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Whats happened to the American Public????

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posted on Apr, 21 2012 @ 08:16 AM
Look up youtube for the clip of Ehud Barck's interview directly after 9/11. It may have been on the same day, please check it out, it was on BBC News live, so not time to edit him. Everything he stated was tooooooo, on the money. he predicted an ongoing war to topple all the middle east states one by one, and a lot more than that.
check it out, either this guy is Nostradamus or he knew everything in advance. like i said this is oooooooold news.
it should not take a brain surgeon to figure it all out, but over 10 years later, apparent idiots, are still scratching their heads and looking for holographic planes etc etc etc.
If there was a civil trial, the amount of circumstantial evidence that point to an inside job would be by far enough to secure a guilty verdict.
As everyone knows, you only need to look at who ultimately profits from all this.
You would not only have to be stupid to attack the US but you would have to be insane and even if the bombers were either, then how does a bunch of nutjob's plan and execute the biggest terrorist attack in history? because planning and executing something like 9/11 takes a hell of a lot of intelligence..not usually associated with lunatics.

if we are then to believe they were religious fanatics...even they would understand the net result from such an attack would be a US invasion of the middle just does not never did.
Then it carry's on and on, the circumstantial evidence, because as we all know once u tell a big lie, you have to cover it up for ever more with smaller lies.

So we are supposed to believe the leader of the plan is finally killed, when (the boogey man) has finally served his purpose. If they had found Bin laden before the attack on Iraq and Afghanistan there would have been no need to go to war, so they had to "not find him" for as long as possible. Then drop him in the sea, and dispatch of the team of navy seals who killed him, in an "accident".
please, how could anybody buy all this crap.

Stop with all the scratching your heads for video footage etc. the circumstances do not back up the official story one bit.
The USA gov, or at least elements of it, must not believe how dumb the citizens are, i myself cannot believe how dumb u all are. there has to be something affecting the population to buy this. I dunno. Something in the water, or food, or microwaves or something in the air. but something must have affected the US populous to be buying this continual rubbish. I dont even think the TV propaganda could be responsible on its own.
they have to be doing something to the population for you all to ever have bought this.

The CIA didnt spend time, money and years of research and experiments on Mk Ultra and God knows what other programs, to just bin anything useful they gained.
I really think only a small percentage of the U.S. can even think straight.
the population of the USA takes more prescription drugs, psychoactive ones particularly. than the entire world put together. There are so many prescription meds in use that when people urinate it means that the water treatment facilities are unable to filter out the drugs, so even if you dont delibratley take "medications", you wind up getting them in your water.

And your TV commercials do nothing but convince you that you have one of a million different health problems, all of which they have a drug they can sell you to treat. The US TV is unlike anyother in the world for that.

And if its not prescription meds, its illegal ones. the biggest consumer of narcotics in the world bar none. you would think that the Mexicans would need to get high more than people in a first world country. yet its the other way around. Again, "the drug culture" is endlessly promoted through music and TV, yet at the same time its supposedly condemned by the same media, when we all know the people who do drugs are influenced by a liberal wing of the media and are not going to be watching Fox news any how. So its a deliberate set up, to have you all think they dont want you getting high, when the circumstantial evidence leads the other way.

I believe a combination of drug addiction both to legal psychoactives and illegal narcotics combined with media brainwashing you to take these drugs has led to a sleep walking American society who are willing to take whatever they are told is reality. there are other techniques at work also which i have outlined in another thread, to secure a grip on the media.

What are your thoughts on this? Also if you decide to debate logic. then please use a logical argument and not an impassioned one.

edit on 21-4-2012 by splitlevel because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-4-2012 by splitlevel because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2012 @ 08:23 AM
predicting war in the middle east does not make you nostradamus

and it's threads like these that contribute to the problem you are describing

oh the irony
edit on 21-4-2012 by syrinx high priest because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2012 @ 08:30 AM

This video?

