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Real Remote Viewing how to and targets

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posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 04:26 PM
There has been so many failed attempts to amateurishly set up a Remote Viewing experiment that I feel obligated to set one up myself just as a correct example. In this thread I will quickly list some “Do’s and Don’ts” and then follow it up with an actual RV tasking.

First…what is RV? Remote Viewing is a protocol (method) which people use in a Remote Perception experiment. If you do not use the proper protocol you are NOT using Remote Viewing, but you are still using Remote Perception (RP). RP is available to everyone just like any of your other senses and we all use it constantly without knowing. RV is simply a method of focusing RP in the attempt to limit ‘noise’ or imagination which can ruin your experiment.

The difficulty of RP is that it is almost indistinguishable from imagination until you have gained a certain amount of experience, and even then imagination can be a limiting factor. RP is very nebulous. The experience you have when receiving RP data is like a hazy daydream in most cases. Just flashes of images and ideas and sometimes emotion. This is the most basic form and it can go from there to an actual full on experience where you feel like you are there. It all depends on your style and RP ability, but most should expect the simplest little flashes of daydream-like images.

One frustrating aspect is how you perceive the image. Your frame of reference can really play tricks on you. This is why you should NEVER try and guess what the thing is. There are other reasons not to guess but I’ll cover that a bit later. Let’s say the target is a red apple (hypothetically). You may perceive the apple stem and part of the red apple skin but your perception could be “zoomed in” so much that it looks like the stem is as thick as a tree trunk growing out of a hole in a red field.

Let’s say hypothetically the target is a plastic slide on a playground. Your perception may actually be upside down so that you cannot even interpret what this simple object is because your mind is not used to seeing an upside-down slide. In this case you are extremely likely to interpret it as something else entirely.

These are examples of why you should never guess what the target is. You should truly NOT want to know what it is until the session is over and you are analyzing the data. Just write down AND draw what the little flashes of data are and keep going. The other reason you don’t want to know is because analyzing the data is a left-brain function. There is nothing more destructive than engaging your analytical mind during a session. Don’t guess, just collect all the little puzzle pieces of data and keep going.

On to target assignments….keep them simple to be more successful. If I were to set a target as Time Square, it would be very difficult for the reasons on perspective I stated above. There would be so many different pieces of data in that one target that it could wash out data collection even if all the data received is correct. You could be more specific in targeting to overcome this, but to keep it simple I’m just focusing on beginner recommendations. A good simple target would be something like a single aircraft in flight over the ocean. There are basic elements in that scene that most people would describe in a way that makes data analysis more successful.

The BIGGEST problem with most targets you see on forums like this is front loading. For example, “Describe what my house looks like and tell me what the address is.” This is an absolute failure of a target assignment. Right away I’ve told you the target is a house and asked for some numbers. As soon as you read the target ALL of the images you have stored away in your unconscious mind are flooding in at the same time as the RP data. The second part of that tasking, by asking for numbers is another no-no. Numbers are an analytical function. This can be overcome but not without training and experience in general.

If I wanted to set ‘My House’ as the target I would take a picture of it and put it in an envelope. Then I would write an arbitrary 4-6 digit number on the envelope and set that as the target. In this example I would ask the RV (Viewer) to describe the target I have in the envelope marked 1396. Notice I also asked for a description and not “What is it”. Now this is a blind target and the RP data coming in should not be mixed in with a vast array of other images. The R-Viewer has no idea what the target could be…it could be the Kremlin or Jupiter or anything. This way any ‘surprising’ images that the viewer perceives are more likely to be correct.

There are other fascinating aspects to this but these are the basics. If the thread generates interest we can delve into Viewing targets in the future (targets which have not even been selected yet), targets which reveal what the stock market is going to do, who will win the next basketball game, etc…these are the targets that can blow your mind. These targets I just mentioned are examples of how this RP ability can be used in everyday life.

The following is a set of 3 targets and some instructions on how to RV and be successful. This is by no means a comprehensive discussion as there are entire volumes of books on this. The intent is to simply expose people to this ability and the basic methods to be successful and move from there.

