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Why are people suddenly denying the New World Order? How stupid can you be?

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posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 08:28 PM
I'm sorry the title is so blunt, but seriously... What is the deal with people posting "The NWO doesn't exist" stuff?

I understand this conspiracy is blown up and distorted by idiots and trolls who like to spread exciting disinformation, but the evidence and facts are still there.

First of all, many political leaders have openly admitted to the globalist agenda... Secondly, sure, some people who believe in conspiracies believe in really off-the-wall things, but many of them are geniuses, or borderline geniuses. Tell me why EVERY major world event is connected to Freemasonry, who fused together with the Bavarian Illuminati, who's goals were to abolish all religions and all governments in order to start the world over on their own, by their own rules. Tell me why Freemasonry, connected to half our presidents and claimed by a third of our Constitutions' makers and signers, has been so secretive in all its existence, and exposed on a few occasions by a very few of their former followers, and accused constantly throughout history of conspiring with the manipulation and control of the politics and governments of the world? And tell me why the Illuminati, who's customs are now one with the customs of Freemasonry, were very intertwined with the worship of the sun and the moon, and Pagan traditions... and how many of our "Christian" customs in America are watered down and overly marketed forms of Pagan traditions, and Roman sun and moon worship, like the worship of the Roman sun God on December 25th, or the worship of the sun God's lover, Ishtar, the moon goddess, who's name is the original word "Easter." Tell me why that is. The first hunt of the Pagan spring solstice was a rabbit, who is the face if Ishtar's holiday in the spring. The Pagan tradition of decorating pine trees during the winter solstice was adopted into American Christianity and somehow became affiliated with The Lord. The Holly King, the Pagan legend who ruled from the end of the summer solstice to the winter solstice, who's colors are red and green, traditional Christmas colors, is now known as Santa Clause. Tell me why that is. True, many of the wealthiest companies running the country are opposing, but a good deal of our world leaders--yes, WORLD leaders, not just American political leaders--are Freemasons and Bilderburgers... but I'm sure you knew that already. That's all the support the idea of a New World Order would need--string pullers in the ranks. They don't need everyone's support. They need everyone's pre-anticipated reactions to events they can trigger at the snap of their fingers.

You can't tell me 9/11 wasn't an inside job.

You can't tell me FEMA runs drills in areas of the world, like Florida, right before a natural disaster or another equally threatening event occurs in that exact area just by simple coincidence.

You can't tell me that an admitted global agenda. which HAS been admitted on multiple occasions, isn't possible.

You can't tell me that vaccines are being stock-piled and pre-stored and created for, quote, "Pre-pandemic purposes" right before a Japanese guy in a college combines the H1N1 with the H5N1, which has been described as a flu that, quote from Science magazine, "could change world history if it was ever released"--Released, not 'accidentally let out,' but RELEASED--is just a coincidence.

And you can't tell me that if you put a conspiracy theorist like myself next to another teenager who's never heard a single shred of truth or conspiracies in their life and listen to them both talk, the indoctrinated clueless one would sound smarter.

You can't tell anyone that there isn't something being conspired that has aspirations of a New World Order, something that has its Latin mark on our dollar bills, Novus Ordo Seclorum, meaning "New Order Of The Ages," or of course, New World Order, under the pyramid, the eye of Horus, the eye that, in Egyptian religions, and alternatively, in the Illuminati's beliefs, was the sun. The all-seeing eye in the sky.

Like I've said hundreds of times before, anyone who doesn't believe there is an aspiration of a New World Order within the powers that be believe in a million amazing coincidences regarding the conspiracy throughout history and present day.

Seriously, OPEN your eyes and think. You've seen it, you've heard it, and the wheels are in motion. The New World Order is NOT a ##snip## hoax!
edit on 10-4-2012 by XxNightAngelusxX because: Typo

edit on Sun Apr 15 2012 by DontTreadOnMe because: Mod Note: Do Not Evade the Automatic Censors

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 08:30 PM
Like I said about the NWO in other threads..

Of course it is real... it will happen if we want to consider ourselves a civilized planet. However there are mind games being played here.

My theory is that we must have a new world order to be accepted to the Alien Federation.. if you believe in aliens then you must believe in an alien government with its own laws and codes it must follow by.

By the standards of codes aliens are not allowed to reveal themselves to planets until said planets are deemed civilized.

Earth will not be accepted into the galaxy until it comes together as a whole and can govern its whole planet under one cooperative government.

So here is the conspiracy... TPTB do not want to join this galactic government because they will lose power that they have worked so hard to control.. so they themselves push the NWO and One World Government knowing the people would push against them. They put it out in a way the people would never accept.

