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Where is the Full Length Pentagon Video OF 911?

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posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 01:15 AM
reply to post by hooper

Your just plain wrong about this ... Do you even care to know the facts ?

Angus Reid Global Monitor : Polls & Research
Americans Question Bush on 9/11 Intelligence
October 14, 2006

- Many adults in the United States believe the current federal government has not been completely forthcoming on the issue of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, according to a poll by the New York Times and CBS News. 53 per cent of respondents think the Bush administration is hiding something, and 28 per cent believe it is lying.

Only 16 per cent of respondents say the government headed by U.S. president George W. Bush is telling the truth on what it knew prior to the terrorist attacks, down five points since May 2002.

Polling Data

When it comes to what they knew prior to September 11th, 2001, about possible terrorist attacks against the United States, do you think members of the Bush Administration are telling the truth, are mostly telling the truth but hiding something, or are they mostly lying?

Oct. 2006
May 2002

Telling the truth

Hiding something

Mostly lying

Not sure

posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 01:23 AM
reply to post by Alfie1

Here is a 1 min video of an eyewitness that spoke on camera right after the plane crash and he CLEARLY states that what hit the pentagon was a PLANE.

posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 01:29 AM
reply to post by Monte-Carlo

Maybe there were 84 cameras. It doesn't seem that someone would just make a number up out of thin air .

posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 01:33 AM
reply to post by spoor

Maybe your right after all here is video of an eyewitness to the PLANE that hit the pentagon .

But the fact remains, the government doesn't want us to see the plane .

posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 01:39 AM

Originally posted by onlnpkr
reply to post by Alfie1

Here is a 1 min video of an eyewitness that spoke on camera right after the plane crash and he CLEARLY states that what hit the pentagon was a PLANE.

Yes, he clearly says "plane" as you say so I don't know why there is reference to "missile strike" in the clip title.

posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 01:41 AM
reply to post by Corpsehoagie

Eyewitness accounts back up your theory.

posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 01:42 AM

Originally posted by onlnpkr
reply to post by thedman

Those are nice pictures but none of the peices have been shown to fit the engines and landing gears in question .

But you know what they do look like . They look like they may have been part of a smaller plane .

Here is some info that backs that prospect up. You should learn more . You seem to have a passion keep up the good work .

edit on 11-4-2012 by onlnpkr because: Link

Not so, this is what aerospace engineers have concluded about the engine parts :-

posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 01:46 AM

Originally posted by GenRadek
And I suppose all of those people that physically saw a 757 AA flying over their heads, over their cars, 30-100ft over head, and watched it plow head on into the Pentagon are all lying, in on it, mass hypnotized, secret NWO agents, fooled by holograms, stupid, fake, right?

Truthers are a funny bunch. Living in a fantasy world.
Here is the witness you requested . ee I wonder why we haven't heard more about this ? Oh yeah, Doesn't fit the Official Story .
But that doesn't stop you from being so sure of yourself.
edit on 11-4-2012 by onlnpkr because: Links.

posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 01:50 AM

Originally posted by onlnpkr
reply to post by Monte-Carlo

Maybe there were 84 cameras. It doesn't seem that someone would just make a number up out of thin air .

The 84 (or 85 according to FBI) relates to videotapes, some of which had no relevance to the Pentagon at all :-

posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 01:57 AM
reply to post by Alfie1

So the total number was 84 that they still refuse to show the public, but you say not ALL of them show the plane hitting the pentagon. OK. So when do we get to see the ones that do show the plane ?

Did you see this video about that other terrorist attack that happened on US soil. Apparently there is aproblem with those tapes as well. This does seem to be a pattern. What say you ?

posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 02:11 AM
reply to post by Alfie1

I find this interesting about the info you provided .
The FBI are talking about 85 videos, but this is just the result of an initial search that includes (for example) all videos obtained by the Washington Field Office. If we move on from that then the numbers begin to fall dramatically.

56 "of these videotapes did not show either the Pentagon building, the Pentagon crash site, or the impact of Flight 77 into the Pentagon on September 11."

Of the remaining 29 videotapes, 16 "did not show the Pentagon crash site and did not show the impact of Flight 77 into the Pentagon."

Of the 13 remaining tapes, 12 "only showed the Pentagon after the impact of Flight 77."

Only one tape showed the Pentagon impact: the Pentagon's own security camera footage, that would later be released.
I find this very telling as to the motives of the FBI and of this site you referenced .

56 "of these videotapes did not show either the Pentagon building, the Pentagon crash site, or the impact of Flight 77 into the Pentagon on September 11."
If 56 videos don't show pentagon, pentagon crash site, or the explosion, then why would the FBI need to keep them from the public

It seems to me that these 56 videos are exactly the videos we need to see because they must surely show the plane.

posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 02:12 AM
reply to post by onlnpkr

The link you posted about the poll is misleading to what you are trying to get at. Do I believe we were not told the whole truth about what happened prior to and up until 9/11? Hell yes. That is most probably what those people in the polls thought as well. Unfortunately, "truthers" like to use that poll, and twist it into meaning that the poll respondents all believe that there were no planes, explosives, thermite, death rays, holograms, thousand upon thousands of people in on it, faked planes, missiles. It also does not mean that the people believe an inside job. Please do not try this nonsense here as it wont fly.