>>> Continue >>>

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 04:28 PM
reply to post by Spirit Warrior 11:11

>>> Continued >>>


For the first target I recommend using the method which follows. For the rest feel free to experiment but I still recommend using the protocol. DO NOT read what others have posted until you have done your sessions and don’t go back and try to redo a session. I will give feedback to your results.

Find a place that is really boring…No clutter, little to no color, no window, no noise…basically nothing that can provide your sense of vision, hearing, taste, touch…with any data. You want to only have data flowing in that is target related. Do your best to accomplish this as it will only add to the quality of your session.

Take a decent amount of time to cool off before you begin. Clear your mind of thought and just relax as much as you can. Most people meditate but you can also listen to meditation music or anything that will let your brain calm down and begin to enter and alpha state. This can be 5 minutes to half an hour. When you are very calm and relaxed begin your session.

Write the target number on a blank piece of paper. You should hold in your mind the intent to receive only data into your perception that is related to the target. Imagine that all other images not related to the target flow away from you and those images related to the target seem to linger in your mind. Hold this thought for a moment and then begin. You should now be getting some type of impression of the target. It will very likely be vague and dreamy. DO NOT try and guess what the target is at ANY time. Your intention here is simply to DESCRIBE the impressions you get.

Ask yourself these questions and immediately write down the first impression you get.

Does the target feel large or small? I will now perceive the general feel for the size of the target relative to myself.

Does the target have a shape to it? I will now perceive a general shape of the target. (write down all the data you get about the shape and even sketch the pieces/images out).

Does the target have a texture to it? I will now perceive any texture the target has. (write down the texture data).

Does the target have a taste to it? I will now perceive what the target may taste like.

Does the target have any color to it? I will now perceive any colors related to the target.

Is there anything happening at the target that is interesting? I will now perceive anything happening of interest.

Now that you have some ‘lock’ on the target data you can move to more complex questions.

If I were shown a picture of the target on a computer screen what would the general outline be? I will now perceive and be able to draw the general outline. (Don’t guess the target, just make an outline).

Then keep writing/drawing impressions until you are done. If you should guess or interpret something definitely write it down in the upper right hand portion of the paper and then move on and don’t let that image impact the small data sets you are trying to get.

You will likely get many impressions that are incorrect mixed in with correct impressions. This is perfectly fine. Even the best, most experienced, and highly trained RVers have erroneous data mixed in. There is no perfect session. The real goal is to have enough correct hits in your data so that a 3rd party can look at a couple pictures (targets) and be able to tell which one you were attempting to describe. That’s it. These are the basics. Happy hunting. Feel free to discuss the thread and certainly make an attempt at a target.





posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 04:58 PM
You are absolutely right.

I´ll try it.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 05:32 PM
reply to post by Spirit Warrior 11:11


A sheep. Wool. Maybe not a real sheep but a cartoony one or a drawing.


An apple, an apple with a bite out of it.

A city skyline with a bridge, maybe New York.


A cabin next to a lake. Pine trees. The cabin is on the right side.
edit on 19-4-2012 by RandomEsotericScreenname because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 06:00 PM
reply to post by RandomEsotericScreenname

You are guessing the targets. These are incorrect so just throw away the data you have and start over.

Just try and describe the little details you get, shapes, colors, etc...let those come in first. You may or may not get an overall impression until later in the session.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 06:04 PM
3817 -
Oval or Rectangle
Small relative to me
No taste
Possibly sharp
A knife, file or letter opener

4767 -
Large relative to me
Strange shape (drawn on paper)
A bridge with cables or something over a body of water.

9023 -
Small relative to me
Blue or gold
Something resembling the shape of a ballerina with her hands over head.
Thumb tack? not sure.

Imagination keeps popping up. I followed all the steps and then guessed.

edit on 19-4-2012 by Epirus because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-4-2012 by Epirus because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 06:11 PM
reply to post by Spirit Warrior 11:11

I may be wrong but I wasn´t trying to guess though. These were the first impressions I got and it´s hard to go back to outlines and colors and such if you already have a complete picture planted in your mind, but I´ll try again.

Edit, I see what you mean, I should just answer the questions step by step.


Big tall towering. Tubular.

Smooth suface, metallic, little bit shiny. White.

