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10+ Reasons Not To Re-Elect Obama

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posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 07:02 PM

Originally posted by SaturnFX

Originally posted by sageofmonticello
reply to post by sealing

You have to purchase auto insurance if you want to drive, not if you simply want to live in this country.

Most everyone will use the health services of the flaws in life is that we eventually start breaking down...and when that happens, someone calls an ambulance.

Auto Insurance is required only if you plan on using the road...however, if you 'accidently" had to drive, your not exempt from requiring insurance...
People don't plan on getting sick...but people do, everyone does..not a single person has ever not gotten sick and ultimately died from it..batting 100% here. So, until such a time as disease, sickness, accidents, and death is overcome, then its fair to say there is a very high percent chance (like 99.99) that you, me, and everyone else will be using the hospitals, emergency rooms, etc. mandates seems to be very comparable to auto insurance mandates

You should look up 'freeman' before claiming you have to have auto insurance.
Or something in that variation. You don't always HAVE to have it.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 07:56 PM

Election Process is RIGGED – There is no “Vote” The puppet we call the “President” is appointed by the organized crime cartel. It is a giant HOAX. The fact is that we the people have never really voted in our entire collective lives for anything more than an increasingly more transparent puppet show. -Clint Richardson LINK

Originally posted by RealSpoke
I can't believe some of these people that think Romney will be any different than Obama. Stop living in the MSM fantasy that there is. LINK

The above quote is the closest thing to the truth as anything else I have read in this thread, WHY only one single star? Should have been massive stars: "MSM fantasy" explains the vast MAJORITY of the responses in this thread. It wouldn't matter if we had JFK, Abe Lincoln, George Washington, or even Superman to vote for. They would simply find a way to snuff them out exactly like all the others that stood up for what is RIGHT. Someone PLEASE tell me that faux "news" is still not taken seriously by ATS'ers. Two quotes come to mind, the first written by me in another thread, the second is a random YouTube quote:

Originally posted by Murgatroid
Because you have been "programmed" to believe LIES your entire life... Until you come face to face with REALITY and understand that everything you know is a lie, you will NEVER be entirely convinced of the truth.

"People choose ignorance on purpose in order to feel comfortable. It is basically an indication of weakness, and we live in a country of very week minded people. Our minds have been weakened by media overload and from the soft living of modern life."

I am SERIOUSLY having a hard time with the absolute deception that some of you are showing about how this nation is controlled. I know that MANY of you are seriously convinced that most here are total shills. I don't know about that personally but it's becoming very clear by what is being written in this thread WHY they believe this. How many of you are TRULY looking for the TRUTH?

Originally posted by xxSouthernGirlxx
It really doesn't matter who you vote for. We do not pick the president. We haven't in a very, very long time.

I would have agreed with you SouthernGirl up until I read this a few days ago:

"God had spoken to me and said, "Since America wants wickedness and wants evil, I will give it to them until they choke to death on it. I will also give them wicked leaders after their own wicked hearts. Since they no longer find it fit to acknowledge me any longer I will turn them over to their own wicked devices."

Everything that has gone on in this country for decades screams out that this is the truth. Some of you like xuenchen, RealSpoke, SouthernGirl seem to have a solid grasp on reality. I do agree with RealSpoke about one thing though: people like Gary Hubbell that believe Obama is the savior of America absolutely boggles the mind KNOWING how completely deceived these people are. It is truly one of the saddest things I have ever seen in my life. Two examples:

Gary Hubbell: The Redneck tree hugger says Obama is savior of America’s future
Excerpt: "Barack Obama is the best thing that has happened to America in the last 100 years. Truly, he is the savior of America’s future. He is the best thing ever." LINK
< br />

Obama as Savior - "I disagree that Obama is a different person that he said he was. I still believe he is a man of integrity and has attempted to do more in his first year in office than any president since FDR. I can't even imagine what our lives would be like today if he hadn't won and instead we had McCain/Palin in the white house. Now that is a sobering thought indeed." LINK

Evidentily they've never read the Bible where it talks about the "Obamination of Desolation" standing "where it out nought to". Obama is a man who is at war with God and has declared war with God and his servants.
edit on 19-4-2012 by Murgatroid because: I felt like it..

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 08:07 PM

Originally posted by nenothtu

Originally posted by SaturnFX

... created a improvement of healthcare (still incredibly and woefully short of anything sensible or effective mind you..damn republican plan of nothingness), ...

