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"A Prison For Your Mind"

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posted on Sep, 27 2004 @ 05:27 AM
Society has become the Matrix, most people go about their everyday lives blissfully unaware that they are slaves to the system.
Some people have woken up from that system, and can look at it objectively. Although they may have to jump in and out of it for certain reasons.
The role of those that have freed themselves, or been freed from the system is then to free others, or at least raise awareness of whats going on in the world.
Zion was the community of "the free", maybe this could mean internet communities of free minds, such as "Above Top Secret".
In a world where reality has become the prison, maybe virtual reality has become the only place where we are free....
Does anybody else agree?
If we are the ones who have freed our minds, what do we do know?

posted on Sep, 27 2004 @ 05:43 AM
I have an idea of what it means to be free. I have an idea of how to get there. But im still a slave to the system. Im still apart of that "matrix". Do you honestly believe you are not?...because you belong to an online commnunity. I would think it would be more along the lines of reaching enlightment through meditation and other such practices, and moving to a different part of the world where you are able to freely act out your enlightment without the burdens of society (living in such away that you are also not a burden to society...or the planet). But what do I still plugged in.

Edit: as far as assuming the responsibility of freeing others. Humans are social creatures, so just exploit the very power that created the "matrix". Lead by example...

[edit on 27-9-2004 by Lucid Lunacy]

posted on Sep, 27 2004 @ 06:13 AM

Originally posted by Lucid Lunacy
Im still apart of that "matrix". Do you honestly believe you are not?...because you belong to an online commnunity.

I believe i am a lot less involved with the system than most.

Originally posted by Lucid Lunacy
I would think it would be more along the lines of reaching enlightment through meditation and other such practices....

I practice meditation and other esoteric studies.

Why would you consider yourself to be still plugged in?

posted on Sep, 27 2004 @ 06:49 AM
Then again, what if sites like ATS are encouraged to exist because they serve as a means by which the governments can get a feel for the state of public consciousness. If you display the attitudes that make you a possible non-comformist threat your IP is tracked to your physical location, your name found out, and you will be put on the round-up or extermination list.

My advice for the uber-paranoid: Observe only, have land waaay out in the country with a camoflauged bunker at the top of a hill with lots of free-fire zones around it. Be prepared to leave your house forever in 10 minutes at all times by having your backpacks and weapons pre-loaded in a closet by the door. As soon as the hammer falls, grab your stuff, jump in your 4x4, and head for your bunker.

[edit on 27-9-2004 by taibunsuu]

posted on Sep, 27 2004 @ 01:02 PM
As a self proclaimed "Individual" I have pondered this many, many times.

As I believe that I have broken most of my bond to the "matrix" that we all exist in.

"To exist in the system, and yet not be part of it."

Would be my current view.

See, I think we can agree that if this "matrix" does exist outside of our own perception, that it is a control mechanism. It's the control of your life via many aspects that society has been engineered to deem as required or necessary.

I've also spent a lot of time trying to wake people up to certain things. I've found that some can wake up with enough effort, but that others hold such a desire to "belong" inside the confine, that they can hate you for altering their perception, even if only slightly.

At the end of the day, the question that I ask myself is:
"Is it a curse or a privalidge to see the system this way?"

What do you think it is? If there are those who see this system of control, what responsibilities are bestowed upon them?

Have we really awoken? Or are we just in a slightly different control mechanism now? If we are just in a more advanced form of control, is there any way to break free of this?

Your thoughts, please.

My advice for the uber-paranoid: Observe only, have land waaay out in the country with a camoflauged bunker at the top of a hill with lots of free-fire zones around it. Be prepared to leave your house forever in 10 minutes at all times by having your backpacks and weapons pre-loaded in a closet by the door. As soon as the hammer falls, grab your stuff, jump in your 4x4, and head for your bunker.

Heh, hi again taibunsuu, we seem to circle the bowl together on some things indeed.

You're quite a salty one aren't you? I respect that. And I also agree with your above words. If you really want to be ready, that's some damn good advice. Some of it may be impractical for most, but the theme there could still be observed. Great stuff man


Oh, and sorry you got that warning for that post too man, nobody believed the boy who cried wolf either though, so maybe it's just a divine since of karma?