That was such a sad day thinking of what we lost still brings tears to my eyes.

posted on Apr, 21 2012 @ 08:33 AM

Originally posted by syrinx high priest
predicting war in the middle east does not make you nostradamus

and it's threads like these that contribute to the problem you are describing

oh the irony
edit on 21-4-2012 by syrinx high priest because: (no reason given)

Just watch this short clip, unedited as the towers fell.
seriously watch and listen.
edit on 21-4-2012 by splitlevel because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2012 @ 08:38 AM
edit on 21-4-2012 by splitlevel because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2012 @ 08:39 AM

Originally posted by syrinx high priest
predicting war in the middle east does not make you nostradamus

and it's threads like these that contribute to the problem you are describing

oh the irony
edit on 21-4-2012 by syrinx high priest because: (no reason given)

But your post didnt contriubute anything useful to the thread. Oh the irony.
How does this contribute to the problem when it is addressing the problem? Herp and a derp, why are the American people so apathetic and asleep???? OP how would you go about waking em up or reprogramming so to speak?

posted on Apr, 21 2012 @ 08:42 AM
reply to post by splitlevel

So where is the high 5's to the Americans that do know the truth? People like me have been studying 911 almost since it happened. I totally know that bush/ Chenny and their powerful friends needed a way into the Middle East. It's a documented fact that Bush had given a memo to Generals Clark's superior who then shared it w/ him which stated there were 5 Countries the U.S. needed to invade...guess which 5?

Knowing all this...what shall I do with the knowledge? What shall all the truthers do w/ this knowledge? Hard cold undenable facts we have! Right now...our Country has been taken over by crooks...their guns are bigger...they have far more money and resources...hell...that's why they're in the middle east...the riches the resource's....

It's not all of the American public

edit on 21-4-2012 by tracehd1 because: Sc

posted on Apr, 21 2012 @ 08:44 AM

Originally posted by LightWarrior11

Originally posted by syrinx high priest
predicting war in the middle east does not make you nostradamus

and it's threads like these that contribute to the problem you are describing

oh the irony
edit on 21-4-2012 by syrinx high priest because: (no reason given)

But your post didnt contriubute anything useful to the thread. Oh the irony.
How does this contribute to the problem when it is addressing the problem? Herp and a derp, why are the American people so apathetic and asleep???? OP how would you go about waking em up or reprogramming so to speak?

the clip doesn't take a lucky few guesses. he outlines all the countries to be invaded.Also every nation hosting "them", well Iraq didnt host that terror organization.... listen to his words, he condemned himself for being to excited and letting his mouth run off.

the BBC news anchor also is in on it, with his loaded questions. At the time this happened for all anyone knew, those terrorists may have been domestic...or....belonged to a small cell of extremists...Barak goes on about attacking loads of countries...cant u figure that out.
edit on 21-4-2012 by splitlevel because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2012 @ 08:47 AM
I kinda feel like we weren't taught how to fight the government as laymen.

We tried to protest like to 70's - that doesn't work...
So what else can we try?

posted on Apr, 21 2012 @ 08:48 AM
He also wanted Putin to join in and for a while Russia was fighting Muslim extremists. I wonder now who were those extremists on the border of Russia, the ones who blew up an apartment block inside Moscow and killed civilians inside a cinema....Hahaha, funny that its been quiet now for quite some time hasn't it, you know the terror attacks everywhere....Wonder why..Could it be that the objective has been achieved at least so far its on schedule.

posted on Apr, 21 2012 @ 09:04 AM

Originally posted by tracehd1
reply to post by splitlevel

So where is the high 5's to the Americans that do know the truth? People like me have been studying 911 almost since it happened. I totally know that bush/ Chenny and their powerful friends needed a way into the Middle East. It's a documented fact that Bush had given a memo to Generals Clark's superior who then shared it w/ him which stated there were 5 Countries the U.S. needed to invade...guess which 5?

