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Two Nights: A Home Invasion and UFO's ( Part 1 )

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posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 09:55 PM
What an interesting thread!

Last night I watched "Indiana Jones and the Legend of the Crystal Skull"
then I watched "War of the Worlds" with Tom Cruise
then I watched "Signs", which I had not seen before.

then I read this thread. I will probably have nightmares tonight :-)

Bells on the doors and even windows are good. I have bells outside my door, for the cats. I swear one night the bells rang, I knew all the cats were inside. I answered the door and it was a raccoon! Or maybe it was an alien disguised as a raccoon...

I only read the first two pages, going to read the rest now.

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 10:46 PM
reply to post by berkeleygal
Ah yessss....those are good movies. I can't help but like Tom Cruise in that movie, even though he's a weirdo. HAHA I hope that doesn't offend.
Yes the bells made us feel better. Other wise you could slip in and out silently. Not good. But, we positioned the bells in a way that you couldn't open the door at all with out them sounding.
Who knew some brass colored bells would be so useful and versatile! I guess the feeling of security they brought was only in our heads. I don't think bells would have done much in real, bad a** aliens, that didn't give a hoot, wanted to break in to dig through my seed collection. I also kept telling myself that they weren't real, bad a** aliens, but more along the lines of nerdy, scientist, Steve Urkle, aliens that were afraid of the crazy human man. Hehe. Bottom line is.....I like bells....and a hand gun or two

Thank you for reading. I want every one to know what happened to us. It's no joke.
I've received a lot of good replies and other tid bits of my story and others are scattered through out this should read on.


posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 11:51 PM
Thanks for the great details and account, op. The story literally gave me chills. You by chance didn't have your daughter draw a sketch of the "blue people with funny smiles"? You should ask her to. You'd be surprised how well a child's memory is especially with things their subconscious doesn't try to block. Her drawing skills should be a little better now, since she is older. I am thoroughly intrigued.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 09:15 AM

Originally posted by txMEGAlithic
reply to post by amnislupus

I'm not certain if it was right before or right after but it was around the time of the Stephenville sightings in 2008. Grandmothers sighting was sometime in 2007. She just withheld that account from us until we told her of ours. Funny how people feel the need to be secretive.
Its crazy but as into that case as I was I never put two and two together. I've even read some mufon reports that made me think 'they' were still in the area doing some follow up research. I never tied my case to it though. I can't even understand why I would've. Talking to you is making me realize more and more, that my mind hasn't been as attuned to it all as it should've been. Others in some other discussions here lately have been showing me that too.
To answer your questions....
Religious? Yes, my wife was raised pentecostal and I, baptist. I am more religious now than ever and I feel she is the same way, although we do not regularly attend any church. We do pay our tithes to the church that my wife received the Holy Ghost in. I feel we have been greatly bless, in doing so, and have hopefully 'paid it forward' and been a blessing to others. I can only speak for myself when I say I pray every day. I assume my wife does as well, as she has introduced me to the Lord as I never knew him.
Even as a child I always new God was watching over me. I've also never been the kind to worry about anything at all. I put my faith in Him and I say he has my back and is forever watching over me, so what do I have to worry about? I've believed that since I was a boy, with all my heart, and miraculously I've always been okay. Even through the toughest of times.
I guess I've been worrying about this so much because it was such a mystery to me. A shocking revelation, forced on me in the middle of the night, that I just couldn't seem to wrap my head around. When I was a boy, wish every day and night for a UFO sighting, I never imagined the first crazy unexplainable thing to reveal itself to me would do so right in my own house. I always imagined seeing some flying disc in the clouds or some strange lights in the night sky. Never what really happened. Not in a million years.
Keep em coming...
I'm feeling better and better about the whole deal.
And by the way. Im nearly finished with part 2.

edit on 13-4-2012 by txMEGAlithic because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-4-2012 by txMEGAlithic because: (no reason given)

