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Disclosure project: To The Disbelievers....

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posted on Sep, 24 2004 @ 10:59 PM
I just saw the entire disclosure project press conference. It was that 2 hour video, and all I can say is how can we deny these people and deny the existence of aliens????

I am operating on the assumption that we have some way of verifying that these people have indeed worked for the government. On top of all that, they've said that they were willing to swear and testify to congress. Now dont you go to jail in this country for lying???? especially in major circumstances such as. Also, why would 10+ people that worked for the government come up with one big fabricated lie and colaborate together on it. I know of one military person(independant) that could be lying, such as the guy at, but he never offered to testify under congress and swear(unless I'm wrong). But to have 10+ people who worked for the government come together to swear and testify to congress about 1 big lie, is highly unlikely. I dont think I would lie to congress about such a big thing as this. That would be like signing my own death warrent(In terms of consequences).

So my question is...can anyone present concrete proof to debunk their claims? if so, I would be interested in hearing what you have on them.

[edit on 24-9-2004 by kyateLaBoca]

posted on Sep, 25 2004 @ 02:21 AM
Well, retired government whatever is NOT an evidence. As i have seen, they only talk, no proof - plain words. For me to judge disclosureproject as a good idea? Nope. Show me the evidence first. Also, as we know, Dr. Steven Greer is still alive, that means he is not a threat to the govt. and that means they won't make it to congress.

posted on Sep, 25 2004 @ 02:24 AM

So my question is...can anyone present concrete proof to debunk their claims? if so, I would be interested in hearing what you have on them.

Well, can you prove that they are credible and have some evidence, except words in UFO/ET case in the first place? If you could backup their 2+ hour blabbering with actual evidence, but you cannot. No one can. Government isnt dumb, you know..

posted on Sep, 25 2004 @ 02:25 AM
I can't help but think if what they where saying was true they would be killed before they said it.

posted on Sep, 25 2004 @ 02:52 AM

Originally posted by Huria86
I can't help but think if what they where saying was true they would be killed before they said it.

WRONG! To say something is one thing, to say something and backup your statement with evidence, that is another thing. Disclosure project is getting nowhere. Why? They didnt show any actual proof to the public. They dont have enough supporters, nothing, basically dead project.

posted on Sep, 25 2004 @ 02:58 AM
Good point, I guess words are not enough these days to get people on there sides

posted on Sep, 25 2004 @ 03:13 AM

Originally posted by Huria86
I can't help but think if what they where saying was true they would be killed before they said it.

well see thats the whole issue for me, once you publish your story or give it out like they've done on the website, and then the govt. comes to get you, that would make the situation seem like you have credibility. Maybe they trusted them with all of that info. becuase I dont see many other individuals dying after they serve their time with a certain classified job. And plus, there were still many critics who were not all that convinced by their words and of coarse they have reason not to believe becuase theres no concrete proof. So with that in mind are they really worth detaining or punishing when many dont believe their case?

Dr. Steven Greer is still alive, that means he is not a threat to the govt. and that means they won't make it to congress.

I agree hes not a threat to government, but only becuase in the eyes of the government, they believe most of the population wont believe him. Thats why he has no case in congress. Congress probably takes it all as a sci-fi movie, and maybe it is. Who knows. And also considering that the government isnt at his door blatently trying to detain him, he definitely doesnt have a case in congress. Thats probably why they dont want to bother with him or the others, assuming that everything they have said is 100% true.

Well, can you prove that they are credible and have some evidence, except words in UFO/ET case in the first place? If you could backup their 2+ hour blabbering with actual evidence, but you cannot. No one can. Government isnt dumb, you know..

Nope I dont. But I think it is possible to prove in some form that they have worked for the government. If there is any way to do a legal background check on one of the people in that video. Isnt there some sort of archive where you can get the names of people who have worked for the army or government(I heard this from someone else)? If this was possible that would be an interesting project to undertake. You would only need to check a few of those big names. That would atleast suggest that all these individuals have indeed worked for the government. If all these people did work for the government, I think it would be rather odd that all these government workers and army personel have collaborated together to make a big hoax.

They have also publically claimed to an oath and to testify in front of congress. I dont know much about the court room, but wouldnt this be a legally binding agreement to appear in front of congress under oath?

Either way the background check would have to be the best way. If "so and so" claims he worked here, and a background check is run on him and it shows that "so and so" worked here, thats a strong indicator.

posted on Sep, 25 2004 @ 03:16 AM
I never thought of it in that way, but still the goverment knows there are sites with people like us on it that DO believe him, wouldn't that be enough for the goverment to silence them? I guess we are not that big of a community as I had thought. But still I know that if I had skeletons in the closet like the goveremnt does, I sure as hell wouldn't want anyone telling anyone, whether they believe it or not!

posted on Sep, 25 2004 @ 03:28 AM

Originally posted by Huria86
I never thought of it in that way, but still the goverment knows there are sites with people like us on it that DO believe him, wouldn't that be enough for the goverment to silence them? I guess we are not that big of a community as I had thought. But still I know that if I had skeletons in the closet like the goveremnt does, I sure as hell wouldn't want anyone telling anyone, whether they believe it or not!