Taste if it has one is bitter, acidic.

Guy in a red overall or jumpsuit, workers and hardhats maybe.

Construction site or missile site maybe?


Small, like a cubic inch. Star, pointy cristallike shape.

Rough jagged surface, Big total surface area compared to size.

It tastes cold.

Light blue.

No activity.

I think something with ice or snow.


Big, open. Still feels like a landscape view.

Horizontal lines. Horizon.

Soft, liquid like texture.

Tastes salt.

Blue and yellow.

People walking, windsurfing, but that´s probably because I think it has to do with the sea.
edit on 19-4-2012 by RandomEsotericScreenname because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 10:13 AM
Ok. You guys got some hits!

If you just try and think of a small puzzle piece of data and then immediately begin to pay attention to the impressions coming in your chances of success are much better.

Example: Is the target very small, small, the same, large, very large, or massive in size compared to myself?
Then you should have a strong feeling for that answer.

Then move on to the next small puzzle piece of data. Notice here we are breaking down the target in the smallest descriptive elements we can. We are not trying to get an overall picture until the end.

The easiest way as a beginner is to have these questions already written out for you. You do NOT want to stop in the middle of your session and have to think "ok, what question should I ask next?" ...why? ... because this is an analytical function of your mind and receiving perceptions and impressions of the data is not. We want to limit actual thinking as much as possible and stay in the 'feeling' zone.

Also keep in mind that you WILL have erroneous data mixed in with the good stuff. That one bad 'hit' can lead your analytical mind to jump to a conclusion about the target. You see, the mind is constantly trying to figure things out. If it does not have enough data it WILL generalize and guess using imagination to fill in the pieces.

As an example. If the target was a piece of Stonehenge and you missed the relative size data, you could be stuck thinking it's a paperweight because they are the same shape and then your mind could trick you and give you an image from your vast memory of a desk you saw 20 years ago with a paperweight on it. Then that data can create all kinds of noise for the rest of the session.

Last, the Intelligence and Military RV community had entire teams doing this. They would have a group send their target data to a third party to judge the sessions. The judge would look to see what pieces of data that are common to all sessions and only minimally consider other data. In this way, a single session may only have 30% accuracy, but combining the common elements of all the group it may actually be about 80%+ correct in the end.

The point is you should feel happy about having even just a few hits in any given session. The chance of being 100% correct is very very very ... low.

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 10:22 AM

Originally posted by Epirus

3817 - (This target was a miss for you) Actually Many of these would be hits for the second target 4767
Oval or Rectangle
Small relative to me
No taste
Possibly sharp
A knife, file or letter opener

4767 -
Large relative to me Correct
Blue? Why the question mark? Good hit!! this is the main color
Reflective Very good hit!
Strange shape (drawn on paper) Ok, be descriptive if you can. Elaborate.
A bridge with cables or something over a body of water. I call this a hit even though some elements are incorrect here

9023 -
Small relative to me No
Blue or gold No
Something resembling the shape of a ballerina with her hands over head. Interestingly, this could be a hit. See my mind tricks description in the post above
Thumb tack? not sure. No

Imagination keeps popping up. I followed all the steps and then guessed.

edit on 19-4-2012 by Epirus because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-4-2012 by Epirus because: (no reason given)

Ok, Imagination...there is no stopping it, and the worst thing to do is ignore it for two reasons. One, your imagination may be correct, and two because imagination is like an annoying child. It will keep bugging you if you ignore it.

Here is what you do. ANY imagination data should be written down in the corner of the paper. Then tell yourself you wrote it down so now you can move on with smaller session data. The benefit here is that if you were correct the judge of your data will see it.
edit on 20-4-2012 by Spirit Warrior 11:11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 10:38 AM

Originally posted by RandomEsotericScreenname
reply to post by Spirit Warrior 11:11

I may be wrong but I wasn´t trying to guess though. These were the first impressions I got and it´s hard to go back to outlines and colors and such if you already have a complete picture planted in your mind, but I´ll try again.
Yes. it's very hard to go back and generally you should not. I can post more practice targets later.

Edit, I see what you mean, I should just answer the questions step by step.

