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The big secret is.....

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posted on May, 9 2015 @ 06:14 AM
a reply to: Generation9

10 weeks ago brings back mid-march, St Patrick day, Israeli election. Now there is a new Israeli gov, the rightmost ever.

I was considering about France the other day and the fact that this year see the centennial anniversary of a couple of historical French battles :

18th June 1815 : Battle of Waterloo
13th September 1515 : Battle of Marignan
25th October 1415 : Battle of Agincourt

Probably also worth considering :

22nd April 1915 : Battle of Gravenstafel Ridge - First effective use of combat gas during wartime.

Don't know if the anniversary dates could bring something.

edit on 9-5-2015 by theultimatebelgianjoke because: Added text

posted on May, 19 2015 @ 11:19 AM
The Universe is talking to me, but I just don't understand it.

A couple weeks from now we have Friday, June 5, Night Of The Watcher in Week 38. Look for something then. Could be a fortnight warning in the news. Does the number 38 have any significant meaning to Freemasons?

The culmination of this 40-week period at the time of the Summer Solstice is too much to ignore. Remember two men searching for ginseng found Holly Bobo's skull. The stock market might be questing right up to the time of the skull. If a gigantic crash occurs at that time it will be amazingly ordinary. I never imagined the market would crash in alignment with such an ordinary event. The Christian story and the story of the Sun's journey obviously align.

posted on May, 22 2015 @ 04:47 AM
Ain't nobody here got nothing to say. This market is winding up for days. Just wait. June 5 and twenty-first on the way.

posted on May, 23 2015 @ 01:43 PM
Dear XXX777

hope things are good for you.

some info for you... would be interesting to see if you can predict anything important going on, on those dates please, based on your timing system

Alnilam Parans: sun, mars, saturn

Repeats in cycles of 205yrs: heres the full cycle
15th june 2015 saturn right IC
15th June 15th 2032 all together
june 6th 2047 direct alignment
15th june 2062 all together
15th june 2079 saturn left IC

Repeats again:
15th june 2220 saturn right IC
15th june 2237 all together
june 6th 2252 direct alignment
15th june 2267 all together
15th june 2284 saturn left IC

6th june 2047 direct alignment - 205yrs later - 6th june 2252 direct alignment

posted on May, 23 2015 @ 02:24 PM
hi is the picture to do with... is it 33 degrees parallel? pointing to Phoenician sites?

youtube Jacob Macdonald - 3 vids: THE EVOLUTION OF RELIGION AND THE 33RD PARALLEL PART I to 111.

a reply to: BLAQHAZE137

edit on 23-5-2015 by Z77ZABCD because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 23 2015 @ 02:41 PM
a reply to: Z77ZABCD

First, let me say that I have no idea about these planetary alignments. If the rulers of civilization are scripting and playing out evolutionary changes on such large time scales, then I would be impressed and I would certainly want more information. It seems very difficult to connect events on such scales. I am open to the idea, and I admit I have no idea how it works, but the code must be well hidden and I haven't the foggiest clue about it. The thing that drives me in my research is the alignment of a short forty week cycle with the United States Dow Jones Industrial Average. This is a very specific inquiry for me that all got started when Elizabeth Smart was returned from captivity on March 12, 2003. She was abducted on June 5, 2002. The direct alignment you speak of in your post above is happening on June 6th. How steady is that cycle and how does it always come back around to June 6th? Could it have been occurring on June 5th thousands of years ago? Is there any drift in relation to ''time'' on planet Earth and the day we call ''June 6''? I have wondered about the significance of June 5 and I have been unable to find any information about it online. My best guess is that it has something to do with the Summer Solstice. Perhaps there is a planetary alignment in there somewhere. Perhaps the Night of the Watcher is a major moment of religious observation within the context of some very large cycle of planetary alignments. I am well aware that the night sky must have appeared to be a giant mechanism to viewers prior to the invention of electric lights and big cities that tend to pollute the view and the sense of awe for us in our time. Is the solstice moving forward on the calendar? Was the solstice on June 5 thousands of years ago? Adding days, in the sense of ''leaping'' forward, is a very curious thing. The way our calendar was shifted ahead 11 days in September of 1752 is a major event of which few people are aware. There is just so much to learn in this modern world. It is all right there in the books if people cared to read about it.

