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The big secret is.....

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posted on Oct, 9 2015 @ 03:22 PM
I think the "pool" of liquidity has now been formed and we are going to see the water slide next. We'll slip down to a lower pool and then look for more indications of what will happen next.

I thought the market would immediately begin selling off after Wednesday's 33 news, but remember this is a weekly system so a news story on Wednesday is a weekly indicator. Thursday's and Friday's higher trading seems to have finished this retracement movement on the Dow chart. That is what I call the low hanging fruit theory. Traders and brokers will not leave transactions behind if they are hanging just slightly above the market. They will move the prices upward in order to trigger all the limit orders sitting just above the market. When all of that is completed, and chart readers believe a bullish breakout is in order, then the actual market manipulators will push the prices down and leave the bulls holding the bag.

The 19th level in my dream was Wednesday, August 19th. Then we saw a swift price plunge that the media labelled a China scare. Funny how the concern over China disappeared so quickly and the next six weeks of trading lifted the market up to where we are today. We are now sitting just below the level we were at on August 19th. This is the pool of liquidity. I am looking for the slide down to the next pool.

Mind blowing CNN new video.... SHE SAYS THIRTY-THIRD!!

Listen closely as she says 33rd 33 crew members.

When is the last time you heard some news about Yankees beating Dodgers seventh to fourth ummm seven to four.

posted on Oct, 10 2015 @ 10:07 AM
I've followed this thread all the way through and am trying to grasp the idea. Of course its no problem understanding that there is a coded lingo going on in the news that eludes to the stock market. Me deciphering it and knowing what to do with it is another story and will take some more time.

One thing I'm not sure about concerning the news stories, are some of them faked just for the sole purpose of signaling those in the know?

posted on Oct, 10 2015 @ 03:28 PM
a reply to: Voyager1

Yeah this gets into some real sketchy territory here. It offends one's senses to imagine that there was a covert operation to kidnap a little girl and hold her for 40 weeks, or trap 33 miners underground and act out their rescue, to send shooters into a church and plant the patsy there too, etc. But then again the other side of the coin is to imagine that these things happen naturally or randomly or at the sole direction of one single individual. So what is it? Did an agent kidnap Elizabeth Smart or did a deranged citizen just oddly kidnap her on June 5 and then mess around and get caught exactly 280 days later? Which reality do you want to believe in?

You could look at a stock market chart and attempt to explain it in terms of quarterly earnings or technical analysis with price action related to interest rates, etc.

But I know there is something more to it. Money did not simply appear overnight randomly. People did not just wake up one day circulating coins and keeping accounts. These things were invented as opposed to discovered. Nobody discovered the natural law of currency. This money game was made up from the minds of people who wanted to exert power and control over others. It starts with raw coins and then advances to notes and bonds on human population's economic activities. Whether that was to coax people into the factory on time or to bribe them for some other activity does not matter. The money game is here. The other choice is to have some charismatic central priest or king figure controlling the resources, and that is not a very good method. We all know how "communism" doesn't work. That idea is too idealistic. The currency game gives each individual the ability to exert their own power via currency. I find this all fascinating in the sense that money overshadows everything. It literally does. All things crumble in the face of money. Wars can be started or stopped. Women can be attracted or driven away. Food can dispersed or accumulated. Everything moves with the money.

Populations grow and so the money supply must grow. An anti-money person might rail against the growth of supply by implying that the money is becoming less and less valuable when in actuality the money has never been more valuable in the history of the world. The value is held in the fact that the money can buy greater and greater material experiences now than in the past based solely on original human activity. In other words technological advancement. Money buys a doctor's care. Back in the days you couldn't get a ride on an airplane but now money buys one for you. The entertainment gets better. The housing and food gets better. Everything is getting better rapidly based on the transactions of people and their money. Some central bank "controls" the money, but each of us utilize the money as we see fit. Money is the greatest invention period. It magnifies human nature. Even in those Amish communities the people cooperate and raise houses as a community and share food and such, but in reality there is a group of elders controlling those activities. They want to claim that their own thoughts trump money. Some elders want to claim that they know the correct way to do things. The old always want to tell the young what to do because they have wisdom supposedly. And they do for the most part. They have some sort of accumulated knowledge of reality and some sort of continuity plan to keep the family going, the neighborhood going, the township going, the state going, etc.

A leader commands his troops to go to a foreign land and kill the inhabitants. That same leader to call for the kidnapping of a child. It is all the same. It is all nasty dirty business.

