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SECRET SPACE WAR - Which side are TPTB on? Which ALIENS do 'Star Wars' Satellites Target?

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posted on Nov, 17 2012 @ 05:21 PM

Originally posted by AndyMayhew
Aries means goat. It's one of the signs of the zodiac. Like Gemini. A constellation.

And Orion is also a constellation - an arbitary configuration of stars, of varying distances from Earth.

btw threads like these remind me of Monty Python's Galaxy Song "and pray there's intelligent life somewhere up in space. 'Cos there's bugger all here on Earth"

Well Andy, I don't think any of us were waiting for you to explain to us what a Constellation is nor what the origins of astronomy or astrology might be. Furthermore, if you take some time to educate yourself further, you might learn that when it comes to UFOs, Aliens and their various provenances, Constellations can be referred to by them or their human contactees to indicate where they originate from.

A given Star system situated within a given Constellation may serve to indicate what stellar orbit their planet is on, and in what direction they are located at from Earth. Sort of like pointing towards your hometown from another waypoint, so show where you're from. Didn't you ever see the movie E.T.? The alien there did exactly that. Measuring the exact distance to their specific star is another matter entirely.

Orion is a general indicative direction in space wherein one can travel millions of light years away across our galaxy and beyond. Of course there will be different distances between Earth and each of the stars composing its imaginary pattern as seen from our planet. However one can still say that Extraterrestrial Creatures might come from a planet near a star in said constellation without being inaccurate, even if imprecise. Orion is one of these Constellation from which certain Aliens are said to have come. Conclude whatever you wish for whatever reason you choose.

If also find you rather cynical when it comes to despising the brainpower available on our planet, for not all humans are as stupid as your post implies. Many people are a lot smarter than you given them credit for, but then again maybe you don't frequent them nor possibly you rarely give them the opportunity to conclude likewise about you?


posted on Nov, 17 2012 @ 11:15 PM
reply to post by Getsmart

oh lol.

Define 'truth' for me for starters.

Just because I disagree with your premise(s) doesn't mean I don't have an open mind, it's just not so open that it falls out.
Perhaps you're the 'psyops' candidate here. I've wondered this for a while now.

There are many factual, verified sources of information that I have brought to this site, not ones based on conjecture, general ignorance and misinformation as some are wont.

However, in my role as a representative of the Librans, I must try to retain some balance, but to state that there is an extraterrestrial space war occurring around the 'skies' of this planet is laughable. For you, as well as I know, that the Draco are only letting the 'stalemate' occur due to pity. They see no honour in fighting a foe that is so underpowered.

Oh, and the he(?) was genuinely because I don't know your gender and thus while I should have written the more inclusive 'she', I didn't want to assume. Fortunately my personal testicular fortitude is absolutely fine and appropriated for a man of my age, height, weight and strength. I have no gender issues, personal or otherwise, as my cohort of friends of many different persuasions would testify.

As you were, Specimen#13425090967543, from the planet Sagittarius

edit on 17-11-2012 by aorAki because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-11-2012 by aorAki because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 04:17 AM

Originally posted by aorAki

However, in my role as a representative of the Librans, I must try to retain some balance, but to state that there is an extraterrestrial space war occurring around the 'skies' of this planet is laughable.

Granted, you are entitled to laugh at whatever you please. However, many used to laugh at the world being spherical, so you're in good company.

Originally posted by aorAki

For you, as well as I know, that the Draco are only letting the 'stalemate' occur due to pity. They see no honour in fighting a foe that is so underpowered.

I don't know where your sources about the Draco are from. I have encountered one and fortunately was able to avoid direct communication. No force could bring me to do so unless it was verifiably restrained. So praytell where you get your information from? Sources... sources... sources... PLEASE. From my own contact with a Draco Warrior I honestly don't believe they have a sense of honor, such as may exist among a few rare humans. However it is strikingly apparent that they would hardly wish to trouble themselves by battling us when they can manipulate our elites into farming us for their gastronomic purposes. Hence there is likely a more worthy warrior race battling them and us in the skies?

