)

i'm white. I don't attend meetings, I don't get a secret white's only letter in the mail. But I'm not going to sit here and convince myself we're equal. We aren't. I have more opportunities than the average black person in my position would.

Hell, we haven't even fixed the income disparity between men and women, let alone addressed the issues of equality when talking about race.

i don't get racially profiled and pulled over for driving while white.
I don't have store owners following me around when I'm shopping, because I'm white.
People don't cross the street, or clutch their purse tightly, when they see me approaching

Both sides of this take it to extremes, but don't sit here and pretend everything is hunky dory. And stop blaming Obama for everything, honestly, do you think this is what he intended? Obviously not, this is dividing, not bring people together.

Obama may be a bad president, he may in fact be an idiot, but he's not foolish to think he can win another term on the black / minority vote alone.

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 10:34 AM
reply to post by Dark Ghost

White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack

Daily effects of white privilege
Elusive and fugitive
Earned strength, unearned power

"I was taught to see racism only in individual acts of meanness, not in invisible systems conferring dominance on my group"

Peggy McIntosh

Through work to bring materials from women's studies into the rest of the curriculum, I have often noticed men's unwillingness to grant that they are overprivileged, even though they may grant that women are disadvantaged. They may say they will work to women's statues, in the society, the university, or the curriculum, but they can't or won't support the idea of lessening men's. Denials that amount to taboos surround the subject of advantages that men gain from women's disadvantages. These denials protect male privilege from being fully acknowledged, lessened, or ended.

Thinking through unacknowledged male privilege as a phenomenon, I realized that, since hierarchies in our society are interlocking, there was most likely a phenomenon of while privilege that was similarly denied and protected. As a white person, I realized I had been taught about racism as something that puts others at a disadvantage, but had been taught not to see one of its corollary aspects, white privilege, which puts me at an advantage.

I think whites are carefully taught not to recognize white privilege, as males are taught not to recognize male privilege. So I have begun in an untutored way to ask what it is like to have white privilege. I have come to see white privilege as an invisible package of unearned assets that I can count on cashing in each day, but about which I was "meant" to remain oblivious. White privilege is like an invisible weightless knapsack of special provisions, maps, passports, codebooks, visas, clothes, tools , and blank checks.

Describing white privilege makes one newly accountable. As we in women's studies work to reveal male privilege and ask men to give up some of their power, so one who writes about having white privilege must ask, "having described it, what will I do to lessen or end it?"

After I realized the extent to which men work from a base of unacknowledged privilege, I understood that much of their oppressiveness was unconscious. Then I remembered the frequent charges from women of color that white women whom they encounter are oppressive. I began to understand why we are just seen as oppressive, even when we don't see ourselves that way. I began to count the ways in which I enjoy unearned skin privilege and have been conditioned into oblivion about its existence.

My schooling gave me no training in seeing myself as an oppressor, as an unfairly advantaged person, or as a participant in a damaged culture. I was taught to see myself as an individual whose moral state depended on her individual moral will. My schooling followed the pattern my colleague Elizabeth Minnich has pointed out: whites are taught to think of their lives as morally neutral, normative, and average, and also ideal, so that when we work to benefit others, this is seen as work that will allow "them" to be more like "us."

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 10:43 AM
reply to post by Dark Ghost

People confuse "white privledge" thinking it should mean that all white people are rich and successfull...and if you can find one example of that not being true...well then "white privledge" must by a myth.

The facts are right there for everyone to see...whites as a group are better off in America than any other group.

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 10:47 AM
Lol, do blacks in africa get black plivaledge.
Nope, they get screwed by nonaficans that came in and raped their land for the resources.
Sorry but the good ole boy club is still alive and well in america.
White privaledge is more then a socioeconomic issue.
People like Dr Fancise Crest Welson and Michelle Alexander have good books on the subject.
I will agree that race is used as a way to divid and concure but that dosnt mean we can be dismissive about the role its played in the development of america and the western world.

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 10:48 AM
Lol, do blacks in africa get black plivaledge.
Nope, they get screwed by nonafricans that came in and raped their land for the resources.
Sorry but the good ole boy club is still alive and well in america.
White privaledge is more then a socioeconomic issue.
People like Dr Fancise Crest Welson and Michelle Alexander have good books on the subject.
I will agree that race is used as a way to divid and concure but that dosnt mean we can be dismissive about the role its played in the development of america and the western world.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 01:57 AM

Originally posted by phishyblankwaters
reply to post by Dark Ghost

It's also because they know something: White privilege is a myth.