We seem to have unanimously jumped to the "aliens form another world" conclusion a little preemptively, I think. I certainly do not doubt your genuine honesty in what you perceived from your experience, but I feel you may be getting a little ahead of yourself in assuming whatever happened was the result of something other-worldly. I haven't read "part 2" yet, so I am only going by the information contained in your original post. I know from experience that a loud sound waking you from a deep sleep can actually seem a whole lot louder than it actually was. Also, sometimes we wake up in somewhat of a dream state, which can result in auditory and visual hallucinations, or in more rare cases, sleep paralysis. Your wife may have been experiencing this sort of "waking limbo". As for how the tin can was knocked onto the floor, your guess is as good as mine. It was either aliens, a human burglar, and earth quake, an animal, or something else. "Aliens" would have to be the least logical scenario, IMO. As for the comments your child made about the blue people, children have fantastic imaginations. That's what makes them so great! Your daughter may have very well overheard you and your wife talking about something of the sort and conjured up the story in her imagination. Again, IMO, that is more likely than blue aliens visiting your daughter in the middle of the night. Please do not take offense to my comments. It is my opinion that the best way to investgate matters such as this is to put aside any personal desires and remain as rational and objective as possible. I myself happen to believe there is most definitely an unexplained phenomenon which has been going on in our skies for quite some time. It is certainly hard to ignore the evidence and credible testimony of high ranking government officials in regard to this phenomena. Being visited by an alien race from another world is a fantastic notion, which is why it is quite easy to jump to that conclusion. You said it yourself, OP. For as long as you can remember, you have wanted to experience an alien encounter of some kind. Me too! However, it's important to rule out all Earthly possibilities first before convincing yourself and your family that aliens have invaded your home. Cheers, dude. And I look forward to reading part 2.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 09:51 AM

Originally posted by txMEGAlithic
I think the bells were the only things I could find at the time aside from hanging pots and pans on the door. I don't even know why we had all of those bells. Hehe. It was a set up of like seven or eight bell. One set up for the front door and one for the back. Grandmother came down one day to bring us some home made chicken fried steak and she chuckled as she walked through through the door. She said "Sounds like a convenient store around here."
That made me laugh. Shes funny.
Your house sounds haunted. The coffee pot moving around makes me think that. Either that or somethings coming in through the window.
I would have flipped if I woke up to something standing in the door way, or anywhere else in the house for that matter. Even though seeing it would have been really terrifying I wish I could have. I'd love it if I could have even seen the silhouette of the intruder in my house that night. Have you or your wife ever seen it clearly or even a clear silhouette? The window being open sounds like it might have something to do with it. How long did the power stay out? Its all strange. Do you think you may have been abducted through that window? or that its a spirit that has come in? I believe spirits can move around where they please. I also believe people can carry bad or evil spirits with out even realizing it. Those spirits can jump of on you, (almost literally, I feel) and bring what ever evil with them and to you. I give a common example...cussing or using foul language. When a person doesn't normally cuss and say bad things, then one day they realize they have been talking bad or saying a particular bad word all day and they wonder why? I see it happen all the time with people that I know at least sort of well.
Maybe a different kind of spirit is showing up at that house. One which carries a different kind of evil. I'm not saying it's evil but it doesn't sound friendly. At all.
Bad spirits. Praying puts a stop to it for me.

I have not seen it but my wife has, like I said, when she was younger. When I asked her to describe it, she gave me a somewhat vague response but I believe that is due to her inability to fully describe what she was seeing. She got a bit flustered explaining that it was "a thick mass, darker than shadow, darker than normal nighttime darkness". She also recollected that there were (and still are) nightlights in both her room and the hallway just outside of our door, which she claims illuminated the figure from the front and rear, although it had no reflective properties like physical objects.

You have to know, my wife does NOT trip up with words. She is extremely fluent and very charismatic, she could be a writer with the way she describes things, if it weren't for her terrible spelling. It was a bit difficult for me to listen to her fumbling with her words, it was obvious that she really didn't know what it was or how to explain it to me without sounding crazy. She's terrified of whatever it is... she came home the other day and told me that she had a long talk with a friend concerning the recent activity and their conclusion was that we "had to stop talking about it".

The power was only out for a brief moment.
It wasn't the length of the outage that bothered me, it was the fact that the very moment I "insulted" it, the lights/computer/television all went out. Like I said, I may be over-thinking it and a bit paranoid but I simply don't believe in coincidence. I've had far too many strange experiences in my life to think otherwise.

I don't believe I have been abducted. I am not sure if it's causing the nightmares or not but I know I don't regularly remember my dreams and when I do they are always amazing and pleasant. In my dreams, I am godlike, I have total awareness of my dream state and manipulate it how I choose. So when I have many nightmares in a short period of time, I see that as a pattern and try to attribute them to something tangible.