Who exactly is engaged in the current Space Battle is anyone's guess? But that you, from the comfort of your armchair and the safety of your computer screen decide for everyone here at ATS that this cannot be the case is actually what we might all find laughable. Take some stock as to your credibility, here or elsewhere. Are you some obscure authority on Space Battles?

Just because you don't find enough supporting evidence to calm your cynicism, just because others don't research in your place and do all the hard work for you in ways which can sway your skeptical nature, does that entitle you to gripe and bemoan their failings??? You are invited to disbelieve, so why must you find it so compelling to proclaim for everyone that it cannot be true? What threatens you so - that you must STOP OTHERS from believing what they see fit to believe? Others may choose to believe differently from you. And if you have such strong convictions, why don't you start your own thread exposing exactly what evidence upon you found your conviction that NO SPACE WARS CAN EXIST ?


posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 12:12 PM
It would be great if those who are so sure that there are no UFOs, no aliens, no space war, etc, would provide proof or at least some evidence to substantiate their claims. Thanks.

Edit: What is kind of sad is that the naysayers aren't even educated enough in this topic to refer to the Condon or Robertson Reports. lol
edit on 18-11-2012 by someotherguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 12:24 PM
1978 Oct 21 - Frederick Valentich - Single Engine Cessna

20-year-old Frederick Valentich was flying a single-engine Cessna 182 airplane from Melbourne to King Island, 140 kilometres south. At 7:06pm Valentich radioed Melbourne Air Flight Service describing a large aircraft with four bright lights passing 300 meters above him and then “coming for him”. It had a long shape, a green light and a “sort of metallic light on the outside”. The object seemed to be stationary above him. Then it vanished. At about 7:10pm Valentich reported his engine was “rough idling and coughing”. [a]

At 7:12pm and 9 seconds, he reported, “Ah Melbourne, that strange aircraft is hovering on top of me again. It’s hovering and it’s not an aircraft”.

His final transmission at 7:12pm [and 49 seconds] was “Delta Sierra Juliet Melbourne” followed by 17 seconds of a loud metallic noise. An extensive search in Bass Strait failed to turn up any trace of the pilot or his plane. [a]

Just shortly before the tragic incident, a large metallic discoid UFO was photographed just off the southern Victorian coast not far from Valentich... [d]

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 01:08 PM
1983 Jul 22 [VIC] Two Constables, Sgt & Cheif Inspector

Constables Peter Furguson and Raymond Ellens were on patrol about two kilometers east of Melton At 12:40am when they sighted a bright stationary light over the centre of the town. As they approached, they saw that it consisted of two white lights...

The Army signal unit was alerted that their security had been breached. Earlier the object had briefly appeared on Tullamarine radar... At one stage there seem to be an apparent "backing up" of the UFO when a collision seemed imminent with the Rockbank aerial array. The slow speed involved while it seemed to be chasing the police at times and the curious aspect of the UFO seeming to "crash land" at one point and seemingly disappear into the ground make the case especially perlexing. Investigation suggested the crash was not a "dead ground" effect, but as if the object had been "absorbed" into the ground, and that possibly two objects were involved. The intelligence world was highly reactive because the Rockbank site was an Australian Signal Intelligence facility, where Defence Signals Directorate (DSD) monitoring occurs as part of our UKUSA SIGINT intelligence alliance. The site is linked with the nearby Watsonia facility which has direct satellite communications with the NSA and CIA. One might infer that the Melton UFO showed clear intent in its intrusion at the DSD Rockbank aerial array.

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 01:10 PM

Post by: aorAki
"but to state that there is an extraterrestrial space war occurring around the 'skies' of this planet is laughable."

::I say your face is laughable, tho I have not seen it -(base-less claims)::

Post by: aorAki
"the Draco are only letting the 'stalemate' occur due to pity."

::you must be a 'DRACO' to truly 'know' this eh?::

Post by: aorAki
"They see no honour in fighting a foe that is so underpowered."