The extent to which your quoted text goes, yes, that is indeed a myth.

but let's be realistic shall we? and forgive me, I'm far too white and lazy to actually post the statistics but...

Whites earn more than minorities.
Whites are more able to get student aid and loans to go to school
White males are more likely to have life saving heart surgery than their black counterparts, where heart disease is a leading killer of black men (other than gun violence of course)

i'm white. I don't attend meetings, I don't get a secret white's only letter in the mail. But I'm not going to sit here and convince myself we're equal. We aren't. I have more opportunities than the average black person in my position would.

Hell, we haven't even fixed the income disparity between men and women, let alone addressed the issues of equality when talking about race.

i don't get racially profiled and pulled over for driving while white.
I don't have store owners following me around when I'm shopping, because I'm white.
People don't cross the street, or clutch their purse tightly, when they see me approaching

Both sides of this take it to extremes, but don't sit here and pretend everything is hunky dory. And stop blaming Obama for everything, honestly, do you think this is what he intended? Obviously not, this is dividing, not bring people together.

Obama may be a bad president, he may in fact be an idiot, but he's not foolish to think he can win another term on the black / minority vote alone.

White is an artificial construct created by English-Scott Irish Americans to cover up their long history of racism ,discrimination and outright genocide against non anglophones.

So given the fact that your already attached to a genocidal mind frame, + your hateful repeating of a bigoted myth leaves me to believe you have some kind of far leftist agenda.


African Americans have access to way more money for education, and don't you dare call over priced loans a "gift" or "privilege"(by the way, according to Federal law, everyone has access to those kind of student loans provided they didn't default on students loans or violate drug laws while as a college student receiving federal aid/loans).

And the one reason a lot of "whites" are able to qualify for some financial aide in regard to higher education is because a clear majority of "whites" are poor. The stuck up fart smellers that live in the suburbs are such a small minority of Caucasians in America, that to judge all Caucasians by them is beyond bigoted and absurd, it is an outright attempt at racial based persecution!

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 02:08 AM

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher
reply to post by Dark Ghost

People confuse "white privledge" thinking it should mean that all white people are rich and successfull...and if you can find one example of that not being true...well then "white privledge" must by a myth.

The facts are right there for everyone to see...whites as a group are better off in America than any other group.

How so?

1) White is an artificial social construct. An attempt by Anglo's to domesticate people of other ethnicity's based upon something as superficial as skin pigmentation(race is much deeper then skin color)

2) Please explain this concept of "White Privilege" to the 5,000+ German Americans that where lynched in the South for opposing slavery before, during and after the civil war. Explain this "White Privilege" to all the German American's forced into internment camps, and all the German American's whose homes were razed to the ground from the 1700's all the way to the 1950's(Wasps had to learn how to terrorize people somewhere, that is why you find small little German named towns out in the middle of no where throughout some regions of America).

The real pathetic thing about African Americans is that they keep begging for scraps from the WASP's table instead of seeking their own villages with their own tables. WASP's will never play nice with anyone else period. They will always try to wipe out any one different from them.

edit on 24-4-2012 by korathin because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 02:12 AM

Originally posted by Down4Whateva
Lol, do blacks in africa get black plivaledge.
Nope, they get screwed by nonaficans that came in and raped their land for the resources.
Sorry but the good ole boy club is still alive and well in america.
White privaledge is more then a socioeconomic issue.
People like Dr Fancise Crest Welson and Michelle Alexander have good books on the subject.
I will agree that race is used as a way to divid and concure but that dosnt mean we can be dismissive about the role its played in the development of america and the western world.

Uhm, actually yes, they do.

I am a white guy living in Africa mate, so take my word for it. Black economic empowerment, affirmitive action, land reform policies, are all making it nigh on impossible for the white guy in Africa.

So check your facts please, and stop speaking out of your bumhole.


posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 02:40 AM
"Dont judge a man by his skin, judge him by his actions".

We all heard this line before- many times, right?

Well, why should that saying have any different meaning just cause the guy is white? Or black for that matter?

A successful person is successful because of the choices they made.

A dumbass is a dumbass because of the choices they made.

They gave us the tools since we were all children, what we did with it from there was on us personally.
And I have personally never felt like I was entitled to something more than the next guy unless I thought I earned it.
Nothing of any advantage was ever given to me, I had to earn it.
School(all the way)- earned it.
Good at sports-earned it.
Marines- earned it.
Present job- earned it.

I had to work just as hard as anyone else to get the things I really wanted in life. My mistakes were because of me, not because of someone else;especially any particular group of people.

