Nobody wanted to mention the 13 and a half issue? Is anybody paying attention?
Divide 40 weeks by 3 and get 13 and a third weeks. What does a third of a week look like?
The trading week starts Sunday and runs through Friday. Saturday off.
So Sunday and Monday is the first third. Tuesday and Wednesday are the second third. Thursday and Friday are the third third.
Can you see where this is going?
Terri Horman to discuss Kyron's disappearance on 'Dr.
Phil' next week The article tells us "Terri Horman's interview with Dr. Phil should appear over two episodes on Wednesday and Thursday of next
week--Sept. 21 and 22". Keep in mind that the autumnal equinox is Sept. 22.
Now look at this picture....
The blue arrow in March shows us the 40th week. That is the week of spring equinox on March 20th.
The blue arrow in September points to the 26th week. That is the week of autumnal equinox on September 22nd. That is this week. This week starting
Sunday, September 18, 2016 is week 26.
The equinox is about balance or the pivot point or the tipping point, etc. Notice how the Dow wants to stay above the level of the last 40th week--the
equinox week. In the 13th week we got the Brexit news and the Dow closed near the level of the 40th week. Two trading days later (Sunday and Monday)
the Dow reached a relative low point at the 13 and a third mark in week 14. One third of the 40 weeks had passed. On Tuesday the Dow began a rapid
climb up to the 20th week.
Technically, half of the 40 weeks would be the 20th week. The Dow rose up to reach an all-time high weekly closing price in week 20. That would be the
pivot point. We've been down since then.
Now we are starting the 26th week. I think we may see the Dow fall down to a point near the 40th week equinox point. Then next week, week 27, on
Wednesday Sept. 28th we will have reached the 26 and 2 thirds mark. The scales will have been tipped. The first third of the 40 weeks ran from spring
equinox to summer solstice. The second third of the 40 weeks runs from summer solstice to autumn equinox, the tipping point. We would be set up for a
huge fall.
Why does the Dr. Phil interview of Terri Horman conclude on the autumnal equinox?
They still haven't explicitly linked the winter solstice to the bones. We started with a skull'n'bones terrorist bombing. The cycle is going to end
near the winter solstice. I believe there will be some news that will link the 39th week with the ''bones''.
Remember two out of three terrorist bombers blew up. They left the physical world and entered the spirit world. They went up. The Dow has been up. We
are rapidly approaching the end of this second group of 13.3 weeks. One terrorist bomber did not blow up. He stayed down in the material world. I
think the third and final group of 13.3 weeks will take the Dow downward. There could be a very sharp move down and a bounce in some appropriately
numbered week. Week 35 is when Sagittarius begins. It ends in week 39. The next zodiac sign is Capricorn. The 40 week period will end while riding the
goat. The new time period will begin riding the goat, the scapegoat. The second greater step with turn into the third which is the separation of the
world parents-- baby Jesus being created inside Mary. The count will go from 2-6-40 to 3-1-1. I think the entire third greater step has the potential
to be one gigantic down move. It is the falling down into flesh archetype. I also see how it could be one gigantic up move. We just have to wait and
see what the clues are in the 40th week (December 25-31).
If the market breaks down like I have imagined in the above chart, then I expect to see a sharp drop that eventually bounces and moves upward to the
winter solstice (week 39) after which we will receive a new message in week 40.