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"A Prison For Your Mind"

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posted on Sep, 30 2004 @ 06:11 AM
Or maybe the NWO is just a convienent excuse for why thier lives are so pathetic, in my experience the less someone has the more people they find to blame.

[edit on 30-9-2004 by mwm1331]

posted on Sep, 30 2004 @ 06:26 AM

Originally posted by mwm1331
Or maybe the NWO is just a convienent excuse for why thier lives are so pathetic, in my experience the less someone has the more people they find to blame.

I wouldn't call the NWO a convenient excuse. A more convenient excuse to use if my life was "pathetic" would be..."My parents left me when i was 16".
I have never heard anyone blame the NWO for their own personal failures, only for the state of society in the western world.

posted on Sep, 30 2004 @ 06:28 AM

Originally posted by AllseeingEYE
Society has become the Matrix, most people go about their everyday lives blissfully unaware that they are slaves to the system.
Some people have woken up from that system, and can look at it objectively. Although they may have to jump in and out of it for certain reasons.
The role of those that have freed themselves, or been freed from the system is then to free others, or at least raise awareness of whats going on in the world.
Zion was the community of "the free", maybe this could mean internet communities of free minds, such as "Above Top Secret".
In a world where reality has become the prison, maybe virtual reality has become the only place where we are free....
Does anybody else agree?
If we are the ones who have freed our minds, what do we do know?

I hate cheap knock offs, but in this case, I can SEE you know what your talking about

I AM, THE ORIGINAL....................

posted on Sep, 30 2004 @ 06:31 AM
And thats my point. Think about it the "state of westen society" is the reason that the rich have everything and the poor are oppressed. After all its the evil corporations, and the big bad rich people who consign so much of the west to working in menial labor jobs for minimum wage right? And everybody knows that the corporations and the rch are just the tools of the NWO.

I think my dad put it best after I got fired from my first job he told me "there are two kinds of people in the world, those who make money and those who make excuses. Which type are you gonna be?"

posted on Sep, 30 2004 @ 07:07 AM

Originally posted by AllseeingEYE
Zion was the community of "the free", maybe this could mean internet communities of free minds, such as "Above Top Secret".
In a world where reality has become the prison, maybe virtual reality has become the only place where we are free...

Does this explain why people get addicted to the internet?
They feel free?
I'm asking because I have a sister whose been addicted to the internet for almost ten years now. She rarely goes out of her house, sleeps all day long, and then stays up all night long at her computer. She's kind've disconnected from reality I think. Her husband has to bring her everything she needs. She does'nt drive either. She has health problems from eating junk food at her computer, never exerciseing, and she hardly ever feels any sunlight. She looks like a vampire. Only has contact with the family when it's absolutely necessary or a special occasion.
Is she out of the "matrix'? Or just agoraphobic?

posted on Sep, 30 2004 @ 07:08 AM
Her husband needs to turn off her computer and drag her back into the real world IMHO.

posted on Sep, 30 2004 @ 07:12 AM
LOL. I think so too, but all he does is support her "habit". She'd kill him if he turned her computer off! I've seen that happen in the past. She goes nuts and starts screaming at him.

posted on Sep, 30 2004 @ 07:15 AM
All Seeing Eye, are you being sarcastic?

mwm1331, I thought you said the NWO was an excuse for the pathetic?

elaine, your sister needs to get out more.

posted on Sep, 30 2004 @ 07:21 AM
I was being sarcastic about "what everbody knows"
The quote was real though, I was 13 years old and didn't realise untill later than it was probably one of the wisest and most honest things my dad ever sad to me.

posted on Sep, 30 2004 @ 07:45 AM
I think you're free to do anything you want. It's not the freedom you have to worry about, it's the consequences you face if you exercise that freedom. Even free thinking minds often get ridiculed by others. That's because a lot of "free thinkers" are not of the norm. Society dictates what is "normal".
In the earlier post about b***slapping a waitress: Yes, you have the freedom to do that. But you get punished for that action later.
Society rewards what is considered "appropriate" and punishes what is considered "inappropriate".

posted on Sep, 30 2004 @ 11:16 AM

Originally posted by AllseeingEYE

Originally posted by Amelia
when I had no job, just after 911, I spent my days on the net focusing on the Illuminati, the masons, the secret projects, the aliens and soooo onn...

Why is it that people who are interested in aliens are also into these other topics? I suddenly became deeply into all these things around 18 months ago when i was unemployed. They must be connected, and play a major part in the evolution of mankind. (and womankind)

Originally posted by Amelia
Don't worry guys, something BIG will happen and that day the world will change 4ever...I'm so damn anxious for that day to come!

What do you believe is going to happen Amelia?

Hey..u guys are funny xxxxxx
In 2001, I was 21...I was unemployed I really LIKED it, but now I have a full time time job. Like you said, when u r unemployed, U have all your time to do some searching! That's the great thing, u r not in a BUBBLE of work-sleep-eat.

The other thing is, I would Like something big to happen!!!! Any thing that is unbeleivable, like for example ( earth shift, all computers brake down, aliens come down, earthquake...)or whatever that will make people realise that life is not MATERIAL only!!!

