Back to the numbers....
23 is the number of the earthbound hero. The Earth is tilted about 23.4 degrees. There is a story about the Earth having a number of 234. The Sun is
said to be numbered 432. The great dragon is said to have a power to animate the beast thus 666. The invisible masculine power 432 animates the
visible feminine image 234 and we get 666. Roughly a third of the angels cast out of heaven, fallen from heaven, downward, condensed, precipitated,
falling out of the solution.
We talk about the sun's journey through the 12 months. We talk about a hero with 12 tasks. We talk about Jesus with 12 disciples. This is obviously
anthropomorphised astrotheology. Our minds whirl round in a circle. It works.
Go read the AP News baby story. The baby is 5 months. July plus 5 brings us to December. The baby is buried 9 hours. He is reborn. The police find a
crash and they go down a slope and then they turn up the slope a little bit and then they find the baby.
The stock market is the crash. At the end of this week, Week 40, we will know the totality of level 3-2. The level 3-2 will be set in stone literally
painted on the Dow chart and laid as a foundation for the next level 3-3. After the stage is set on the 32nd floor the 23 guns rain down destruction,
but do not fear because all is well and the market will rise again after being reborn 23 trading weeks later. There are 23 trading weeks before the
shortened Christmas week.
I don't know how this current 40th week will play out over the next three trading days, but give me three days and I will tell you. The Dow could
continue upward to the "32nd floor" at 25,544 or the Dow could drop a bit down to the "32nd floor" at 24,664. This is calculated by using the two
different numbers for the top floor. The Mandalay Bay Hotel has 43 floors but they are numbered up to 63 with 20 floors missing. Where did the 20
floors go? We are going to see when the 32nd floor is properly staged....
After that, I believe the market will drop precipitously for 20 weeks down to the space time coordinate of Ophiuchus in the last days of November.
From there it will gradually rise up 3 weeks until Christmas. From there it will turn and move upward for the remaining 17 weeks until the next
signal is given to us at the next 40th week.
Remember the 40th week clues do not tell us what is happening right now. The cave rescue does not tell us that all is well and the market rises on the
rescue of the boys and their coach from the belly of the beast. The 40th week clues tell us what will happen in the next 40 weeks. It took me years to
wrap my head around this concept.
edit on 10-7-2018 by Generation9 because: corrected spelling error and added floor explanation
edit on 10-7-2018 by Generation9 because: Corrected the floor prices. I had mistakenly posted the 33rd floor instead of the 32nd
floor Dow price.