posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 12:13 PM
would be funny to have a fake phone as suggested already, but loaded up with names and numbers of bacon factories and other pork related info
On topic again:
After a crime has happened forensic investigators will use available smart phones to place suspects at the scene as well as download the message and
call data etc.
I recall some smart phone malware a while back that once installed (via a text message or app the user mistakingly might allow full access to their
phone) it would then call or text premium line numbers. This gave way to spy apps, that once installed would enable the controller to switch on the
mic in the phone at any time to listen in, also could take snaps wiht the camera or feed video, all while the phone is in "stand by" mode.
Now consider this, if this spy app software has been secretly installed by a larger movement, they could have been listening all along, but just
Now for the scary part, if they had all your google data, your voice, photos f the inside of your jacket pocket if you then do or are suspected of any
crime in the future, they can call up all your data thats been collected and prove your guilt or innocence with your own device and data they have
been storing since you bought it. Sort of like a backwards minority report.
Assumed guilty before proven innocent? I dont like that.