If the PTB wanted a true NWO and One World Government.. they would promote love and passion.. they would educate everyone they could for as cheap as they could because the more intelligent that people are the more they would help those less fortunate..

Instead they push racism, sexism, class warfar... they devalue our monopoly money and everyone is struggling in pain.

People fear the idea of the new world order because we know that the real PTB are criminals, we know that everything they do is for their own power

So think about it... are they truely pushing a NWO or just promoting war and dividing people..

Do you really think that they are trying to bring citizens of earth together.

I think that eventually a NWO will have to happen it will be the natural process of our evolution... maybe not tomarrow or next year but eventually.

If you are a true alien believer... what guidelines do you believe the human race must meet before disclosure... there must be something that holds them back from just hijacking our air waves and just announcing to the world that they exist and we disgust them.

They must have rules, and the PTB are surely using those to their own advantages.
edit on 10-4-2012 by Doalrite because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 08:33 PM
Nothing has changed since the floodwater subsided.

Barbarians came down the hill, bonked us on the head and stole out ish.

It is Old world order.

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 08:34 PM
It is just the NWO trying to cover their tracks. And people can be very very stupid. Giant asteroid killed off dinosaurs and stupidity is going to kill off the human race.

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 08:51 PM
The same reason they're in denial about a red-winged dwarf star that's rocketing at us. It would impede control by TPTB.
edit on 10-4-2012 by GoldenRuled because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 08:52 PM
I just haven't seen any convincing evidence for the NWO as most people think of it .. yeah there's some rich people with influence, but I don't think it's anything like what people fantasize it to be.. there's no good evidence for it.. there just isn't.. Or the illuminati .. some differentiate them, some consider them the NWO .. no evidence they are around either..

And the Masons? .. well they exist but they are far from the all powerful super secret organization.. there's no evidence for there being..

People have searched and searched for evidence for these things for a very long time.. and so far there's nothing but theory and conjecture..

So yes until there's some good proof I'm not going to buy into it.. I can make up my own imaginary organization and call it something mysterious too ..

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 08:56 PM

Originally posted by fixer1967
It is just the NWO trying to cover their tracks. And people can be very very stupid. Giant asteroid killed off dinosaurs and stupidity is going to kill off the human race.

That.. or the whole lack of compelling evidence thing..

There's only conspiracy theory without real substance.. connecting dots that may very well have no connection at all to form a conclusion that isn't informed by fact.. It happens alot .. people were convinced about elenin as well despite no evidence of it being this monster thing.. This happens countless times in conspiracy circles with countless topics.. NWO is one of the older ones..

And if you don't believe it .. or you ask for some credible evidence.. you're either classified as sheeple or a disinfo agent.. it's kind of silly.
edit on 4/10/2012 by miniatus because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 09:01 PM
reply to post by XxNightAngelusxX

how many of our "Christian" customs in America are watered down and overly marketed forms of Pagan traditions, and Roman sun and moon worship, like the worship of the Roman sun God on December 25th, or the worship of the sun God's lover, Ishtar, the moon goddess, who's name is the original word "Easter."

First of all, the first 250 years worth of christians refused to do those pagan rituals, but they were eventually incorporated into the Roman Catholic Church as a series of concessions to gentiles (non-jewish pagan people) in order to convert them over to christianity and make them feel more comfortable. Then they just gave those pagan holidays a christian flavor and expected the christians to accept this move. In truth the R.C.C. was never a christian church to begin with, they just traded their pagan robes and medallions for christian robes and a crucifix and then began melding those pagan ideals and rituals and worship into christianity and they murdered anyone who dared challenge them, which led to Peter Waldo and the Waldenses and the French Hugenaughts who rebelled and refused to do the idol worship and pagan rituals and bow down to the Pope who claimed to be Christ and that led to the protestant reformation.

All those old gods of Ishtar/Astarte/Ashtoreth and Helios/Sol Invictus/Mithra etc. were all based on 2 people...Nimrod and Semiramis and Nimrod was born on December 25th. Jesus was born around Oct. 15 During Tishri when the days and nights were still warm enough for the shepherds to sleep in their fields and that means Jesus was born around Sukkot.

