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The big secret is.....

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posted on Aug, 1 2016 @ 07:41 PM
The big secret is. . .

edit on 1-8-2016 by SophiaEveLee because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2016 @ 07:55 PM
a reply to: XXX777

not sure what you are talking about
the CIA is a ploy
the american military elite are tied to the kabbalists in israel and the masons skull and bones are sects of that in america
america harbored a lot of nazie soliers and commandants after ww2
our schooling system is based on their experiments
the kabbalists are trying to degrade the family and the woman ....basically get rid of women replace with homosexuality and transgenders
they have already destroyed the family unit
there is an arms drug and human trafficking ring that all the elitists..the bankers in manhattan and the israeli kabbalists are all tied to including france and belgium
the bankers elitists are one level the highest level are the high ranking kabbalists pharisees line and descendants of those that crucified Christ
no such thing as democracy anywhere in the world
the elitists want world domination and dominion this will bring about their version of world peace by extinguishing religions of any kind
hence the muslim outbreak of death squads trained by the israelis and the americans
soon they will rule out religion including christianity blame it on the safest way to go

posted on Aug, 3 2016 @ 03:17 PM
Once again CNN is trying to run confusion with an article titled "33 U.S. military members get Zika" which is a CNN story. It is not an AP story. The Quickening story is still in effect. Don't be fooled into buying. We are on the water slide down the steep hillside until Sagittarius.

posted on Aug, 9 2016 @ 05:25 PM

posted on Aug, 9 2016 @ 05:59 PM
a reply to: Generation9

DJIA 1-minute chart showing 1:20 pm and breakdown 5 minutes later....

posted on Aug, 12 2016 @ 03:36 PM
I'm obviously not reading it right.

I thought for sure the low key Kyron story was hinting at a turn in week 18.

I thought for sure the balloon story was hinting at a downturn until week 34. Perhaps this AP News & major news outlet headline story has another meaning. Maybe the story is telling us that first a balloon rises, then it comes crashing down and the number 16 indicates the space/time location of the crash just as we move into the calendar time of Sagittarius. At that time a Kyron story could tells us more.

Then there was the AP News of the black box being found. I don't remember it being blown up on major news outlets. I think that is key. I was wrongly thinking about the black box as a black ball of rejection. In fact the black box was brought up to surface after a deep sea quest for it. So that is the quest. The contents of the black box remain unknown and the questing continues?

It really does appear as if the market is coordinating an effort (along with news propaganda) to get Hillary Clinton elected. We've already seen this system align itself with Obama and Obama's terms. I do believe this is a system that is potentially detrimental to the future of the United States. I'm not just trying to get greedy with my research. I'm looking for answers. If this Republic's resources are being controlled for an ultimately long term anti-Republic purpose then I am extremely concerned. This sword has two edges it seems.

Doesn't anybody have any ideas? Tell me I'm crazy. Tell me some information. Is there no interest here?

posted on Aug, 13 2016 @ 03:28 PM
Last day of week 20, more El Faro news....

Crews return to shore with sunken ship El Faro's 'black box'

"return to shore" is an interesting phrase.

posted on Aug, 13 2016 @ 03:38 PM
a reply to: Generation9

An Olympic pool of green?!!

Are they telling me that they can't get their pool chemistry correct for a freakin' worldwide Olympic competition?!!!


posted on Aug, 14 2016 @ 04:22 AM
I just read the OP at 4"20 am. It's going to be a long day.

posted on Aug, 18 2016 @ 01:31 AM

edit on 18-8-2016 by SophiaEveLee because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2016 @ 03:41 PM
Week 21 trading is complete. The Dow touched an all-time high during the week, but the week ended down. We have the 20th week marking the highest weekly closing price. Could this be the 20/20 split?

Google some news... The Olympic pool of green has been drained. We've seen injury and death on water slides. The Federal Reserve is holding rates steady for a while longer and hinting at change to come. Could this be the pivotal moment? The 20th week was the highest to date. This 21st week closed down slightly. Could the decline of stock prices have already started? Time will tell.

The beginning of zodiac Sagittarius is the date to watch in late November.

We may see a sideways channel that breaks down in late November.

We may soon see a serious drop that finds temporary support in late November.

The last 40th week storyline was destruction, divesting, selling your secret knowledge, a leaving (Brexit), etc.

I can't see this 40-week time period ending up. I believe it will ultimately end down after first taking us all up in one final balloon ride.