I believe it's entirely possible that I have a negative spirit bound to me. Given the circumstances of a previous relationship with a "woman" who I can only describe as evil and demonic, I think it could be true. However, that's a long story and I'd rather not bring it up.

We seem to have unanimously jumped to the "aliens form another world" conclusion a little preemptively, I think.

I disagree. I've said from the beginning that I don't believe it to be "extraterrestrial".
I am of the opinion that what we're dealing with here is supernatural, which is very alien to us, regardless.
I've never met a human who could move 40ft in the blink of an eye without making footfall.

This may be silly, Megalithic, but there's a lot of lore on Vampires that fit the bill.
But I suppose if Aliens are on the table, so are the lot.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 10:27 AM

We seem to have unanimously jumped to the "aliens form another world" conclusion a little preemptively, I think.

I disagree. I've said from the beginning that I don't believe it to be "extraterrestrial".
I am of the opinion that what we're dealing with here is supernatural, which is very alien to us, regardless.
I've never met a human who could move 40ft in the blink of an eye without making footfall.

This may be silly, Megalithic, but there's a lot of lore on Vampires that fit the bill.
But I suppose if Aliens are on the table, so are the lot.

Well ghosts and vampires are right up there with aliens as far as least likely scenarios, IMO. We really are not certain that anything moved 40ft in the "blink of an eye" without making a foot fall. This was testimony from the wife who was awakend from a deep sleep. As I stated in my previous post; time, sound, light, and shadows can very easily play tricks on people who are awoken from a deep sleep. OP, have you recently had any guests in your home who may have noticed the coffee can tucked away in your fridge? A coffee can is a pretty classic place to stash money. Maybe someone saw the can and knew about your malfunctioning door. Maybe this person decided to sneak into your home one night and take this coffee can for themselves because they thought there would be money inside. Maybe this person was startled when they heard your wife stirring and bolted for the door, knocking over the can in the process. IMO, this scenario is much more likely than anything else that has been suggested.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 11:17 AM

Well ghosts and vampires are right up there with aliens as far as least likely scenarios, IMO. We really are not certain that anything moved 40ft in the "blink of an eye" without making a foot fall. This was testimony from the wife who was awakend from a deep sleep. As I stated in my previous post; time, sound, light, and shadows can very easily play tricks on people who are awoken from a deep sleep. OP, have you recently had any guests in your home who may have noticed the coffee can tucked away in your fridge? A coffee can is a pretty classic place to stash money. Maybe someone saw the can and knew about your malfunctioning door. Maybe this person decided to sneak into your home one night and take this coffee can for themselves because they thought there would be money inside. Maybe this person was startled when they heard your wife stirring and bolted for the door, knocking over the can in the process. IMO, this scenario is much more likely than anything else that has been suggested.

While I won't rule a human intruder out, I feel there is less evidence to support the idea that someone broke into the house. It just doesn't add up.

First, this is rural Texas.
Texans own guns, they know how to use them and many in the country are unafraid to kill an intruder.
Why break into a house that could potentially lead to your own death?

Second, they live in a trailer.
By the illustration of the layout, this trailer is virtually wide-open between the back-door and the living quarters.
The occupants sleep within view and earshot of both doors; there are no barriers to muffle the sounds of a break-in. And as Megalithic has stated, the trailer itself is still on wheels, which makes the entire house rock back-and-forth if someone moves quickly from one end to the next... something that neither he nor his wife felt.
Why break into the trailer in the back and not the house in the front?

Third, it's pitch dark.
Human eyes don't work that well in the darkness. How would a burglar know where/what to look for without a light? As far as I can tell, there was nothing said about a light being seen (with the exception of the young girl in the next room over).

Fourth, transportation?
His entire home was surrounded by abandoned homes and fields.
Who walked all the way to his house?
In the dead of night in rural Texas, he'd be able to hear an engine running, he'd see headlights or the sounds of tires crunching gravel or rolling on pavement. His daughter's window is on the south-side of the house, the driveway is on the north-side, she couldn't have seen headlights of a vehicle.

Also, the can had a screw lid. Why unscrew the lid first to look for money? Why not just take the whole damned thing and leave before getting caught? Why linger at the scene when you don't have to?

And his old doorknob shouldn't have anything to do with a burglary.
It shouldn't make it any easier to open the door, which was locked.