Secondly, thank you for the well wishes, but things are not good. The stock market has a way of weaving up and down slowly and fooling its trading participants. Guessing and second guessing is a major psychological barrier in trading. When you think you know why the market has moved, and you convince yourself that you are thinking correctly, and you go ahead and make a trade and the market moves in your direction, then you tend to believe your system of thought is correct even if your system is completely incorrect. I could just make a totally blind dumb luck guess that the market moves up next week and I could attribute it to the shape of the leaves on the tree outside my window, and then when the market did move up I would think I was correct in my thoughts. The human mind plays incredible tricks. The actual cyclical mechanism is hidden, but it is there to be discovered just like scientific things and mathematical things. I believe in it because I have seen such incredible synchronicity that I attribute to a secret society guiding the evolution of our civilization. Things are manipulated. One must admit this. Things are manipulated, and just because the problem is a difficult one doesn't mean that the solution can not be found.

I am waiting patiently for June 5. Kyron Horman was disappeared on June 4 of 2010. That was a Friday, a school day, and the boy went missing apparently during a special school event. The situation presents itself for manipulation. It happened near the calendar date of June 5. So I watch this event as it moves forward. The case is still being investigated. I personally believe the answers are known and the investigating department is sitting on the information and waiting for the appropriate time to release the news so that the news itself can be utilized as a coded message in relation to the forty week cycle.

Summer Solstice is June 21 this year. Week 40 ends June 20 this year. The archetypal meme of this current 40-week period is The Birth Of The Hero. Last 40th week we were shown Holly Bobo news that I believed indicated a major event in the stock market. That event I believed would be the top of the market and the subsequent beginning of a major downward movement that would last a couple years. It did not, or has not, happened as I guessed it would happen. In this thread you can see the guesses. I have been looking for all sorts of numerically significant pivot points on the Dow chart and none of it proves true. The market has continued upwards as I have attempted to trade it to the downside. I've lost money again. But I continue. I have seen intra-40-week pivots during numerically significant weeks in the past. Perhaps this time the market moves up until the very last week just before the solstice. That would be interesting. Also, the news around that time could be interesting. The next 40 week period is the Slaying Of The Dragon from June 21, 2015 through the week of March 20, 2016. The September 11, 2001 World Trade Center event happened during The Slaying Of The Dragon almost 14 years ago. This is mythological stuff. The Hero must fight the Dragon in order to win the Treasure. The Hero would be Western Civilization, the Dragon would be all other types of civilization, the Treasure would be the Earth or life as we know it until we can figure out how to travel off of the Earth before the Sun (the ''real'' fire-breathing dragon!) destroys us all. This escape from planet Earth is what I believe to be the very real goal of the secret societies and/or top scientists/philosophers/thinkers of all history.

Cranking the monetary system in the meantime is the way the machine functions.

posted on May, 23 2015 @ 02:42 PM
a reply to: Z77ZABCD

I just saw your post. I will have to watch this later. Thanks again.

posted on May, 24 2015 @ 09:30 AM
Hi i have something id like to discuss and would welcome feedback on. I dont know if BLAQHAZE137 is still with us, i really hope he still is. Can we explore his last statements a bit please.

“Days of the week are important but you have to know the real days of the week”

Im presuming the importance of this is because the days of the week are connected to the planets, and thus are “programs” or “themes”... Im left with more questions though, so if you feel you can fill in the gaps that would be wonderful: What would be the correct days of the week? how many times has the calendar been reset? What signified the starting point of this calendar count?. And who started it?