It's not "the new world order" it is the "one world order" and Nimrod was the one who created the first one, although YHWH decided to derail his plans for world domination. All these so called "powers that be" malarky are, is Satan's pawns the Illuminati who are trying to finish the job Nimrod started and the Antichrist will be Nimrod 2.0. with the spirit of Satan walking around in his meatsuit.
edit on 10-4-2012 by lonewolf19792000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 09:08 PM
cause sheople have been trained to be so litigious, do them wrong and they feel empowered they have the LAW on the side and shout: imma sue you! see u in court! or talk to my lawyer!

remember when they killed Sadam Hussain, and Obama bin Laden 10 yrs beginning and end of the 9/11 sharade? people were in the streets cheering away, GO USA! meanwhile millions of afghan & iraq civilians including women and children were being killed over a decade, in vain.

its a sense of security and easy to be in denial when that security and trust in the system is being taken away. when benefits are being taken away.

sometimes even seeing is not believing, if you are conditioned for obedience, and disbelief . its not easy to admit your "own" government is not in your own best interest anymore.

it's easier to deny.

than to deny ignorance, for most.

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 09:10 PM
reply to post by XxNightAngelusxX

How about you tell us why? Present your evidence, rather than asking us to tell you why. Then—and only then—might you be able to hold onto the weak conviction that anyone who doesn't believe as you, is stupid.
edit on Sun Apr 15 2012 by DontTreadOnMe because: Mod Note: Big Quote – Please Review This Link.

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 09:20 PM
There are so many things not adding up to the NWO theory, one of them is, it's mostly based in the US.

I see no Fema camps in the country i live in, or in the surrounding countrys, it's only in the US.

Now tell me why?

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 09:32 PM
According to the Department of Defense’s 2010 Base Structure Report, the U.S. military now maintains 662 foreign sites (bases) in 38 countries around the world. Dig into that report more deeply, though, and Grand Canyon-sized gaps begin to emerge, because this does not include the bases in Afghanistan, Iraq, Saudia, or Qatar.

Defense budget spending:

(handy visual)

Lets look at the biggest threat in the world! (Iran according to US)

Now ask yourself one more time, who is building a global empire? And, who is the threat to world peace and security of sovereign nations? Someone is sure ready to take over the entire world!

edit on 10-4-2012 by Jameela because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 09:38 PM

Originally posted by XxNightAngelusxX
I'm sorry the title is so blunt, but seriously... What is the deal with people posting "The NWO doesn't exist" stuff?

I understand this conspiracy is blown up and distorted by idiots and trolls who like to spread exciting disinformation, but the evidence and facts are still there.

In my opinion the "evidence and facts" are not at all there. What I have seen does not convince me of any NWO, it convinces me of massive corporate and government corruption.

What we see happening is not the result of some ancient group of psychopaths (who by their very nature would not give a damn about their grand-kids or who owned what in a hundred years!) it is all common by-product of a military industrial complex controlling government, the corporations they deal with having corrupt relationships with our elected and the veneer of Democracy.

This is not some sort of weird and strange thing we've never seen before, we just haven't seen such corruption on a global scale before, and therefore it SEEMS to be some kind of intangible monster we don't know much about.

Imagine a little town somewhere, the butcher knows the mayor, and he gives him some free steaks every week to avoid having to pay the fines for the fat he washes down the drains. The mayor gets rid of it by letting the director of the maintenance company know when a new business is arriving in town so they can get the contract. To keep his butcher extra happy he turns down any competition that tries to open up in the town too...

Now imagine that on a global scale, with arms dealers, drug cartels, the CIA and MI6, Cameron, Obama and Assad, and you pretty much have what people think is the NWO.

That's my take on it!

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 09:43 PM

Originally posted by Mianeye

I see no Fema camps in the country i live in, or in the surrounding countrys, it's only in the US.

commie Cuba is in USA?

posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 01:09 AM
reply to post by XxNightAngelusxX

Apparently I can't tell you anything.

Foe realz?

Seriously though, Wake up! My NWO would kick butt on your supposed NWO any day.

If either even exist.

posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 01:14 AM

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000
reply to post by XxNightAngelusxX

how many of our "Christian" customs in America are watered down and overly marketed forms of Pagan traditions, and Roman sun and moon worship, like the worship of the Roman sun God on December 25th, or the worship of the sun God's lover, Ishtar, the moon goddess, who's name is the original word "Easter."

First of all, the first 250 years worth of christians refused to do those pagan rituals, but they were eventually incorporated into the Roman Catholic Church as a series of concessions to gentiles (non-jewish pagan people) in order to convert them over to christianity and make them feel more comfortable. Then they just gave those pagan holidays a christian flavor and expected the christians to accept this move. In truth the R.C.C. was never a christian church to begin with, they just traded their pagan robes and medallions for christian robes and a crucifix and then began melding those pagan ideals and rituals and worship into christianity and they murdered anyone who dared challenge them, which led to Peter Waldo and the Waldenses and the French Hugenaughts who rebelled and refused to do the idol worship and pagan rituals and bow down to the Pope who claimed to be Christ and that led to the protestant reformation.

