reply to post by Xterrain
You're a good writer friend you should do more to expose these nazi schemes if you don't already. I totally agree with you on all your points. And
it's the height of stupidity to assume that the establishment won't use drugs to coerce us into cooperation with their incredibly insane ideas.
Racism is a tool of the government, created by the government, to divide and conquer the people and to perpetuate inner struggle to distract the
populace from the real moral criminals on earth, and you know who I'm talking about.
This is like Ritalin all over again; the people (in that case children) aren't assimilating with established culture/systems, so they must change the
people. Not once did the righteous idea enter their minds that possibly culture and the systems in place might have grown outdated and irrelevant to
modern man and that children's hyperactivity and lack of interest are symptoms of growth and not symptoms of a problem. If the government had it their
way, we'd all be pacified zombies eating our handful of mind-steering pharmaceuticals every morning, questioning nothing and obeying everything.
So yes, friend, you have every bloody right to be frightened of this drug because when the government and their institutions over-zealously endorse
something, it's usually a control ploy because this drug would never be accepted into society unless people were convinced it was the best thing to
ever happen to them since sliced bread (Ritalin all over again, except this time targetting a different non-cooperative part of the brain: free
They use the racism card to push this agenda so that when people like you and I stand up and say no to this drug, they can turn around and ask "what,
are you guys racist or something?" Then every sheeple and his dog will castrate us for our heineous crime of non cooperation under the guise of social
cleansing. Obviously you're not a racist, and I personally totally abhore racism as the insanity it is (we're all One), but I feel that there is no
"cure" for bad thinking besides discovering the truth on one's own terms. The government's job should be to create a healthy environment for those
terms to be met by everyone equally, as early on in their development as possible. But the world we live in is very far from equal, safe or sane.
The problems with society are the symtomps of a collapsing dog-eat-dog system of corrupt capitalist economies and rigged politics, the human mind has
not been allowed to flourish in its most supportive environment. The governing bodies of the planet's solution is not to change the mind's enviornment
and the structures we live in, but to change the mind so that it might cope with these hypocrisies and insanities passed off as logic and freedom.
The only "cured" mind is a free mind, and there ain't nothing free on this sad beautiful planet of ours.
But in any case, the universe is great and fair, and whatever will be, will be.
"When you have cut down the last tree, and poisoned the last river, you will know that you cannot eat money." - Native American Indian
edit on 2/4/2012 by MyrtlePlace because: typos