::Is this "honour"(interesting spelling of the word - I will assume it's meaning similar to "honor") any different from that of the hunter and its prey??? Does the cattle find the act 'honorable' when it is forced unto a conveyor belt leading to a substantially sized grinder to be fed to the 'masses'???::

::Honor is within(meaning subjective) As with any, it is chosen to be observed, but its perception is distorted by the one perceiving - unless relativity is found::

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 05:37 PM
There have been also suggestions that at least part of the UFO activity noticed in our skies, including the shooting down of UFOs with Death Rays, could emanate from beings who live inside the Inner Earth. There have been reports of inhabitants inside a hollow earth ranging from Nordic Aryans to Draco Reptilians. Some ancient traditions refer to the underground inhabitants as Ant People or Snake People while some suggest they are human looking except for having feathered wings, and others say there are Big Foot like creatures living under our feet. The latest news in the Hollow Earth theme is that there is today a war being waged between surface nations and those from the inside of the planet. Click below for the full story:

UFO War in the Pacific has now become a five-nation coalition war through the Pacific Basin, per supersensitive terrestrial sources.

Naval forces involved include the U.S. Navy (U.S.), PLAN (People’s Liberation Army Navy) (China), JMSDF (Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force) (Japan), ROKN (Republic of Korea Navy) (South Korea) and ROCN (Republic of China Navy) (Republic of China/Taiwan).

Several Asian nations have “emptied their cupboards” to supply desperately needed ships to fight this war. Intended mainly for coastal defense, these crews and ships are being pushed past the limits to support this war.

Total is around 200 ships, including two U.S. aircraft carrier battle groups, many additional surface combatants (frigates through cruisers), numerous submarines and multiple URGs (underway replenishment groups) to keep all the warships fueled, munitioned, crews fed and supplied with multitudes of items. The UFO War is an unprecedented kind of coalition war–with all the headaches and political delicacies that entails.

UFO War Now Covers Entire Pacific!

There is a significant mobilization of joint naval forces in several critical places including the Gulf of Aden and Antarctica. What this means and how equipped gunships might be to counter UFO attacks and aerial presence remains to be established. However it stands to reason that the Military Industrial Complex disposes of sufficient resources and technology to provide at least a sampling of defensive Sea to Air systems.

The Phalanx CIWS advanced radar-controlled gun system provides superior defense against close-in air and surface threats.

The Phalanx Close-In Weapon System is a rapid-fire, computer-controlled, radar-guided gun system designed to defeat anti-ship missiles and other close-in air and surface threats. A self-contained package, Phalanx automatically carries out functions usually performed by multiple systems -- including search, detection, threat evaluation, tracking, engagement, and kill assessment.

Phalanx Block 1B, the latest upgrade, with its surface mode configuration, augments the proven anti-air warfare capability by adding a forward looking infrared sensor and optimized gun barrels to the Block 1A configuration. It allows Phalanx to be used against littoral warfare threats such as helicopters and high-speed surface threats. Block 1B also adds new control stations with situational awareness that allows operators to visually track and identify targets before engagement.

Phalanx is installed on practically all U.S. combatant ships and on those of 22 allied nations.

The SeaRAM Anti-Ship Missile Defense System provides the highest level of ship self-defense with extended keep-out range capability.

The SeaRAM Anti-Ship Missile Defense System is a spiral development of key attributes of the Phalanx Close-In Weapon System and the Rolling Airframe Missile (RAM) Guided Weapon System. SeaRAM is designed to extend the inner layer battlespace and enable the ship to effectively engage multiple high-performance, supersonic and subsonic threats.

An 11-missile RAM launcher assembly replaces Phalanx's 20mm gun. SeaRAM combines RAM's superior accuracy, extended range and high maneuverability with the Phalanx Block 1B's high resolution search-and-track sensor systems and reliable quick-response capability.

SeaRAM is an affordable capability upgrade ---- the above-deck system fits the exact footprint of the Phalanx, uses the same power, and requires minimal shipboard modification.


posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 05:40 PM
reply to post by someotherguy

It would be great if those who are so sure that there are no UFOs, no aliens, no space war, etc, would provide proof or at least some evidence to substantiate their claims. Thanks.

I'm not sure there isn't. Why do you refuse to convince me there is?

posted on Nov, 20 2012 @ 07:14 PM

Originally posted by DJW001

I'm not sure there isn't. Why do you refuse to convince me there is?

Almost 8000 posts in a Conspiracy forum to come to the Conclusion that there are NO CONSPIRACIES.