“planets influence the event (They are not what you think they are). The message is delivered in archetypal fashion (There is approximately 6, and they are the real SUPER MODS). “

Ok so the planets are influencing our collective conscious by archetypal expressions. These are researchable because they have been laid out in astrological terms, if you assume they are correct. What are the planets then? Are they just a lump of rock – or is BLAQHAZE137 pointing towards them being parts our own psyche? ... does that mean that the sun in essence is our true nature then?

“The human brain is not what you think either and can be wiped clean and reprogrammed like a super computer. Look for colors... purple is important... very important”

My guess would be that purple is a frequency. That this frequency can influence us in an archetypal fashion also. Angelic rays is something people can look up and decide for themselves. White or light would be an expression of all of these things at once.

Or is BLAQHAZE137 pointing to purple being a combination of red and blue, meaning as Micheal said:
Isis = absolute 1 = gradual absolute capitalist = liberal = female = tax and spend = life giver = white and red
Osiris = absolute 0 = violent absolute capitalist = conservative = male = tax and save = life taker = black and blue
Purple then is the influence of both isis and osiris, life and death in balance?

It may be true that our senses are not giving us the full experience of reality, and thus its hard to think or experience out of the box. How would someone "tune" themselves into different perspectives? Is meditation the key to allowing our consciousness to move beyond this current sensory reality?


So far... from whats been presented here in this forum, id just like to bullet point some things to consider.

-Time is cyclical, history tends to repeat itself in terms of 40
-The planets influence our collective conscious, they are the software
-Our consciousness is an expression of this software running “our daily interpretations of reality is whatever archetype is present on a global level”
-Our reality, including ourselves is the hardware, which can be reprogrammed and manipulated by saturn
-Parans with fixed stars are used as fixed moments in time to broadcast intent
-Alignments of the earth, sun and then a planet can be used to broadcast intent
-Planets passing each other communicate. Thus programming them during alignments means they are used to carry messages from one planet to another. When we get involved through ritual, we become the messenger of the gods at this point.

Comments welcome.

edit on 24-5-2015 by Z77ZABCD because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2015 @ 06:05 AM
I just saw a strange website thanks to an aother thread on ATS.

This sites lists a series of events, I'm not sure this fits in the '40' cyclical scheme described here but it's worth having a look since the author mentions a series of upcoming predictions :

* 31 November 2015 | END OF THE CHAPTER
30 November 2015 | 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference (Paris,France)
* 13 November 2015 | UNKNOWN

* 21 October 2015 | 16:29:00 - UNKNOWN
* 20 October 2015 | New World Dollar (Yuan)
9-11 October 2015 | 2015 Annual Meetings of the World Bank Group and IMF (Lima,Peru)
5 October 2015 | Solar Eclipse

28 September 2015 | Lunar Eclipse
26 September 2015 | Festival of Families and Papal Mass (Philadelphia)
25-27 September 2015 | UN Summit for the Adoption of the Post-2015 Development Agenda (New York City, US)
* 23-24 September 2015 | UNKOWN (Year of Jubilee)
15-28 September 2015 | 70th Session of the United Nations General Assembly (New York City, US)
15 September 2015 | Operation Jade Helm 15 ends
* 13 September 2015 | 2015 Financial crisis (The Shemitah)

* 4 August 2015 | 16:23:42 - UNKNOWN

* 17 July 2015 | UNKNOWN (2nd Civil War)
15 July 2015 | Operation Jade Helm 15 begins

* 22 June 2015 | UNKOWN
* 18 June 2015 | UNKOWN
9-14 June 2015 | Bilderberg Meeting - Interalpen Hotel Austria (Telfs,Austria)
5-16 June 2015 | 28th SEA Games - Singapore
* X June 2015 | Saudi Arabia no longer accept US Dollars for Oil
* X June 2015 | Agreement on the Iranian nuclear program

Source : Tabula

posted on May, 26 2015 @ 12:38 PM
hmm interesting thank you

posted on Jun, 4 2015 @ 12:11 AM
Tablua Rasa! Yes, I found this site the other day. Does anyone one if it predicts or just records? In any case, I see that it has noted the following date:

