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Ron Paul won Minnesota

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posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 09:13 AM
romney wishes he could draw crowds.

"Nobody can stop an idea who's time has come." Congressman and 2012 President Dr. Ron Paul.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 09:14 AM

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher
reply to post by Blue_Jay33

Look, at this point I'm cheering for Ron Paul to win the nomination...that would kill the Republican party and cause so much chaos it would be awesome.

But I am just being reasonable and logical...Ron Paul still doesn't have a chance...he just won't ever get enough and Romney will most likely go over the amount he needs to win on the first vote.

I hope the republican party does die in flames, the democratic party also... They are two sides of a globalist/cfr/trilateral/bilderburg controlled coin.

I hope it dies and the people of this great nation rise up and replace that two headed political moster with people who are willing to stand up and fight for our liberty and uphold their oath of office to protect the Constituition against all enemies foreign and domestic.

It seems to me we need to convict half the politicians in Washington for treason for most of the bills passed recently.... And treason carries the death penalty.
edit on 24-4-2012 by pianopraze because: Autocorrect fun

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 10:06 AM
....I needed that.

Are you people freaking serious?

Don't waste your vote on this guy.

I will bet my paycheck from now until the day I die that Ron Paul will never ever ever be president of the U.S.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 10:36 AM

Originally posted by Cynicaleye

Paul the racist is getting nowhere near the white-house. Obama will clinch a deserved second term.

Racist? Equality and freedom is racist?

Don't even bring up the letters. Show me proof of racism without bringing up old dirt on someone that doesn't fit with the actions he takes in life. Don't be one of these people that views a man by an accusation instead of what he's done in life to help the cause of liberty.

Show your proof.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 10:53 AM
You have somehow correlated removing these money-laundering schemes in with necessity.

Ron is after removing these from FEDERAL power, and instead giving the STATES the correct power as is Constitutionally written. Efficiency would improve, and transparency would too. Corporations control the Federal Government, this is fact. All you have to do is look at the Venn Diagrams of Corporations and the heads of government, they are inextricably linked as one. By moving most of these powers to the state level one can hope that more accountability and honesty will occur.

Do not mistake libertarian views with a lack of caring about what happens to people. This is a common mistake, and one that only happens to the UNINFORMED. If you are against Paul, be against him for the right reasons. IF those reasons are because you have been told he'll get rid of this or that, keep in mind that due to his belief of a true free market (free and clear of the Corporation - Politician control net), he believes it is through natural process that States and private sector companies will take up the slack.

Here's something else you need to keep in mind: NOT ONE CENT of the money the IRS collects actually goes anywhere other than the INTEREST of the National Debt. The FED, once audited, will be uncovered as the corrupt stealing scheme that it is, the IRS dismantled, and a Constitution-abiding replacement will come forth. Taxes are a requirement of life, but illegal ones that were never ratified, and have no actual binding other than "Voluntary Compliance" and some strong-arming in the legal system (illegally) is not Constitutional.

One more thing: If Federal Government grows any more, it will be because someone else besides Ron Paul takes seat. Federal Government is already way too huge. The Alphabet soup of organizations that are part of it already hemorrhage money by the millions/billions. Example, Taxpayer money hard at work paying for blow and hookers for the Secret Service. You really want more of that? How about this? Income TAXES are NEVER charged to those in government. They are above it! Think that is fair?

If you really want to learn, I'll teach you. If you you want to stay ignorant of the facts and the true Constitutional way, keep your path.

Originally posted by jimmyx

Originally posted by ahmonrarh
as far as things have looked, he's won way more than minnesota.....
how is it that 1 candidate was SOOOOO ostracized, when their message/views are ones of simple common sense??

really? common sense?

he would eliminate:

the IRS...i guess the american people and american businesses would just voluntarily send in taxes to the treasury dept, no need for ANY audits...yeah no problem there
the ENERGY DEPT....because who needs to worry about the 104 nuclear reactors in use right now, because as we know,the energy corporations would never compromise the safety of american citizens.
HUD....if i owned apartment buildings, i would charge white christians 700 dollars a month rent and black people 5000 dollars a month rent.
i could go on, but you can take the 5 minutes it took me to look up what ron paul wants to do to the federal government

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 10:58 AM

Originally posted by cavalryscout
....I needed that.

Are you people freaking serious?

Don't waste your vote on this guy.

I will bet my paycheck from now until the day I die that Ron Paul will never ever ever be president of the U.S.

Why would you do this?

Do you want a Police State? Do you want to be a debt-slave? Wars unlimited until we are destroyed as a country? What is the goal you want?

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 10:59 AM
reply to post by pianopraze

I believe treason is the only crime that actually supercedes the "cruel and unusual punishment" ruling, am I right?

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 11:08 AM
reply to post by fourthmeal

I'm not saying Mr. Paul is bad.

Hell I agree with a lot of his ideas/policies. The fact is he isn't going to be elected, he won't even be nominated.

Things that will happen before Ron Paul is president. (
sorry I'm not going to sugar coat it for you.)

