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The big secret is.....

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posted on Jul, 28 2018 @ 02:34 AM
a reply to: dashen

Let's take another look at the new "3-2" level. We are at the third archetype, second week. Is this the "32nd floor"?

After Wall Street stock trading has ended on Friday the charts look like this....

DJIA Weekly chart showing upper and lower "32nd floors"...

DJIA Daily chart showing upper and lower "32nd floors"...

DJIA Friday intraday chart from 9:30am to 4:00pm showing the upper bound of the "32nd floors"...

Notice how trading takes a dive just before high noon at the upper bound of the "32nd floors" trading range.

Keep watching and thinking and learning.

posted on Jul, 28 2018 @ 02:40 AM
The stock price manipulators would not allow the DJIA to close above the range delineated by the upper and lower 32nd floors. This is very interesting the way the odd numbering sequence of the Mandalay Bay floors is used to create a trading range for the DJIA. Once the "height" of the building is in place, the market plunges down into the trading range. When it drops too low it is bought back up into the range. When it goes up too high it is sold back down into the trading range.

Is it possible that I am simply making it all up in my head?

The stocks were left high and dry Friday afternoon just like the soccer team in the cave. Remember the 40th week story tells us what is going to happen in the future. Stock holder have to be left stranded before they can be rescued. I think the rains are coming. I think we are now going to go downward until winter solstice.

posted on Jul, 28 2018 @ 08:37 PM
a reply to: Generation9

wild boy,

hows that twitter doin?

posted on Aug, 5 2018 @ 11:45 AM
a reply to: Generation9

How you doing? Some decent analysis there!

posted on Aug, 12 2018 @ 05:52 AM

originally posted by: Mover3
a reply to: Generation9

How you doing? Some decent analysis there!

I don't know.

The stock market hasn't crashed.

Bitcoin did find a relative low on June 23 though.

And Alex Jones.

What if Alex Jones is an enemy of America?!

posted on Aug, 12 2018 @ 05:38 PM
a reply to: Generation9

It's moving downward, let's see how this week and month play out...

As for Alex Jones. I think he's enemy for part of America, certainly.
edit on 12-8-2018 by Mover3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2018 @ 07:18 PM
a reply to: Mover3

* grieving orca whale has released the body of her dead calf

* gave birth to calf on July 24

* has been keeping it afloat for 17 days

Finally, the realization that the baby is not viable has settled in. I believe the clues were all there in the news. The stock market was set to go down, and yet it stayed afloat. I think the bullish market participants were in such a buying frenzy they held the market up. Now, I think the real plan to take the market down may actually have a chance. If the sellers can get a coordinated movement started in the down direction then we will be off to the races until Winter Solstice.

posted on Aug, 19 2018 @ 12:52 PM
a reply to: Generation9

This week to see some major moves imo.

posted on Aug, 21 2018 @ 07:15 PM
a reply to: Mover3

Mollie Tibbetts case timing is interesting no doubt. And an illegal is charged. If I were on the Left I'd cry false flag! How convenient is that? Just when immigration and borders are in the news, here comes an illegal who kills a jogger in Iowa of all places. The run has come to an end?

People are cheering the longest bull market.

It is going to be a cliff hanger!

posted on Sep, 6 2018 @ 03:04 PM

Just wanted to leave a book from the 90's everyone should really take a look into. The collapse is still imminent, Trump just staved it off for a little longer, but the derivatives market is in the hundreds of trillions, digits in a computer... That we the people will get stuck with. So ya better get ya beans and bullets my friend before you start thinking about coming out the other side of this with any of that wealth. This is the death of the dollar, which is far needed for the sake of gaining our monetary powers back from the Unaccountable, "Far' From Federal Reserve."

posted on Sep, 6 2018 @ 05:48 PM
Just thought I would throw this along in there...
If you recall, a Financial Crisis followed both the last 2 administration's from The Internet company bubble bursting for Bush, and him fixing it, by propping up the Housing Market with his Affordable Housing program.
Which in turn, led to the Shortly-Elected Obama dealing with the Housing Crisis, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and the Real-Estate Market Crash which dominoe'd us into the "Great Recession of 08'"

That's now pumped VAST AMOUNTS of money into the system to create the Derivates Market... "Future's trading, as their called..." Nothing of physical substance transferred, besides all them 000,000,000,000's on a screen that exists as OUR DEBT to the "Federal Reserve", which btw. They handsomely want interest on, aswell... You pay every dollar that's been "Loaned to us." And we would still owe money...

The entire National Debt is 20 Trillion, Trump bought us time and ground. But we only have him for, at the most! 8 years!

