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SECRET SPACE WAR - Which side are TPTB on? Which ALIENS do 'Star Wars' Satellites Target?

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posted on Nov, 1 2012 @ 10:15 AM
Hi Someotherguy,

It seems that you are - contrary to what some people say - often contributing to this thread: THANKS !

Here is a source, Conspiracy Radio Host FREEMAN who is a well respected member of the Truthseeking Community. He speaks here of the Russian and Chinese SPACE ALLIANCE and also of NASA NAZI Wernher Von Braun and the upcoming SPACE WAR at minute 1:17:00.

NASA is coupling with DOD hence we're going into a WAR-BASED SPACE PROGRAM

Click for Freeman Radio Show OBAMA SPACE WARS

NASA's Space Program is now called ARIES - the God of War. Orion is the alleged originating planet of the Alien Greys, and many of such elements are united together in this Space War.

It is interesting that Freeman noted that Obama AND FAMILY is very likely CLONED from Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaton. This is rather evident when you consider the statistical likelihood of 4 family members having quasi-identical facial features to their predecessors. Note that this is perhaps not the first time that Akhenaton may have been cloned, as can be seen by this earlier 19th century incarnation to be seen for the first time here at ATS:

CLICK HERE: Obama 2nd in a Series of Akhenaton CLONES ?

FREEMAN's Conclusion: The Space War is being waged Against BENEVOLENT ALIENS !

Today's DOD / NASA Allied with Privatized Space Companies similarly to the Privatization of the Iraqi War is dedicated to support their DRACO REPTILIAN ALIEN Overlords. This can be attested to by the naming of the DRAGON Space Capsules launched by DRACO Rocketships. This means that the NAZI+NASA+NSA are allied with the DOD and Private Subcontractors to support DRACO ALIEN Oppression here on Earth.

Click here for DRACOS and DRAGONS in SPACE WARS

Those today in positions of Governmental, Military and Intelligence positions of high power are GUILTY OF HIGH TREASON against the citizens of their nation and GUILTY OF CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY.


edit on 1-11-2012 by Getsmart because: The Pentagon, the NSA, the CIA, MI6, the White House, NASA are TREASONOUS !

posted on Nov, 2 2012 @ 10:56 AM
In the following Coast to Coast AM radio show, we will hear the experience of a veteran Night Vision Sky Observer who has had many years of time spent viewing SECRET SPACE BATTLES. For a summary of his experience start at minute 20:00.

At minute 29:00 he states that some Aliens are trying to penetrate Earth's airspace but that other Aliens have already been here and are staving them off. This is being done apparently with the help of Human Earth Forces using Human Sacrificial Pilots to heroically wage this war in their stead. What remains to be seen is whether we are on the side of the Good Guys, or if like in the case of France during WWII, we are not helping our invader and oppressor? If we study how the occupying Aliens are currently running our Planet through the Bilderberg Group, the United Nations, Banking Cartels, Complicit Corporations and Puppet Governments, it looks very much like we are sadly on the side of the PREDATORY MAN-EATING DRACO REPTILIANS. What remains to be ascertained is what sort of Aliens are being driven off planet to maintain them here?


posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 09:56 AM
Who might be up there shooting and dying in the UFO's seen by night vision goggles? Here is an analysis of the likely protagonists in the SECRET SPACE WAR being waged right above our heads and deep below our feet in underground bases.

Incidentally, based on the accumulated data acquired from several independent sources, we can now establish a basic framework for the three major extraterrestrial confederations and identify SOME of the core star systems in this sector of the galaxy which lie at the very HEART of each confederation:

The CORPORATE COLLECTIVE -- humanoids, reptiloids, the Ashtar collective, etc. Based in Altair Aquila, Sirius-B, Arcturus, Aldebaran, Zeta I Reticuli, Bernard's Star, Bootes Centaurus, , etc.;

The ANDROMEDAN FEDERATION -- mostly but not entirely excluded to humanoids. An Andromeda constellation-backed Federation based in Taygeta Pleiades, Vega Lyra, Iumma [Wolf 424], Procyon, Tau Ceti, Alpha Centauri, Epsilon Eridani, etc.;

The DRACONIAN EMPIRE -- mostly yet not entirely excluded to reptiloids. Based in Alpha Draconis, Epsilon Bootes, Zeta II Reticuli, Polaris, Rigel Orion, Bellatrix Orion, Capella, etc.