* 23-24 September 2015 | UNKOWN (Year of Jubilee)

More on this in my next post...

posted on Jun, 4 2015 @ 08:11 AM
a reply to: Hardboiled20150923

Hi there, can you expand on the reason for the date too please. Thanks

posted on Jun, 6 2015 @ 03:31 PM
This is the last day of Week 38. No big news on June 5. Do a Google news search for Kyron Horman (still making news after 5 years), Holly Bobo (prosecutors seeking death penalty for suspects), Natalie Holloway (still making news after years), Elizabeth Smart (recently gave birth). Two weeks left in this 40-week period. Next 40-week period is the 5th "Slaying of the Dragon". We are operating under the 2nd greater archetype, "the Great Mother" with all her good and bad aspects as goddess and destroyer, think ISIS, Hillary, transgender, etc. Remember Summer Solstice is the gateway of man. Week 40 will end on Saturday, June 20. Week 1 will start slaying the dragon on June 21. I actually feel like the mainstream news is just fluff and nonsense lately. Nothing really big to take notice of.

posted on Jun, 6 2015 @ 03:39 PM
Boston Marathon bomber to be sentenced on June 24th. Obvious connection there to a greater organization. Also remember to look at the 13th day before and after the Wednesday of the 40th week. Those days would be June 4 and June 30. I don't recall anything significant on June 4. I just didn't notice anything special. Let's see what happens June 30. Any ideas out there?

posted on Jun, 10 2015 @ 04:52 AM
Chiron is a mythological godlike character. He is a teacher of other mythological characters. He is immortal. One day he is shot by a poison arrow and even though he is immortal he can not heal from the injury so he feels constant pain. This is paradoxical. He is a godlike being that existed in a powerful state and then suddenly he is caught between a rock and a hard place by a poison arrow causing incurable pain forever and ever as long as his immortal existence continues. Strange.

Prometheus was an immortal Titan who stole fire from the gods in order to give it to the humans, and he was punished by being chained to a rock. Each day an eagle would eat his liver. Each night Prometheus would be regenerated so that the next day the eagle could eat his liver again. This is another strange blend of mortal and immortal.

I've been thinking that the fire is a symbol of wisdom or special knowledge. Prometheus has stolen some knowledge from the creator gods, and for that he is ''punished'' by being ''chained to a rock'' or in other words being regenerated on Earth, born and born again and again in the material Earth. He feels pain forever. He is born into the material Earth and he feels pain over and over again. He is trapped because ''he'' is immortal inside ''his'' Earthbound body. What a predicament!

Chiron has a similar problem. He is an immortal Centaur (weird mix of a horse and human physical body) who feels the poison arrow pain forever.

These two characters come together in the story of a special deal in which Chiron swaps himself for Prometheus. This is the really important part. Think of Chiron as godlike and Prometheus as more human. Chiron has a festering wound that will not heal even though he is immortal. Prometheus has wisdom that keeps him coming back to Earth again and again in a regenerated body. Think of Chiron as ''up in the heavens'' with the gods. Prometheus is ''down on Earth'' with the humans. Chiron makes an arrangement to swap himself for Prometheus so that Prometheus can finally ''die'' and be released from his Earthly body and ascend into the heavens to be with the gods in the spirit form. I suppose Chiron figures that dying each day is better than not at all, and so he prefers to at least feel no pain at night and suffer in the day rather than feel the pain forever. Zeus was impressed by this type of sacrifice and in order to stop Chiron's suffering Zeus released him and gave him a place in the sky as the constellation Sagittarius. So in the end both Chiron and Prometheus leave the Earthly form and go to the spirit form. They make a transition.

It is a story about transition.