I believe the news stories could be real, could be made up, or any combination of the two. A story may have roots in reality but then the report fixes the numbers. The next headline could say "At Least 33 People Attended The Baseball Game At Yankee Stadium" and it would be factually correct. JFK wasn't hit by a random bullet falling out of the sky. He was shot by design. Remember the movie Close Encounters? A cover story was created in order to clear out a large area. Why couldn't somebody make up a story about a ship lost at sea in the Bermuda Triangle during a hurricane? If a commander will send troops into battle then why not send them into a hurricane? All are at risk of dying. We all die eventually. Warfare has changed from the pomp and circumstance of colorfully dressed lines of soldiers in a field. Today the war is subliminal. It's those silent weapons and silent wars that the conspiracy folks talk about. It really is.

posted on Oct, 18 2015 @ 03:27 PM
This chart shows a diagonal blue line from the closing price of lesser step 3 week 40 to the closing price of lesser step 4 week 40. The horizontal line is a "line in the sand" marking the pivotal price level, not the actual highest price of the chart. You can see the total movement of greater step 2 - lesser step 4 - weeks 1 through 40.

The horizontal line is violated by the closing price of week 4, which is followed by a forceful sell off.

I have drawn another line at the closing price of week 16. That is the week when the quest for missing El Faro crew was called off. Last week violated that level. It was options expiration week. I fully expect a response in the form of massive selling to begin this week, week 18 or greater step 2 and lesser step 5. This is Sunday, October 18, 2015 or 2-5-18 of the system. This is the start of the 18th week of Greater Step 2 (the Great Mother) and Lesser Step 5 (the Slaying of the Dragon). I've seen the 18th week represent "the Quickening" on a previous chart. I expect the downward movement of the stock market to pick up momentum this week.

posted on Oct, 21 2015 @ 03:47 PM
Nice Wednesday reversal. Around lunchtime I was getting nervous. I suppose the script allows a bit of motion in the opposite direction before deep pockets come in and push the market back toward its trend. On the chart above you can see that there were several weeks of closing prices below the 40th back in late September and early October of 2014. In fact there were 3 weeks closing lower before a big up move at the end of October got the market fired up again. There may even have been a bunch of sellers that interpreted Holly Bobo's skull as a downward signal. It took a while before the real captains of commerce were able to right the market ship again and head upward. That 40th level was again tested and supported in mid December and then again in early February. When the signal is up, the market will go up one way or another. When the signal is down the market will go down. I guess if the hidden hand was too firm and all together completely fascistic then more people might catch on to the manipulation. As it is, the system remains hidden and yet guided from point to point. There is plenty of wiggle room in between for things such as misinterpretation, options expiration volatility and unseen random news events that impact companies. Don't doubt for a minute that all the major companies are steered along the system's path. Those companies all have a tight control over accounting and business strategies in order to align themselves with the 40-week system. It moves along slowly. Time keeps it hidden.

posted on Oct, 21 2015 @ 10:30 PM
a reply to: XXX777

I read your posts until I thought I knew an answer. Can 22 be an age?

I see a lot of my life in the numbers and Ares you post, and interpret your posts a news headlines with encrypted messages.

Does the numbers 02:37 mean anything to you? 42?

Is the market frequency, power to measure "money?" And is money actually love? Knowladge?

edit on 21-10-2015 by DeadCat because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-10-2015 by DeadCat because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 22 2015 @ 05:12 AM

originally posted by: DeadCat
a reply to: XXX777

I read your posts until I thought I knew an answer. Can 22 be an age?

I see a lot of my life in the numbers and Ares you post, and interpret your posts a news headlines with encrypted messages.

Does the numbers 02:37 mean anything to you? 42?

Is the market frequency, power to measure "money?" And is money actually love? Knowladge?

What was the answer? What is an age?

What are the Ares?

No. Tell me what does the time 2:37 signify? What does 42 mean?

I do not think the market has a frequency. It is not primal and pulsating like a quasar. It is manipulated by people who have basic people ideas. They are not measuring money, but rather extracting money from a giant pool of money. The stock market is built upon the idea that a worker (small corporation) can own a piece of the profit at the big corporation. You put money in and 40 years later you have much more money upon which you can draw. Like water from a well. Gates and locks raise or lower the level of the water. The people who have the knowledge to extract the money from the market apparently extract the money from the market.

I don't think money is love. Money is an influence.

Money is a made up thing. It is a psychological construct necessary to overcome the brute force of another. The old are at a disadvantage at a primal level. The old must eat the young before the young can eat them. Time in the jungle is an advantage. If you are observant.

