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Unions Plan to Train 100,000 Occupy Protesters

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posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by jibeho

By all means hold me to it, or research now and last fall. Again you use, a small hand-full of incidents, probably numbering less than 50 people total, against thousands over a 6 month period and to a degree...the police most definitely incited most of it. I don't excuse it, people should have enough restraint not to be baited. But it's certainly not an excuse to condemn. At least we don't bomb places unlike some on the radical right.

posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by Kali74

certainly more than fifty people laid siege to this American's For Prosperity conference.

posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 03:08 PM
reply to post by jibeho

You know that woman, less than a week later was covering OWS in Manhattan where she was assaulted by a cop and immediately surrounded by protesters defending her. I wonder if she still makes crap up?

posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 03:50 PM
reply to post by jibeho

I'm assuming when you call this radical resistance that it's tounge in cheek. 1%, 99% it is a joke. America is supposed to be about the 100%. The have nots are mad at the haves. Why? Because they worked hard to get rich and maintain their fortune? Or their grandfather busted his butt so his kids and grandkids would be rich?

This occupy movement doesn't gripe about Obama just the republicans. Sure the reubs are taking away our rights but the occupy movement only cares because of party lines. Obama and the dems are taking away our rights and occupy doesnt care. Obama is taking money from everyone and propping up mismanaged businesses. Occupy just wants to gripe because they arent protesting obama bailing those companies out with our money. Let them fail. It worked for Iceland. If a business runs itself into the toilet it goes under or it used to. Now the govt bails them out. If I screw up at work and lose my job and can not pay my bills nobody bails me out.

Everyone funding occupy is a democratic supporter. But the dems are bailing out the same businesses that you are protesting. So whats really going on? Its a dog and pony show to keep people from realizing the truth. The truth is that both parties are at fault. They are both taking away our constitutional rights and giving our tax dollars to mismanaged businesses while the country has a higher national debt during the oast 8 years than every other year of our existence combined. So we waste money on bailing out businesses, providing for the lazy and giving away money thst we dont have to other countries.

Why protest wall street or big business? Blaming big business for our problems is foolish. If obama didnt bail out the businesses we wouldnt be in this mess. If he didnt give away money that we dont have we wouldnt have these peoblems. If Obama didnt violate our constitutional rights by forcing us to buy a product we'd be better off. The republicsns are enabling this as well they try to force their values on us.

Protest the real criminals. The house, the senate and the president. The country is bankrupt and times are tough and businesses must be allowed to succeed or fail without uncle sam holding a net. Wake up occupants

posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 03:57 PM
reply to post by DrJay1975

But the dems are bailing out the same businesses that you are protesting. So whats really going on? Its a dog and pony show to keep people from realizing the truth. The truth is that both parties are at fault. They are both taking away our constitutional rights and giving our tax dollars to mismanaged businesses while the country has a higher national debt during the oast 8 years than every other year of our existence combined.

Funny. You sound just like an Occupier to me right there.

posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 06:48 PM
reply to post by jibeho

What I find most interesting is that the organizations who now own Occupy are all Obama backers. It's exactly as I thought; it's now part of the Obama Campaign. I've thought it was all along.

The hypocrisy is staggering in its level. Occupy funded and owned by big money and big power, entirely making their claims out to be lies. I'd be ashamed to be associated with them.

Oh well, even Occupier's can be bought. They are now simply political pawns.

edit on 4/4/2012 by Blaine91555 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 07:10 PM
reply to post by Blaine91555

Inspired by is not the same as part of. They're trying hard to co-opt. Occupy has been doing it's own training. Will there be issues that unions and occupiers stand together on? Sure but just as the SEIU stood with Occupy DC a few months ago, it was made clear to them that ODC would not represent SEIU and the action had to pass ODC's GA and training took place before the action to ensure that all of ODC knew what to watch out for as far as co-opting.