If this were an average break-in it wouldn't have gone down the way it did.
Why at night? Why not during the day when people have crap to do and their home is left unguarded.
Why risk walking so near to the bed? I'd say I'm relatively stealthy and even I wouldn't go that far. That's just asking to get caught.

I'm not saying this scenario isn't realistic, I'm saying it's not plausible.
I'm not saying it couldn't happen, I'm saying it doesn't make sense.
The evidence presented to us is rather detailed and that's really all we have to work with but I'm not convinced that what we're dealing with is as simple as a failed B&E.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 01:58 PM
reply to post by SonicWrath

Okay, I'm back. I know I've been logged in but I've been real busy at work. I'm free to address your response.
Give me a minute.
And FYI, I'm not offended by your questions or opinion. You are the first to challenge me and for that I give you your first star!

Stand by for my reply


Well I've typed out a reply three times and everytime its near completion, my fumbling hands hit a wrong key and it erases it all and sends me back to the thread. Grrrr! I'll try it again.

edit on 17-4-2012 by txMEGAlithic because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by SonicWrath
Above....Amnislupus brings ups many of the points I wanted to illustrate in my reply. With that said....

I don't feel I jumped to this conclusion very quickly. Trust me when I say, I've thought of everything you are suggesting. I've stewed on the situation for the past few years. Let me say I am a person of logic. I admit, since childhood, I've searched for a real UFO sighting, but as a logical person, I was always able to dismiss anything strange.

I agree that the mind can be fooled upon waking from a deep sleep. Its not out of the realm possibility. I know for a fact, though, that the door was locked. We wouldn't have left the chair sitting in the way in the kitchen as the house was small and you just didn't block the walkways. And the lid to the tin was secured tightly. Something change the way we left all of those things.
I don't feel my wife would have jumped to such an outlandish conclusion had the experience not prompted such. She is a pretty logical person as well. And I ran out of the house almost immediately, in hot pursuit. My plan was to hand deliver an a** beating to a 'real person', whom I assumed could have been observed leaving the property. I used my big mag light, the kind that can double as a weapon. It easily lit the back yard and made it very clear that no one was in the front either. It also allowed me to notice I had left footprints in the dew. The only footprints as a matter of fact. And I searched for more because that would have been a clear way to find where 'they' ran off to. That was one of the more puzzling parts of it all.

I can't say for sure it was an 'Alien' But when alien makes the most sense, what do you do?

I found no evidence that suggested a human intruder other than the fact that claiming 'alien' is a bit looney in some peoples eyes.
I would rather it have been a human. Would be easier to deal with. IMO.

And let me clarify. The tin was not a coffee can. It was an old decorative tin, probably antique. The lid and container had large wide threads and the lid was slightly misshapen. Thats what cause the bad noise when trying to remove or close the lid. It couldn't be done in silence. I have no doubt my wife would have woken to this sound. And it would be a shock to hear it in the middle of the night knowing what it took to open the misshapen lid.
Its normal place was at the back of the fridge. On that night, however, it was sitting against the wall at the back of the coffee table, which was also not in its normal place. Not to mention it was literally pitch black in our house.

No one new of our exact location except grandmother in law, and maybe my boss however I doubt he new the exact location as he only had our mailing address from my tax info. And no one came to our house in those first few years we were there. I struggle to see how an random intruder would have noticed the tin or even why a burglar would be interested in it, given the electronics and power tools that were readily available and easier to get to.
None of it made sense. Thats why its bothered me for so long.

And as for my daughters claims....
Yes, she could have over heard us talking that next morning. She could have even made it all up. When she came out of her room we stopped our discussion, not wanting to scare her. When I asked her how she slept, I expected her to say, I slept good. It was a shock to hear her real response, and it was out of character for her to say something like that. After words I tried to get as much detail out of a three year old as I could. Limited but still something at least.
I really feel like I exhausted all logic when trying to figure out the situation, even when explaining it to myself. I really didn't 'want' to say it was an alien or spirit, but it being a person just does fit. A person, in that situation, would have been caught, IMO, and would have been in a world of hurt.

