reply to post by FlyersFan
Yes, it is true and the fact that you cannot see that means you are blind. Take a peek under the monstrance, see that starburst? Sungod worship. The
Eucharist is transmuted into Christ's flesh and the wine into his blood, consuming human flesh is a sin and so is drinking blood and partaking of
food offered to idols (Council of Jerusalem). Mary the so called "Queen of Heaven"? Yeah theres been a few pagan deities to have that name and
theyre all the same goddess...Ishtar/Astarte/Ashtoreth/Ashterah/Hera who is also "the Whore of Babylon". You pray for the dead and believe your
priests can forgive the sins of others. Communicating with the dead is forbidden. Mary being the "co-remeptrix" of salvation? Uh no, Jesus was
hanging on that cross alone and it was his blood that was shed, she watched from a long way off.
Yeshua was also not born on December 25th, but
NIMROD was, so why do you celebrate the birth of Nimrod? Yeshua was born in the warm months
when the shepherds were still able to sleep with their flocks in the fields and if you count foward
from the end of Kislev to 9 months later he
ends up being born around Tishri probably before Sukkot. So, why do you celebrate Saturnalia? Tertullian had something to say on that matter
Saturnalia was renamed Christmas so people would think it had to do with Yeshua, furthermore early christians did not celebrate the birth of the
Messiah, they only celebrated his death because that is when he freed man from sin by shedding his blood.
Your Pope sits on a golden throne and allows men to worship him by kissing his ring (adoration is a form of worship). The Pope carries the titles and
office of Caesar which makes him "King of kings", Pope is also the highest priest which makes him a "priest-king" and in the OT Saul and Uzziah
were punished by God for taking the duties of a priest while being in essence he claims
Melchizidek. In 1984 Pope John Paul II was
Quoted as saying "Do not go to God for remission of sins, come to
me". In the early 20th century Pope Pius X was quoted in a catholic
magazine (their own magazine now) as saying "The Pope is the human representative of Christ on earth and
he is Christ himself"
Now as for Easter...LOL. Easter is taken from the babylonian goddes Ishtar (pronounced Eashter) who is based on Semiramis who ascended to heaven and
returned in a silver egg and she emerged from the silver egg with breasts bared (fertility goddess) and she caused rabbits to lay eggs (easter
bunnies) and the people would sacrifice their children or (pigs) and dip the eggs layed by the rabbits in blood and consume them and then the hunt for
the silver egg would begin (easter egg hunt) and whoever found the silver egg could ride it back to heaven and become a god.
Paganism and Catholicism
Catholicism, Mithraism in disguise
Still want to be a part of the Mithraic faith?