For such smart people, you guys sure don't know how to read or research.

posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 07:32 PM

Originally posted by Kali74
reply to post by Blaine91555

Inspired by is not the same as part of. They're trying hard to co-opt. Occupy has been doing it's own training. Will there be issues that unions and occupiers stand together on? Sure but just as the SEIU stood with Occupy DC a few months ago, it was made clear to them that ODC would not represent SEIU and the action had to pass ODC's GA and training took place before the action to ensure that all of ODC knew what to watch out for as far as co-opting.

For such smart people, you guys sure don't know how to read or research.

Why do you feel the need to throw insults in to your post?

Any valid peaceful, law abiding and well meaning protestors will be simply drowned out by the well funded and well organized Occupy Movement now owned by big money and power on the Left.

I have nothing against peaceful, genuine protest. OWS cannot deal with the well organized and registered Occupy Movement now owned by those you mention.

All along a great deal of the protest has not been for real. Camping in a park is not protest. Blocking people from going to work or conducting business is not protest. Breaking windows is not protest. It's vandalism and criminal behavior.

The real protestors have my sympathies since day one. However their failure to do the upfront work of organizing and controlling things defeated them.

No matter how you feel about either side, the Tea Party did the work and got results, the OWS failed to do the work and got used and taken over. Which model is the right one? Simple logic.

You forget that those who took it over registered the non-profit and opened and funded an office and national structure. They are now the Occupy Movement.

As to the Anarchists. You can't fix crazy I'm afraid. They showed up and took over also because it was poorly organized and had no qualified leadership.

Occupy lost the support of most of us due to their allowing the criminal activities and not controlling their own members. Of course the Progressive machine saw that as a weakness and exploited it.

Progressive organizations are owned and funded by the 1%. That is a simple fact. You go to bed with them, you can longer expect to be taken seriously. You allow violence and criminal activity, while stomping on innocent peoples Rights because you think their Rights are of less importance, you can't expect to be taken seriously.

posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 07:48 PM
reply to post by Blaine91555

I'll admit to occasionally letting my emotions get the better of me, but seriously look in a mirror before you go getting mad about hurling insults.

Had any of you detractors actually done research you would realize that much of what is claimed is simply not true. Disagree with ideology all you want but don't foster false information.

posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 08:18 PM
The unions know the are SCREWED(!) after this year's elections. They picked the wrong horse... Oh I mean donkey... Bwaa-ha-ha-ha-ha-haaaaa!

Commies never win.

posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 08:29 PM
reply to post by sonnny1

It was always duped, from the very beginning. Those OWS people where nothing but puppets being lead by a bet. They thought they were doing something good and worthwhile but, it just goes to show you just how easy it is to control someone, a group of people, a mob and then a spring.

Like I said in an earlier thread, What if you knew it was all a lie, what would you do?

posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 09:00 PM
Seriously does no one get that none of the linked articles in this thread or the other thread actually claims that they are going to "train occupy protesters"? The 99% Spring is something completely different...learn to read.

posted on Apr, 5 2012 @ 09:44 AM

Originally posted by Kali74
Seriously does no one get that none of the linked articles in this thread or the other thread actually claims that they are going to "train occupy protesters"? The 99% Spring is something completely different...learn to read.

Cute play on words. So, the 99% Spring has nothing to do with the Occupy movement. Gotcha! Totally new group of protesters with a new focus? What was the old focus?

From Move On .org

Inspired by Occupy Wall Street and the fight for workers in Madison, Wisconsin, the 99% will rise up this spring. In the span of just one week, from April 9-15, 100,000 people will be trained to tell the story of what happened to our economy, learn the history of non-violent direct action, and use that knowledge to take action on our own campaigns to win change.

So there will be no more occupying? Just demonstrations by the self annointed 99%? all trained by the Unions.

The 99% spring is something completely different? The 99% Spring is a giant history lesson!! written by them.

From April 9-15 we will gather across America, 100,000 strong, in homes, places of worship, campuses and the streets to join together in the work of reclaiming our country. We will organize trainings to:

Tell the story of our economy: how we got here, who’s responsible, what a different future could look like, and what we can do about it
Learn the history of non-violent direct action, and
Get into action on our own campaigns to win change.