..Well, maybe the Democrats a little =)

Edit to add- There is no feeling in the world like the one you get when someone tells you that they can not hire you because of the color of your skin. Because as a white man, that has happened to me more than once.

edit on 24-4-2012 by Common Good because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 02:47 AM
I think people are confusing white privilege with being rich. Being born white does not mean you're born with a silver spoon in your mouth.

The term white privilege refers to inherent benefits you get just for being white. Think of racial profiling. A white man driving down a predominantly black neighborhood and cops are watching him. It is very unlikely that the white man will be pulled over.

Now a black man driving in a predominantly white neighborhood is a different story.

btw what is "asian privilege" the OP was commenting about. Last I checked asians still get profiled by cops but get no affirmative action

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 02:57 AM
move to Vegas-I promise you whites have no privelege- we got beat on the police when we do stupid crap too.

Im in a black neighborhood everyday- I stick out like a sore thumb. You think the cops didnt harass me?
After a while- they all knew who I was.
And they werent "nice" to me either.

Ever have your head slammed into the back of a cop car by a cop? I have. Being white didnt save me there.
In fact- I bet I get messed with by the cops just as much as anybody else.

Wanna know why though? Why they mess with us?
-Cause the law lets them.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 03:10 AM
to cancer or

actinic keratoses,


posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 04:08 AM
Has there existed white privilege? Yes, actually. Does white privilege exist now? Not in any real way. White privilege is a myth in its modern form because it is simply a falsehood. I am, because of my White racial background, no more privileged than anyone else. ‘Then how can anyone legitimately make such an accusation’? The simple answer is that they are idealists.

Impractical person: a perfectionist who rejects practical considerations

There exist largely two camps of thought in modern Western society. One says that there does not exist any race except the human race; we must, to be moral, avoid viewing others as anyway different from us simply because of their skin color. These people do not particularly jump for joy over a future of one single color, they generally do not care so long as all people are treated and viewed as equals.

The other camp is more radical and far more dangerous. They say that race is a social construct, developed by people, particularly men, of European descent to grant themselves a special privilege to rape, pillage, plunder, and conquer all of the earth and subject all other races to their domination. Race was created by them for this purpose alone: suppression of the others. Greed, malice, immorality, injustice, and inequality stem from the maintenance of this social construct. The only way to destroy these social injustices is to destroy the social construct.

While the first group may read this and say “I am not a radical like that”. Actually, you are. Not because you directly participate in the expansion or espousing of such ideals but rather because you also object to reality. You are just as much of an idealist as the more radical group. It at least makes sense though for a person who believes in equality to view color as irrelevant. They desire all people to rise upon their own merit and are less likely to encourage hostilities between races. But when all chips are on the table, they flee to the side of their radical brethren in seeing that there is a great privilege for the White race.

When dealing with idealists it is necessary to understand one thing: they are completely immune to logic and reason. Quote as many statistics for your defense, hell quote the divinity itself, and they will say you are wrong. The White privilege myth is not something we can simply ignore because it has inevitably fatal consequences for an entire race on this earth.

The basic argument is that America is an institutionally racist country geared towards the higher achievement and protection of the socially constructed White race at the expense of all others – specifically the Blacks. Because of this Blacks are targeted more by the police because the police are racists. They believe all Black youth are criminals. Forget that profiling is an important part of common sense law enforcement. Blacks represent 12% of the US population but commit 52% of muggings and 60% of murders. Is it any wonder why one group is more likely to be questioned by police than another?

“But poverty is rampant among minorities which causes crime, all of which stems from White privilege and institutional racism.” Okay, take for example the District of Columbia. It enjoys the highest salaries in the nation and is second only to Alaska in personal income per capita but leads the nation is nearly every category of crime including murder, robbery, assault, and motor vehicle theft. It also has the nation’s strictest gun control laws and highest police costs per capita, highest ration of police and correction officers per citizen, and highest rate of incarceration. Its population however is 65.2% composed of minorities.

Nearby West Virginia has the lowest crime rate yet suffers from chronic poverty, high unemployment, and has the fewest police per capita but it is 93.2% White. It is also important to note that the states with the highest crime rates are located primarily across the South from California to Maryland. These states are heavily composed of minorities and poverty. Of the states that are exceptions, such as Kentucky and West Virginia, the crime rates are significantly lower. States in the North generally enjoy the lowest crime and less poverty, but this is not entirely the case. Among the poorest northern states such as Maine and North Dakota, crime rates are the lowest in the nation but Whites compose around 90% of the population.

