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SECRET SPACE WAR - Which side are TPTB on? Which ALIENS do 'Star Wars' Satellites Target?

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posted on May, 19 2012 @ 08:22 AM
reply to post by Getsmart

I as abducted as a child and given the opportunity to join the battle against humanitys greatest enemy,a greater humanity than just our earthly version,I was taken aboard a military ship manned by humans wearing blue one-piece uniforms,and trust me,the ship was serious and so was the military protocol.I was told that humanity is involved in a Galactic war,and that we are a resource planet suppporting that war and that we are or were then far from the battle lines and hidden from the enemys knowledge,that if they were to know our location they would surely bring terrible battle to earth,I was given a chance to join this ship,and I spoke with lots of personell,openly and frankly---they were under the supposition that I would retain no memory of the encounter .I was treated with respect and affection by the non-commissioned crew,the regular crew,the Captain for example was a serious man,all steely eyed business,terminal business,he answered to no one else on board,he was the word.

The fact our governments are lieing to us all is disturbing because we are all a part of humanity and this type of suppression of reality from other humans is not commonly accepted by other races and cultures of humanity.

If there is a choice of who to shoot at ,THE PEOPLE HAVE A RIGHT TO DECIDE WHO TAKES THE ROUNDS.

People in general have a misconception as to the size of a planet and the difficulty involved in keeping it safe from unauthorised incursions.Our governments lie to us and they claim they have to do it in the name of national Security,but lieing to the people is a national Security risk greater than any other possible by proxy.

I have known the Sumerian version of humanitys history in an updated fuller accurate less complicated current form since I was 7 yrs old.

And we have an obligation by proxy of our humanitarian birthright to assist other humans in this battle,this goes beyone politics,this is humanitarian brother and Sisterhood.

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 08:58 AM
reply to post by Getsmart

Heres a tip,try to think of it this way,the solid earth or ground is one dimension,the oceans or water is another dimension,the air or on land and not in water is another dimension and space is yet another dimension and we can expect there to be more both above and below us.

Just think of a dimension as being the same as the state of physical matter you are currently enveloped in as a living entity within your environmental protection or ship.

We an travel to another dimension by going in a submarine,we can travel within our dimension in balloons and planes,we can travel into the dimension of space in ships,we can tunnel through the dimension of the earth the same way we tunnell through the other dimensions.

Now heres the key,David Hamel and a man named Hutchison from canada have both given us data on createing a method of travelling through ALL dimensions without haveing to "tunnell"they have shown us how to open up a door wherever and wheever we choose.One4all calls it a neutral dimension bubble or field,if you research their material before something happens to the internet you will quickly understand how it works,think of a bubble riseing up through the water,ask yourself as the bubble rises what is inside the area that exists all around the bubble but is between the water and the air??That space is called a neutral dimension and it is the natural state that a neutral dimension generator produces through the excitation and ionisation of air molecules and the matter any dimension may be made of.
This is called by One4all SIMPLE SCIENCE,because science is not designed to be difficult and full of questions,it should be easy and full of anwsers.Natural Science=SIMPLE SCIENCE.

By looking at it this way you can read the eqyptian heiroglyphs along with David Hamel,baseing your common catalyst on natural or SIMPLE science concepts common to both cultures and indifferent to the time in humanitys history seperateing the two..
Yes there is a multi-faceted war going on and we are ALL BEING LIED TO ABOUT IT,the truth would cause a global revolution and disrupt our militarys capability to mount an effective defense,so believe me america and the other superpowers are not going to kill us all in a war,the problem is this my friends,we have no enemy out there as humanity execpt one so great we couldnt defend ourselves from it without we arent capable of mounting a defense against any other humans ,and so if we are fireing at humans we are shooting at our allys and our crooked governments,religons and business powers are going to get us all screwed by doing so,its like sending probes out of our solar system when we are a hidden planet ,one houseing assets developed in a war effort.