The Federation and Empire especially, have waged wars with each other in past centuries and millennia throughout the Sol system, in Lyra, and also the Pleiades, Orion, Procyon, Reticuli and Sirius. There are those who believe that the Greys are incapable of taming their own base animal or predatory instincts, and are conscious of little other than the drive to consume and increase their power-base and feed their unbounded appetites, even if it means devouring and destroying other cultures or worlds in the process.

Revelations Of An MJ-12 Special Studies Group Agent

Given what we know of our current government and military treasonous complicities with the Greys and their Masters, the DRACO REPTILIANS, we can assume that our Earth is currently experiencing an episode of the historic war between the ANDROMEDAN FEDERATION of benevolent Humanoid Aliens seeking to help free us from the oppressive stronghold of the DRACONIAN EMPIRE. Let us hope that HUMANS PREVAIL ?


posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 11:18 AM

Dr. Steven Greer : 'Secrecy is Terrorism: The ET Truth Embargo'

I'm going to post this. Actually going to spend time writing the transcript up for it, because its a really good video. It goes into star wars and the plans of this illegal, cretinous group of mafia thugs running our planet, and how they want to their crap here on earth above, and of course not just human targets.

I'm also posting it because there is a real agenda to put him down. When this is a really important message for us to stand in courage and stand up to this.

I am not anti Greer. Anyone who is a real experiencer and has recognition would not be either. He's actually one of the good guys.

This video is to get others to not just learn about the world, but ACT. To take courage and speak up. To develop your soul, your awareness and also know secrecy is the most endangering element, never stay quiet, spread info

Also his point on those secrecy contracts that paramilitary sign.

They're illegal. They cannot imprison you for years. There is legitimate secrecy and illegal shadow government kind. If a trail of command can not be established from our representatives and if its not based on the LAW which is defined as The Constitution, its not legal and may not be used to prosecute you since only prosecution based on real law, and the Constitution can even take place.

The bullies erect a matrix of lies and distortions. Stop following bad orders, its not legal and not real.

Stand up and be counted.
edit on 3-11-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 12:11 PM
Hi Unity,

Thanks for that post and link to the video which is probably well worth the time. For those less committed to the investment this thread topic demands, could you point to the passages ie. minutes where his arguments are most poignant? Thanks in advance.

Regarding who we are dealing with and what the Draconians are about, as well as their Grey underlings, here is a rather upsetting statement made by Michael Prince also known as James Casbolt had to say about them in his book Agent Buried Alive.

The knightly Masonic orders were originally set up to directly combat dangerous extra-terrestrial life forms, but nowadays, many of the orders have been taken over by the same beings who were their sworn enemies.

This makes perfect sense, as one of the most effective military strategies is to infiltrate and subvert your enemy. Amongst the most dangerous reptilians on earth now is the Chimera, or shapeshifter, who walks amongst us and appears as a man. More and more Chimeras are presently embedded in the human population. Many of the underground bases in the U.K. and U.S. have DNA scanners located at the topside exits that are guarded by armed personnel. These alarms are triggered on these scanners if an alien or enhanced clone in human form attempts to leave the facility without permission.

Do not be fooled into thinking the human military have this situation under control. However, they attempt to do their best. All other known human exits without DNA scanners are monitored 24/7 from satellite. One of the major problems the Chimera cause is when they take the human form of a world leader, which they often do. I have seen the famous politician I mentioned in Chapter 5 more than once in various underground facilities around the U.K. More than once, I knew it was not the original man but a reptilian that had taken on his form. This individual also has several clones, as well. He carries a beautiful 9mm Smith and Wesson (a favourite gun of the NSA). This pistol has a pearl handle grip with a symbol of a dragon on it.

High-ranking members of the intelligence community will know who I’m talking about. I’ll leave it at that for the time being. As I said, the Chimeras look like men but are not men. It is not for humans to understand the mind of malevolent xenos. This is totally alien and beyond our comprehension. Their centers of operation are located deep in the earth under the sub-surface military bases and also on their huge spacecraft. RV scans reveal cave-like interiors inside these places, which resemble huge insect colonies, with some xenos over 18 feet tall. Many of their spacecraft are organic rock-like structures. The inherent vileness of these places and beings is physically transmitted and felt when around them.