Thank you for your post and for the challenge! If I failed to cover anything of importance, let me know. Maybe tonight, away from the madness of work, my mind will be clear enough to address your questions better.


posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 04:21 PM
reply to post by amnislupus
Wow you beat me to the punch, friend. Thank you! You took alot of words right out of my mouth and are spot on with my way of thinking. I would post individual quotes that I agree with or were thinking of saying from your last reply but then I'd be posting the whole thing!
Its just a strange case and making sense of it is very difficult. Thank ya for your backing! and for seeing why this is not a typical breaking and entering case. (one in which nothing was stolen:puz

Who knows though. Its a mystery.


I shall return tonight for more debate. Hopefully it will continue.
edit on 17-4-2012 by txMEGAlithic because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 05:44 PM
I'm really surprised there aren't more posters in this thread. I'll start off with saying that I believe that what you're stating is how the sequence of events went down. I'm saying that I believe stuff was strewn about after the awakening/noises, no footstep sounds, door locked/unlocked. But I'm not going to necessarily arrive at any of the same conclusions.

But yeah I think you guys experienced something messed up, haha.

What a great explanation. I feel like unless I was in your now vacation home, I can't come up with any question that would bring up something new. I personally would take comfort in not having seen what was in your home that night/morning. Were it to be too jarring to witness (probably was), it might be best to not have that memory imprinted in your head. Those blue people your daughter saw might have even been cute to her, and only interesting enough for a morning mention, but I'd bet anything you'd have seen them in a different light.

I can imagine the possibility of frustration on your part, to roll an event around in your head. Looking at it from every angle, re-analyzing any evidence you have. Even re-analyzing your own perception and wondering if things did play out how you remember, especially as time goes on. Well maybe it could have been a ninja burglar that managed to scamper off at the first sign of your wife waking? It's a very upsetting feeling, being unsure of something just because you can't explain it in simple ways.

But like in 'Signs', when Mel Gibson's brother tells the sheriff (after an upsetting occurrence at their home), "let's say there wasn't a female Scandinavian, Olympic high jumper on our roof...", it's difficult to think a human (skilled in silent theft) was the cause of a disturbing morning and probably a lifelong of pondering. However we can't forget, that ever present on the hand opposite of paranormal is most probable, as a human burglar is more common than nosy para-beings.

I refuse to believe what happened to you was ordinary though. Whether it was paranormal or familiar, I think that the explanation for the event is spectacular. Something very interesting happened that night. You don't need me to tell you that. One time though we had the cops rolling up to the house while we were smoking a "funny" cigarette in the frontyard, and let me tell you... I bet I got inside the house faster than your intruder got outside.

Your orbs are very interesting as well. I recently witnessed something very different in appearance, but similar in smooth movement, including ascending/descending motions. On another occasion though, I did see an orb as you described it, having apparently been a mass of light. Once I realized that what I had seen was illuminated in this fashion, I was excited at knowing that I had, with certainty, seen something unusual.

I also had multiple visits from a quiet "friend" during a series of sleep paralysis I endured. S/he would gradually get closer to my bed as each instance of sleep paralysis happened. I don't know if I believe I hallucinated it, but that's where my "too jarring for memory" statement comes from. And it wasn't even that scary looking (at least 8 years later it isn't, haha)

I'll keep watching the thread, but either way, good luck with whatever happens in your future. I hope your children are safe from the things that have bumped in the night, and that you can one day learn what it was, in the least threatening/terrifying manner possible.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 08:16 PM
reply to post by thepainweaver
Thank you for reading.

Well, my wife and I tried to get her to, that very evening she told us about it. She was just to young, at the time, to do anything but scribble. I was disappointed because I had that same idea, as a semi-artist that I am, and new it would maybe give me some insight as to what she saw or if she was making it all up.

I'm trying to decide how to bring it up to her now. I don't want to put anything in her head that might not be their now, their for making any sketch of the blue strangers something from her 'imagination' and not what she really saw. It was around four years ago and I've tested her memory with things that I thought she would think were important, even subconsciously, from around that time. I would ask her things like "Do you remember our little puppy, Chewy?" which was a lil dog we got around the time she turned four. She didn't remember him and she loved that dog. So her not remembering something significant like that makes me think she might not remember her experience. But I know it must be in her subconscious. I just don't know how to access that without implanting thoughts for her imagination to draw from. I want her memory to be pure and I don't think it can be.
That's why here lately I've been hesitant to talk to her about it. I have to find the rite way. Any thoughts on how?


posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 08:26 PM
Here's a thought. Why not set up video or at least audio surveillance throughout your house for the next few nights? Who or "what" snuck into your house most likely did not accomplish whatever it was they set out to accomplish. Your waking wife saw to that.
My point is, maybe they'll be back. I must say I highly doubt this tin can full of Dollar General veggie seeds had anything to do with why this intruder was in your house to begin with. As you said, OP, the seeds are very common. I think the can, like the chair, was an innocent bystander in the intruder's escape.
Personally, if I even had the slightest suspicion that blue aliens were invading my child's bedroom at night, I would not only have the area under constant survey, I would personally stand guard at her bedside every night. I certainly wouldn't be able to sleep at night. This is why I do not envy you if you truly believe an alien/ghost/whatever was standing over your bed while you slept. That has got to be one of the most terrifying thoughts imaginable! I guess my main point from the very beginning has been this: I do not find it necessary to let your imagination run wild over one particularly weird and creepy experience. Allowing suspicions of supernatural or paranormal explanations will only cause stress for you and your family. Believe me when I say I have read all of the evidence provided and understand all points you and others have hit on, OP. But as confusing, strange, and unprecedented as all of the logical, "grounded" scenarios may seem, they are still extremely more likely than anything out of this world invading your home.

Regarding the points you have made about the "unusual" circumstances surrounding this alleged invasion, I do have a couple of eyebrows to raise, if I may be so bold.

1. You seem convinced that no human could have opened this tin can of yours without making a loud sound that would wake your wife......yet your wife did wake, right? Maybe it was indeed the sound of the lid being turned that
initially woke your wife.

2. You seem perplexed at how someone could have maneuvered around your house so quickly when it was pitch black inside. Maybe they actually had a flash light and your wife didn't have time to notice it. Plus, they didn't move around too gracefully from the sound of it. lol.

3. You seem convinced that just because you couldn't find any footprints outside other than yours in the dead of night, then there couldn't be any other footprints at all. This assumption is just wrong, no offense. There may have been other foot prints, you just may not have noticed them.

4. You seem convinced that the explanation must be other-worldly because.....ahem....the intruder got away? I assure you home invaders get away all the time in this world and never get caught. Even sloppy ones. Even human ones. lol. I really do apologize if my obvious tone of sarcasm is upsetting you in any way, but I'm just trying to add a little comic relief to the situation.

5. You seem convinced that this intruder made it to the exit of your house in some sort of record time. Again, time can seem strange in a barely-awake state of mind. Just like a dream may seem to last 5 to 10 minutes, when in reality you've been sleeping for hours. So unless your wife had a stopwatch on her that was counting the seconds from the moment she woke until the moment there was absolute silence, I wouldn't worry myself over the time bit.

6. I may have missed this, but did you ever call the police and file a report? If I ever woke up in the middle of the night to what I thought was a home invasion, that's the first thing I would have done. Maybe there have been reports of recent home invasions in your area. It's worth looking into, at least. Anywhoo, those are my thoughts. I would seriously set up some surveillance, though!

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 09:16 PM
reply to post by Contag
Thank you friend. You've captured many feelings and put them into words. Something I've struggle with.
I've gone through a lot of different emotions over what happened that night. I've undergone many different ways of thinking about it. I've come to the realization that no matter what it was, if it ever happens again, in any house we are living in, I have to capture it in some way. In a picture, video, or even physically...hehe yeah right. I can be scared or mad or what ever for right now, I just can't let it happen again with out getting some conformation, at least for myself.

I can imagine the possibility of frustration on your part, to roll an event around in your head. Looking at it from every angle, re-analyzing any evidence you have. Even re-analyzing your own perception and wondering if things did play out how you remember, especially as time goes on. Well maybe it could have been a ninja burglar that managed to scamper off at the first sign of your wife waking? It's a very upsetting feeling, being unsure of something just because you can't explain it in simple ways.
However we can't forget, that ever present on the hand opposite of paranormal is most probable, as a human burglar is more common than nosy para-beings.

That is all true. And next on my list would have been ninja burglar. I too refuse to believe that what happen was ordinary.