Stay tuned. Keep tuning.

posted on Aug, 31 2016 @ 02:09 PM
a reply to: Generation9

This 40 seems to be teaching us about two extremes -- summer and winter solstices.

Here we are in week 23. I am thinking the number 23 is the number of the Hero. The number would actually be 23.5. There would be 47 degrees between the two extreme points of the sun's travels.

23 is the number. Perhaps it marks the peak of something such as the stock market, and then comes the inescapable downturn.

Something to watch for is the ending and beginning of each month. The market frequently makes big, dumb, blind movements upward at the beginning of the month. That would be the thing to do in a bullish market. If we've peaked, turned back down and are accelerating then we may see a lot of big, dumb blind selling. The market has been very sideways for about seven weeks. A move is imminent.

We saw two interesting stories in week 18. We saw the market peak on a weekly basis (this is a weekly phenomenon) in week 20.

I've seen the 40 divided into 10-20-10, 20-20, 32-8, 40-0 and 18-22. I think these are combinations that are used repeatedly.

I've been watching Alex Jones lately. He's on a roll.

posted on Sep, 14 2016 @ 03:40 PM
Follow this if you can. I don't have time for a chart. But just think about what we know and what we can guess.

The clues started with a terrorist bombing. Three bombers. Two blow up, one does not. He leaves the scene. He throws away his vest and sells his hat. A skull is found in the Hollywood hills. A documentary is aired about Shakespeare's bones.

In fact, we get the Brexit around midsummer as the people vote to leave the European ''community.''

We also get a lot of discussion for months about the Federal Reserve changing the interest rate, raising the interest rate.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average appears to be moving higher and higher very slowly. Any time it looks like it will sell off there is a surge of buying to lift it back up. Even after the Brexit.

We know the time period... 40 weeks.

We know that the 40 weeks can be divided into sections of activity such as an upward move, a channel, a downward move.

I've seen various divisions... 40-0, 32-8, 20-20, 18-22, 10-20-10.

Think back to the bombers. Three of them. Divide the 40 into three groups of 13 and a half. The first group takes us from start to the Brexit in a horizontal channel. The next group rapidly lifts upward following the Brexit shock and then channels sideways. We are currently in week 25. Week 27 would be the end of the second group. We've seen week 20 put in a top -- so far. We might see week 27 end somewhere near the previous week 40 level. That would be two thirds up. Then we could see the last 13 weeks move down.

There is a meme running currently online at various economic voodoo sites about a collapse in the U.S. Dollar on September 27, 2016. That is in the 27th week.

I'm waiting to see what happens then. Also, I'm waiting for the zodiac sign of Sagittarius.

Did anybody notice the AP News about a big dig in search of a person missing for 20 years? 20 caught my attention.

The news seems to be obsessing over Hillary right now. Sort of boring. Keep watching...

posted on Sep, 15 2016 @ 03:39 PM
Terri Horman to appear on Dr. Phil to talk about stepson Kyron's disappearance

The story stays in the Media.
Interview to be broadcast during the fall season.

posted on Sep, 16 2016 @ 03:36 AM
a reply to: Generation9

13 and a half? Ha! That would be 13 and a third.

We are being taught about the bones. A couple cycles ago we were explicitly taught about the skull. This time it is the bones. I believe the bones are a symbol of the winter solstice. We will see...

posted on Sep, 18 2016 @ 08:01 AM
Nobody wanted to mention the 13 and a half issue? Is anybody paying attention?

Divide 40 weeks by 3 and get 13 and a third weeks. What does a third of a week look like?

The trading week starts Sunday and runs through Friday. Saturday off.

So Sunday and Monday is the first third. Tuesday and Wednesday are the second third. Thursday and Friday are the third third.

Can you see where this is going?

Terri Horman to discuss Kyron's disappearance on 'Dr. Phil' next week The article tells us "Terri Horman's interview with Dr. Phil should appear over two episodes on Wednesday and Thursday of next week--Sept. 21 and 22". Keep in mind that the autumnal equinox is Sept. 22.

Now look at this picture....

The blue arrow in March shows us the 40th week. That is the week of spring equinox on March 20th.
The blue arrow in September points to the 26th week. That is the week of autumnal equinox on September 22nd. That is this week. This week starting Sunday, September 18, 2016 is week 26.

The equinox is about balance or the pivot point or the tipping point, etc. Notice how the Dow wants to stay above the level of the last 40th week--the equinox week. In the 13th week we got the Brexit news and the Dow closed near the level of the 40th week. Two trading days later (Sunday and Monday) the Dow reached a relative low point at the 13 and a third mark in week 14. One third of the 40 weeks had passed. On Tuesday the Dow began a rapid climb up to the 20th week.