Some guys really come here for entertainment, even if at the expense of other members, and others are here to systematically attempt to debunk others' quests for truth, for whatever reasons is anyone's guess.

Yet the laughs will be on them when there is disclosure which is bound to come sooner than later. Too many people have died to keep the clamp on the truth and it is only a matter of time before the grand deception unravels and the authorities come clean with what they know, lest they be replaced by others who will out this information.


posted on Nov, 20 2012 @ 11:27 PM
reply to post by Getsmart

Well played Getsmart,thats exactly what is happening,and there are many many documented ways to artificially induce a neutral dimension field,there are many ways to build a generator,many techs--the idea is pretty simple,and yes it allows to you travel between dimensions but more importantly surrounds you in a forcefield or neutral dimension bubble so you arent really in any dimension at all when the generator is initiated.But you are definately corpreal and physical within your neutral dimension field,god knows what you might look like or what environment you may be existing in in there but you sure are physical in there.

posted on Nov, 21 2012 @ 03:51 AM
reply to post by Getsmart

Almost 8000 posts in a Conspiracy forum to come to the Conclusion that there are NO CONSPIRACIES.

Just because you can't provide any evidence to support your assertions does not mean I think there are no conspiracies.

Some guys really come here for entertainment, even if at the expense of other members, and others are here to systematically attempt to debunk others' quests for truth, for whatever reasons is anyone's guess.

Don't forget those who come here to posture and preen, trying to convince the gullible that they are important, and are privy to secrets.

Yet the laughs will be on them when there is disclosure which is bound to come sooner than later. Too many people have died to keep the clamp on the truth and it is only a matter of time before the grand deception unravels and the authorities come clean with what they know, lest they be replaced by others who will out this information.

Okay, I'll bite. Name one person who has died to keep the lid on "disclosure." Oh, and have the courtesy to reply to one4all. They actually take you seriously.

posted on Nov, 21 2012 @ 10:53 AM
reply to post by DJW001

Well I am so very sorry that you seem to have had such a bitter life. Just in case you are sincerely seeking to give meaning to your existence, there are ways of making things better, crapping in other people's boots isn't necessarily the only option. We all look forward to more constructive comments in the future.

reply to post by one4all

Hi One For All,

I am not sure to what post of mine you are referring, possibly one which mentions the question as to whether Alien UFOs and Alien beings might be able to do what we call "materialize" and "dematerialize"? Substantial evidence has been presented by many eyewitnesses ranging from regular citizens who have been 'visited' or abducted by Aliens to military officers in active duty reporting on incidents that in some cases, they pass through walls and appear out of nowhere.

Also UFOs have been known to disappear and reappear from visual sight and from rader screens, meaning that at times they are actually here physically while at other moments they are able to leave our physical space and hence 'no longer be here'. This brings us to contemplate dimensional physics, which today support the likelihood that other entities might live in the same geographic space as we do but in other dimensions, and that if they were to enter our dimensions that similar phenomena would occur. This lends credence to evidence that dimensional travel probably has occured in the past and in more contemporary times, on the occasion of UFO sightings and Close Encounters.


edit on 21-11-2012 by Getsmart because: Just because we can't see them... doesn't mean that they aren't here !

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 09:16 AM
reply to post by Getsmart

Funny. According to the person who made this video, which you use as supposed evidence for your claim that there is a war with extraterrestrials, the UFOs actually come from within the hollow Earth:

This planet is divided in at least two worlds, Inner and Outer Earth. Central Sun which is inside the Earth Globe is a Living and Intelligent Being that actually created this planet-world billions of years ago by expanding and dividing itself in to Inner Sun and Invisible Shell which is a center of Gravity and on which Earth Crust is based. The Shell still expands and in fact, Earth grows. Shell produces basic elements, magma, minerals, water, oil and other stuff found on the Surface of both sides and in the Crust. Inner Sun emits rays that support Life on the planet, everything in Inner Earth is of greater size and abundance rather than on Surface Earth. These rays determine life on the Outer Earth, too. But we have them here of far lesser strength than they are normally inside. The Earth Crust is thick layer of insulation material thru which rays make its way to the Surface. Equatorial and subtropical parts of Surface Earth receive the most of these remnant rays, so land is greener and reacher in nature there. Smaller amount falls on territories closer to the poles.