I've saw those first two orbs that night of December 21, well technically it was the early morning hours of the 22nd, but I was amazed. It was chilling once I realized it wasn't a familiar air craft. I was in awe the whole time. Since that night/morning, I saw two orbs that behaved very similarly on my way to Houston one night. My wife was with me. I think the town was called Belleville. We were just to the north of the town, heading in. Then sitting on my balcony in Richmond, I witness, by myself, two more orbs that were totally stationary for about six minutes. All of a sudden, both simultaneously took off. I say 'out of the atmosphere', because they seemed to move up slightly and out until they got so tiny I could see them any more. They were totally in sync with one another as they took off and disappeared. It was crazy. Ever since this last sighting I've felt as if 'they' are following me. And they probably aren't. I just find it strange, that after looking my whole life, I see them now, all of a sudden sort of. Now, every time I'm outside, I'm scanning the skies. I have a good camera now so I dare em to show.

I have a question about your sleep paralysis visitor.
You called it a 'quiet friend'. Was it friendly? Did you feel fear when under the paralysis? Was the sight of the quiet friend, calming or alarming? and more alarming with every, closer visit? Was the sight of it, even just at the time, frightening? What did it look like? It sounds scary.

Thanks for the reply.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 10:27 PM
reply to post by BO XIAN


Interesting post.......... Hmmm......... A balance....... I was wondering how does the stuff you said gave spiritual legality.........?? I know they have been banned in most of the monotheist religions......... but still...... I would like to know the connections.........

My believe is that we are mixing two things up.......... The aliens are different entity and the entities that enter the house are different entities most probably a Demon or Jinn........... As for the matter of seeing the Owl........ well Owls are bad omens......... like the raven or the crow.......... No matter what people say......... Pigeons on the other hand are a good sign....... Owls,Ravens and Crows are considered to be the carriers of Black magic....... And they are considered wise because.......... They often counsel the wizards and people...... trying to influence them to do their bidding........

reply to post by txMEGAlithic


My suggestion to txMEGAlithic....... get your daughter Baptized......... or protected according to your faith........ Seeing such creatures is never a good sign........... they are not aliens......... They are interested in her........ keep her safe........... If the sightings and strange thing continue even after you have tried all the protection....... talk to a Muslim Imam......... he will definitely be able to help you............

One more question......... Did you notice any snake holes in the ground around your house or the vicinity..........??

All i can say is Stay Safe Folks......... Always stay in the Light.........!!


posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 10:42 PM
reply to post by txMEGAlithic

What sucks is that for all you know, you might be the most interesting thing on the planet according to those orbs. It's peculiar that you're witnessing similar objects during each sighting. From experiences I've heard, people with multiple sightings tend to have different things occur each time. Bright lights once, vs large triangle another, vs low flying orb lights another, etc. I'd document each account if I were you not. Not necessarily here, but just a word file on your computer or something. So you can go back and compare future sightings to previous, instead of attempting to compare them from memory. We already discussed analyzing. Make sure you look for the facts of each event that have to be derived, and aren't shown to you plainly. Example would be the object not just shining a light, but apparently being the light. And the more detective-like your inspections, the better. You're already obsessed probably so might as well dive right in.

As far as my friend goes... he looks like this -

and this

So far, not having been in traumatic situations, experiencing that thing in my room is without doubt the most terror I've felt in my life. Not just due to seeing it, but the fact that I'm laying in bed, completely helpless to do anything about the S.O.B. in my bedroom. I was 100% at its mercy 'cause of the paralysis. It went from just peeking through my door to sitting in my computer chair (everyone has to check their Facebook, I guess) across ~4 instances. Later after speaking with my father about the incidents, he helped me realize that at no point was my hallucination threatening me, nor acting erratic. This led me to take a different perspective on what I had seen, and wondered what info more I could have gathered had I not freaked out while it was happening. Looking back, it feels like the first time I saw it, it was looking in on me (checking from the door in a very parental way). This led me to a "don't judge a book by its cover" attitude, and I actually got the bastard tattooed on my leg (first linked image, without the humans) to remind me to not jump to conclusions about things I don't understand. My Christian friend told me I essentially tattooed a demon, but I doubt it. I plan on creating a thread on this soon with an entire account. It'll probably be the 1,000th post about sleep paralysis, but I've seen people post more questionable content.

posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 12:20 AM
I want to believe your story. Especially your op. It was very interesting and entertaining. I mean that it the least negative way possible. It's just, your responses to these questions brought someone else to mind. I have read all your posts and accounts and I swear, you sound just like Matrix Traveller.
I'm just going to leave it at that. As much as I enjoyed your account, I'm sorry, I just don't believe it. I was fooled pretty good by him once. Won't be again. Enjoy your thread.