All those old gods of Ishtar/Astarte/Ashtoreth and Helios/Sol Invictus/Mithra etc. were all based on 2 people...Nimrod and Semiramis and Nimrod was born on December 25th. Jesus was born around Oct. 15 During Tishri when the days and nights were still warm enough for the shepherds to sleep in their fields and that means Jesus was born around Sukkot.

It's not "the new world order" it is the "one world order" and Nimrod was the one who created the first one, although YHWH decided to derail his plans for world domination. All these so called "powers that be" malarky are, is Satan's pawns the Illuminati who are trying to finish the job Nimrod started and the Antichrist will be Nimrod 2.0. with the spirit of Satan walking around in his meatsuit.
edit on 10-4-2012 by lonewolf19792000 because: (no reason given)

Now that is I term I like.

"The One World Order." Isn't that what we all want, but can't get, due to human nature.

But it'll never happen until adversarial aliens arrive.
edit on 11-4-2012 by TDawgRex because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 06:07 AM
reply to post by TDawgRex

Now that is I term I like.

"The One World Order." Isn't that what we all want, but can't get, due to human nature.

No, you wouldn't like it because it ends in death, specifically your death and anyone else who doesn't jump on the bandwagon. Unless of course you advocate genocide and in that case i would advocate that you were insane and need to be on meds and locked way forever in a rubber room where you can harm no one.

posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 06:17 AM
How's This for compeling

Or This perhaps?

Or what about this?

edit on 11/4/2012 by BarmyBilly because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 06:32 AM
reply to post by XxNightAngelusxX

Great post...actually one of my favorites at this moment.

You have a pretty decent explanation in that large paragraph.
Covering the bases of religion, gov't and even the mention of leaders and their "new" world order.

This isn't about UFO's or aliens; it isn't about old stories and the such.

This is about the world leaders and Bilderbergs finishing their "New" world order.
Because it was started many years ago, under the disguise of Globalization.

But there will still be people who can't see it...they won't see it until it hits them.
Those who still can't actually grasp that there IS a global plan being fulfilled.

No sign or speech will even convince them.
They think everything will be fine.

Good luck to those people.

posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 07:28 AM
reply to post by XxNightAngelusxX

You can't tell me 9/11 wasn't an inside job.

Yes, I can. There is absolutely no verifiable evidence that 9/11 was an "inside job." You are free to believe otherwise if you wish.

You can't tell me FEMA runs drills in areas of the world, like Florida, right before a natural disaster or another equally threatening event occurs in that exact area just by simple coincidence.

FEMA is always conducting drills, especially ones relevant to a particular geographic area. Hurricanes happen in Florida, so naturally they prepare for hurricanes. It's not a coincidence, it's logical.

You can't tell me that an admitted global agenda. which HAS been admitted on multiple occasions, isn't possible.

For every forward thinking politician whi has a vision of the world at peace, there are ten self-centered politicians who place themselves at the center of everything, and seek to augment their power. The globalist movement faces long odds.

You can't tell me that vaccines are being stock-piled and pre-stored and created for, quote, "Pre-pandemic purposes" right before a Japanese guy in a college combines the H1N1 with the H5N1, which has been described as a flu that, quote from Science magazine, "could change world history if it was ever released"--Released, not 'accidentally let out,' but RELEASED--is just a coincidence.

Yes, I can. Vaccines are stockpiled in case they are needed. The new strain of flu has not been released.

And you can't tell me that if you put a conspiracy theorist like myself next to another teenager who's never heard a single shred of truth or conspiracies in their life and listen to them both talk, the indoctrinated clueless one would sound smarter.

All teenagers sound like idiots.

You can't tell anyone that there isn't something being conspired that has aspirations of a New World Order, something that has its Latin mark on our dollar bills, Novus Ordo Seclorum, meaning "New Order Of The Ages," or of course, New World Order, under the pyramid, the eye of Horus, the eye that, in Egyptian religions, and alternatively, in the Illuminati's beliefs, was the sun. The all-seeing eye in the sky.

Yes, many of the founders of the United States were Freemasons. So was Mozart and Frederick the Great. So what?

Like I've said hundreds of times before, anyone who doesn't believe there is an aspiration of a New World Order within the powers that be believe in a million amazing coincidences regarding the conspiracy throughout history and present day.

Has it never occurred to you that the "conspiracy"succeeded hundreds of years ago?

Seriously, OPEN your eyes and think. You've seen it, you've heard it, and the wheels are in motion. The New World Order is NOT a fuxxing hoax!

Look at some of the replies of the people who starred and flagged your OP, then apply critical thinking.

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