While there are screams of Whites committing violent crime against Blacks, or the horror of Blacks committing crimes against each other, the fact is Blacks are 39 times more likely to commit a crime against Whites than the reverse. They are about 130 times more likely to rob a White than reverse. Every year there are roughly 35,000 Black on White rapes but fewer than 9 White on Black rapes. More than 3,000 gang rapes by Blacks against Whites each year but White on Black gang rapes are so rare they do not even show up in FBI and US Justice Department statistics.

Factor in that the average IQ gap between Whites and Blacks is statistically 15-18 points, which means roughly 11-16% of Blacks have an IQ of or above that of the average White. “This is due to a failing education system and racist testing practices, both stemming from White privilege and institutional racism.” The IQ differences between the races were most notably tackled in ‘The Bell Curve’ which was released in the 1990s. It was controversial, not because it gave racist opinion but rather because it gave only facts. How facts can possibly be controversial is beyond me.

Even going beyond the White privilege myth, why is this even a problem? It is due to the concept of equality. We are taught that the highest moral achievement is the equality of all people. Everyone from Libertarians/Conservatives to Socialists/Anarchists believes in it in some form. But it is entirely wrong and has no place in a free or just or even sane society for that matter. Equality has never nor will it ever be achievable. The only time it will even be remotely close is when we are all equally miserable and oppressed.

This has already begun and it is a complete onslaught against the White race. Political correctness is alive and thriving, even growing. Through it we are being taught the ideals of radicals as the only ethical view to hold. We are Whites must collectively apologize for a past we had no part in making or surrender all that we have today. That slavery existed where White men owned Blacks must be corrected through penance in the name of the Unholy Faith of Egalitarianism.

As a society we commemorate this faith’s God’s such as Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and especially Martin Luther King, Jr. To speak disparagingly of the latter is not only taboo but is worthy of condemnation today; forgetting the fact that he was a Communist subversive, plagiarist, and adulterer. We are to hold him in high esteem while speaking ill of those who just so happened to hold views that man from the beginning of thought held.

In the name of equality we have witnessed the French Revolution and its divine punishment, The Reign of Terror. We have witnessed the Russian Revolution which brought starvation to Ukrainians and death by Gulags to millions of others. The Chinese Revolution which overturned one of the world’s oldest civilizations and butchered its people by the millions. Not to mention the others such as Fidel Castro and Pol Pot. In all instances it has been the same. Equality brings misery and state oppression.

In the West however we found a new way to oppress the people. It was developed by the Frankfurt School who originated in 1920s Frankfurt, Germany before departing for the US with the rise of Hitler. A group of Jews organized developed a new concept from the works of Hungarian George Lukacs who taught school children in Socialist Hungary about sexual degeneracy. They formed the culture of critique and a few were brought in by the Roosevelt administration to test their theories on post-war Germany to brainwash the people with alleged Nazi sympathetic views. From here they developed into a powerful force that spread throughout college campuses in the sociology departments in the 1950s.

By the 1960s the works of Herbert Marcuse became very popular among the youth, particularly ‘Eros and Civilization’ which claimed capitalism through mass media and the bourgeois were suppressing man’s freedom which came through sexual freedom. This was considered to be ‘erotic Marxism’ but it was a very powerful force in shaping the ‘60s counterculture movement. This is where the radical views on race originated, in the 1960s among college students radicalized by their Frankfurt School leaning professors and the works of Marcuse who is considered to be the ‘Father of the New Left’.

Perhaps most interesting when discussing the White privilege myth is a work of Herbert Marcuse titled “One-Dimensional Man” where he claims the new Marxist proletariat cannot be the working class Whites as originally envisioned. Instead it will have to be an alliance of the non-integrated forces of society such as the racial, ethnic, religious, and sexual minorities, homosexuals, rebellious youth, and the radical intelligentsia.

To the Frankfurt School Western society had feelings in the 1930s overwhelmingly aligned with Nazism. It was a damaging combination of discrimination against women, Jews, Blacks, and homosexuals all built upon the Authoritarian Personality which prevented the working class from realizing their potential according to Marxian thought and overthrow the bourgeois. The proletariats, White working class/poor men, were not willing to abolish national borders and believe in universal equality.

