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Remembering The LA Riots and the Double Standard of the Race Issue and Gun Control

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posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 03:47 PM
WARNING: This video is extremely graphic.

Some of the youngins in the Occupy Wall Street movement and the Trayvon Martin Debate may not remember this. This is graphic footage of the break down of Law and Order. This is the potential outcome of an already toxic situation if politicians continue to attack the 2nd Amendment all while inciting race wars in America.

If according to Louis Farrakhan, the white man with blonde hair and blue eyes is the white devil, then what does that make these people?

Notice the two INNOCENT white men pulled from there trucks and beaten to a bloody pulp by a gang of thugs? Is this not a double standard? I'll bet you had they have been armed, this would have never happened. Example: Just look at the Asian store owners who were armed. See anybody beating them to a bloody pulp?


**ALL MEMBERS** The recent surge in Hatred, Racism, and Sheer Stupidity STOPS NOW
edit on Thu Apr 19 2012 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 03:56 PM
My wife's step father owned a restaurant that burned down in the riots, he actually had to shoot someone in self defense.

He packed up and left the area, having to let go his entire staff who where all from the community, he was in consoling for years afterwards as well.

This behavior only hurts the community and Ive never understood it, "Screw ____, lets go tear up our own neighbors"...

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 04:02 PM
having a gun doesn't make you safer unless you have the time to reach for it, detach safety and use the thing and with a large gang surrounding you they'll mob you and use your weapon on you if they get the jump

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 04:04 PM
America has been disarming the "undesirable" since its founding.

First is was the blacks. Government passed laws that kept them from arming themselves while Klansmen rode through trampling.

Not satisfied with the blacks they turned to the poor. Taxes and government mandated price fixing kept the poor from arming themselves.

Then the Chinese were targeted.

Now it's still poor people and minorities but they've added people with dubious psychological diagnosis and are trying to get an all-purpose "watch list" to throw anyone on.

And it's always the beautiful people against the peons.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 04:06 PM
you did not expound on a "double standard"; am i to assume since all you posted being it, that your version of double standard is that the la riots and the imagery of trevon having been shot being of equal parts causes and reasons for "self defense" as stand your ground supposedly is justification for?

and where do you stand on gun control? for everyone do you feel the same about gun rights? do you feel some people are criminalized for owning guns while some are not? do you feel guns need to be controlled?

most of your post was leading without a carrot but the image of the video you posted.

i get it now! gun rights just in case there is a double standard of the race issue and my rights of owning a gun be infringed.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 04:08 PM
I believe that replacing God with government is the cause of our social and moral degradation. When humans are just jumped up apes(referring to darwinism here), their lives don't have as much value as they did when they were considered beings created in the image of God. When it is ok to force others to surrender the fruit of their labors so that you don't have to labor the whole fabric of society is damaged. When relativism and situational ethics replace absolute morality, immoral actions have no "real" consequences, so why not kill, rape, steal, burn, destroy? If life has no greater meaning than "me right now", what other outcome do you expect?

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 04:09 PM
If you look at the stats on the LA riots you will see that black people actually killed more black people than they did white people during the whole thing. More black businesses were burned down than white businesses. THAT is the double standard.
white cops beat a black guy- OMG RACIST
black people kill,loot and vandalize black people and property- Justice
Silly isn't it.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 04:09 PM

Originally posted by Maxatoria
having a gun doesn't make you safer unless you have the time to reach for it, detach safety and use the thing and with a large gang surrounding you they'll mob you and use your weapon on you if they get the jump
I can get my weapon and begin discharging rounds in less time then it would take them to force my car door open.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by Maxatoria
having a gun doesn't make you safer unless you have the time to reach for it, detach safety and use the thing and with a large gang surrounding you they'll mob you and use your weapon on you if they get the jump

The large gang is going to attempt to injure or kill you no matter what. The point of owning a firearm for self defense is to have it on you and accessible should the situation ever arise. Don't worry, anybody that is familiar and has trained with their firearm knows how to disengage the safety quickly and effectively. For most it is as simple as flicking a switch...imagine that.
Nobody wants to use a firearm in self defense but its better to have and not need than need and not have.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 04:11 PM
This next video is an oath keepers video. But more importantly it shows how the people of Katrina were quarantined in their own city by the National Guard while guns were confiscated and why it will never happen again.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by DavidWillts
If you look at the stats on the LA riots you will see that black people actually killed more black people than they did white people during the whole thing. More black businesses were burned down than white businesses. THAT is the double standard.
white cops beat a black guy- OMG RACIST
black people kill,loot and vandalize black people and property- Justice
Silly isn't it.
What is really bad is that during the time of slavery and jim crow, blacks had very strong family and community ties. It took LBJ's "great society" to destroy that.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 04:13 PM
reply to post by Ausar

The double standard was the blacks pulling innocent white men and nearly beating them to death just because they were white, just in case you didn't get that.

