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Whats happened to the American Public????

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posted on Apr, 22 2012 @ 01:12 PM
Whats happened to the American Public????

They started watching too much clonk on TV!
When they turn off the TV for long enough, read the right books, get their souls back then we'll see them return...

posted on Apr, 22 2012 @ 01:20 PM
And if you look as the other huge icons today, created in U.S. media and evidently designed to continue to reinforce this mass consumerist mindset. These icons are especially aimed at destroying the younger generation. We have icons like Kim Kardasian, undoubtedly an attractive woman,. but a woman who has nothing to offer humanity other than her attractiveness, most of which is due to makeup anyhow. The other things she offers the young impressionable mind, is the drive to have fame and wealth for no other purpose than to elevate yourself above your own brothers and sisters. again satanic. The kids who are hooked into this persona, then can watch her porno tape on the net and follow that "lifestlye" as well, in meaningless sexual encounters, that boost ego in the short term but ultimately destroy human beings emotionally, along with every other "individualistic" pursuit. And i wont even bother talking about Facebook, but im sure you can see how much damage to people and society that actually does, rather than bringing people closer it feeds rampant egotism and individuality, which is the opposite of community which it is supposedly meant to be for .

The tree of life, (the one that does not change through the seasons), is the fern tree. The druids held it as a sacred symbol and its meaning has been subverted today as a Christmas tree. Where we chop it down and kill it, so that we can possess it in our homes as another material object. In other words the tree of life means to stay the same, and do not be influenced by outsiders, in terms of chasing what your told to chase. Also the fern, like all trees, dies forever if you uproot it from its soil. Our soil is the same and we have the same name for this life sustaining link (our roots) . the breakdown and severing of human roots, has been the breakdown of the family. So not only have we been chopped down as a society of people but we die everyday because of it, just like a shedding Christmas tree.
edit on 22-4-2012 by splitlevel because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-4-2012 by splitlevel because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 22 2012 @ 01:44 PM
All what I have said about the fern tree, staying the same, and not being uprooted. Is the real meaning of Christianity. the fact that all this been subverted is no accident. I believe the chopping down of the fern, is linked to the occult and magic. In other words Christmas and Christianity have been totally subverted by satanic forces.
Idolitry of jesus
Killing the tree of Life
Gift giving
and mateialism

All these things are unchristian, yet they have infiltrated the religion .

When I say occult and magic...those concepts are more psychological than metaphysical. In other words the chopping down and possessing the tree of life, does something on a subconscious level with people. Much like a hypnotic technique. Its like on one level we know it feels wrong to chop down a tree for decoration, yet we do it in the name of Christ..and we know its wrong all this gift buying and counter to Christianity yet we all do it.

edit on 22-4-2012 by splitlevel because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 22 2012 @ 01:55 PM
What gets me with Americans is their misdirected sense of "outrage".

People are "outraged" that Secret Service agents are partying with prostitutes in a country where prostitution is LEGAL, are "outraged" that their cable companies make a mistake and broadcast the wrong program that wasn't supposed to be on, are "outraged" that their kid got a failing grade after not putting in any effort on their homework, "outraged" that their cell phone company had the audacity to charge them for services that they actually used, and "outraged" that their cable company won't give them another promotion, and "outraged" that gas prices went up another 5c.

However, people are NOT outraged at the constant bribery of their politicians on Capitol Hill (lobbying), or outraged that kids take guns to school and shoot down their classmates, or outraged at child abuse scandals of the Catholic Church, or many other more serious concerns.

People need to sort out their priorities.
edit on 22-4-2012 by babybunnies because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 22 2012 @ 02:08 PM

Originally posted by babybunnies
What gets me with Americans is their misdirected sense of "outrage".

People are "outraged" that Secret Service agents are partying with prostitutes in a country where prostitution is LEGAL, are "outraged" that their cable companies make a mistake and broadcast the wrong program that wasn't supposed to be on, are "outraged" that their kid got a failing grade after not putting in any effort on their homework, "outraged" that their cell phone company had the audacity to charge them for services that they actually used.

However, people are NOT outraged at the constant bribery of their politicians on Capitol Hill (lobbying), or outraged that kids take guns to school and shoot down their classmates, or outraged at child abuse scandals of the Catholic Church, or many other more serious concerns.

People need to sort out their priorities.

Alot of people are outraged at the catholic church, yet may long term church goers, still go and make excuses. When the evidence states the knowledge of abuse went to the very top..The pope. Meaning the whole organization is corrupt, these "christians" are in fact going against their own Bible. It even states in the Bilbe something about the Church being satanic, it may not use the word satanic but something akin, I believe its in revelations.

The lobbying is another good example, of people accepting legalized bribery and corruption to govern their "democracy of choice" What a joke and insult. Yet the US and many countries in the west stand for it. Most people are not even aware of what lobbying is, but the average person knows the system is corrupt and geared to keep the mega rich in power and the poor poor. the problem is people either are too ignorant to know whats going on with lobbying or they simply think its not their problem or they cant change it.
So largely its apathy and ignorance.
edit on 22-4-2012 by splitlevel because: (no reason given)

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