These Centres of Operations often have hundreds of thousands of human men, women, and children in cryogenic stasis pods to be used as food. Whether these are clones or real humans, I do not know. However, classified DIA (Defence Intelligence Agency) increasingly large amounts of children going missing in the U.K. and U.S. X13 also informed of the disturbing disclosure that one million cryogenically frozen children had been given by the Greys to the Draco Prime ship behind the Hale-Bopp comet as tribute.

*NOTE: The above reference to a world leader replaced by a Chimera and/or Clones refers to the 41st President of the United States George H.W. Bush Senior.

Click to Download AGENT BURIED ALIVE

We will note from the last lines of that extract that in order to remain SHARECROPPERS for the ruling DRACO REPTILIANS the Greys have abducted and frozen over ONE MILLION HUMAN CHILDREN and delivered them as FROZEN FOOD to their Draco Masters. Are they really dead or simply in suspended animation - to be awakened only to be EATEN ALIVE - remains to be discovered. I hope some here will at last find something at least remotely wrong morally that our Governments and Military authorities are collaborating willingly with such GENOCIDE.

The seriousness of this status quo should be fully understood and it stands to reason why they seek by all means to prevent DISCLOSURE because it would equate with disclosure of their own CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY. Waging a war on the WRONG SIDE and assisting HUMAN-EATING ALIENS to abduct and feast upon their brethren is beyond any definition of wrongdoing. It is time to update the jurisprudence when it comes to such extreme treason.

See ATS Thread: UFO DISCLOSURE Blocked by Government High Treason !


edit on 3-11-2012 by Getsmart because: TPTB sure look like they chose the WRONG SIDE !

posted on Nov, 4 2012 @ 05:18 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

Hi Unity,

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you about your video link. I happen to not agree that Steven Greer is as snow white as you gather. You know from our past exchanges I highly value your important contributions and deeply respect your philosophical approach to our material and spiritual existence. Thus it is not with you or your endorsement, but with Dr Greer that I find cause for concern.

To with I propose that we examine together in closer analysis his speech. fThen At minute 6:30 he acknowledges the existence of a shadow government with its own Air Force and at 9:30 he refers to the use of Star Wars SDI weapons against Alien UFOs. Yes, he has got this part figured out. Then at minute 12:30 he gains our confidence by calling for grassroots political militancy and adds a twist of valid philosophical insight, all this serving to legitimate him and what he will say next. At minute 18:30 he goes on to whitewash his "friends" or sponsors in Government, Military and Intelligence positions, I paraphrase:

There is no complicity. There has been no betrayal. Elected officials are good guys who can't intervene due to the secrecy clampdown. Only a small group of greedy power hungry belligerent men are involved in a limited scale conspiracy - everyone elso in Government, the Pentagon, the NSA, the DIA, the CIA is clean and totally INNOCENT.

Mr Greer, thanks for the FAIRY TALE. He exposes Secrecy which he denounces as unacceptable, but whitewashes close to everyone in the Government Agencies where anyone could blow the whistle. The fact is that they know that despite their decades of desperate efforts to conceal knowledge from us, that whatever they do THE TRUTH IS FORTHCOMING. Hence we find their friend Steven Greer telling us, in his most sincere and convincing schoolboy manner, to look elsewhere for the bad guys: all his buddies are squeaky clean!

So shall we forget the assassins, wet crews and mop up teams to SILENCE WHISTLEBLOWERS such as Phil Schneider, which nobody in the CIA or the FBI's Bureau 5 ever knew about and of course nobody in those agencies ever covered anything up? LOL Shall I forgive those who made attempts on my own life for speaking the truth here at ATS? Should YOU - yes YOU - forgive in advance those agents or officials and handlers who assume no responsibility for their own actions because somebody else issued the orders? And the order givers, are we to forgive them too?

There is tremendous evidence numbering in the countless thousands of documents and testimonies which directly contradict his version of mistruth. He blames it all on a few rogue elements with greed and then goes on to depict all Aliens to be lovey-dovey benevolent angels of light. Who votes that Steven Greer be part of the next delivery to a Draco banquet? He can feel free to shower them with all the love and positive alpha vibes he wishes, for this ought to make his meat more tender like a massaged Kobe beef.