Use the money you've made reading they're language here, to prepare for the worst. I pray for all of us at that time, because it's not gonna be Trump that pull's that switch. It will be the controller's if the entire dollar system. We've been through this before with Thomas Jefferson, and the First National Bank. He was lucky to cut the snake at the beginning of their "Racket." Here now, they've had over 100 years now of TOTAL CONTROL OVER THAT MONEY BEING PRINTED and being repurposed into taking down America, or controlling at all costs... They'res no amount they can't print out, and shove on OUR BACK!
At the very least... If the dollar collapsed today MILLIONS would die in riots, and famine, and violence. Make sure that "Paper" you're chasing, get's put to the one thing throughout history which has had value no matter what these, "Money-Changer's as Jesus said. Who used force the only time in his ministry to do what?, 'Whip the money changer's(Central Banker's) who take everyone's Real Value, and keep 10% of in stock to invest the rest and make even more $$$ out of the temple for desecrating the purpose of the Teaching's.'

And you can be damn sure, that was the goal this past election with Hillary in charge. But a crisis like that, with Donald Trump in charge! They could have none of that!
That's why the Fed is so pissed off watching the economy looking so good, Unemployment benefit applications at a 50 year low's... It looked this same way before the Great Depression too my friend.

posted on Sep, 6 2018 @ 06:10 PM
a reply to: Pelvi

If it's time based then i know the thoughts that i think towards you.

posted on Sep, 6 2018 @ 06:10 PM
a reply to: Pelvi

If it's time based then i know the thoughts that i think towards you.

posted on Sep, 6 2018 @ 08:14 PM

originally posted by: XXX777

Originally posted by Pelvi
reply to post by XXX777

For instance. When a message wants to be given to the certain group of people it would be backed by a symbol for the group to know where its coming from. To every day people it would be a message to disregard.. But if you're group was intertwined with major groups, and you knew a "yellow tie with a smile on it" meant this is from us. You would know to take it seriously.


Uhhhh. I don't know.

Here. Check this out. A couple weeks ago I was looking for a message. I was looking for the message to be sent during a particular week. The week in question was concerned with viability, or lack of viability. Viability in the sense of fetal development and ability to survive outside the womb. So....

When the week in question was beginning, I was looking at the news, the top level news, the mainstream you-can't-miss-it news, television, radio, internet in your face news. I saw Trayvon Martin shot dead. That indicates a total and complete LACK of VIABILITY. See? Kid dead, market down. I've sold. I am short. I am looking to profit from a major sell-off.

Creepy, ain't it?

Um, you just described short-term investor sentiment.

Let’s take that case in point - what drove the market down for a day? Fear. Fear of what? Gun control, more government regulation, etc. So traders (not investors, mind you) drove the market down slightly.

I can say with certainty you didn’t crack any codes - no one has cracked the code. Plenty have figured out something that works but the minute it becomes public it’s priced - no longer surprise worthy.

Now, can big institutions move the market? Sure. A large asset manager with major holdings on a small or thinly traded exchange could implode that market.

Without going deep on institutional trading, dark pools, trading away, high frequency trading narrowing the bid/ask spread, etc. I can’t explain this more technically.

Regardless, you basically described short-term market volatility attributed to short-term investor sentiment swings. Not earth shattering and very widely known information.

However, if you profited from your strategy - excellent!

posted on Sep, 6 2018 @ 08:36 PM
I notice everyone who enters this thread gets inundated with stars. Stars are the Luciferians symbols for a pat on the back.

posted on Sep, 7 2018 @ 06:04 PM
a reply to: AthlonSavage

the angler fish is earths symbol of respect. Luciferian bait.

posted on Sep, 7 2018 @ 06:06 PM
a reply to: EnigmaChaser

You can't crack the code, but you could retrieve the recipe for hate.

posted on Sep, 10 2018 @ 01:18 AM
I'm the first to admit I am confused.

We have finished 8 weeks of trading in the current 40-week time period. Since July 9th, the last trading day of the previous 40 weeks, the DJIA has climbed methodically.

Even more bizarre is this video at CNN showing us a ceremony for the boys, their coach and those involved in the rescue.


After all this time we have to be reminded about the Thai soccer boys again?


posted on Sep, 10 2018 @ 02:27 AM
I think Hillary Clinton was supposed to win the Presidential election in 2016 as rigged by globalist forces. Trump upset that plan.

I believe the stock market was supposed to turn downward and the public was prepared for this via mainstream media touting Trump as pro-business and Hillary as the opposite. When Trump won the market rallied. It was supposed to fall when Hillary won.

I am starting to think that the 40-week scheme is a globalist scheme and it is not working the way they want it to work because Trump won and the money managers are bullish about the market.

The Vegas shooting. The Thai cave rescue. Here we are in September. We are close to the classic (not global occult) equinox balance point. Is something coming to tip the market downward? Something from the Trump team and not the global team?

posted on Sep, 10 2018 @ 06:48 AM
Equinox on Saturday, September 22 and looky here.... Test of the Emergency Alert System on Thursday, September 20. In between is the Friday stock trading session.


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