1.) Pigs will fly.

2.) The Rapture.

3.) Hell will freeze.

edit on 24-4-2012 by cavalryscout because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 11:28 AM
reply to post by cavalryscout

No peace, not yet.

Perhaps you don't think he'll get nominated because the system is rigged. This is truth, it is. But the PEOPLE run it. Corporations and politicians may be one and the same, but a hoard of people is a powerful truth-telling machine. Already MSM news sources have lost a large percentage of their regular viewers (CNN has lost ~50%), and so the influence they have has dropped. Just because it isn't covered by MSM doesn't mean it isn't happening. A lot of people recognize this, because they look out their window and notice that the media is not even on-point with what is happening out there. Even the most asleep are beginning to recognize this, and ask questions.

It will be because people like you refuse to vote in what they believe in, because they have been completely brain-washed into believing that the choice does not exist.

You need to reevaluate a few things. If you think he won't win because he doesn't have support, you are incorrect. He has support. Most people recognize that in order to regain freedom and liberty, they'll need this guy in office. All other current options are going to take us the other way, away from these two principles. So by default if you prefer freedom and liberty over a police state and a big-brother type way of life, then you have one choice at this point. It may not be this electoral season that this is discovered, but then again it MIGHT be.

Just remember, it begins with you. By passively saying "I like him but he won't win", you are betraying the very things you hold dear to your own heart. Everyone who does this needs to reevaluate what they really want in life. Being a bystander is no longer an option. If we did that in history past, we'd all be still under British rule.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by fourthmeal

If you think he won't win because he doesn't have support, you are incorrect. He has support.

I'm not seeing it in the numbers. I hear about all of this "support" but time after time he is sent packing.

Being a bystander is no longer an option.


I hope someday somebody like Mr. Paul becomes President.

This year it's obviously between Obama and Romney so do you think Mr. Paul will run again in four years?
I don't know how old he is but he's getting up there.

Don't be angry with me. I understand your frustration but getting pissed off at me has no benefit.

I do wish things were different. I wish things were fair but they aren't.

Change takes time. Be patient.


posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 12:07 PM
I have a fear that the mass media, with their inaccurate "projected" numbers of delegates, will inform everyone that Mitt Romney has reached the special required number to clinch the nomination, hence convincing people that voting is no longer necessary, the process is over, and Ron Paul is out for good.

The Republican party will close up shop for further primaries, declare Mitt Romney the nominee before the convention in Tamp Florida even occurs, and no one will be any wiser.

If the process means anything and has any credibility, then things truly should not be over until the large woman sings. But we all know the media's need for the "Breaking story", making sure they float along on their own cloud nine of being first to announce anything, even if they are wrong or not providing all the facts.

Everyone wants things to be done so quickly! Sit back and enjoy life! Instant gratification isn't everything! Especially when it's something as important as who leads your country's Government and influences how you live your life.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 12:10 PM

Originally posted by cavalryscout
....I needed that.

Are you people freaking serious?

Don't waste your vote on this guy.

I will bet my paycheck from now until the day I die that Ron Paul will never ever ever be president of the U.S.

I wouldn't take that bet, only because if he isn't President your paycheck won't be worth crap. I hope you enjoy working to pay off big Gov!!!

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 12:37 PM

Originally posted by danj3ris
I have a fear that the mass media, with their inaccurate "projected" numbers of delegates, will inform everyone that Mitt Romney has reached the special required number to clinch the nomination, hence convincing people that voting is no longer necessary, the process is over, and Ron Paul is out for good.

The Republican party will close up shop for further primaries, declare Mitt Romney the nominee before the convention in Tamp Florida even occurs, and no one will be any wiser.

If the process means anything and has any credibility, then things truly should not be over until the large woman sings. But we all know the media's need for the "Breaking story", making sure they float along on their own cloud nine of being first to announce anything, even if they are wrong or not providing all the facts.

Everyone wants things to be done so quickly! Sit back and enjoy life! Instant gratification isn't everything! Especially when it's something as important as who leads your country's Government and influences how you live your life.

And this is more directed to Calvary Scout as a response because it supports what I was about to say:

What was quoted above by danj3ris is a great point. The media has (possibly had) the power to change people's opinions by selectively omitting or modifying the information. "Projections" are not truth, but people believe them anyway because they are put out there. We know for a fact that the CFR (which controls the media) uses media of all kinds in collusion (that's why they all sound like parrots), and through this collusion a public opinion can be swayed or created from nothing other than repetition of "information", true or false.

Now, by you saying what you've said about him not having support, it appears to me you've bought into this hence why I said brainwashed. Because it is obvious by going to rallies and seeing the physical people (the VOTERS) of each group, Paul has immense support. With media constantly creating the illusion of him being out of the race, unimportant, and non-viable candidate, it literally becomes so (to those mired in the effects of the washing.) That's why I said, it begins with you. You have no idea if your belief in him and his principles will create the change needed in others around you, to create the change as a whole that we desire. But we do know that if you do nothing, then truly nothing will happen. And to do nothing is by default failing to stand up for what you believe.