I love you friends

posted on Sep, 30 2004 @ 04:54 PM

Although I believe it all depends on life experiences, I think that this plays somewhat of a factor. Thoughts and views?

that is very true if i had not travelled to hell a couple years back i would most likely still be contentfully confined to my thought bubble. when you go to hell you can truely see the outcome of what this world will make of people. those are the people with meth labs in there basement, backpacks full of refer, and carry knives and guns around out of sheer paranoia.

mwm1331 those people have loads of cash, do you think they are happy? right now i have 65 cents and 3 golfland tokens. im as happy as clam.
granted my parents provide a roof over my head, and food in my stomach. the path i choose is dictated by my soul, not my government.

elaine you sister sounds just like my brother, he stays in all day and plays starwars galaxey. he is seriously the weirdest person i know. i try and open him up to some of the more serious issues in the world, it seems like in his own world these ideas do not even exist. he is so tuned out of this world and into the world in the computer nothing would ever affect him.

[edit on 30-9-2004 by sturod84]

posted on Sep, 30 2004 @ 09:47 PM
"I think my dad put it best after I got fired from my first job he told me "there are two kinds of people in the world, those who make money and those who make excuses. Which type are you gonna be?"

I agree with this. But there is a thrid option: move.

posted on Sep, 30 2004 @ 09:58 PM

Originally posted by taibunsuu
Then again, what if sites like ATS are encouraged to exist because they serve as a means by which the governments can get a feel for the state of public consciousness. If you display the attitudes that make you a possible non-comformist threat your IP is tracked to your physical location, your name found out, and you will be put on the round-up or extermination list.

My advice for the uber-paranoid: Observe only, have land waaay out in the country with a camoflauged bunker at the top of a hill with lots of free-fire zones around it. Be prepared to leave your house forever in 10 minutes at all times by having your backpacks and weapons pre-loaded in a closet by the door. As soon as the hammer falls, grab your stuff, jump in your 4x4, and head for your bunker.

[edit on 27-9-2004 by taibunsuu]

lol your funny.....i might need a plane to get faaaaaaaaaaaar away from the country.....and i dont think you can just go and buy weapons from any1 not dangerous

posted on Oct, 8 2004 @ 09:34 AM
MATRIX really exist will be beautyfull to contact brothers and sisters who consider themselves out of it just like me . so we share and litlle by litlle decide the next steps and help each other .not interested at all of non believers(OR WITH WHATEVER NAME THEY MASKING THE HUMAN S IGNORANS AND STUPIDITY) opinion s.- they are allready death anyhow .here we are the new beeings wanting only the truth and the freedom of ilusory sufrement for all our people (who wanna know) of course . ATENCION LOVE AND LIGHT (let s get together) ..... small gods gift.

posted on Oct, 8 2004 @ 12:49 PM

Originally posted by 1 1 1 3 p t a
MATRIX really exist will be beautyfull to contact brothers and sisters who consider themselves out of it just like me . so we share and litlle by litlle decide the next steps and help each other .not interested at all of non believers(OR WITH WHATEVER NAME THEY MASKING THE HUMAN S IGNORANS AND STUPIDITY) opinion s.- they are allready death anyhow .here we are the new beeings wanting only the truth and the freedom of ilusory sufrement for all our people (who wanna know) of course . ATENCION LOVE AND LIGHT (let s get together) ..... small gods gift.

If everyone would deny ignorance, love unconditionnaly and search for light...what would the world look like! The garden of eden again?!


posted on Oct, 8 2004 @ 08:30 PM
lol we could all walk around naked too right?

first things first, abolish the sinful behavior! we all are guilty in some form, i like to look at mormons and how ironicly sinful they are when they sloth around all day and watch TV. then i remind myself they are just confused

posted on Oct, 9 2004 @ 07:20 AM

In a world where reality has become the prison, maybe virtual reality has become the only place where we are free....

It seems that this is the ultimate goal of elites...however I see it unfolding somewhat differently than the system portrayed in the matrix trilogy.

Although it is not too farfectched an idea that the whole of human society could be systematcially enslaved in the near future by an Artifically Intelligent technology of our own design, it is far more likely that the same elite cartels which have been psychotically toying with peoples destinies through the centuries will be responsible for a method of total technological enslavement.

However, once AI and nanotech are combined into even a partially functioninal form all bets are off...self-assembling, self-organizing systems grow non-linearly....a situation like the "Skynet" from the terminator movies is not so far fetched either....We are already able to fabricate individual components of primitive nano-machines...all that is needed is to perfect a means of self-manufacturing, self-assmebling nano-machines which construct smaller nano-machines all of which are controlled by an advanced self-learning would be a situation where once we turn the machine on, we could lose the ability to turn it off within minutes, or even instantaneously once you throw quantum computers into the mix....

My point with relation to your quote is instead of an Amageddon type scenario as portrayed in T3 terminator series, it is more likely that a real brain-computer interface will be available within the next decade, and people will choose to fully immerse themselves in a VR or Matrix type environment by choice. Reality will just plain suck, so why not permanently escape into a VR world...after a while one just might forget about the existence of the real world....

[edit on 9-10-2004 by abdul]

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 04:43 AM
well spotted timUK, they guy has the eye of horus, and hes saying hes a knight of the rose croix, anyone except me know what that is (cant do the secret handshake over the net lol)

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 04:47 AM
incase no-one else knows a knight of the rose croix is an 18th degree mason,

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