What I think is hilarious about the "anyone but Obama" camp, is that they believe corporate shill Romney is going to be some kind of improvement. Has
anyone seen the latest video of his hand-picked picnic table debacle? They hand-picked Republican teachers to sit with him to discuss their issues at
this picnic table, and every single one of them agreed that sometimes taxes need to be raised for education, and this is one of those times. I say
again, these were hand-picked Republicans he sat down with. These people sat there and told them of their problems, and he had zero answers for
That wasn't even the scary part. What bothered me the most was that Romney looked like some kind of fish out of water the whole time, or as was said
by someone else, he looked like he was visiting an alien planet. This guy has exactly zero connection to anyone approaching an average citizen. He
has no idea what is going on in your life, or the lives of anyone else who isn't on par or better than him in financial wealth. What is it about
Republican politicians that so many of them look dead behind the eyes? This guy and his hissy-fits will be a disaster for this country in my opinion.
Two steps back, at least.
This one incident isn't the only reason I would never vote for Romney, but it sort of puts things in a nutshell. Also, as someone who deals in data
and logic as a 20-year IT professional and programmer, I've looked at the data. There is an abundance of it available online, and you can
cross-references sources. Most of the sources I've looked at are official US data. Anyone who is trying to pin this economy on Obama, anyone who
believes he has control of gas prices, or the ability to correct decades of bad financial decisions in government and the private sector, is either
willfully ignorant, or a liar. To pin everything that led us up to the point we are at now on him is a joke, as is the notion that decades of bad
decisions can be reversed by the policies of a single sitting President. This stuff started WAY back right after we recovered from the Great
Depression. Right about the time we started deregulating banking again. Where we are now is the result of multiple decades of exploitation of the
financial sector.
The data is out there readily available for anyone who has an open mind and a shred of honesty in their hearts to see that this recession was a long
time coming, and Obama walked right into it. I know it's common for people to ignore the facts and vote with their emotions, or vote with party lines
because their daddy told them which party they belonged to when they were kids, but ignoring the facts doesn't make them go away.
I have my own issues with some of Obama's decisions, but I also fully understand how congress works, how corporate lobbying, crooked politicians and
wealthy "elite" have been raping this country for decades. Now we are paying the price for our ignorance.
I'm sorry, but Robot Romney is not the guy for me, and I'd much rather let Obama finish a second term than allow a shill like Romney who has no clue
how the average person in this country is living, and worse, he couldn't care less. Anyone who believes education should continue being cut at a time
where this country is slipping further and further into global educational obscurity is an idiot, and that's just for starters. Ask yourselves what
this country is going to offer the world in the future in the face of giants like China and India with their billion+ populations, if we can't even
educate our children. Has anyone been reading about how there is a shortage of scientists and engineers going through schools now? Will our military
be our only relevance?
Do some real research about what is going on in this world, and stop voting like mindless zombies along party lines. Five years ago now, I dropped
party affiliations and became a non-partisan citizen because I can no longer tolerate the blind leading the blind to the voting booths. How
liberating it was to no longer have that label on me, and it allowed me to honestly look at each issues and vote based on my own decision making
process. That's exactly what politicians don't want you to do. Divide and conquer works much better for them.
edit on 19-4-2012 by JeepEscape
because: (no reason given)