"Republican plan" my ass.

I detest what Republicans have become, but at least be honest and give them their due. In the house, exactly ONE Republican voted yea on it. ALL of the rest voted nay.

in the 90s, The Clinton administration tried to pass a universal health care system.
The GOP refused this, and instead offered up a mandated health insurance counter to it.

It was their plan, Deal with it. You say you don't like what republicans have become? interesting, because year after year, they are becoming more and more fringe right. And the Dems are taking up old platforms of the former republicans. So..I guess your a Democrat now.

Know history...believe it or not, stuff did happen before Obama took office, and the disingenuiousness of the republicans today betray what they not only suggested, but fully wrote up and stood behind just a few years ago.

Don't like the republican party today? meh, wait 10 minutes,

Enjoy reading about your past

I personally want a unversal/single payer system, neither side got what they want...the "new" republicans don't like the old republican idea of the individual mandate, instead keep things same ole same ole (aka, let our taxes pay for unpaid hospital bills as usual) and the older school Dems want it simply absorbed from the front through a tax fee, and everyone is covered..then we don't have to even discuss health care anymore.

Life, Liberty, and the persuit of happiness. Frankly, I would rather my tax dollars going towards curing someones cancer verses making a bomb to help out some company..just my view on things.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 08:47 PM
I want it to be clear that my response to you here is not for the purpose of stirring up anger, hatred, or frustration for anyone. I am simply offering a different view, and your view is just as valid as mine. Your view is rightly more valid for you than mine is.

Originally posted by sageofmonticello
First and foremost.. I think it is necessary to point out that this is not a Pro Romney Argument. Romney and Obama are two peas in the same pod.
I agree. They are two clown-puppets competing for the role of Punch.

I urge each and every one of us to vote third party this election cycle and end this two party monopoly on American governance.
Here I disagree. Whoever wins the election will only be permitted to do the will of the Real Authority, just as the current string of villains is doing. When you fight Authority, Authority always wins. You might point to your hero, Jefferson, as an example of one who stood up to tyrants, but what he did was in full cooperation with the Real Authority. He was not a monarchist, an oligarch or a plutocrat. He was the servant of the Will that controls things in this universe. You have to back up to get a larger perspective of what he was doing to see that. I am sure you have done so to a great degree. What I see is that all leaders of men are the same. They all serve the One. How much more, then, do we also all serve the One?

There is no "lesser evil" there is only two people who pander to different people yet have the same views when it comes to their voting record.
I don't see AN evil. I see a long procession of men, serving the Creator, dishing out the necessary suffering to humankind. Suffering, as I have been made aware in this life, is one of the best teachers one can have. In fact, in my whole life, I cannot look back on one bit of suffering I have enduredthat did not benefit my character. How about you?

In 2012, lets throw a wrench in their plans. Lets write in candidates, vote 3rd party and reclaim the ability to actually choose our leaders. Please urge everyone you know to do the same.
I agree here. I think it would be awesome if everyone were once and for all disabused of the idea that choosing your leader equates to choosing (and getting) the kind of life that you want to live. People need to be their own leaders, and I can think of no better way to encourage that than complete disillusionment with the political process.

Without further ado here are my 10 reasons not to vote for Obama this election cycle. [...]

Obama has added $6 trillion to the national debt in his one term.
how better to alert humanity that money is a fraud, and usury is a compound fraud?

NDAA. Indefinite military detention, no attorney, no trial.[...]
Frankly, I would rather any day be in the hands of the military (being a former military man myself) than in the hands of the mercenary corporate prison system.

He signed an extension to the patriot act despite running on a platform that attacked the Patriot act and promising that if the extension crossed his desk he would not sign it.
He is only doing as his masters dictate, and his masters answer to the Master of the universe. Perhaps the pressure of unjust, fictitious corporate rules is being upped in order to encourage humanity to be more self-responsible?

Libya. Obama authorized military action in Libya (otherwise known as war) without consulting congress, this alone is an impeachable offense in my eyes. His reasons for not consulting congress, he wanted to legitimize the UN... His words.
I see this as yet more of the same... idiocy committed in the name of waking humanity. What people tolerate, they endorse. Americans tolerated this. I am not an American. I am a human being. I did not endorse that action. I fired the gov't some time ago (see sig)

Obama care. No other president in the history of the country has ever assumed that they have the power to force american citizens to purchase a product. The federal government obviously does not have this power.
so what are you going to do about it?