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 10:25 AM

Originally posted by Getsmart
reply to post by someotherguy

What is interesting in his analysis resides in his association of these oppressive human groups with HOSTILE ALIEN SPECIES INVADING EARTH. If this scenario is actually playing out, then we can conclude that all of Humanity is today fully invested in a STATE OF WAR against the Draco Reptilians, the Orion Greys and their Illuminati traitorous accomplices.

A new book about the Illuminati is basically saying that. They contact demonic Djinn spirits in their Merkaba Hexagram Ceremonies to give them power & wealth. However, the person quite often ends up getting used as a human vehicle for the demon to "live" on the planet. The NWO is a hostile alien invasion, like Webre said.

Yeah, good times.

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 03:36 PM
Most likely the ones that are doing the shooting is the Dark Cabal meaning the Illuminati and the negative aliens that are aligned with them. The Greys and the left over Reptilians.

The intended target being most likely a scout ship of the Galactic Federation of Light, in which the Dark Cabal is against and doesn't want them to interfere at all costs.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 05:30 AM
reply to post by UFOTruthAgent

Hi UFO Truth Agent,

I'm not sayin' about any Federations or other Galactic groups, but I do know for a fact from first hand experience that the Dracos do exist and from credible others that the Greys have been abducting among other things for quite somet time. Yet I wonder if this planet isn't simply some GALACTIC TRADING POST peddling off the Planet's most precious resources, such as GOLD and maybe also a Cosmic Delicacy, US ?

Click here for more details

Hence it seems possible that what Star Wars shooting is observed from Earth or Shuttle footage would be maybe keeping Space Pirates at bay so they won't hijack any of the precious shipments of humans and gold to them? I sure hope that this theory hits the dumpster fast.


posted on May, 21 2012 @ 08:38 AM

Originally posted by Getsmart
reply to post by UFOTruthAgent

I sure hope that this theory hits the dumpster fast.


It's not a theory. It's a made up story for ATS kidults. And it'll have to join the queue for that dumpter.

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 01:56 PM
well if we had a co-operative global space alligience we could say anyone not invited onto our planet,but without global co-operation and defensive participation we are left vulnerable.

If we are in a war we all need to know it and to galvanise right now,there is no reason for a superpower to not try to create a global unitarian force to protect the planet.of all people superpowers understand the divide and conquor rule of thumb.

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 11:19 PM
UFO and ALIENS exsist SAYS Gordon Cooper

posted on May, 26 2012 @ 02:42 AM

Originally posted by jamdan

It's not a theory. It's a made up story for ATS kidults. And it'll have to join the queue for that dumpter.

I don't know how you can call any theory a "Made Up Story" unless you come to your senses and realize that ALL THEORIES are just that: otherwise they wouldn't be "theoretical"... who's the kidult now?

reply to post by someotherguy

Hi Someotherguy,

Thanks again for a pertinent contribution. Those skeptics who don't believe anything anyone ever sees or knows, can pretty much live in their own bubble for all that their opinion matters when it comes to responding to very real contingencies and potential threats. Others know better, there is indeed OFF WORLD interference in Human Affairs, ranging from airspace violations, military confrontations on land, in the air or at sea, human abductions, secret treaties and many other forms of Alien Intervention on Earth. The first step to taking steps to respond or behave proactively to these influences might be to start by admitting their reality?


posted on May, 26 2012 @ 05:12 AM
reply to post by Getsmart

Your Paul McCartney-replaced-wth-alien-reptile "theory" is frankly laughable (and made me cough up my cornflakes), and staunchly within the kidult fairy-tale range that say...Darwin's Theory of Evolution.
edit on 26-5-2012 by jamdan because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2012 @ 02:14 PM

Originally posted by jamdan
reply to post by Getsmart

Your Paul McCartney-replaced-wth-alien-reptile "theory" is frankly laughable (and made me cough up my cornflakes), and staunchly within the kidult fairy-tale range that say...Darwin's Theory of Evolution.
edit on 26-5-2012 by jamdan because: (no reason given)

Sorry I sould have said "and staunchly within the kidult fairy-tale range than say..."
I hardly think it possible that Darwin had anything to do with replacing McCartney with a Draco assassin. Or did he?