[edit on 27-9-2004 by Xatnys]

[edit on 27-9-2004 by Xatnys]

[edit on 27-9-2004 by Xatnys]

posted on Sep, 28 2004 @ 04:28 AM

Originally posted by Xatnys
At the end of the day, the question that I ask myself is:
"Is it a curse or a privalidge to see the system this way?"

What do you think it is? If there are those who see this system of control, what responsibilities are bestowed upon them?

I think its fate. How did you end up viewing society this way? Something (im not sure what) suddenly changed the whole direction of my life.
Our responsiblities would surely be to spread knowledge and the truth.

posted on Sep, 28 2004 @ 06:26 AM

I think its fate. How did you end up viewing society this way? Something (im not sure what) suddenly changed the whole direction of my life.

I was reading this thread with intrigue because i too believe in an event or action (good or bad) to happen which enables you to have an awakening or altered perception of "the matrix".
On a similar note I strongly beleive that there is no such thing as coincidence and once you become more open to life and the little things, you see evidence of it more frequently and all around you.
For me it was a motorbike accident, im fine now but ever since that I have seen things in a new light and become more open.

...Escape from from your prison*

posted on Sep, 28 2004 @ 06:30 AM
How do you see the world now?

posted on Sep, 28 2004 @ 06:36 AM
I see it needs change...(I wish i could put all I feel in writing)

One thing I see for certain is life is way too short and there is such an abundance of knowledge and things to learn out there it is a waste to carry on living day-in day-out.

posted on Sep, 28 2004 @ 06:37 AM

Originally posted by AllseeingEYE
Society has become the Matrix, most people go about their everyday lives blissfully unaware that they are slaves to the system.
Some people have woken up from that system, and can look at it objectively. Although they may have to jump in and out of it for certain reasons.
The role of those that have freed themselves, or been freed from the system is then to free others, or at least raise awareness of whats going on in the world.
Zion was the community of "the free", maybe this could mean internet communities of free minds, such as "Above Top Secret".
In a world where reality has become the prison, maybe virtual reality has become the only place where we are free....
Does anybody else agree?
If we are the ones who have freed our minds, what do we do know?

So why exactly should we listen to you?

especially as you have the sign of the Illuminati as your avitar?


posted on Sep, 28 2004 @ 06:40 AM
having a free mind is not the same as being free. if you contribute anything to the system you are still part of it.

im sure the gov would love for all dissenters to try and enlighten themseleves out of this mess, sitting at home breathing funny..... the end result is is that they would lose a lot less people that way....

posted on Sep, 28 2004 @ 06:48 AM

Originally posted by NuTroll
having a free mind is not the same as being free. if you contribute anything to the system you are still part of it.

im sure the gov would love for all dissenters to try and enlighten themseleves out of this mess, sitting at home breathing funny..... the end result is is that they would lose a lot less people that way....

Exactly Nutroll...

People who think they are free are in fact fooling themselves.

The only way to be truely freed is to not exsist in the eyes of the system. and to do that you would have to never act upon the system or you would indeed become part of it.


Having had an awaikening myself very recently I would say that there is some truth in what is happening in the modern world. it appears more people are feeling the same way. I wonder if this is because media (even if it is controled) is making people see the lies far more easily.

My truth is the one truth but so is yours..... Life is a strange system but the truth is we are all the stars of our own stories and everyone else is just an actor. We all have the power in ourselves to do and achieve anything our heart desires.

It's not them that stops us it's ourselves....

Positive thinking and fluid mind are key to happiness in this world.

In the next world it maybe somthing different but I'm not there yet so why worry about it.

Hope you all understand what I'm trying to get at here.

All the best,


posted on Sep, 28 2004 @ 07:10 AM
I believe Jesus spoke about the matrix when he said "..Be in the world but not of the world.."

my opinion is knowing about the matrix is burdensome. it doesn't free you of anything - it just adds another burden to your mind.

there is bliss in ignorance.