Check it yourselves:

posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 08:50 AM
reply to post by SonicWrath
The next time I go home I will record the sound of the tin can opening and put it on this thread. (if thats possible?)
So that everyone can hear the eerie sound it makes and see why hearing that in the middle of the night in your dark, still house, would certainly wake anyone. And also why that would be an unmistakeable sound that wouldn't be confused with, lets say the can just falling off of the table, as you seem to suggest.

I didn't say it was a graceful maneuver through the house. It was just very very fast. And apparently it was so fast it had disappeared before I even got out of the house.

I had one of the brightest LED lights on the market. It clearly illuminated the spots where I had stepped. I went to the drive way and straight back to the back porch. On the way back is when I noticed my own foot prints but no others. I thought instantly they had run the other direction, towards the south of the house. When I got back to the bottom steps of the porch I searched thoroughly in all directions and found no other footprints except my own(which were very apparent BTW) I even thought they stayed close the house as they made their way off of the porch. Still nothing. The light made the drops of dew shine and twinkle. My foot steps had removed the dew from the tops of the grass. It was as clear as day. They had to of jumped about 90 feet to the fence line, clinging to the fence as they shimmied down to some unknown hiding place, in order to not leave any footprints.

I agree, their may be thieves in the world that could have pulled this off. I don't know why such skills would have been wasted by breaking into an old seventies model trailer house, the occupants of which were just poor young people starting off a family, and the 'thief' didn't take anything except our sense of security.

My wife described the time bit as:
She was startled awake, by the tin opening. Startled awake. She didn't say she woke up groggy and incoherent. She was startled awake upon hearing the tin. And the other two loud sounds (also easily identifiable as not much in the house makes noises like those) followed so quickly is was shocking to her and she instantly sat up and turned the light on. At which point I was sitting up as well. Its not out of the possibilities for it to have been imagined, but due to the nature of being startled awake, I think its unlikely she imagined the fast paced event.

We didn't call the police. Maybe we should have but it was so crazy I assumed the small town hick sheriff would have laughed the whole way off of our property. There was no physical evidence (broken window, force open door, any items stolen, not even footprints) to suggest that anyone was in our house. If you were a cop, and I called you to the scene, what would you have found? Nothing but a story and some items (claimed by us) to have been moved by something which exited our house and left no footprints. You must understand the small, country town, mentality. They would have assumed we were on drugs. I guarantee that.
Also this being that kind of town. Any news of break ins or burglaries makes front page of the paper. We scanned the articles for months afterwards and nothing ever showed up. I'm really not offended by any of your questions or presumptions. It makes me think, however, that I failed to present my case as well as I wanted to. No worries though mate, I'm glad to answer or clarify where I can. I respect your opinion and don't blame you for still thinking it was easily explainable or an ordinary human on human encounter. It all sounds so crazy I'm surprised anyone believes it.
As for getting some cameras. Yes thats the plan. We don't live there anymore, except for the few vacations I get, we live where ever I'm working at the time. The house is literally our vacation home now. Not that that town is any place for a vacation, but we miss the new house there and the property. We go back every chance we get. We are planning on buying a home security DVR system that comes with four IR cameras and can record for up to 180 days. I've been checking up on it and it also has a remote viewing feature.
Thanks again.

edit on 18-4-2012 by txMEGAlithic because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 08:55 AM
reply to post by wolverine81
Matrix Traveller? I haven't heard of that. I will check out the thread though.
As I said, I didn't expect any believers of my story. Its outrageous, I know, and it does sound fabricated.
I assure you it most definitely is not made up in any way. Thank you for reading it though. You don't have to believe. If it were to happen to you this way, you might. You just never know until the shoe is on the other foot.
Thanks for your post anyways. I'll look at the matrix traveller.


posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 09:03 AM
reply to post by Primus87
You know, I've never seen any snake holes around this area. I haven't even seen any snakes (which is odd for any part of Texas) in this area. I feel and also feel that my family is safer not living in the house anymore. If it was a spirit maybe it is tide to that house or the property. If it was an 'alien' maybe they just decided to leave us alone but since that night, no other break ins or intrusions have occurred. To our knowledge anyway. It made me stay more alert and aware of strange things though. I don't think I'll ever let my guard down, especially when on that property and at night. I've been on guard this whole four years after the encounter probably in vain.
Thanks for the post.

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