People of Inner Earth have their head and spinal cord positioned toward the Inner Sun. Their upper Chakras are aligned with God presence (they worship Inner Sun) and those human beings have a great chance in progression of their spirituality.

People of Outer Earth are not so lucky due to their Karma and have to live with a head and upper chakras outward from Inner Sun so they gain negative spirituality, i.e. their ego tends to head away from God understanding. This is why moral and social norms are a subject to deteriorate and trouble on Surface Earth. It is much harder to be spiritual on the Surface but it depends on each person.

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 02:11 PM
reply to post by DJW001

Well, this surprises me but reassures me that you do attempt to verify things, even if to debunk them. So, when you don't agree with one aspect of a person's thinking then everything they might think is necessarily false? Are you trying to find a GURU who has it all figured out and can hand the truth to you on a silver platter, instead of sifting between truth and falsehood to figure it all out for yourself? Sometimes nuggets of truth are found in the dung heap of drivel, and often the better revelations can be triggered by elements buried within the fabric of lies.

There are many arguments which lend credence to some of the statements made by believers in a hollow earth. And there are others which are hard to swallow. The biggest piece that would stick in anyone's throat is that if this were in fact true, then it means that all of our governments are complicit in a cover-up which goes far beyond the simple UFO phenomenon. That's something few are willing to contemplate as a possibility, not so much because it would mean that those we trust are dishonest and manipulative, but because it would hurt our pride that we are such utter fools and idiotic sheeple to not see through the lies?


posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 10:41 PM
reply to post by Getsmart

GetSmart,sorry I didnt give you any of my history,and yes I was referring to that topic.

I was abducted multiple times and have been transported to and from ships and travelled in them as far as the moon.

I wasnt given any direct explanation of technology I was a small boy,but my entire life has been affected by the superimposition of data based dreams and syncronicitys that all lead me to the same repeated topics and perspectives--weird stuff like a compulsion as a very young kid to learn that led me to read an entire set of enyclopedias plus the two dictionaries--,I suggest you research Keshe,only because he is currently pushing a comercialised version of similar tech to what we are discussing and its easy to buy his story because he is trying to kick the USA in the cojones by releasing limited tech globally to break the suppression and technical embargo the world has been under for centuries.Personally I think he is doing the right thing for the wrong reasons and for thst reason will fail somehow.

I started with dreams that have been lifelong--and progressed to public data from people like David hamel,John hutchison,Maley P hall,Viktor Grebbenikov,Edward Leedeskinin,the Egyptians one prince in particular,Wilbert Smith,Searl and a host of others all of who are published all over the net---there are many many more people who are on the cusp but are missing key components,one of the funniest is the methods of navigation and control --the interface if you will between pilots and passengers and the craft generating the neutral dimension field.Wait till that one hits newsshelves man,Keshe is a mere beginner I simply listed him because he is making such a stink,his tech is not the most efficient way to create a neutral dimension field,and all of the related stuff he is seling is already in the public domain free of charge.

All of the people I mentioned and many more have already solved this or rediscovered this tech,it is only because of historic suppression that we are not able to have an on the level discussion.

I normally dont bother any more trying to find common ground ---there is simply so much data online that I now assume that people just dont want to know,it is impossible to miss if you research properly ,suppression aside.I mean there is ZERO faith component here this is all hard and proven natural science.99% of people approach the topic as if they are being asked to surrender a position of propriety,when in all reality they are absolutely wrong themselves and vested in their current perspective with that 100% faith they are so worried about already having been wrestled out of their very own hands.

I mean the tremendous amount of data is already there,its literally everywhere.I dont use the word disclosure any more it is passe already.

Mathematics are completely bastardised as are physics,natural science has been totally suppressed,but with the internet it is storming into its rightful position.It isnt a matter of IF you grasp it its a matter of WHEN.