As Morpheus said "i can only give you the truth i never said it would be easy"

posted on Sep, 28 2004 @ 07:14 AM
Tim UK74, you dont have to listen to me, im just sharing my opinion. My avatar is not the sign of the illuminati, its the eye of horus, an egyptian symbol. Look up what it means.

Nutroll, it would be impossible to live in the uk and not be a part of the system. It is possible to to have a free thinking mind, and view the system for what it really is. Also with a free mind you can be aware of how your actions, and the way you live your life, contribute to the system.

I would describe a "slave of the system" as someone who does not question their life. Goes to work for a large company everyday (making someone else rich off your labours). Blindly follows clever marketing and advertising into doing other than what they truly desire. And ultimately dies having never acheived their potential.

posted on Sep, 28 2004 @ 07:44 AM

Zion was the community of "the free", maybe this could mean internet communities of free minds, such as "Above Top Secret".
In a world where reality has become the prison, maybe virtual reality has become the only place where we are free....
Does anybody else agree?
If we are the ones who have freed our minds, what do we do know?

Even those in Zion were not "free" from fear. In fact their entire lives revolved around struggle. They weren't even free from fear in virtual reality (better hope somebody pulls the USB port out of the back of your head before someone tries to do you in). Awareness is probably a more accurate description (in my opinion) of the condition. Even on-line, you still have fear: fear of your identity being stolen, fear of being banned, fear of being targetted by a malicious hack, etc. Even in a community such as ATS, there is a great deal of awareness as well as fear. There are different levels of fear, and most of them are masked by awareness.

I think most people are afraid of true freedom and prefer to live in the illusion of freedom. The comforts of going to the job day after day, logging online, having the luxuries of supermarkets, shopping malls, schools, gas stations which keep our cars running; all of these things have divorced the populations of modern society from being self-sufficient. Yet you wouldn't have any of them if we weren't slaves to the system (so to speak). Even the majority of the Egyptian peoples were slaves. It is a historical constant for the bulk of any population.

Its a tradeoff. The benefits of being a slave to the system outweighs the apparent costs- because the majority have never been forced to experience the costs.

Just some thoughts,

posted on Sep, 28 2004 @ 07:44 AM

Originally posted by AllseeingEYE
Tim UK74, you dont have to listen to me, im just sharing my opinion. My avatar is not the sign of the illuminati, its the eye of horus, an egyptian symbol. Look up what it means.

Yes the eye of Horus.... also known as the Sign of the Illuminati... You look it up for yourself, I don't have time to read what I already have studied for 20 years....

posted on Sep, 28 2004 @ 07:45 AM
To AllseeingEYE I ask...

As this is under the NWO topic, do you feel there is a link between people knowing of "the Matrix" and secret society's?

posted on Sep, 28 2004 @ 08:45 AM
Tim uk74, i'll save you some time.
The Eye of Horus
The Illuminati Symbol

Sorry Zenem im not quite sure what you mean. I think there is a link between secret societies and the New world order if thats what you mean?

MKUltra, yeah your right. Awareness would be a better description. Im not sure about the fear part. I dont fear those things you mention. "Even on-line, you still have fear: fear of your identity being stolen, fear of being banned, fear of being targetted by a malicious hack, etc."
I would also say that fear is eliminated by awareness.

posted on Sep, 28 2004 @ 08:55 AM

Originally posted by AllseeingEYE
Tim uk74, i'll save you some time.
The Eye of Horus
The Illuminati Symbol

Huh? isn't that what I just said? It's the same thing.... Eye of Horus is The Iluminati symbol....

Anyone else wanna explain to Allseeingeye what I am saying is true here????? Cause I think cause only I am saying so he is not believeing.

posted on Sep, 28 2004 @ 09:02 AM
The Eye of Horus is an Egyptian Symbol of protection from evil. Thats my avatar.

The Eye on the pyramid is associated with the illuminati. There is no pyramid on my avatar.

They are both different.
Anyway, i have no affiliation with THE Illuminati, so your original comment is invalid. "So why exactly should we listen to you? especially as you have the sign of the Illuminati as your avitar?"

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