I see where your coming from, but I do think that we are not that big. This site is probably criticized among the many that dont believe, which I know is a large population. Heck I'm like the only one in my family that believes in UFOs. As for my friends, they arent sure or dont really care. As for being silenced or detained, maybe that would occur before anything was published, but I highly doubt the government would do that to everyone that had previously worked for it, becuase of that level of trust that is put into that person when they are hired. Silencing everyone would also bring up many missing or dead person cases, which the cops would find the trend behind it by saying "all these people were former government workers."

posted on Sep, 25 2004 @ 03:34 AM
I'm gonna jump in on this thread because I ,also, saw this for the first time a couple of days ago when it was linked to on another thread. I sat for almost two hours waiting, hoping, anticipating anything. In the end, I was bored to tears. This was from 2001, I think, and 3 years later still nothing. I was looking for one solid piece of evidence, besides the testimony. Even proof of independent pollygraph examinations from the witnesses themselves. But, nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Zero. I can call 10 people up right now who say they've seen a Ufo and would swear it to anyone. Not one of them can prove it. There is no smoking gun photograph or hi-res video. Give me "irrefutable evidence" and I will shout "I love Grey's" to all my neighbors.

posted on Sep, 25 2004 @ 03:42 AM
How about a background check????? I think that would give large leeway and good direction of where they're coming from. If their background checks out like how they say it is then 1/2 of their story is correct.

But the issue with that is...would military background checks be legal coming from a curious citizen? Would those still be in the record books? Lets not forget that their accounts all occured in the mid 60's. That information would be well over old and probably not worth keeping. I could understand the important positions held would probably be kept in the record books, but probably not everything.

posted on Sep, 25 2004 @ 03:57 AM
nope, you do not understand how those in higher power work. They usually have some type of occultic involvement in their life. From 1997-2004 we are in the occult phase known as the "Age of Aquaris". In this phase, truth that was hidden, is now revealed. They want you to know. By adhering to types of spiritual laws, & staging events in accordance with numbers, they are fulfilling Universal laws which permits them to have spiritual authority/gaining power.

posted on Sep, 25 2004 @ 08:55 AM
There are many people outside of Dr. Steven Greer and the Disclosure Project who are credible witnesses and/or former government employees who claim to have insider information.

It is easier to influence the government to acknowledge the existence of aliens if those beings are presented in a positive light, which is why I think Dr. Greer does so. However, many well-known researchers, like Dr. David M. Jacobs, Dr. John Mack, and Budd Hopkins, have come to conclude that the aliens are in fact not benign, but self-serving and subtly imperialistic.

Those with physical evidence of extraterrestrials (and who refuse to give it up) are arrested and/or murdered by the government and also targeted by the aliens themselves. There are people in federal prisons that were exposed to aliens, talked about them publicly, and are now serving time for it. Many government and former government employees are terrified to open their mouths and for good reason.

Deathbed confessions of civilians who were at Roswell at the time of the alien spacecraft crash attest to that. They were coerced by the US army to either shut up and hand over their physical evidence of extraterrestrials or face incarceration and/or a bullet in their head.

For that, I acknowledge the courage of those in the Disclosure Project. With all the current awareness about aliens being circulated, some of which is Zetan disinformation through abductees and well as federal disinformation, if the government arrests the members of the highly publicly visible DP, it would make the government appear like they are trying to hide something. This is probably the reason why Dr. Greer is still around. If something like the DP emerged in the 1970s (which probably did occur), it would have been crushed by the government. Now the feds have no choice but to simply ignore them.

The government knows that many citizens have figured out that aliens exist and that they are abducting many people here for various reasons. The problem is that a heavily guarded, covert facet of the government is working with the Zetan-Greys in order to obtain advanced technology. One must keep in mind that the modus operandi for government in the first place is to control the population and especially -- to stay in power.

As such, they have absolutely no intention of mucking up their high-tech, taxpayer funded operation (which provides them with even more power) by allowing full disclosure to the general public. Most of the government, like most citizens, is not aware of what is happening with the Greys and the heinous crimes that are being committed against common citizens by them.

The bottom line is this:

There will never be any significant physical evidence or full disclosure of extraterrestrial existence until the current government ends and the Zetans are defeated in this system. Those that attempt a civil war in the US must also be prepared to fight the high-tech weapons, spacecraft and probes of the Zetan-Greys. Unless super weapons are developed privately and discreetly, any rebellion initiated by common citizens would prove to be a futile act of suicide.

posted on Sep, 25 2004 @ 09:20 AM
I thought about this, and here's what I came up with. Not saying I'm correct, but it's my idea on the subject.

If in fact what Greer and his project say is true, then the government's best defense was exactly what they did. Total avoidance.

See normally, when the government knows that they can refute someone's claims in a public venue, they do it. They get the mass media involved, they dig up dirt to make the person(s) look like fools. They do whatever it takes to make sure that the issue that person(s) is trying to discuss, is lost in a wave of garbage created by them and the media.