Technically, half of the 40 weeks would be the 20th week. The Dow rose up to reach an all-time high weekly closing price in week 20. That would be the pivot point. We've been down since then.

Now we are starting the 26th week. I think we may see the Dow fall down to a point near the 40th week equinox point. Then next week, week 27, on Wednesday Sept. 28th we will have reached the 26 and 2 thirds mark. The scales will have been tipped. The first third of the 40 weeks ran from spring equinox to summer solstice. The second third of the 40 weeks runs from summer solstice to autumn equinox, the tipping point. We would be set up for a huge fall.

Why does the Dr. Phil interview of Terri Horman conclude on the autumnal equinox?

They still haven't explicitly linked the winter solstice to the bones. We started with a skull'n'bones terrorist bombing. The cycle is going to end near the winter solstice. I believe there will be some news that will link the 39th week with the ''bones''.

Remember two out of three terrorist bombers blew up. They left the physical world and entered the spirit world. They went up. The Dow has been up. We are rapidly approaching the end of this second group of 13.3 weeks. One terrorist bomber did not blow up. He stayed down in the material world. I think the third and final group of 13.3 weeks will take the Dow downward. There could be a very sharp move down and a bounce in some appropriately numbered week. Week 35 is when Sagittarius begins. It ends in week 39. The next zodiac sign is Capricorn. The 40 week period will end while riding the goat. The new time period will begin riding the goat, the scapegoat. The second greater step with turn into the third which is the separation of the world parents-- baby Jesus being created inside Mary. The count will go from 2-6-40 to 3-1-1. I think the entire third greater step has the potential to be one gigantic down move. It is the falling down into flesh archetype. I also see how it could be one gigantic up move. We just have to wait and see what the clues are in the 40th week (December 25-31).

If the market breaks down like I have imagined in the above chart, then I expect to see a sharp drop that eventually bounces and moves upward to the winter solstice (week 39) after which we will receive a new message in week 40.

posted on Sep, 19 2016 @ 07:53 PM
a reply to: Generation9

I'm reading the story of Hiram Abiff again and I'm looking at the Dow chart and it dawns upon me that we have seen two slight blows to the market followed by one crushing blow to the skull (week 20 marks the literal top but non-literally the summer solstice, place of the skull).

We are seeing the 3 assassins. Two bombers blow, one leaves. The first two thirds above and the final third headed down into the underworld. The leaving.

But don't worry. The story includes a return.

I'm on the edge of my seat waiting for the Dr. Phil interview!

posted on Sep, 21 2016 @ 03:29 PM
This is how it looks just before the equinox. Look at the line the market is working....

The middle point is the sharp drop in late June in response to the Brexit shock. The balance is loaded on the top side. We are at the tipping point.

Dr. Phil interview previews are already posted on Youtube. They appear to be quite confrontational. Kyron's step-mother looks nervous and defensive.

Next Wednesday is technically the 26 and 2 thirds mark. That is Wednesday of Week 27.

posted on Sep, 21 2016 @ 03:39 PM
a reply to: Generation9

See how the Brexit created the fulcrum?

Beauty on the left. Wisdom on the right.

The weighing of the quick and the dead.

edit on 21-9-2016 by Generation9 because: I'm pretty good at making it up.

posted on Sep, 30 2016 @ 03:15 PM
No Kyron news. There was a shooting at a school on Wednesday, but I don't think that is related to the system I am observing. The third calendar quarter of trading is over. The 27th week is over. 13 weeks left in this current 40.

There is talk of a banking crisis in Germany. Could be Brexit related. Who knows.

I am still of the opinion that the stock market has topped and is rolling over headed downward. If the two-thirds/one-third idea holds then we should see some rapid movement to the down side beginning next week. Wednesday actually showed the highest closing price this week. That would be the two-thirds mark. On a weekly basis we are two-thirds of the way through the 40. This "move" should be finished. We have seen the two up, and now we must wait to see if there will be one down.

Watch the interest rate talk. Watch the Germany banking talk. I don't read charts, but there are gaps on the chart that have been filled, and there is definitely more volatility this month than the previous month. Any candlestick reader is also aware that we have seen one big down week (4 weeks ago) followed by the three rising soldiers. Sometimes this is followed by a fifth big down week. That is chart voodoo. But we'll see...

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