And no I think all people should have the right to bear arms.
edit on 19-4-2012 by thehoneycomb because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 04:14 PM

Originally posted by DarthMuerte

Originally posted by DavidWillts
If you look at the stats on the LA riots you will see that black people actually killed more black people than they did white people during the whole thing. More black businesses were burned down than white businesses. THAT is the double standard.
white cops beat a black guy- OMG RACIST
black people kill,loot and vandalize black people and property- Justice
Silly isn't it.
What is really bad is that during the time of slavery and jim crow, blacks had very strong family and community ties. It took LBJ's "great society" to destroy that.

oh the irony...

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 04:18 PM
you still did not provide me with clarity that is sufficient. expound or state the standard not use 2 events and expect me to assume what you want here. im not white and im not racist; so expecting me to assume what you are claiming as a "standard" seems to be the issue.

your circling around an issue and being untruthful while presenting truths; if you feel as trevon adn the 2 white people in your video were racially profiled then i get your idea of double standard; all 3 (the 2 white guys and treyvon) should have been strapped(carrying an legal or illegal firearm).
edit on 19-4-2012 by Ausar because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 04:18 PM
Never buy a gun with a safety.

once your finger is on the trigger it should be very unsafe. Revolvers and some military and police automatics dont have the safety.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 04:23 PM
reply to post by Ausar

We have politicians making public statements without knowing all the facts, that and attacking gun control laws without knowing all the facts. Then black celebrities inciting violence and race wars. Thats the double standard.

It's ok when black people do it, but when a white person defends himself against another race it's a racist hate crime.

In the end it all leads to the same place, tyranny. Blacks will not be any more liberated and neither will whites.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 04:29 PM

Originally posted by Ausar
you still did not provide me with clarity that is sufficient. expound or state the standard not use 2 events and expect me to assume what you want here. im not white and im not racist; so expecting me to assume what you are claiming as a "standard" seems to be the issue.
Ok, let me help you. Black girl claims many white college guys attack her, jackson and other race pimps get up in arms demanding the boys be punished severely and immediately. The story later proves to be a lie. The race baiters are nowhere to be found, no hint of apology.

White people at a carnival attacked by group of blacks because they are white. The race baiters have nothing to say.

Hispanic man, looks white and is called white/jewish, shoots black thuggish man who is on top of him slamming his head into the ground and the O along with other professional racists decry the white man killing the young boy even posting a seven year old picture of the boy instead of the picture that makes him look like a thug. Local police and deputies determine there is no cause for charges to be filed until the great divider, the "messiah" demands punishment for the horrendous murder of this defenseless child.

I am not a racist. My children are bi-racial. The love of my life and my ex-wife are both African-American. This situation is totally screwed up. That is the truth.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 04:30 PM

Originally posted by Shadowalker
Never buy a gun with a safety.

once your finger is on the trigger it should be very unsafe. Revolvers and some military and police automatics dont have the safety.

The stupid US military requires a decocking lever and external safety.

Cops dont have the same requirements.

Cops moved away from external safeties in the 90's because of, ironically, safety reasons. Poor training, negligent discharges, improper holstering discharges, etc...

There are plenty of handguns on the market with no or at least a very obstructiveness safety like Glocks "safe-action" for example.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 05:20 PM
reply to post by thehoneycomb

I'm a liberal and I don't believe the LA riots were appropriate in any way, alot of innocent folks got caught up in it, it was a horrible event, many of the rioters showed their inhumanity that day.

I believe that Zimmerman should serve time, I believe he was careless in his actions and I haven't seen any evidence as of yet to demonstrate that Zimmerman was ambushed, that his life was really under threat for him to use that weapon, all we have are his claims. Witnesses claimed to have seen a fight go on, but this is it, along with Zimmerman's accounts of the incident.

If the courts rule that Zimmerman is innocent, I will not be happy at all as will alot of people, but I believe that we should respect the courts decision if this is the case. There will be many irrational people on both sides of this case.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 05:23 PM
reply to post by Southern Guardian

I believe your right. I hope whatever happens it is not influenced by public opinion. People should relax and let the justice system do what it is supposed to do.

Whatever the outcome, I think I'll be ok with it. As long as it is not used as a political agenda or race baiting issue.

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