Knowing all this...what shall I do with the knowledge? What shall all the truthers do w/ this knowledge? Hard cold undenable facts we have! Right now...our Country has been taken over by crooks...their guns are bigger...they have far more money and resources...hell...that's why they're in the middle east...the riches the resource's....

It's not all of the American public

edit on 21-4-2012 by tracehd1 because: Sc

Well one thing is, to do what you just did and state the absolutely provable facts. The ones that just do not fit reality. get other "truthers" away from the continual ridiculous dis-info, of holograms, and picking over video footage etc.
It is evident that some people, within the Israeli government and the US government had prior knowledge, at the very least, this is not my assertion, they have indicated so by their own documented words.

posted on Apr, 21 2012 @ 09:13 AM
People always knew something was not kosher with the whole war on terror, however nobody has been able to prove anything. Well in a criminal trail, there isn't always proof, sometimes not even a body can be found, so no evidence, not even one witness, yet murderers are indeed sentenced based on circumstantial evidence. in the case of 9/11 its a stack full.

I wonder now how far into this Putin is involved, as he had his own war on terror...which coincidentally ran parallel with the USA's war on Muslim extremists...

If Putin is far into this with the rest of them, it means that this NWO stuff is all real..After all Russia has become something of a capitalist state in recent years, since the fall of communist, yet we are led to believe Russia is still somewhat "unfriendly", but the evidence appears to the contrary. Also if Iran is hoping for protection from Putin I think they are in for a nasty surprise.

So that leaves China..Also not so communist anymore, also have become a consumerist society. yes they still have a "communist" government, but what communist allows iphones? So China is in this game too evidently, but how far into it, I dont know. look where the evidence leads.

And even if China is not part of this NWO stuff, it soon will i explained in another thread, consumerism is designed to destabilize economies and societies. There is no question about that.

edit on 21-4-2012 by splitlevel because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2012 @ 09:32 AM

Originally posted by cavalryscout

This video?

That was such a sad day thinking of what we lost still brings tears to my eyes.

Thats the thing you see. it still brings tears. if it didnt affect everyone emotionally, you would be able to think rationally.
u may not understand this , but the human mind splits into two parts. Emotional and rational.
we like to think we make important "choices" based on rationality, however we do not.
most of out rational thinking gets "overridden" by emotion.
this is why people make so many long term wrong decisions. EG, how many divorces are there in America?
in other words people get married, usually for emotional reasons but not for practical ones and eventually marriages based on emotion fall apart because they are not logical choices..
Now I understand we are not robots, so we make emotionally poor decisions, however, manipulators know this trick and use it deliberately against us.
if they can make you feel empathy, they can take your money, you body, your freedom and your life.
And 9/11 is a perfect example of this. it plays to your emotional mind and overrides your critical thinking.
this was enough to stop people asking critical questions and instead get public "emotion" behind invasions of the middle east.
thats why people in America in particular have to be aware of whats going on. As long as you educate yourself and kids to make decisions on things such as "romantic love" which is not real, then you and everyone else will be continually suckered. Notions like "romantic love" are invented by the media to suck the western mind into egotism and selfishness. if people even think they are Christians there is no concept as "romantic love" in the bible. that concept is a recent invention, within the last 150 years, and its been used to screw society.

