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The big secret is.....

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posted on Jun, 25 2016 @ 05:09 AM
Here is the same time period on a daily chart...

Basically jerking the buyers right down to the very last day on Thursday. Look at that rally on Thursday. The vote is going on and the buyers are buying it up. How do you think they feel on Friday?

The Media.

The Media was acting like it would be a non-event. The dumb money fund managers are buying it up in advance of the so-called relief rally and getting walloped by the result. The Media heads act shocked and upset about the outcome of the vote. The Prime Minister resigns. Nobody expected the Brexit! LOL! Nobody expects the Brexit except the ones who could see the writing on the wall. They knew fully well that the outcome was LEAVE. The vote could have been 52 Stay to 48 Leave and the very same Media would report 52 LEAVE. The vote is rigged. Even Donald Trump is over there on his old stomping ground. He knows it is rigged. It is huge.

posted on Jun, 25 2016 @ 05:14 AM
27 weeks now down to Christmas. I think they are going to make the political Left in America look like fools. They already do. They already look like morons clamoring for disarmament and deletion. The Brexit was a right wing victory.

posted on Jun, 27 2016 @ 03:18 AM
Somebody asked if I was posting from the future. Am I posting from the future?

Yes. I am inside skynet right now posting with ease all things that will happen.

Look at the media heads acting shocked about the Brexit. Same ones that didn't know the crash of 2008 had started in the third quarter of 2007. Jim Cramer waited six months to tell the public the market had been devalued for six months. London bookies didn't even know.

posted on Jun, 30 2016 @ 03:40 PM
Incredible market activity this week. The Brexit vote was last week and we saw a big plunge in share prices as a result. Now this week the Brexit doesn't matter? Is that it really? As if the Brexit was a non-event. Crazy.

I'm telling you the fund managers haven't yet come to terms with the Brexit. They just don't know what to do.

I think the stock market is giving people a second chance to adjust their positions before plunging again.

posted on Jul, 9 2016 @ 03:11 PM
I dreamed that my vision was obscured. This is indicating something secret and confusing. It is my opinion that just about everybody is confused. Friday's big rally in the stock market is certainly confusing. There is some sort of obfuscation taking place. Perhaps the system needs to conceal itself a bit due to my research publications. Do I have an effect on the market? Can the market be temporarily resisting a crash in order to invalidate my research?

I have learned that the skull represents summer solstice. I just read that the keystone represents summer solstice also. The Brexit would appear to be a keystone removed from the European Union at midsummer. It is fascinating how the mainstream media acted shocked by the vote to leave the EU. The stock market had an immediate negative reaction with very little follow through the next week. It seems like the crowd is confused about the implications of the Brexit. Now we are actually above the previous high during this 40-week period. We are not yet above the all-time high set last summer, but the chart definitely "looks" bullish and it seems like everybody has completely blown off the Brexit.

We are in the sixth lesser step, the Return of the Captive. Tomorrow begins week 16. The number 18 is important during this period. It would be known as the quickening. Perhaps two weeks need to pass by before something significant happens to drop the market.

Remember the news that was occurring in the 40th week... spring equinox, 3/22, 3 terrorist bombers in Brussels, 2 blow up and 1 leaves, AP news of a skull found, AP news of a show to be broadcast about Shakespeare's tomb with his bones but no skull.

What do the bones represent? If the skull represents the summer solstice at the top of the circle (arch with keystone) then do the bones represent the winter solstice at the bottom of the circle underground? I've been looking at a picture of an arch consisting of the spring equinox (beauty) on the left and fall equinox (wisdom) on the right. The summer solstice is in the middle (keystone) so the winter solstice is underground right? The bones? This current 40-week period ends just after winter solstice, at Christmas time.

How the heck could the terrorist bombings indicate an upward market? I just can't see it. I think the market should be moving down, rapidly, to Christmas. Apparently the crowd wants to keep buying no matter what.

posted on Jul, 12 2016 @ 05:57 PM
And now the Dow Jones Industrial Average has closed at a new high. Highest ever. 35.28 points higher than May 19, 2015.