Also, your video has the man state it was an airplane. Not a missile. Why did the uploader of the video LIE and name the video: Missile strike? Uh oh! Another TRUTHER using deception!
what is with truthers using deceptions and lies? I thought the truth didnt need that?

posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 02:14 AM
Didn't you guys see my previous post? It was DEMONS that attacked us that day.....jeez, it is pretty obvious...............

posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 02:18 AM

Originally posted by onlnpkr
reply to post by Alfie1

So the total number was 84 that they still refuse to show the public, but you say not ALL of them show the plane hitting the pentagon. OK. So when do we get to see the ones that do show the plane ?

Did you see this video about that other terrorist attack that happened on US soil. Apparently there is aproblem with those tapes as well. This does seem to be a pattern. What say you ?

I didn't say not all of the tapes show the plane hitting the Pentagon, leaving you to infer some of them did. Most of them had no relevance to the Pentagon at all. I don't think you can have read the article I linked to :-

posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 02:21 AM
reply to post by Genxbeyond

I was amazed to see the Zapruder footage where the car with JFK stopped at the moment of his assassination. I never did see that moment before. "They" kept that hidden away too for many long years.

posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 02:26 AM

Originally posted by Hessling
I don't buy into the "Official Story" one bit.

1 - A missile hit the Pentagon, and thus they set land speed records gathering every surveillance camera's recordings so this could never be discovered and confirmed.


2 - The Pentagon was indeed hit by an airliner.......

Now lets just look at the logic of this part of your statement.

If they "set land speed records"(nice sarcastic attempt to throw this off by the way) gathering every surveillance recording to cover up the "missile attack", then you must conclude the same if they gathered all the surveillance recordings of an "airliner attack".

This is because neither was shown. Neither an airliner hitting the pentagon nor a missile hitting the pentagon was shown on any tape.

So, don't give us any sarcastic crap. Cut to the facts.


posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 02:42 AM
reply to post by Alfie1

"Yes, he clearly says "plane" as you say so I don't know why there is reference to "missile strike" in the clip title."

I guess some refer to a missile as a plane , But I notice you failed to comment on what he did say, which was that he clearly saw what was no more than a 20 passenger corporate jet with no markings on the side. He said he saw it hit the pentagon.

Why did you not comment on that aspect of his testimony Alfie

It is clear to me that you have no desire to discover the truth but instead have every desire to discredit the truth movement. That makes you a shill. Are you a shill for the Official Story Alfie

edit on 11-4-2012 by onlnpkr because: Link

posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 03:08 AM
reply to post by GenRadek

Well now wait a minute. you say "The link you posted about the poll is misleading to what you are trying to get at. Do I believe we were not told the whole truth about what happened prior to and up until 9/11? Hell yes. That is most probably what those people in the polls thought as well."

the figures you are refering to are these .
Oct. 2006
May 2002

Telling the truth

Hiding something

Mostly lying

Not sure

It is interesting to note that from 2002 till 2006 the 65% that thought the government was hiding something dropped to 53 %. But the number of respondents that thought the government was mostly lying increased from 8% to a whopping 28%. That is a big percentage of the population that doesn't believe the Official Story, but you want us to believe that all of this mistrust by the public is just incidental. That won't fly around here as you noted yourself .

"half (49.3%) of New York City residents and 41% of New York citizens overall say that some of our leaders "knew in advance that attacks were planned on or around September 11, 2001, and that they consciously failed to act," according to the poll conducted by Zogby International."

This poll backs up my assertion that the 911 truth movement is not at all fringe and is in fact mainstream among the populace .

As to your second point ..
"Also, your video has the man state it was an airplane."

This is the video you are referencing. PENTAGON MISSILE STRIKE ON 911: EYE WITNESS ACCOUNT
First off, it's not my video, I was looking for witnesses that saw the plane hit and I found this .

And secondly, since the eyewitness saw a small, white, 20 passenger corporate jet with no markings, and since the Official Story is that it was an American Airlines jumbo jet, I don't fault the truthers one bit for calling what the witness described as a missile .

edit on 11-4-2012 by onlnpkr because: letters

posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 03:19 AM
reply to post by onlnpkr

The point is that most debunkers here would answer that poll as though they agreed with Truthers. Hardly anyone thinks the Bush administration told the whole truth, but that doesn't mean that one agrees with notions of CD, missiles or an inside job.

posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 03:23 AM
reply to post by Alfie1

Here is the part of your link i referenced . My comments in parenthesis .

The FBI are talking about 85 videos, but this is just the result of an initial search that includes (for example) all videos obtained by the Washington Field Office. If we move on from that then the numbers begin to fall dramatically.

56 "of these videotapes did not show either the Pentagon building, the Pentagon crash site, or the impact of Flight 77 into the Pentagon on September 11."

( OK, but what DID they show, inference being they showed a plane)

Of the remaining 29 videotapes, 16 "did not show the Pentagon crash site and did not show the impact of Flight 77 into the Pentagon."

( But what DID they show , again FBI won't show us, but they must show something or they wouldn'y be keeping them from public disclosure .)

Of the 13 remaining tapes, 12 "only showed the Pentagon after the impact of Flight 77."

( so now we have 12 videos that show nothing but the impact after the fact, and yet they remain classified, again i ask WHY? )

Only one tape showed the Pentagon impact: the Pentagon's own security camera footage, that would later be released.

( Hurray, they released ONE video that showed the impact. But why must the government limit evidence to " JUST THE IMPACT? and Don't we as the victims of 911 have a right to see at least one other video out of 84)

Again I have to question your motives Alfie, YOU don't WANT to know the TRUTH.

edit on 11-4-2012 by onlnpkr because: letters and grammar

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