posted on Apr, 21 2012 @ 09:48 AM
Now another thing I would like to add is this. Muslim extremism is obviously a very nasty thing, and if what the media says is even partly true, there are a lot of Islamic countries that have very poor human rights etc. Now lets say the west fears the spread of Islam as it once feared communism...OK, it may be a legitimate long term fear.
However is it morally right to kill people because you fear their influence?
Or kill them because of a spread of an idea?
What seems to be seen a fine though, is secular Muslim states. That means countries that pray to Allah but do not really follow the religion, just as the USA is secular christian. So really there is no difference between secular Muslims, Christians and Jews. As none of them really follow their religions, there fore none of these secular societies follows any religion and they are all the same.
So the word secular Muslim or christian or Jew means nothing, they worship nothing, just consumerism.
So a world with no religion is not a bad idea and im all for it but a world that is made of people in seek of material self interest and personal gain will not work. It brings about economic crashes etc.
So this model for world unity, based on emotional thinking is destined to failure.
the people behind all this surley know this. So to stabelise a one world population, you would have to ditch money and bring back socialism. now Im not anti that idea if the "right person or people" ran it, and if there are no other countries left to war with maybe that might work.
i doubt it though, as you would still have pockets of resistance. So the only way to quell resistance would be to put something in all our water, or give us all vaccines to fvck us up mentally and have us as no more than robots.
In other words a one world utopia seems impossible. unless we are not a human but evolve into an emotionless robot.
see emotions work both ways.

edit on 21-4-2012 by splitlevel because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-4-2012 by splitlevel because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2012 @ 09:58 AM

Originally posted by LightWarrior11
I kinda feel like we weren't taught how to fight the government as laymen.

We tried to protest like to 70's - that doesn't work...
So what else can we try?

All people have to do is what Gandhi did. if you literally fight an overwhelming force, they kill you and bring in martial law.
All you have to do is quit participating in the machine. All you do that contributes to this system maintains the system you supposedly oppose. So quit your job for a start and live off your own resources. If a critical mass of people did this, it would all collapse. The military would hardly go house by house and shoot people for not getting up for work, but they may do if only a few hundred or thousand participate in non compliance,. in order to scare everyone else.
So if a sizable chunk of America refuse to play ball, then all this current direction can not only be stopped but it can be turned around.
The reason so much propaganda is used against the US population is because they still fear a mass waking up.

posted on Apr, 21 2012 @ 10:01 AM
Also the consumerist, materialist mindset, reinforced by commercials and your culture, is designed to be a weapon against forming resistance. It works. it keeps you in your box and as a slave to it. Really clever system of enslavement actually, enslaved by your own drive for personal freedom. Brilliant in its deviousness.

posted on Apr, 21 2012 @ 10:57 AM
reply to post by splitlevel

You asked us to look at who profits by 9/11 and that's a question I've been asking since about 9/12. The answer is, IMO, that the central banks cannot allow another form of currency to gain a toe hold or the dollar will lose hegemony over world trade. The Iraqi Gold Dinar, the Libyan Gold Dinar, Iran planning to trade oil for other forms of currency all present a threat to the centralization of world currency.

The Koran specifically forbids making money on money and usury ~ well actually, so does the bible, but Muslims apparently take their beliefs more seriously than Christians. Afghanistan is all about money and hegemony, as well. The perps of 9/11 have no god but money, Wall Street has no god but money, PNACers have no god but money, the Pentagon and its stable of contractors have no god but money. And they're all rolling in piles of it. Follow the money.

Then think back to JFK, who was murdered shortly after he began circulating silver backed certificates.

So yeah, Andrew Jackson was absolutely right when he called Wall Street a den of vipers and shut down Nicolas Biddle's central bank. Of course back then there was no Fed Res, IMF or World Bank. I wonder what he would do to shut down the current generation of vipers.

posted on Apr, 21 2012 @ 11:12 AM

Originally posted by splitlevel

Originally posted by LightWarrior11
I kinda feel like we weren't taught how to fight the government as laymen.

We tried to protest like to 70's - that doesn't work...
So what else can we try?

All people have to do is what Gandhi did. if you literally fight an overwhelming force, they kill you and bring in martial law.
All you have to do is quit participating in the machine. All you do that contributes to this system maintains the system you supposedly oppose. So quit your job for a start and live off your own resources. If a critical mass of people did this, it would all collapse. The military would hardly go house by house and shoot people for not getting up for work, but they may do if only a few hundred or thousand participate in non compliance,. in order to scare everyone else.
So if a sizable chunk of America refuse to play ball, then all this current direction can not only be stopped but it can be turned around.
The reason so much propaganda is used against the US population is because they still fear a mass waking up.