3817. Honestly it looks like you have the first and second target confused here. If this were 4767 you would have a few BIG hits.

Big tall towering. Tubular. Hit !! shape is not exactly correct though, but it depends on perspective. You could be correct if you were perceiving the internal structure.

Smooth suface, metallic, little bit shiny. White. Hit in part. Depends on what period in history you looked at. This is a target set-up error on my part. I'll explain later.

Taste if it has one is bitter, acidic.Hit

Guy in a red overall or jumpsuit, workers and hardhats maybe.Hit !! If you were to look at the site currently.

Construction site or missile site maybe? Close. You have the construction guy clouding your assessment here.


Small, like a cubic inch. Star, pointy cristallike shape.Would need your sketch to verify this description.

Rough jagged surface, Big total surface area compared to size. Hit !

It tastes cold. Hit!

Light blue. Hit!

No activity.Hit!

I think something with ice or snow. Very close. No exactly. You had the cold feel cloud this.


Big, open. Still feels like a landscape view. Perfect HIT !!

Horizontal lines. Horizon. Lines are a HIT !! Horizon, close.

Soft, liquid like texture. Soft could be a hit

Tastes salt. Maybe.

Blue and yellow. Ok, combine those colors into one and it's a hit

People walking would be a hit at the time. The rest is clearly due to an idea you had which was off.

Good session.
People walking, windsurfing, but that´s probably because I think it has to do with the sea.
edit on 19-4-2012 by RandomEsotericScreenname because: (no reason given)

Ok. About targeting correctly. I mentioned above that I made a small error in the targeting. If failed to mention that we should be viewing all these targets in the present. One seemingly amazing thing about RV is that you can get data from the past or the future just as easily as the present time.

So what I should have said is describe Target 3817 at the present time.
edit on 20-4-2012 by Spirit Warrior 11:11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 10:57 AM
reply to post by Spirit Warrior 11:11

Ok, that´s not bad at all. I actually did better with less information compared to the other threads I participated in, I think.

So what next, should we go further on this or are you going to show the pics?

Btw, this is kinda the shape I was thinking about with the star, pointy cristallike shape. Only the shape I thought of is more irregular and is pointier.

Also, what parts did I mix up exactly?
edit on 20-4-2012 by RandomEsotericScreenname because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 11:26 AM

Originally posted by RandomEsotericScreenname
reply to post by Spirit Warrior 11:11

Ok, that´s not bad at all. I actually did better with less information compared to the other threads I participated in, I think.

So what next, should we go further on this or are you going to show the pics?

Also, what parts did I mix up exactly?
edit on 20-4-2012 by RandomEsotericScreenname because: (no reason given)

You will see with the feedback. One issue is that I gave you three targets in one message so it could be expected that there may be some bleedthrough from other targets.
Your mind can and does take data on all targets at once so it's better if I just hand out one at a time, but due to time etc...I listed three. Keep that in mind. Remember the instruction that " I only want data related to this particular target to come to mind, all other data flows away from me and the target related data lingers". Say this like a mantra a few times at the beginning of the session. This is a basic 'program' for your mind so that you can separate the data more easily.

Your picture looks more like the last target BTW.

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 11:39 AM
Target Feedback

Target 3817

Khufu Pyramid, Egypt

Note: remember the timeline reference I noted. At one point in history this was smooth, with white, and had a metallic capstone. Some target data was correctly hinting at these elements of the past.

Target 4767

Hubble Telescope in orbit

Note: look at some of the target descriptions above. This target got hits by both. Shiny, metallic, reflective, large overall size, color blue, not much activity at the target, strange shape, body of water, structure, jagged shape.

The star like shape could be correct from a head on view. It's possible that was a hit as well. But that description matches the next target more closely.

Target 9023

Crop Circle

Note: hits for this were big open landscape, horizontal lines, horizon, blue+yellow makes green, people walking at the target investigating, etc...

Now that you guys are getting hit how about a couple more targets?

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 12:03 PM
reply to post by Spirit Warrior 11:11

Wow, this is off course in retrospect but I did think of the pyramids briefly with the first target.

The Hubble pic does really look like the shape I had in mind, I think the 3d asterisk pic really resembles the shape when viewed head on like you mentioned. Also looks pretty tubular to me. edit, forgot, I said that about the first target.