History is calling, and it’s time to step up.

Protesting Red Lobster and Olive Garden? Wow!

Employees at all of the 1,680 Darden Restaurants across America – such as Capital Grille, Red Lobster, and Olive Garden - deserve to be given equal opportunities, to be fully and fairly compensated for their efforts, and to enjoy a safe and healthy workplace. JOIN US – Live in the Windy City? The Big Apple? Visiting our esteemed nation’s capital? Chillin' i...

Rallying behind a contrived crisis

Event Description:

The Reverend Dr. James Coleman will speak at this rally. As a reminder of Trayvon's innocent behavior, wear a hoodie and bring Skittles to share. Everyone in our city, young and old alike, is invited to take action in Saturday's campaign to win change. So come and bring your family, friends, neighbors, and groups with you! Join us in defeating "Stand Your Ground" and restoring our civil liberties! Great change is possible today in America. A fair and just society depends upon our collective voices coming together.

Definition of the We the 1% - "We the 1%” can’t be defined by “Rich People”. It's short hand for those who deliberately & intentionally use their power & wealth to rig the economy & co-opt our democratic process."

Our country is at a crossroad. We have TO DECIDE WHAT KIND OF COUNTRY WE WANT TO LIVE IN.
 Do we want a country that works on behalf of “We the 1%” OR one that treats “We the People” the same way it treats “We the 1%?
 Do we want a country that protects the status of the “We the 1%” OR one that gives EVERY American to real opportunity to reach the MIDDLE-CLASS?
 Do we want a country that gives 150 thousand dollars in Tax breaks for “We the 1% and Tax INCREASES to “We the People” OR one where all citizens pay their FAIR SHARE?
 Do we want a country where the government that can be bought by the “We the 1%” OR a democracy that is truly of the people, by the people, & for the people.

You are so right!. The 99% Spring is nothing like the Occupy movement. (Insert Sarcasm)

Pick a cause any cause seems to be the central theme linking both groups who claim to represent the 99%. Perhaps they only represent 99% of the Radical left.

Perhaps the following may explain what is going on a little better than you are able to define.

Next month, activists and organizers across the country are planning to train 100,000 people in nonviolent direct action for what they call The 99% Spring. But despite borrowing one or two of the Occupy movement’s favorite slogans, The 99% Spring hasn’t been called for by any general assembly. Rather, this massive and controversial effort is coming from the institutional left — a diverse coalition of labor unions, environmental and economic justice groups, community organizations and trainers’ alliances. While some celebrate what appears to be a mainstreaming of resistance thanks to Occupy, others are crying co-option.

continued in next post...

edit on 5-4-2012 by jibeho because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 5 2012 @ 09:45 AM
It's just word play and rebranding. I think they are trying to put polish on a turd due to what happened last year. This year will be no different.

In a press call organized by The 99% Spring, Liz Butler of the Movement Strategy Center affirmed the effort’s solidarity with the Occupy movement. “The focus,” said Butler, “is to give additional amounts of people the tools to take direct action around these issues, complementary to what is happening in the Occupy movement.” On the same call,’s Justin Ruben explained that his organization is promoting the training for nonviolent direct action to its more than five million members.

Joy Cushman, an organizer and trainer from the New Organizing Institute, insists that the intention of the project is not to compete with the Occupy movement. Rather, it’s a framework so that existing organizations can incorporate direct action into the work they’re already doing and capture some of the Occupy spirit. “The hope is that if people are not directly connected to campaigns, they will be able to take action locally for what is affecting them,” she told me.

You are being manipulated!!!

posted on Apr, 5 2012 @ 11:19 AM

Originally posted by jibeho

Originally posted by Kali74
reply to post by beezzer

As easily as Tea Party rallies...or any other rally...remember that.

Sure! However the occupy movement and all of its supporting organizations have been under the federal microscope and in the MSM spotlight since the Fall Protest Season. Unfortunately, for the well intentioned members of this movement, the fringe element and the black masked chaos crowd have cast a rather dark cloud over past events, current events in Oakland again and will continue on throughout this Spring and Summer.