In foreign wars the first thing the military does is blow up the infrastructure (water, power, communications etc.) to marginalize the populations. Here all they'd have to do would be flip a few switches and Americans would be toast.

I'm not saying we have options besides civil disobedience, I agree that's all we have to work with. But We, "the proud and the brave" are about as powerless as any Iraqi shepherd ever was to stop the whirlwind. Well, middle eastern shepherds were probably a lot more capable of surviving such outages than we would be.

ETA: I'm not implying that all middle easterners are shepherds. Iraq was a successful modern country until the sanctions hit, followed by shock and awe.
edit on 21-4-2012 by frazzle because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 22 2012 @ 11:42 AM

Originally posted by frazzle
reply to post by splitlevel

You asked us to look at who profits by 9/11 and that's a question I've been asking since about 9/12. The answer is, IMO, that the central banks cannot allow another form of currency to gain a toe hold or the dollar will lose hegemony over world trade. The Iraqi Gold Dinar, the Libyan Gold Dinar, Iran planning to trade oil for other forms of currency all present a threat to the centralization of world currency.

The Koran specifically forbids making money on money and usury ~ well actually, so does the bible, but Muslims apparently take their beliefs more seriously than Christians. Afghanistan is all about money and hegemony, as well. The perps of 9/11 have no god but money, Wall Street has no god but money, PNACers have no god but money, the Pentagon and its stable of contractors have no god but money. And they're all rolling in piles of it. Follow the money.

Then think back to JFK, who was murdered shortly after he began circulating silver backed certificates.

So yeah, Andrew Jackson was absolutely right when he called Wall Street a den of vipers and shut down Nicolas Biddle's central bank. Of course back then there was no Fed Res, IMF or World Bank. I wonder what he would do to shut down the current generation of vipers.

yes I think your are about right. However is this drive for wealth, which we all know ultimately means power, is it a basic part of the human condition, this drive, or is it artificial. in other words the consumerist culture absolutely was invented within the last 100 years and it was created in the USA, in order for the economy to grow after the great depression.
The consumerist, materialist culture of greed, was achieved by conditioning society to WANT products. The want of a product rather than a need for it.
By linking a Real human drive for sex to material products, the western world got hooked on buying things in the conscious and subconscious belief that the more they had the more attractive to the opposite sex they would become. All this brainwashing has hijacked the human drive for reproduction and anchored it to materialism.
This is the damnation of western people. because before mass consumerism, our species, like every other animal, looked for the fittest and strongest mate to breed with.
However due to rampant materialism, money makes men sexually attractive, which as I said proves that there is a strong link between sex and materialism. inevitably this means rich men, have sex with the most attractive females. this then does not produce new generations of superior human beings because the attraction and reproduction is not based of finding a mate who has better genes.
of course athletes are highly paid and healthy, and reproduce. This is probably why they are paid so massively, in order to attract high quality genes. It makes sense that TPTB know they still need high levels of good genetic material for their own future benefit.

edit on 22-4-2012 by splitlevel because: (no reason given)

A bit off the topic...but there u go.

Im really adding this post, as it helps build a better picture of how conditioned we already are to mass consumerism. Which is absolutely an artificial drive, created post the great depression. That fact that this is recognized by history, shows our species in the western world have been living under nothing short of brainwashing, for at least 50 years, Even Christmas was subverted into the biggest shopping day of the year, where if you don't buy something expensive, you do not love your family.
As every ones grand parents state, it never used to be this way.

This makes me believe that the artificiall drive created for us, to be consumers, is also designed to be the drive that condemns us as species. all of us who fully participate in it anyhow. As I said not only has consumerism linked sex to it, but also love, and because these human emotions are now so anchored to materialism, they have lost their real value. Love and sex have bee subverted, into nothing more than something you buy, in other words you don't show love or get sex unless you pay for it financially, directly or indirectly.