I actually wanted to mention NASA when I said missile site, I had a vision of a launch pad, and the guy in the red overall and hardhats. Damn why didn´t I say NASA lol, that would´ve been quite the hit. I thought it would be too much imagination.

I have to admit that the third one is not at all what I had in mind, still some good similarities.

Jeah, let´s do more, one target at a time this time.

Btw, good job too Epirus!

edit on 20-4-2012 by RandomEsotericScreenname because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-4-2012 by RandomEsotericScreenname because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 12:13 PM
reply to post by RandomEsotericScreenname

This is why feedback is a MANDATORY requirement in training. You get to see that some of the impressions you got and didn't mention were actually correct. Also, this is why you want to write those down and let them out of your mind right after.

More targets to follow

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by Spirit Warrior 11:11

Just wondering, what is your relation to Remote Viewing?

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 12:26 PM
reply to post by RandomEsotericScreenname

I'm a student of RV.
I've taken some training, read most of the books, and listened to just about all the presentations and interviews. I joined the RV community a while back. The RV topics here at ATS have been bugging me in the way they were written. I would rather do something positive to set an example than simply complain.

If you are interested in gaining more experience there is a huge target list at DojoPsi ...also a forum and a community dedicated to RV.

By the way, the latest findings in RV are very promising. These guys focus on every day use of this like decision making etc... I encourage you to check it out if interested.

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 12:39 PM
reply to post by Spirit Warrior 11:11

Thanks, I sure will.

And how close would experienced RV´ers get compared to this?

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 12:40 PM
I'm issuing three more targets. Just use the target separation method I explained. It would be too time consuming to do singular targets. This way you get more practice and feedback.

Recommend everyone re-reads the information posts I have before tackling the targets.


Do the cool-down/relaxation technique of your choice until you are totally relaxed.

Before the session begins say this phrase a few times like a mantra “ I will now perceive only data that is related to the target. All other impressions and thoughts will flow away from me as if they were flowing down a river. Those impressions related to the target will seem to linger in my perception.”

Ask yourself each question. Right after that SAY “ I will now perceive …any colors related to the target” etc..

Should you get any flashes of images, even if they are a complete picture write it down. Then do your best to forget that image entirely and focus on small pieces of data. Tell yourself you do NOT want to know what it is until the last step.



1) Relative to myself is the target very small, small, same size, large, very large, huge?

2) Is there any color associated with the target?

3) Are there any sounds associated with the target?

4) What would the target taste like if I licked it?

5) Would the target feel hot or cold or have any temperature to it?

6) Is the target an object, a place, a natural scene, a person, an animal?

7) Are there any shapes relative to the target? List basic shape data.

8) If I were to sketch a very rough outline of the target what would it look like? Sketch it.

9) Does the target serve a purpose or have a function. Yes/no describe impressions.

10) Is there anything happening associated with the target?

11) Are there any emotions attached to the target? Examples: serene, anger, joy, sadness, etc..

12) If I were shown a picture of the target on a computer screen what would it look like in general? Sketch it.

Target 5897

Target 9963

Target 8564

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 12:47 PM

Originally posted by RandomEsotericScreenname
reply to post by Spirit Warrior 11:11

Thanks, I sure will.

And how close would experienced RV´ers get compared to this?

Tough to answer. Everyone has their own style. It's like a musical talent. They all have different styles of play and use different instruments...make sense?

They can range from off target, to good hits, to so dead on it's like they were describing the picture right in front of them. And the same viewer can have all of these results in seemingly random order.

Remember it's best to do as a group and pool the common results. This way your accuracy as a group is orders of magnitude better. Also, for decision making there are two targets with one being the desired result. A 'blind' third party would decide if the sessions were describing one target or the other and make that associated decision.

For example if Target 1 was an apple and Target two was a bridge.
We would say if the stock market is going to go up tomorrow I'll show you target 1, if down then I will show you target 2.

The R-viewers would be tasked to describe only the target they will be show in the future. This way you are, as a team, actually predicting what will happen in the future by picture association. It's fascinating and I'm sure you can see all the potential applications.

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