Occupy's main purpose, IMHO, is as a central point for information exchange, and that is what I think they really should be focusing on. If they're going to do the camp thing, fine; but put the focus on it essentially being an exhibition where they can brainstorm about methods for social change, rather than a protest as such. I think they should stop selling themselves as a protest movement entirely, to be honest; because all that does is get them beaten up by the cops.
edit on 5-4-2012 by petrus4 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 5 2012 @ 01:59 PM
reply to post by Blaine91555

OWS supporters always use insults to get their points across... You can do your own research on this... Youtube it for one... Also I suggest you do what I did, go into the OWS chat rooms, try to voice an opinion and they will ban you...

Non accepting or anything logical, hating of other peoples opinions, thugs and violence? Yeah sounds like it was Union backed from the start

posted on Apr, 5 2012 @ 03:12 PM
reply to post by jibeho

You give examples yourself and still don't see it. It's separate end of story. I personally don't see unions as this big evil bogey-man except for the bosses and I think their dollars should be as voiceless as Big Business et al...Will there be protests where both show up? Probably but Occupy really isn't all that interested in participating in politics as usual, unions are. They don't per se want an end to the corruption they just want it to go in their favor, Occupy does. How many times do I need to say and show that we're furious with Obama and the Democrats. The whole system is corrupt not just one side and I'm far from the only Occupier to see it it's pretty general consensus.

posted on Apr, 5 2012 @ 03:15 PM
reply to post by DrNotforhire

I may disagree with Blaine about Occupy and take his remarks personally as insults but there's a huge difference between him and you. He's no troll and I'm sure would have no issues in an Occupy chat-room even if he's oppositional.

posted on Apr, 5 2012 @ 11:54 PM

Originally posted by Kali74
reply to post by DrNotforhire

I may disagree with Blaine about Occupy and take his remarks personally as insults but there's a huge difference between him and you. He's no troll and I'm sure would have no issues in an Occupy chat-room even if he's oppositional.

I should probably start using Twitter, Kali.

posted on Apr, 6 2012 @ 08:18 AM
reply to post by Kali74

Your movement is imploding and if it gets desperate enough they will take money from whoever is offering it. Including the unions. Hence the blurry and fading lines that separate the 99% Spring from Occupy Wall Street in name only. Reminds me of the constant renaming and rebadging of ACORN.

Last night, the two main organizational bodies of Occupy Wall Street were dissolved, and a new group running OWS’s finances is admitting to a lack of transparency, financial discrepancies and poor financial decisions by the previous custodians of hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations.

The movement is beset by a lack of funds, and much stiffer resistance from police and local authorities. A post a week ago from the New York City General Assembly website gives a good sense of the morale of some people in the Occupy movement:

OK now that OWS is ‘officially’ out of money.. and we’v seen our structures like THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY, SPOKES COUNCIL and nearly everything we hold near and dear fail maybe it’s high time we look at our VERY foundations and start asking ourselves the following questions:

*Is horizontalism real in OWS and if so is it functional ?

*Who’s accountable if this is a ‘leaderless’ movement?

*How can a General Assembly be effective if its membership don’t practice a HEALTHY consensus and aren’t educated on the issues in the first place?

*What the use of marches or even protests if we have no VISIONS. GOALS or demands?

*Are 500 people in Direct Action going to ‘liberate’ NYC through actions alone? ‘Is that even their goal?

Some good reading here!! Internal strife!!

Facilitation Working Group, the group that more or less acts as a neutral overseer to Occupy Wall Street meetings, has decided to defacto disband the Spokes Council and the General Assembly. Without official facilitators to be present at either Spokes or the General Assembly, any such gathering is not official according to occupy wall street rules. Apparently, no minutes takers or live streams will come to these meetings as well. Both Spokes and the General Assembly depending upon facilitation to post new proposals to

Take off your rose colored glasses long enough to see what is happening.

edit on 6-4-2012 by jibeho because: (no reason given)

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