posted on May, 27 2012 @ 07:51 AM

Originally posted by someotherguy
UFO and ALIENS exsist SAYS Gordon Cooper

Sure, and he saved the space shuttle program from a lethal design flaw by relaying a telepathic warning to his friends at NASA. Can you believe that? Later in his life he told many marvelous stories to get invited to UFO conventions since he'd been booted out of the astronaut corps for inadequate performance, and then when he helped some criminal con artists bilk his friends and fans out of millions of dollars in phony aviation investments, he was blackballed across the aerospace community. Show a little sympathy for the poor guy, by respecting his flight career and by politely ignoring the sad days that followed it. And believe ALL the OTHER witnesses to his UFO stories, who all agree Cooper's versions were delusional as well.

posted on May, 27 2012 @ 08:19 PM
At 4 minutes in > potential cosmic threat

Chuck Missler - Aliens UFOs Reptillians 4/4

posted on May, 29 2012 @ 07:53 AM
Hi Getsmart,

I'm glad to see that you’re still posting and delving into matters others won’t despite the onslaught of posts that haven’t contributed anything meaningful to your thread. I think you may have hit a nerve. There’s not much I can add that hasn’t already been said, but I will for the likes of ColAngus, ManBehindTheMask, DJW001, Druscilla, PulsusMeusGallo, Chadwicks and JimOberg throw a link to THIS THREAD which is devoid of shills, debunkers and sceptics and has many quotes and testimonies from prominent persons which have held high positions of power that also believe that Aliens/Extra-terrestrials do exist and that UFOs do indeed visit our planet.

posted on May, 29 2012 @ 08:05 AM
Could someone summarize the consensus that has been reached on this thread?

posted on May, 29 2012 @ 12:01 PM
reply to post by DJW001

What consensus. Its a good thread, about something that they spend a lot of money on, and that is why they criminalize so many things and take over the markets, for a cash cow. They funnel trillions into their technology and star wars toys.

There are a few skeptics that want to drag down the discussion, or in their own way keep it going.

Good thread overall.

posted on May, 29 2012 @ 12:16 PM


posted on May, 29 2012 @ 01:23 PM
"We are really in Star Wars" ~ at about 9 min. in

New World Order NWO - Peter Vereecke, Belgium

edit on 29-5-2012 by someotherguy because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 01:19 AM
Space War being waged on land by targeting Fukushima?

Author on Japan TV: It’s almost as if Tepco officials are aliens from another planet (VIDEO)

At 23:00 in the video:

Shin-ichi Sano, Author:

For example, the spokesman from TEPCO [...]

I think that people of Fukushima must look at him in bewilderment.


I think it’s a problem if they can’t communicate with sensitivity.

That footage of ruptured pipes and crumbling pellets were very scary.

Nonetheless, he replied ‘Is that so?’ (in an unconcerned tone and detached manner)

It’s almost as if they are aliens from another planet.

EDIT to add:

The UFO sighting that convinced a Government minister

He reported seeing a sudden flash of "silver light" in they sky high above him which rapidly descended towards him until he could see that it was a "gleaming silver-metallic disc".

The airman said its surface was shiny, "like tin foil", and "without a single crease or crinkle in it". He could see, with "astonishing clarity", the aircraft's "highly reflective and absolutely seamless metallic-looking surface".

edit on 30-5-2012 by someotherguy because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 02:21 AM
Terraforming: Alien or Human, It’s Here

Earth is under attack...

But Who’s Behind the Illuminati? What’s the Plan?

That they could be an alien race of trans-dimensionals, or demon-possessed wicked Satanists out to do their masters’ bidding is up for grabs. It could be both...

The earth is not slowly, but quickly being converted into something other than what it is naturally. The design apparently is that those who survive these manipulated changes will be the support team for these wicked trans-dimensional controllers who can survive just fine in the atmosphere they’re creating. In fact, it will probably support their life form better than the current natural earth does.

Farrakhan and The Islamic Spaceship of Death

Louis Farrakhan on the great wheel/space ship hovering over the earth...

edit on 30-5-2012 by someotherguy because: (no reason given)

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