posted on Apr, 5 2012 @ 10:53 PM
Thanks for this video, finally watched the whole thing today and tons of good info! Great watch S+F
I especially love the whole idea of bio-protons and long distance healing. I once ran across an ad for a remote healing on ebay, and I thought it was
complete BS. I'm not so sure anymore.
I finally had my 2nd energy work done by someone who mixed reflexology, traditional energy work, spurling coils, applied freq healing and several
other techniques. I believed 100% in her abilities and had profound effects, even after my friend who recommended her overhyped the effects I would
feel. I feel fully that alternative medicine backed by real research and science is needed, but if the same effects can be achieved by a placebo
that's noninvasive, affordable and healthy, so who's to say?
I mean if all that's required for for my body to be able to heal itself is that both me and my healer believe 100% in the effects and outcome, I see
solutions that almost seem magical, and the applications could reach farther than just healing the human body.
I want to hug every single person who's hip to this, thanks again for sharing friend!