I believe all this is satanic, but if you use the word satanic, you get the message subverted because the word Satan, is linked to misunderstood religions, which are written in old English and riddles.
the real Satan is the drive for self interest, as it degenerates the human being emotionally and physically, and it leads human populations into isolation instead of cohesion. finally it insures that the gene pool degenerates from a healthy one into an unhealthy and sick one.

Yes all this materialistic, consumer culture, was invented only decades ago. And if we see the impact it has had on society and the environment in such a short space of time, we can truly call it catastrophic. And if it has achieved this much damage to the fabric of society, where everyone is "in it for themselves", then we ultimately must have less than 50 years left before everything has run out, and the few people that limp forward will be genetically inferior due to reproducing based on wealth.

edit on 22-4-2012 by splitlevel because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 22 2012 @ 12:34 PM

Originally posted by LightWarrior11

Originally posted by syrinx high priest
predicting war in the middle east does not make you nostradamus

and it's threads like these that contribute to the problem you are describing

oh the irony
edit on 21-4-2012 by syrinx high priest because: (no reason given)

But your post didnt contriubute anything useful to the thread. Oh the irony.
How does this contribute to the problem when it is addressing the problem? Herp and a derp, why are the American people so apathetic and asleep???? OP how would you go about waking em up or reprogramming so to speak?

Good question. I see it like this. People have to make a concerted effort to say no to things such as every hallmark moment. Stop buying peoples affections with money. make your family aware of how materialism is being used to destroy society from the inside and destroy the human being, break down the family and kill our planet, through pollution and wars. Imagine if you took your family on a treck through nature, as something special to do and share..or made your loved ones something with your own hands. if we get back to truly showing what love is, we will get back our humanity.

The best way to start this wakening is by participating yourself. think about it, if you received a handwritten letter from a loved one, how much more a feeling of love does that give you receiving it rather than an email or text. Just something as simple as that, would be a start. Showing people you take time thinking about them is the real value and it affects people a lot more on an emotional level. Rather than buying expensive gifts.

As I said the mass consumerist USA is hooked on drugs and Mexico and the third world isnt. Yet poor societies should be more in need of escapism from daily poverty and hardship, yet its the other way around. this is because those societies are not totally geared to mass consumerism and keeping up with the jonses. this is what leads to mental health issues and an epidermic of depressive illnesses, and then you need the big pharma industry and the illegal drugs .

The reason all this drug use and escapism comes about in a 1st world country is because everyone is in competition with each other. "The vast majority" who cannot win or climb up the ladder, envy those who seemingly have more than them., either that or they feel guilty and self loathing for not being of high value. these emotional conditions exist within us all, but they are only promoted and increased massively by consumerist culture. from negative emotional states come mental illness and depressive states. this is apparently worse than living in a 2nd world country where most people are not in competition with each other but more in a daily struggle to survive and in doing so they have to be a cohesive community, and this in return causes more stability externally and internally. having said that the continually appetite for drugs in the US is damaging Mexico and causing mass instability.

And the other joke is, even the wealthy and elite are hooked on psychoactive, mood altering "medications". This is because once you have "everything" you realize it is all of no actual value. The partners you acquire only stay with you due to the money along with your "friends". This is why tons of the mega rich are deeply emotionally disturbed. Some of them even then turn to charity work or adopting 3rd world orphans. however none of them are willing to detach themselves from the cause of their emotional ill health "mass consumerism and greed"

So we have someone like Angelina Joli, who is without a doubt a poster child for mass consumerism. however she obviously feels uneasy about who she is or she wouldn't adopt 3rd world kids. Yet she still exemplifies greed. So I would wager she has a full medicine cabinet. just as id wager Bono does.

edit on 22-4-2012 by splitlevel because: (no reason given)

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