Obama has authorized the use of military drones to attack country's we have not declared war with. We are killing innocent people with these drones in Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia and only god knows where else.
what do you mean "We", kimosabe?

Despite Obama claiming to be against SOPA, he went ahead and signed ACTA.
and you were expecting..?

The Bailouts.
what a perfect illustration of a scam. I think they were great. they got my attention pointed in the right direction. I am now free. How was this a disservice?

The seizure of GM and Chrysler, the transfer of bondholder wealth to unions, and the dumping of the GM stock at a loss
Just pushing to see what Americans will put up with (which is a lot).

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 09:04 PM

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000
I'll agree with you...but add a caveat. We definitely have to vote out Obama. I agree. No question. The future of our nation is decided by the vote in Nov and that is sure no understatement this time around. However......

Real power is in Congress.

Often, the Presidential election is a distraction from that.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 09:06 PM

Originally posted by TheTardis

Bush didnt break anything. Was he perfect? No but better than what we have now and way better than Clinton who was impeached. He was handed a pretty bad lot from Clinton. He put more money in our pockets and gas prices were lower. No other president had the kind of problems to deal with that he did. 9/11 was a nightmare. I cant imagine how Gore or Obama would handle that mess.

And the true GOP partisanship shines through!

It's funny to me how many who claimed to not like Bush are now lining up behind Romney.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 09:21 PM
I second this motion!Vote every incumbent out of office! My Presidential vote will be for "NoBama" I'll be using the write in vote, I'll be damned if they'll narrow my choice to the lesser of THEIR two evils.

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000
I'll agree with you...but add a caveat. We definitely have to vote out Obama. I agree. No question. The future of our nation is decided by the vote in Nov and that is sure no understatement this time around. However......

With Obama...Please, as you note by saying write-ins, lets make sure every incumbent of either party who has been there more than 2 years, is shown the door. I don't care if he's the dear old grand dad of your political district and everyone just loves HIM while hating everyone else. Everyone feels that way, it seems, so everyone gets re-elected.

Lets toss Obama...but EVERY office holder as well, right behind him. House members come up every 2 years and Senate comes up on alternate elections every 6 per term. That means we have only 4 years and 2 elections to effectively flip the House right down to the last rotten member. Seniority makes no difference when the vote doesn't work.
The Senate takes a bit longer...but within a fairly short time we can have *EVERY* current Office Holder OUT...if people will just knock off the 'everyone BUT my guy is bad' garbage. They ALL have to go.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 09:23 PM
Romney and Obama are going to go at it, but I remember when speeches made good elections - Not money. If a government is given only as much power as the people give it, the corporations owned by people are now taking control of the government. The middle class disperses, and suddenly you are either rich, or poor. I find it rather ironic that support for Ron Paul has severely declined (I meanSEVERELY) in comparison to last time. Is it because in a short couple years, the government has blocked all incorruptible free thinkers and demonized them?

I believe so.

America needs to wake up and see with their own unabridged eyes what is happening.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 09:25 PM

Originally posted by Mach5
I find it rather ironic that support for Ron Paul has severely declined (I meanSEVERELY) in comparison to last time. Is it because in a short couple years, the government has blocked all incorruptible free thinkers and demonized them?

What do you mean support for Paul has declined? He has more than doubled his vote in many of the the primaries this time around.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 09:28 PM

Originally posted by Nite_wing

Originally posted by SeventhSeal
I won't be voting because NONE of the candidates represent me.

Obama is a war president who signed away our civil liberties.

Romney is a flip flopping corporate shrill.

Gingrich won't win and thank goodness. He's the douche of the century.

Paul has no chance and even has some batsh*t crazy ideas.

Then you have just voted for Obama by not participating in the system. I would rather see you vote for him than not vote at all. I certainly don't want to see him win by default. Either way, you are accepting what we have now and are willing to go further into the socialist rabbit hole. It will be very dark down there. You are doing just what they are hoping for.
edit on 19-4-2012 by Nite_wing because: (no reason given)

Voting is an illusion.

You think you have a choice but you don't. Sorry if you feel voting actually helps anything.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 09:31 PM
reply to post by sageofmonticello

why don't you all just stop voting?

no matter who wins, we still lose.

so if nobody votes, they can't elect someone, but don't worry. they will. they will just "appoint someone"

but seriously, stop voting people! it only encourages them.

remember the hunger games? if there is nobody watching, they have no game.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 09:31 PM

Originally posted by SeventhSeal

Originally posted by Nite_wing

Originally posted by SeventhSeal
I won't be voting because NONE of the candidates represent me.