I'm not mad, I'm not pissed. What I am is tired of the rhetoric answers that are not contrived of someone who is thinking on their own, independent of the wash effect the media creates. I am tired of people counting someone out because the media says so. I am tired of people believing that doing nothing is OK. I am also tired of people dragging unimportant topics to point (like age.) He is healthy as an ox, and probably could outrun me and possibly you. Let me say this: When your conscious is clear and your Karma is good, you tend to live longer and more healthy. Dr. Paul has nothing to be ashamed of in his entire political voting career, no regrets about voting the way he does, and I'm betting he sleeps well knowing he's doing the right thing. I can't say that for all the other Presidents before him. Observe that those who have to bend their will to others against what they believe, they will age rapidly. Because it is against who and what they are, it devours them from the inside.

Think about these things vs. just responding off-handed as an attack or some form of come-back. I'm not here to attack I'm here to set the record straight and inform.

Someone who is informed will make better decisions, and I am convinced that is ALL we need to win this election.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 02:32 PM
I am a Minnesota Delegate and Ron Paul supporter.

in CD7 we elected 3 delegates, one was Paul, 2 Santorum. But with Santorum dropping out Paul is picking up his delegates.

Romney is the old school Repub choice, but Paul is the new blood candidate.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 02:39 PM
Bring on Ron Paul. The rest are prime examples of the wrong people in control of our country.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 07:09 PM
Just voted for RP 2 hrs ago here in Pa.
See what happens in tonights primaries.

posted on Apr, 25 2012 @ 10:59 AM
Saw on tv early this morning that apparently Romney won Minnesota though I'm not entirely sure of that, personally I'm not a republican nor have I ever seen myself as a conservative or a liberal but I fully support Ron Paul. I agree with alot of what hes saying certain ideas hes said however I don't exactly agree to that extent but nonetheless if I had to choose Id vote for him. Personally even though I'm a young dude I'm 19 I grew up seeing things for what they are and as much as I'm sure alot of us would like for him to win the republican nomination and even the presidential race come this fall we already know the chances of him even getting passed Romney are few to none. Why I say that is because the presidential nomination is pretty much already bought and sold. Romney will be the republican candidate which is growing more and more obvious as time goes on. To me Romney is generic in so many aspects I won't even begin to go into detail, comparing him to Obama this fall we all know theres a 99.9 percent chance Obama will be re-elected like I said thats already been paid for. Its all around us in plain sight, whats the point of a federal republic if those in office who were put there to serve us become so powerful and corrupt they no longer serve us we serve them plain and simple. And as time goes on its gonna precede to get worse, I try to keep my faith in the democratic elections which this country was built on but its to a point where the whole system in general in the United States is nothing more than smoke and mirrors. Thats just my opinion though without getting too off topic.
edit on 25-4-2012 by Ross7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2012 @ 11:39 AM
reply to post by Ross7

How's that hopey changey thing workin out for ya huh?

Wow, claiming to have seen Romney win Minnesota ON TV! when you should have read an earlier post that
claimed the ATS member is a delegate and no such thing happened.

Ever seen a convention? Maybe some old youtubes of the 60's 70's etc... conventions. You only need to watch a few seconds to get the atmosphere of one.

This will be one firey convention. Just as everything 'Obama,' this too, will be unprecedented.

edit to add a quote from another ATS member (forgot to get their nick)...

Join me on November 6 voting for Samual Adams (the beer, not the dead politician!) I will still cast my vote, for Ron Paul, even if I have to write it in, and then I plan to spend the rest of the day drinking, so as I watch the results come in that night, and I am throwing up, I can blame it on the beer, instead of the disgust and angst over the future of our country.

I honestly have very serious doubts as to whether or not there will be an election in 2016. Regardless of who wins in 2012, having a shining city on a hill to vote for in 2016 is looking more and more like a fairy tale.

I'll be voting for Ron Paul, drinking with Samual Adams, and stocking up from Mr. Remington for whatever may come.


Write in Ron Paul if they don't nominate him. He really can't win if you don't vote for him! hehduh
edit on 4·25·12 by DrMattMaddix because: (no reason given)

edit on 4·25·12 by DrMattMaddix because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2012 @ 12:40 PM

I live in Tijuana, Mexico and we are having the same situation here in our country with Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador!. He´s been in the same situation, he actually won last 2006 presidential election, but Mr. Calderon and TPTB stole it. We have to support each other, both, Ron Paul and Adnres Manuel Lopez Obrador are from different party, but they are fighting the same enemy and have the same objective: RESCUE THEIR OWN COUNTRY!, we need to do something together, because if we don´t stop these "#$"#$"#$ 2013 will be a chaos on both of our countries!, we are neighbors! and we are being stabbed by the same people....

For those of you who don´t know who Andres Manuel is please watch this:

¡RON PAUL 2012-2016-2020!



posted on Apr, 25 2012 @ 08:25 PM
good point.

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