We were clearly shown destruction coming in the future 40 weeks. We were shown the Brexit outcome in advance. We were told to have no vested interest. We were even told to sell the market if we had the secret under our hat. Obviously there are some out there that have this secret and they know the plan. I do not. I suspect the 40-week plays are repeated similar to football plays. If you know how the 2nd Greater Step - 6th Lesser step moves under negative influence then you are able to understand how to "sell" this market. I'm sure a lot of short sellers and put option buyers have been burned by the recent run up. Obviously not intended for all to participate. That is why the first instruction was to throw it all away and have no vested interest in this market. Then, if you are a pro with the secret, you were told to sell your hat.

All I can say is that when this market turns down, and it will turn down when the secret society that runs it decides to turn it down, the ride is going to be swift and of a great magnitude. In my dream I saw a pool of water and a water slide down to a much lower pool far away in the distance. I suspect the beginning of this ride is near. Soon. Maybe near the end of the month.

posted on Jul, 13 2016 @ 03:13 PM
33 sickened in apparent mass drug overdose in New York City

Look at the time stamp on the news article. Jul. 13, 2016 12:17 AM EDT

Look at the overnight futures trading chart and you'll see that futures were trading down all evening until the news came out just after midnight. Then the market turned up dramatically and signaled to all participants that it was now time to buy...

Notice that when the market opens at 9:30 stocks fall down to the overnight low area in order to transact all those orders before turning and moving up for the day. It was only a slight up day. There may be some anxiety in the air. Perhaps this is why the 33 message was necessary late at night when only the pros where watching the stock and news screens. I think there was some fear that maybe the market would turn down naturally. It needed to be propped up today. I'm looking forward to the 18th week. Why is golf played in two rounds of 9 holes? Front 9 and back 9 for a total of 18.

posted on Jul, 15 2016 @ 03:25 PM
OK. The market creeps higher. Nothing scares the buyers. The weekly chart shows a fairly decent sized white candlestick. Next week could show us the same size but red. I've seen charts that turn at the top by running up big one week and then running right down the same amount next week. It could happen. Time will tell.

If so, then the following week could be the quickening. We already know that the current 40 ends at Christmas. A story at Christmas time could send the market upward. So what we need to see is a really intense down move from now until Christmas. We would need to see movement that was rather significant in order to set up the idea of a large retracement upward to maybe the 50% level or a Fibonacci level or something significant to traders and chart readers.

The next 40-week period will start the 3rd archetype at 3-1-1 and runs to the week of October 1, 2017. Perhaps burning will be the symbol. Burnt remains? Just enough left to identify the body. I would not expect skull or skeleton symbolism.

posted on Jul, 15 2016 @ 04:06 PM
It just dawned upon me that we could see the 19th level as shown to me in my dream. This week 16 set a nice top on the market. Next week 17 could reject that move. The following week 18 could take the market down further toward the 40 level as shown in the charts above. Then we would have the fully constructed pool that the woman showed to me in my dream. The next week 19 would be the water slide.

posted on Jul, 21 2016 @ 02:20 PM
I am now starting to think that found remains will be skeletal without a skull. The bones will point to winter solstice.

The opposite of "quest" is retreat. Synonyms include evacuation, flight, withdrawal, ebb and retirement. These are negative or downward moves.

We were explicitly taught the skull symbolism in previous periods. The system has introduced the skeleton but it is currently confused with midsummer and Shakespeare. We know the current period ends near winter solstice so a skeleton at the quickening could clarify the meaning of the symbol.

Keep in mind that the system is revealing itself and teaching us. The system teaches the system.

posted on Jul, 21 2016 @ 02:42 PM
The number system starts with 1. The beginning.

The first six prime numbers are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11 and 13. They total 41. This is 40 plus 1, or the beginning number 1 with an additional 40.