Obama is a war president who signed away our civil liberties.

Romney is a flip flopping corporate shrill.

Gingrich won't win and thank goodness. He's the douche of the century.

Paul has no chance and even has some batsh*t crazy ideas.

Then you have just voted for Obama by not participating in the system. I would rather see you vote for him than not vote at all. I certainly don't want to see him win by default. Either way, you are accepting what we have now and are willing to go further into the socialist rabbit hole. It will be very dark down there. You are doing just what they are hoping for.
edit on 19-4-2012 by Nite_wing because: (no reason given)

Voting is an illusion.

You think you have a choice but you don't. Sorry if you feel voting actually helps anything.


posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 09:34 PM

Originally posted by stanguilles7

Originally posted by Mach5
I find it rather ironic that support for Ron Paul has severely declined (I meanSEVERELY) in comparison to last time. Is it because in a short couple years, the government has blocked all incorruptible free thinkers and demonized them?

What do you mean support for Paul has declined? He has more than doubled his vote in many of the the primaries this time around.

Not really. The trend of supporting Paul has indeed decreased because the mainstream media really did succeed at throwing him out of the ignoring him.

In 2008 his popularity was through the roof. Hell, even Rage Against the Machine supported him. But this time around, we're really hearing some of his wacky ideas and losing a good chunk of his young fan base. He is doing "okay" in the primaries but not great....however in the general election, you'll see a large amount of Democrats and Independents come out and show their support for the guy. If anything, if I "HAD" to vote, it would be for Ron Paul but since I have a choice...

No thanks.

People really have lost hope in this upcoming election.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 09:37 PM

Originally posted by SeventhSeal

Originally posted by stanguilles7

Originally posted by Mach5
I find it rather ironic that support for Ron Paul has severely declined (I meanSEVERELY) in comparison to last time. Is it because in a short couple years, the government has blocked all incorruptible free thinkers and demonized them?

What do you mean support for Paul has declined? He has more than doubled his vote in many of the the primaries this time around.

Not really. The trend of supporting Paul has indeed decreased because the mainstream media really did succeed at throwing him out of the ignoring him.

In 2008 his popularity was through the roof. Hell, even Rage Against the Machine supported him. But this time around, we're really hearing some of his wacky ideas and losing a good chunk of his young fan base. He is doing "okay" in the primaries but not great....however in the general election, you'll see a large amount of Democrats and Independents come out and show their support for the guy. If anything, if I "HAD" to vote, it would be for Ron Paul but since I have a choice...

No thanks.

People really have lost hope in this upcoming election.

i know exactly what you mean! ALL the news just said "this guy in first place"

"this guy in second"

(and with ron paul in third )

"skip lololol and this guy in fourth place"

they literally pretended he did not exist.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 09:45 PM

Originally posted by SeventhSeal

Originally posted by stanguilles7

Originally posted by Mach5
I find it rather ironic that support for Ron Paul has severely declined (I meanSEVERELY) in comparison to last time. Is it because in a short couple years, the government has blocked all incorruptible free thinkers and demonized them?

What do you mean support for Paul has declined? He has more than doubled his vote in many of the the primaries this time around.

Not really. The trend of supporting Paul has indeed decreased because the mainstream media really did succeed at throwing him out of the ignoring him.

In 2008 his popularity was through the roof. Hell, even Rage Against the Machine supported him. But this time around, we're really hearing some of his wacky ideas and losing a good chunk of his young fan base. He is doing "okay" in the primaries but not great....however in the general election, you'll see a large amount of Democrats and Independents come out and show their support for the guy. If anything, if I "HAD" to vote, it would be for Ron Paul but since I have a choice...

No thanks.

People really have lost hope in this upcoming election.

Paul won FAR more delegates and straw poll votes this year than in 08. You seem to be basing your claim on the mainstream medias attention towards him than on the actual numbers. Here are just a few, from a Ron Paul own website

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 09:48 PM
reply to post by SoymilkAlaska

The media has ALWAYS pretend Paul doesnt exist.

But his popularity at the polls more than doubled this year

In nearly every state primary he received more than twice as many votes this year than 2008.