The only thing to stop the Magnetic Revolution will literally have to be a global war that suppresses technology for another few hundred or thousand years.So learn as fast as you can,abandon your predispositions and strap yourself in for hell,because I just dont see this working out,I myself have tried to discuss this topic with very stable educated people and they are FUBARed beyond repair,no matter their education level they are incapable of dumping all of their teachngs and starting fresh,it has more to do with an artificially manipulated pineal gland than anything else,our learning and conceptualisation abilitys are purposefully stunted as is our lifespan,it is a DNA tweak or two we inherited,it wasnt natural morphing. Coincidentally it is as easy to reverse extrapolate the DNA adjustments as it is to figure out the technolgys from the public domain data.

If people had a better functional understanding of how the craft work they would understand its great limitations,and how each dimension presents a seperate and individual set of parameters for this functionality.And dimensions arent what people make them out to be,some fantasy based unknown,they are simply states of matter.It is the DIVISION between these states of matter we are relearning.

edit on 22-11-2012 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2012 @ 02:47 AM
Hi One For All,

Thanks for your candid sharing of the incredible experience of your life. I shall without fail investigate all the leads you have given and research this to the extent of my feeble scientific abilities. Praytell us more when you have the time. Clearly, with concealed technological advances and contacts with at extraterrestrial entities, our governing Elites are able to engage in SPACE WARFARE and conceal this from our view thanks to their control of government, media and even infiltration of conspiracy forums such as this one.

That those involved in mainstream science are shut off to alternative thinking is hard wired into their minds from the get-go in academic training. Positivism is the best method for this, and this is why Wittgenstein and the Vienna School pushed so hard for all to be relying solely upon what is observable. All you have to do then to control their querying scientific minds is to control the methods of observation so that what you seek to hide cannot be directly observed. Hence it becomes a fallacy since it cannot be seen. This is the scientific version of "pictures or shut up!"...

That incredible technology which could free Earth's population is out there, within our grasp and in the hands of those who control our society is rather obvious, it has been divulged by too many whistleblowing insiders to be ignored. Also there is the very grave and suspicious disappearance of all overt research on anti-gravity since 1953, a date before which it was the center of attention. Why? Suppression. Scroll & Key, the secret society at Harvard which is the corollary to Yale's Skull & Bones, is designed to put under Key the contents of the Scrolls and lock knowledge, science and technology away from our undeserving eyes. To them the Declaration of Independence 'WE THE PEOPLE' simply means 'we the sheeple'.


posted on Nov, 23 2012 @ 07:57 AM

That those involved in mainstream science are shut off to alternative thinking is hard wired into their minds from the get-go in academic training. Positivism is the best method for this, and this is why Wittgenstein and the Vienna School pushed so hard for all to be relying solely upon what is observable. All you have to do then to control their querying scientific minds is to control the methods of observation so that what you seek to hide cannot be directly observed. Hence it becomes a fallacy since it cannot be seen. This is the scientific version of "pictures or shut up!"...

That incredible technology which could free Earth's population is out there, within our grasp and in the hands of those who control our society is rather obvious, it has been divulged by too many whistleblowing insiders to be ignored. Also there is the very grave and suspicious disappearance of all overt research on anti-gravity since 1953, a date before which it was the center of attention. Why? Suppression. Scroll & Key, the secret society at Harvard which is the corollary to Yale's Skull & Bones, is designed to put under Key the contents of the Scrolls and lock knowledge, science and technology away from our undeserving eyes. To them the Declaration of Independence 'WE THE PEOPLE' simply means 'we the sheeple'.

While I do not support your belief in completely outrageous stories, I agree. The scientists' Empirical Evidence of - show me materialistic proof or it doesn't exist, is wrong when it comes to things that we all known are hidden in secret thus the lack of proper evidence. Which is why evidence is not enough to be a fact but enough to not be dismissed.

And I agree that the Elite do have technology - both for healing and others that are not shared with the rest of the population.


posted on Nov, 23 2012 @ 11:01 AM
reply to post by Getsmart

nanu nanu Getsmart

how many different alien races do you think knows about this green planet?

just wondering what you think.

edit to add: nice to see you handle the naysayers and the personal attacks so well

edit on 23-11-2012 by MorkandMindy because: og my gramma

posted on Nov, 23 2012 @ 11:46 AM

edit on 23-11-2012 by wutz4tom because: double post

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