I won't go so far as to ask whether his very extreme hand gestures aren't a form of hypnotic inducement similar to the gestures used during hypnotic demonstrations, but his rhetoric is well practiced new age propaganda. Remaining on the topic of his gestures, he often touches both his nose and his ear, something which has been proven an unconscious signal in evidence of lying and deception, according to experts in lie detection. So then, why does his spin work so well? What decent truthseeker doesn't condemn aggressive violence and prefer by a longshot love and compassion? We are driven by human empathy, and Greer exploits this to peddle an apologist agenda.


edit on 4-11-2012 by Getsmart because: Loyal Patriots within Government Agencies must do BETTER than this to REPENT !

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 05:57 PM
Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura Reptilians 11/7/2012.avi

posted on Nov, 10 2012 @ 06:30 PM
reply to post by someotherguy

Hi Someotherguy,

Thanks for that video although I usually don't rely upon TV shows to gain information. However I find it interesting that Jodie Foster seems quite convinced that the Reptilian theory is true. I am known to be relatively reliable in facial recognition, even with few clues, as an be noted by my contributions to the Clone Conspiracy threads (see links in my signature). However, I first recognized her by her voice associated with her style of expression which is characteristically eloquent. Nonetheless we can see despite her wig and sunglasses, that those are indeed her facial features down to the small folds to the side of her lips.

This opens onto two theories - she was either hired as a talented actress to help give dramatic impact to the TV show, or she is indeed quite convinced but needed to protect her identity to protect her career and personal life. It isn't really important in that case that her cover is blown, because as a result she will either be seen as a very versatile actress or simply that there are rumors that she 'might have' been on this show without any firm evidence to back it up.

Regarding the Shapeshifting, I am convinced that it is something independent from the "LIVE" in the flesh Reptilians. I never witnessed eyes shift to slits, yet at age 12 I witnessed my father fully shifted similarly to the description in the Jesse Ventura testimonial, recognizing him unmistakably from physiognomic characteristics. Upon this experience I shut it out, after being aghast for hours on end and not daring ever again to enter my parents' bedroom. I was however compelled to draw the creature I had seen, a demonic reptilian with certain of my own father's features. This drawing was left behind and not found again at adult age. FYI he was a bloodliner, one who disobeyed family orders and didn't marry into the bloodlines.

Regarding David Icke, although I had experienced witnessing that as a youngster, I remained cynical thinking since that such things were impossible and that I must have imagined the whole thing. So I would have tended to agree with Jesse Ventura when he confronted Icke, though I would hope to be less ill bred despite having 'some' reptilian blood myself. Those in the threads or in real life may have noticed that I can be somewhat ferocious in a draconian manner, although I today oppose the real Draconians with my every breath.

What turned me around is that, unlike Jesse Ventura, on the night of October 27th 2007 I got the very confirmation which he was asking for - I needn't ask "where can I see a Reptilian" having had the misfortune of coming too close for comfort to a very menacing 8-foot tall Draco. Jesse, you don't want to go there, some stones are best left unturned. You'd stack up to him like a petite 5-year old girl would next to you. At least it would serve to knock that chip off your shoulder for good and bring you some humility.

Awareness of the existence of Dracos and of their presence on Earth isn't enough on its own to conclude that the SECRET SPACE WAR is partly or fully involving them. However, there are other elements which lend to this possibility, namely that they have been present among us for a very long period of time going back to the deepest antiquity, and that there have been accounts of their predatory activity against humans. Normally this could in all probability lead us to wage battle against them, like the Dragon Slayers of ancient tales.

Yet, if our rulers, Royal Bloodlines and their brethren the Illuminati Stealth Royals have been helping them "FARM US" as per secret society whistleblower George Orwell's book Animal Farm, then it might be that those in power in the Government, Intelligence Agencies and Military Industrial Complex could be assisting the Reptilians in furthering their agenda. If so, then there would be two allies - Reptilians and Royal Bloodliners - battling in Space against a third party. This third party would be unknown to us, but could be either another predatory Alien species competing to exploit our planet's ressources, including us, or it could be a benevolent intervention seeking to help us free ourselves from their shackles.


edit on 10-11-2012 by Getsmart because: Dracos are part of the Equation - who else is at WAR ?