Is that a good response? I really don't have a good understanding of what you are asking. But I try to act like I know what I'm talking about. I usually do. I had a dream today. I almost slept too late for work. I guess I had snooze barred to many times or something but I slept right through my alarm until I had a dream that woke me up. In my dream a woman was calling my name. She was trying to wake me up so I could go to work on time. This stuff happens regularly. I think everybody can probably experience this sort of thing. I am taught lessons in my dreams also. I'm still waiting for the water slide down to the next pool.

posted on Oct, 23 2015 @ 03:25 PM
a reply to: Generation9

The 18th week accelerated the bullish rally. I didn't expect that. We are now above the price level of the "China scare" that caused the market to plunge back in August. Apparently the "China scare" was completely bogus. You have to wonder why would traders panic so much over something that wasn't even significant. Remember the "Flash crash" years ago and the initiatory script played out with the 33 Chilean miners? They were eventually rescued and the markets all headed higher.

The "El Faro" lighthouse news is still confusing. One body was recovered and the other 32 are lost. I suppose one might think that the markets have run aground now at this level. The lighthouse warning was ignored. Perhaps the markets are now left high and dry. The 200-day moving average level is obviously a common theme among traders. That level has now been reached.

Next week is the 19th week. We can clearly see a pool on the stock chart. Maybe next week we will see my dream manifest as reality. Maybe the woman in my dream was showing me that a pool would be visible at the 19th week, and maybe we are about to see the water slide down to the lower pool.

posted on Dec, 2 2015 @ 03:07 PM
This is Wednesday, December 2, 2015. We are in the 24th week. Actually we are half way through the 24th week so you could more precisely say we are at the point of 23.5 weeks, or the full extent of the Hero's travel. See how I worked that in there?

I was wrong on the El Faro call. It wasn't a downward signal. It was the opposite. Does anybody have any ideas about losing 33 at sea and finding only 1. So as it stands, 32 are lost at sea and 1 is found. There is something in that story hidden deeply. Is it the Master that is found? Is that the mark of the Master? Is that a signal that the motion is now headed upward? All 33 die, but only 1 is found. Were 1-32 lost and number 33 found? Somebody step up with some theories.

We are back up to the area near the 40th week. There has been a rash of shooting stories in the news. Remember the 40th week story was the Church Shooter Killed 9.

posted on Dec, 2 2015 @ 05:19 PM
a reply to: XXX777

Of course you are correct.

Sadly it has been this way for 1000's of years. If not forever.

It is a closed market for the average man/woman to get into.

And next to no chance for the poor. Under educated.

How to fix?

Start over?

Maybe it is to late for that.

posted on Dec, 3 2015 @ 04:59 AM
I like the idea that it keeps going.

So now I think I have a theory about the stories with the number 33. It is analogous to the quest upward. This 33 group is questing for personal improvement. So a story with 33 is an upward story. Look at the chart. 33 is mentioned and the market heads upward. Look way back at the 33 Chilean miners. As soon as the news of the 33 surviving miners broke the market headed upward. Look back at the chart. It is right there for you to see. This number which is associated with Scottish Rite Freemasonry is an up signal. The quest is ever upward. The 40th week shooter was a down signal. I think these recent shooters are down signals and have aligned nicely with the 23.5 week mark. This recent California shooting actually has the signature of an Oswald type thing. There would be the three shooters and the two patsies. The death is real. The local police and media get it on it naturally as it is real. The real shooters are most likely not local Americans.

Last 40 weeks was a quest for ginseng until finding a skull. The quest was upward until the Summer solstice which the skull symbolizes. This 40 weeks is a downward movement signaled by a shooter killing 9. There seems to be an inflection point with the 33 story turning the market upwards again intra-40. We are at a critical point now on the market chart. The ECB is going to make some interest rate announcement later today. That is nicely timed with what I'm talking about. I can hardly wait to find out what happens....

posted on Dec, 3 2015 @ 05:18 AM
To clarify... the recent shootings in the news, and the shooting on Wednesday (23.5 weeks) makes me think the market is about to head back down.

The 33 story momentarily turned the market upward, and that may be the overriding signal. If so, then the 23.5 idea might be nonsense, the recent media highlighting of shooters is coincidental, and the stock market breaks out and goes ever higher.

In the Elizabeth Smart event I saw the chart take a direction on a 40th week news story and then reverse at an intra-40 week inflection point, so I could see this market going higher according to this type of signal, but I really personally think the market is headed back down on some surprise ECB rate hike of an unexpected amount. It wouldn't surprise me. It won't surprise any of the professional players. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is currently below the 40th week level after rallying significantly, and I think the waterslide is coming....

I now think my dream in mid-August was not showing me the future, but the past. The 19th in my dream was not August 19. It was June 19, the last trading day of week 40, just before the Summer solstice. The Woman was telling me that they have a pool at this level and a waterslide down to a much lower pool.

posted on Dec, 3 2015 @ 03:09 PM
Well if I was always right then this wouldn't be any fun now would it?