Remember we call 18 the quickening. Especially during this 6th period. Next week should bring us some news that will teach us.

posted on Jul, 22 2016 @ 04:32 AM
How about a field is flooded and when the waters recede a shallow grave reveals the bones?

That would be a downward directional clue with a winter solstice time space coordinate.

posted on Jul, 24 2016 @ 04:13 AM
a reply to: Generation9

Today, Sunday, July 24 starts the 18th week. This could be the quickening. I am looking for the bones of Kyron in the news. The words will indicate direction. The bones will indicate winter solstice.

posted on Jul, 27 2016 @ 02:20 PM
Just saw this news...

Wall of Hope for Kyron Horman taken down in Beaverton

Of course the timing is interesting.

posted on Jul, 27 2016 @ 03:41 PM
a reply to: Generation9

Now it is being reported that “We’re not taking the Wall down. We’re redoing it. We’re refreshing it,”

It is probably being changed from a "help us find Kyron" wall to a "Remember Kyron" wall.

posted on Jul, 29 2016 @ 04:36 AM
a reply to: Generation9

Notice how when it gets more real fewer people post. They post more on the nonsense threads.

posted on Jul, 30 2016 @ 03:20 PM
Now a Balloon crash.

The story says "at least 16" so I imagine the downward move will continue until the end of the year. At that time we'll see another clue. The current time period ends Christmas week and we'll get another news story letting us know if the market has bottomed or if it will continue downward. Perhaps a skull in that story?

So we have a change in the Kyron story via local media only, no AP, with a removal of the wall of hope and a creation of something more like a memorial. Now followed by a crash story that is being picked up by AP and spread worldwide. This concludes week 18. The quickening this time is not life affirming. Instead it is the negative side.

posted on Jul, 30 2016 @ 03:26 PM
a reply to: Generation9

It is not the story you are looking for because you don't know the story. All you know is the count. We are in the sixth archetype, 18th week. We know it is the time of quickening. We are looking for some affirmation. The Dow Jones Stock Index was selling off this week. We got local Kyron news. Only the people who are watching that story will see the news. It was not picked up and broadcast nationally. Finally, on the last day of the week we get balloon crash at least 16. That story is picked up and run nationally and globally. The pivotal moment has arrived. Down for at least 2016. Watch and see if it doesn't happen. Joe Sixpack says the balloon crash story caused the market crash! How ridiculous it appears to be.

It does appear to be.

posted on Jul, 30 2016 @ 03:52 PM
So all these stock brokers are going to see the balloon crash story and they'll all just magically begin to sell?

Yes and no.

A very few will start the movement and the rest will follow.

Just following along with some random story of an accident?

Yes and no.

It is not really about seeing a news story at any old random time. It is about a precise cycle count and key timing. I am not looking for a particular story really. I am looking for a story during a particular week. It is the weekly count that matters. The story will appear and you have to interpret the story. This week the locals only Kyron story was a big hint. The global AP balloon story is the real indicator though. Why "at least 16"? Because we already know the cycle count runs down to the end of '16. Tune in then to find out what happens next...

posted on Jul, 31 2016 @ 03:29 PM
The clue comes in two parts. One part tells the direction. The other part tells the duration.

One looks for the clues during certain significant weeks. I am not trying to read meaning into every story every day.

Last week was the 18th week of the 6th archetype. I was looking for a signal last week. I saw a Kyron story about the Wall Of Hope being dismantled, but that story was local only. Then on Saturday I saw a nationwide AP News story about a hot air balloon crash killing at least 16.

Because I know that the current cycle count ends at the end of 2016 I was thinking that the balloon story was telling us the market would crash for the duration of 2016. I am having another thought about this now. If the 16 indicates weeks then that would give us 16 weeks of downward movement which would take us right down to the week of November 20 - 26 or the start of Zodiac sign Sagittarius (Chiron). At that point we might see more Kyron news. Kyron memorial news.

So I now am predicting a stock market movement down to at least November 18.

At that time we should get another indication. It could be a theatrical presentation of Chiron being lifted into the sky by Zeus.

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