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 01:14 AM
If you guys are interested in this... I've done the research as well and it's interesting because Diablo 3 talks about the Nephalem. Fallen angel giants who reside on earth, which is your character in the game. Demon lords cotnrolling the dead, trying to take over heaven and earth.

The video speaks for itself... truly top notch and has authenticity to it. Blizzard knows what's going on.... lol

Deckard Cain is also a hermetic elder that studiens ancient scrolls to find keys to our past. Everyone thought he was crazy, but he was trying to stop hell from taking over earth.

"But there's still work to be done. If these translations are correct, the powers of hell could already be on the move. The world must be told of the coming darkness. " - Deckard Cain

"TYRAEL! The Ancient law of the high heavens strictly forbids us from interfering with the mortal world. Yet you have done so, brazenly"

edit on 11-11-2012 by cbankord because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 08:19 AM
reply to post by cbankord

Hi cbankord,

Unfortunately the Secret Space War isn't a game, and even if today certain games are inspired by the history of our species and this planet, we are having to figure out far more than just how to play the game. We are engaged in a battle for survival as a species, and all of Humanity must struggle to gain freedom from Alien oppression which uses covert means to enslave us while preparing a broader forthcoming Full Alien Invasion. Of course, this has not yet been formally proven, yet there is much which leads researchers to believe that the New World Order plans as well as the United Nations Agenda 21 are laying the groundwork for an OCCUPIED EARTH.


posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 08:31 AM
# me enlish side ways and not so chinese unless they got afghan hash,
# it they come dash me mon and they say me americaan maan..

they are not even us they are genetic...whiteboys for real they was like Hanz and Franz #ing space ship nutri human beings nopt even USA #ing beings that are engineered....china for # sakes better be on it.

we have hanz and franz here # me geneticss perfection.
edit on 11-11-2012 by tekeen because: (no reason given)

we take it far everywhere you are....we take it everywhere it ever goes.

chines mind is a safe place but we take it where its a safe place we are..............are.

edit on 11-11-2012 by tekeen because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 08:40 AM
straight we dope we have the dope...everywhere is dope stopping us..we stop the us.

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 09:56 AM
reply to post by tekeen

Gosh tekeen, I sure am sorry to hear all that and hope you feel better soon?


posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 11:04 AM

Originally posted by Getsmart
reply to post by cbankord

Hi cbankord,

Unfortunately the Secret Space War isn't a game, and even if today certain games are inspired by the history of our species and this planet, we are having to figure out far more than just how to play the game. We are engaged in a battle for survival as a species, and all of Humanity must struggle to gain freedom from Alien oppression which uses covert means to enslave us while preparing a broader forthcoming Full Alien Invasion. Of course, this has not yet been formally proven, yet there is much which leads researchers to believe that the New World Order plans as well as the United Nations Agenda 21 are laying the groundwork for an OCCUPIED EARTH.


We will probably go through a technological singularity within a few hundred years. Why wouldn't such an advanced species just control us using an enormously powerful supercomputer? It would be intelligent enough to calculate every movement of every atom on the entire planet.. So, to get every single human on the planet to do what it desired, it would need only move one atom somewhere to cause a butterfly effect. It would be able to do that effortlessly.

Seriously, if interstellar faring races exist, a full-out invasion would not be necessary for them. Like we can make bugs travel in 1 direction by flashing a light there, they could make us do anything they wanted.
edit on 11/11/12 by RedDragon because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by RedDragon

Hi Red Dragon,

I see from your handle that you like the Draco, so it figures you'd chime in this way. Also it appears that you believe that HUMANS HAVE NO FREE WILL but merely run through their programming under the illusion that they are deciding what they do with their lives. If this is the case then it doesn't help to think or act, as everything is already planned for you. So you can just as easily say nothing in this thread since it will never make a speck of difference?


posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 11:59 PM
1993 Feb 27 - Chopper Unit In UFO Dogfight
Jefferson County, Kentucky