Why didn't they do it this time? Simply because to do so would create controversy. That controversy equates to publicity. I'm sure you've heard the saying "There's no such thing as bad publicity", the government knows this.

See, to acknowledge thes people in any manner would generate interest, from skeptic and believer alike. And, it could lead to enough of a "public clamor" that they would have to host a congressional hearing. Even if it didn't lead to that, it would further Greer's work just as much as it hurt it.

Truly there's no such thing as bad publicity.

So what do they do? Nothing. They avoid the movement, they ensure that the media stays away from it as well, pretty simple(imho) to see how wise that really would be.

The truth dies everyday here in america, this probably is just another good example of it.


posted on Sep, 25 2004 @ 09:37 AM
There are 200-400+ government witnesses, ranging from fields and organizations as diverse and professional as; CIA, NSA, USAF, UN, NASA. These are accomplished scientists, engineers, pilots, generals, university lecturers, psychologists, lawyers, law enforcers, astronauts, that have a lot of experience and credentials and have had first-hand experiences with UFO/ET's. They also have a lot of documented and scientific evidence for public and media scrutiny. They are all putting their career, reputation and lives at stake.

Yet despite this, there are still some, who dismiss or ridicule everything they say, and almost all of these "some" pale into insignifiance in front of these. What is this? Ignorance, stupidity or mind control?

posted on Sep, 25 2004 @ 10:03 AM
I see where you're going with that Indigo.

I agree with you for the most part, I do. But we can't just blindly believe them either.

For every ounce of good solid info on this subject, there's always a pound of absolute dog sh*t, to say it bluntly.

I will say it's funny that most of the speakers are people that both the government, and the people entrusted with the nation and world's safety, and it's supposed "greatest secrets", so I don't know why there's such an overwhelming urge by some folks to downplay it.

A lot of debunkers I see talk about this just fire off: "So what, it's just some government employees with ufo sightings?"

But that's kinda wrong. It's not just "some government employee" these are people with high levels of security clearance, these are people who handled some of the most sensitive stuff of our nation. And they're willing to testify under oath in front of congress to what they saw.

That's a might bit different than if you had say, a D.M.V. employee with a ufo sighting, isn't it?

I mean that would be "Just a government employee with a ufo sighting" wouldn't it?

I think the thing that people misunderstand is that these speakers were involved and entrusted with some really really sensitive data, they aren't "just a run of the mill government worker bee". At least that's what I get.


posted on Sep, 25 2004 @ 06:07 PM
The idea of giving more weight to the testimony is being presented in this thread. I agree that these are not just run of the mill gov't employees. A couple of them were very high-level employees. So, I think there is no doubt that they, themselves, believe what they are saying and come off credibly. But, that does not make what they are saying true or irrefutable fact. To me, that's what makes physical evidence such a necessity. These are big claims by trusted people. But, testimony and a stack of data printouts with anomalies on them is not proof or fact. Radar systems are not infallable. As a computer tech, let me say that anything on a computer can be changed and manipulated or just be plain wrong. I do not discount aliens. In fact, I believe that without a doubt there is life out there. But still no proof.
Consider this. The president is a high-level gov't employee. Do you believe everything that our presidents have told us? I don't think so!

posted on Sep, 25 2004 @ 06:36 PM

The president is a high-level gov't employee. Do you believe everything that our presidents have told us?

sure they lie out of their arse at times, this is called disinformation. the greatest threat to the cause of truth.

the government would step in and call of these people liars, and make up stories about them and such. they know however that the level of authority and credidibiliy they hold matches their own. that is why they are being ignored. our leaders can not dogde this delema forever, the more of us who have faith in these people the more chances the truth will come out. maintain your skeptisism, but dont disregard something that you cannot disprove.

posted on Sep, 25 2004 @ 07:19 PM
That governments have any knowledge of or contact with aliens is doubtful. And they don't kill people seeing ufo's or aliens. If the government had that much control of things then terrorism would have been impossible.

---------- cut -----------------------
Those with physical evidence of extraterrestrials (and who refuse to give it up) are arrested and/or murdered by the government and also targeted by the aliens themselves. There are people in federal prisons that were exposed to aliens, talked about them publicly, and are now serving time for it. Many government and former government employees are terrified to open their mouths and for good reason.
-----------cut -----------------

I must insist of proof for the above. Of course you can't because it's a load of wash!

posted on Sep, 25 2004 @ 08:07 PM

Originally posted by Ghaele

Those with physical evidence of extraterrestrials (and who refuse to give it up) are arrested and/or murdered by the government and also targeted by the aliens themselves. There are people in federal prisons that were exposed to aliens, talked about them publicly, and are now serving time for it. Many government and former government employees are terrified to open their mouths and for good reason.
-----------cut -----------------

I must insist of proof for the above. Of course you can't because it's a load of wash!

Au contraire...

For example, there is the story about the security guard who worked at a secret underground government facility and who came out publicly to tell of his eyewitness experience in seeing Zetan-Greys. He is now in prison for it. John Lear mentioned this case in his recent interview in the ATS forum. Read it. The government doesn't murder employees who talk but they have been known to incarcerate and interrogate them. They only murder those who they consider to be a threat of some kind.

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