In response the Cultural Marxists decided to embark upon the ‘long march through the institutions’ as Antonio Gramsci suggested. Moa Zedong ironically called his revolution the ‘long march’. Through this radicalization of the perceived oppressed they could finally instigate Marx’s revolution in the West. Race is but one factor which was necessary to bring under their control and they did this through the use of Critical Theory which is the foundation of all race and gender studies but has spread throughout our educational institutions teaching Whites about the atrocities of their racial past. Simultaneously telling them race does not exist, in the name of equality, then planting seeds of self-hatred and hostility towards their ‘ignorant’ ancestors.

The White privilege myth comes out of this devastating Cultural Revolution in the Western world. Which has resulted in the widespread use of accusing opponents on the right of being Nazis, Fascists, xenophobes, bigots, racists, or nativist for believing what had always been believed by all people in all of history and is still believed by all except White Westerners today. This is why we are to have affirmative action, anti-discrimination laws, social restriction upon speech (Negro/Black is now African American, Indian is now Native American, retard is now mentally disabled, etc…)

Because of this we must also invite in hordes of third world immigrants into our nations which are suffering a reduction in population, which Socialists say is a good thing, due to policies regarding contraception, family life, feminism, rising crime, and decline in national unity. To supplement this we import millions of poor third world peoples with low IQs, possible diseases, inclination to violent crime, and high birth rates leading to an inevitable demographic crisis. In the meantime we cannot assimilate them, for that is violating their freedom, nor can we turn them away because that is racist. It is White nations and only White nations which must hand over their lands to invaders with a smile on their face or be condemned and in some European nations; fined or imprisoned.

The conclusion is simple. White privilege is a myth created by left-wing lunatics hoping to foment a Marxist Revolution or at least dramatically alter our culture because of a mass indoctrination which tells all White people their ancestors were evil, they must repent for their thought crimes, limit their speech or face social ostracism, happily hand over their lands, and recite the mantra: “There is no so thing as race. Race is a social construct. This social construct was created for the maintenance of privilege for White people. For this all Whites must make sacrifices.”

By this point if you actually read all of the above I am just a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews. Fortunately I am neither a Nazi nor a person who wants to kill any people. I believe in the right of all races and ethnicities to self-determination in their own ancestral homelands. Free from external intervention or internal subversion. There exists a natural difference between the races which does not necessarily mean one is overall superior or inferior to another. White privilege is a myth created by Cultural Marxists and spread by their useful idiots. I am a proud White male who does not believe in equality but rather freedom. We are not born equal but we are born free according to the customs of our ancestors. No single ideology can ever be applied universally nor should it ever be attempted as the Cultural Marxist-Neoliberal system known as Modernity is.

Anti-racist is codeword for Anti-White.

I apologize for the grammatical errors in the post, I typed it fast and did not review it.

Thank you for reading and have a nice day.

edit on 4/24/2012 by Misoir because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 04:56 AM

Originally posted by someguy0083

A white man driving down a predominantly black neighborhood and cops are watching him. It is very unlikely that the white man will be pulled over.

Actually, that's where your wrong... I'm pulling him over because I know he's there to cop & I'm right at least 75% of the time. I'm about 90% right on CDS arrests (If you don't flip) from profiling if you have out of state tags and if you have PA tags and you're driving a beater you can raise that to 100% , I wouldn't even try to get them to play ball, they're getting processed...that way they can go back home to PA and tell all of their little dope sick friends to stay out of my city because "It's HOT"

At the end of the day, profiling goes both ways... Why? I dunno JDLR I guess.

I can't speak on the rest of the country, but there is no "white privilege" in the hood.

posted on Apr, 25 2012 @ 05:20 PM
reply to post by VreemdeVlieendeVoorwep

Sir/Maam im well aware of the situation in africa in Oregards to "white" africans and I dont feel sorry for you.
Considering how africa.came to be dominated by non africans,and you are a non african, can you not understand why they.might be a little unfriendly to you.
Im not speaking out of my @ss thats just my perception of the situation.
P.s. I also don't feel sorry for those of us of african origins here in babylon.
We.had the oppertunity to really better our social situation but we fell for the "civil rights" con game and got screwed.

edit on 25-4-2012 by Down4Whateva because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2012 @ 05:27 PM
reply to post by Dark Ghost

Agreed, agreed, agreed!
But, shhh.
Saying something like that will get the ACLU all hot and bothered.

posted on Apr, 25 2012 @ 05:43 PM
reply to post by korathin

They did try to develope their own communities, systems of economics, and even.leave this go back to africa but the leaders of these groups were jailed or murdered off, like marcus garvey and huey newton.
Apart of the reason liberal whites started most of the civil rights era groops was to combat the growing tide.of the africa for africans movment, and self governance groups.
These people were called racists, sepratists and commies.

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