A UFO actually fires on a police helicopter - Louisville, KY

11-year veteran pilot Kenny Graham, 39, and the spotter, 5-year veteran 39yr-old Kenny Downs, were circling above General Electric Appliance Park at around 11:50pm, when Graham saw something that looked like a small fire off to his left. Downs shined his 1.3-million-candlepower spotlight on the object, which began to drift back and forth like a balloon as the light washed over it. Then it gradually floated up to the helicopter's elevation about 500 feet above the ground, where it hovered for a few seconds. "Then it took off at a speed I've never seen before," said Graham, an experienced pilot. The object made two huge counter-clockwise loops and finally approached the helicopter's rear.
Graham was afraid the object would ram his tail rotor, so he accelerated above 100 mph. The UFO shot past them and instantly climbed hundreds of feet in the air. It descended again and flew close to the helicopter. Graham tried to close the gap with the object, and it again flew away. As the UFO approached on a parallel course, three fireballs burst out of its core...

posted on Nov, 17 2012 @ 12:50 PM
Hi Someotherguy,

This does provide yet another compelling official trained professional sighting which cannot be discounted and which mentions that there is UFO use of what is at minimum "dissuasive fire" against human law enforcement officers. Whether this was a human manned, alien operated spacecraft or maybe even a drone cannot be known at this time. Once most UFO types are no longer Unidentified, we will have to retrace all former sightings in the light of our future knowledge and proceed to IDENTIFY what was previously not identified. Regarding what weaponry is used by Human Military Forces in outer space, here is a recent investigative piece about one aspect of this armament by Jesse Ventura:


posted on Nov, 17 2012 @ 01:04 PM

Originally posted by Getsmart
NASA's Space Program is now called ARIES - the God of War. Orion is the alleged originating planet of the Alien Greys, and many of such elements are united together in this Space War.

Aries means goat. It's one of the signs of the zodiac. Like Gemini. A constellation.

And Orion is also a constellation - an arbitary configuration of stars, of varying distances from Earth.

btw threads like these remind me of Monty Python's Galaxy Song "and pray there's intelligent life somewhere up in space. 'Cos there's bugger all here on Earth"

posted on Nov, 17 2012 @ 01:45 PM
reply to post by AndyMayhew

He (?) probably meant 'Ares', but notice, if you read through his (?) posts that there are discrepancies and mistruths abounding, as well as self-acknowledgement...

Gosh, a secret space war? Those ISS astronauts must have balls of steel!

posted on Nov, 17 2012 @ 05:09 PM

Originally posted by aorAki
reply to post by AndyMayhew

He (?) probably meant 'Ares', but notice, if you read through his (?) posts that there are discrepancies and mistruths abounding, as well as self-acknowledgement...

Gosh, a secret space war? Those ISS astronauts must have balls of steel!

Well aorAki, I didn't know you to be so naive - unless it is an assumed posture to bring newbies to identify with you and fail to pierce the layers of lies pawned off by naysayers as official truth? Also, I wonder from all your question marks if you think that what I have to say would be less relevant were I a woman and that she would be more accurate to describe me? If you have gender issues pray tell. We can be understanding, especially if your complex relates to your virility - something suggested by your last comment about astronaut testicles...

If you are unable to detect 'discrepancies' in the official stories pawned off to the public as so many contradictory versions by the agencies and the military establishment, then you really have no business in the UFO and Aliens section of a Conspiracy forum. That is unless your business is military Psy Ops, meaning warping the minds of the public to help the official lies and disinformation be absorbed by forum members?

Regarding what you call "self-acknowledgement" could you please clarify? For I acknowledge that I am myself, as I do not know falsehood or masquerading behind drivel which passes for innocent candor, such as certain parties in this and other forums seem to like to engage in regularly. For I haven't in quite some time read a post by you which wasn't in criticism of mine, deriding me or otherwise trying to discredit my personality or my vision which I openly share with other members. You and all others are cordially invited to disagree politely, but somehow, instead of voicing reserves or alternative views of specific points, you make derogatory allusions without referencing anything in substance saying that I am not coherent, that I lie a lot, and imply that I am self-impressed. Those who know me realize just how untrue and false such statements are, and see through your tactics quite easily.

In any case you are NOT a truthseeker, for you seek to restrain one here at ATS who genuinely seeks the truth and shares openly and freely alternative perspectives in hopes of together arriving at the truth. Since I am not hand delivering to you, for your own purposes and consumption a fully gift wrapped and packaged truth as a final product, you gloat and complain that you are not satisfied. Well, if this is how you view your duty to contribute to this quest, I think that every other ATS member present can clearly see the value your membership brings our community.


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