So there was no rate hike, only a lesser than expected degree of deposit rate reduction (negative) and no benchmark rate change at all. What I did get correct is the timing of current events.

And now the California shooting is looking radicalized. Obama himself is looking less and less like a leader and more like a bumbling idealist driven by his mixed lineage. If everybody was as good hearted as Obama, and all at the same time, everybody on the same page, then we could live in a Utopian society. But most of us know that such a thing is a pipe dream of the Choom Team.

Or else we better hurry up and get that genetic engineering thing going so we can weed God's garden.

posted on Dec, 3 2015 @ 03:12 PM
Oh and the waterslide is probably going to look something like 2008.

Does anybody out there have any personal experience with up/down signals coded in broadcast media?

Somebody must have something to add to the discussion. I am pro-stock market. I'm not upset. I don't believe we have to pay back the national debt. Nor do I believe everybody is equal. I think work is necessary.

posted on Dec, 9 2015 @ 03:38 PM
Dow and DuPont merge. That has to be a sign of something coming. That is militant. Dupont stock leaps higher and yet the general market trades lower. The political scene today is scary. The sociological scene today is scary. I think in the weeks to come we are going to see a rush to cash.

Ever wonder about Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves? Why 40? Why was the 40's cave sealed with magic?

posted on Dec, 23 2015 @ 01:04 AM
Now for a really Big Story about the really Big Secret!

Smile here. Put a smiley face right here.

Take a look at this chart showing the Dow Jones Industrial Average intraday 15-minute bars...

Look at Thursday, December 17, 2015. You can see a sell-off is getting started, and then really gets nailed into place the next two days. On the third day, Tuesday, December 22, 2015 a small retracement is made...

What happened last Thursday?

Last Thursday, 2015-12-17, a story was originated at The Fresno Bee of all places. The Fresno. Bee.
you can read that article here

That story was run at 1:40 PM presumably on the west coast. That would be at 4:40 PM on the east coast. Stock markets would be closed for Thursday, and the after hours session about to begin. The overnight index futures market would be able to react to this news and set up a sell-off Friday morning.

On Friday morning, at 10:17 AM EST, that original story was picked up by the Associated Press and run with credit given to The Fresno Bee. read the AP article here

Now you can find the article at Fox affiliates, AOL and even NPR. Why the number 32?

My theory is that the number 33 is synonymous with the Knight that is questing upward. In the Scottish Rite it appears to be a high honor. It is a cut above the rest. The number 32 apparently is not quite there yet so I think that this appearance of the number 32 in the news media is being utilized to signal the thing that is opposite of the questing knight. I am thinking this is the down signal for now. The Dow index is down from the point at which the news broke. Two days of pressure held it down. The third day made a small retracement. Tomorrow, Wednesday, will hopefully tell the story. Will the index continue downward? Or will is it now turning upward in conjunction with the winter solstice? Three days later a turn was sighted. I will certainly agree with that. The market may have been signaled to start a major move up, but I doubt it. I think there is a difference between 33 and 32.

Dow Futures are walking a fairly straight line across the chart tonight, only down 5 as I post this.

posted on Dec, 23 2015 @ 01:38 AM
a reply to: Generation9

posted on Dec, 23 2015 @ 05:40 AM
I looked again to find articles about this $32,000 left at Applebee's. Of course there is weirdness.

Most of the articles state that the waiter who found the money did not want attention and would remain unnamed.

Then along comes Huffington Post on the 19th stating that the waiter is Brian Geery, age 33.

Followed on the 21st by the Inquisitr site that names the waiter Brian Greery, age 32.

posted on Jan, 5 2016 @ 11:19 AM
Obama is currently trying to convince Americans to give up their gun, property and transaction rights. As he speaks the market sells off.

Remember my target dates... week 40 March 20 - 26 and week 40 December 25 - 30.

One before the Presidential election and one after.

posted on Jan, 8 2016 @ 03:47 PM
Friday, January 8, 2016 (2-5-29)

This week looks to be the largest single week sell-off in about seven years. This is looking like 2008. I am guessing we are well on our way down the waterslide which was shown to me by the Woman in a dream I had back in August. I don't advise trading on dreams, but I do sincerely believe in the power of dreams as teaching devices. I also believe this market crash will have political implications.

I am about to start re-reading Manly Hall's Secret Teachings Of All Ages. I'll be looking for code words and binary concepts that could be utilized as up/down signals.

I've been searching the internet for information about the numbers 32 and 33. Does anybody have any juicy details to release?

Does anybody remember the pictures showing 80 degrees between the points of the compass? 40 to the left of the pendulum and 40 to the right? Leaving 280 outside?

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