So, obviously, he is more popular this year than 2008.
edit on 19-4-2012 by stanguilles7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 12:57 AM

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher
reply to post by nenothtu

Negative. I will not be patronizing hospitals, nor will I be purchasing "health care insurance", mandate or no. Not gonna happen. I can die in bed at home just as comfortably as I can die in bed in a hospital, and quite a bit less expensively.

Nope, I'm not participating in your "health care" lotto in any form.

You get in a car accident, or are found unconsciouss will be participating in the hospital system.

You don't have a choice...sorry.

You may have missed the post where i said I don't drive any more. Car accidents are a vanishingly small chance for me.

Anyone who is likely to "find me unconscious somewhere" already knows my stance. If they override that, they can foot the bill for it - and hope like hell that I never recover sufficiently to put a boot in their ass for putting me into one of those godawful hospitals.

I would RATHER die first, and they damned well know it.

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 01:19 AM

Originally posted by SaturnFX

Originally posted by nenothtu

Originally posted by SaturnFX

... created a improvement of healthcare (still incredibly and woefully short of anything sensible or effective mind you..damn republican plan of nothingness), ...

"Republican plan" my ass.

I detest what Republicans have become, but at least be honest and give them their due. In the house, exactly ONE Republican voted yea on it. ALL of the rest voted nay.

in the 90s, The Clinton administration tried to pass a universal health care system.
The GOP refused this, and instead offered up a mandated health insurance counter to it.

It was their plan, Deal with it.

Of course it was. that would explain why they trampled each other in their eagerness to vote for it, as clearly demonstrated by the roll call vote.

You say you don't like what republicans have become? interesting, because year after year, they are becoming more and more fringe right. And the Dems are taking up old platforms of the former republicans. So..I guess your a Democrat now.

Nope, not a Democrat, either. From over here, the Republicans and the Democrats have both taken a huge lurch to the LEFT, not the right. I well remember life and politics before Obama, before Bush II, before Clinton, before Bush I, before Reagan, Before Carter, before Ford. Revisionist history does not impress me when pitted against what I've lived. Try again in a few years when we're gone, and there is no one left to oppose your books and web pages.

I personally want a unversal/single payer system, neither side got what they want...the "new" republicans don't like the old republican idea of the individual mandate, instead keep things same ole same ole (aka, let our taxes pay for unpaid hospital bills as usual) and the older school Dems want it simply absorbed from the front through a tax fee, and everyone is covered..then we don't have to even discuss health care anymore.

I already have a single payer health care system. if I see fit to see a doctor, there will be a single payer footing the bill - me. I don't need one issued by the government. Since I don't go to doctors (They KILL more people than even guns, you know!) it's not an issue.

I am sure as HELL not going to buy insurance, mandate or no.

Life, Liberty, and the persuit of happiness. Frankly, I would rather my tax dollars going towards curing someones cancer verses making a bomb to help out some company..just my view on things.

I don't care what the government does with their money after they extract it out of my pocket. They can burn it for all I care. next time you see a dollar, look for the makers marks - then you'll know who owns it. They can do what they want with their own stuff.

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 11:04 AM

Originally posted by sageofmonticello

Obama care. No other president in the history of the country has ever assumed that they have the power to force american citizens to purchase a product. The federal government obviously does not have this power.

Except Social Security insurance, Medicare Insurance, Unemployment Insurance...all purchased in every paycheck.

This is where you say, yes...but that is through the government and not private industry...and this is where I say that the Democrats desperately wanted to do it that way...and the GOP, Romney's crowd refused unless it was done through the private market.

So to now moan about it being forced to buy a "free market" product? I am with you and so is the President...let's socialize healthcare.

This seems the theme for the GOP. Demand that a iniative be bastardized before it is passed, then complain that it is basterdized.

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 12:25 PM

Originally posted by Indigo5

Originally posted by sageofmonticello

Obama care. No other president in the history of the country has ever assumed that they have the power to force american citizens to purchase a product. The federal government obviously does not have this power.

Except Social Security insurance, Medicare Insurance, Unemployment Insurance...all purchased in every paycheck.

This is where you say, yes...but that is through the government and not private industry...

No, this is where I say that if you're working for a paycheck, you've agreed to the deductions, and are already losing the battle for your freedom, and putting someone else in the driver seat of YOUR life... let's hope they don't take a wrong turn and wreck it, for they have no insurance!

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