A few weeks ago I learned that the summer solstice is called the gate of man and the winter solstice is called the gate of the gods. Chiron was wanting to pass through the gate of man so that he could die. If this stock market is transitioning from bull to bear during this 40-week period, then an appearance of Chiron at the end of the 40-week period at the summer solstice would be an extraordinary symbol. Chiron would be passing through the gate of man in the summer, becoming mortal so he could die. Zeus would eventually honor Chiron by placing him in the sky as Sagittarius on the other side of the wheel in the winter near the gate of the gods.

Oddly enough we have the Bruce Caitlyn Jenner story in the news at this time. That is one strange transition and that is one serious clue to the identity of the mainstream media.

posted on Jun, 15 2015 @ 03:42 AM
Today is Sunday, June 14, 2015.
This is the beginning of Week 40 and an interesting conjunction of the mundane solar cycle with the esoteric weekly cycle. The week ends Saturday, June 20 followed by the Summer Solstice on Sunday, June 21, 2015.
The 40th week is what I call the gateway week between cycles. The point of interest this year is the coincidence of the occult gate with the ordinary solstice Gate of Man through which mortals pass on their way to the fall.
I am expecting news of Kyron, any news, any headline with finality that aligns the market with the fall of man.

posted on Jun, 20 2015 @ 06:27 AM
Hi everyone,

New here. Great thread. I have read about half so far, quite some interesting thoughts! I plan to finish the rest as as I have time (quite the lengthy read).

I came across this post from november 2012 by XXX777

originally posted by: XXX777
Election Week Results.....


EDIT: The target date for further catalyst is March 12, 2013. Target date for market bottom is January 28, 2015.

The January 28th, 2015, date is repeated by him on a few more occasions in 2012/2013, but I could not find this get picked up again at the beginning of this year. I also read how XXX777 claimed a few times how he was apparently off and the theory needs refining (is the original poster still active, btw?). However, besides the DJIA, have you guys considered correlating things to oil and gold prices? E.g. oil ("black gold") reached market bottom on, or very close to, Jan 28th this year -- Gold prices seem to follow a sort of opposite trend --

Especially looking at gold prices makes sense to me. The system of manipulation described here is much older than the DJIA (if it was signaled through, for example, the bible). The major thing of value throughout human (pre)history is gold and until relatively recently currencies were (at least partially) pegged to gold. The DJIA seems more like a gauge, or just one in a box of different tools.

posted on Jun, 20 2015 @ 03:43 PM
All good questions. I have endless questions.

The weekly count exists. Just because I don't know the entire method doesn't mean it doesn't exist. This just means it is well hidden.

Today is Saturday, June 20, 2015. This is day 280. The count starts again at day 1 on the summer solstice. There is no Chiron news yet, but I think the time will come. The Holly news told us two men questing found a skull. We are here at the place of the skull.

If you think about the first half of the year being growth from infant to a peak at young adult, downhill from here, then imagine the second half being the more mature adult man who will father a child and keep life going. That is the man who will have left the women and children group and joined the group of men and the elders of the tribe in the pursuit of manly things. That man will eventually die at the end of the year and pass through the gate of the ancestral gods.

I think the market is going down. I have been looking for the turning point. I've been wrong so far, but this is the learning process.

Something will motivate the selloff. Europe? Greece? Something.

If the market sells down for about 27 weeks we will be at the winter solstice. Perhaps here the news of Kyron will turn the market back up as the mortal is revealed to be mortal and the spirit rises upwards towards heaven in some consciousness space of the gods.

So that is my call for the next 40 week period. Down about 26 or 27 weeks until the winter solstice and then upwards for another extended bull run. This would be the sharp correction the stock market needs to reset the game and go up again.

I thought of this as I pondered the signal from 40 weeks ago. There is actually no need for a Chiron/Kyron signal at this time because the signal has already been given 40 weeks ago. The message was to go questing until the summer solstice and that is what the stock market did. It quested ever higher in a drawn out sideways to upways channel. There has been plenty of time to roll the market over. You could have sold out of huge positions and taken on new positions in preparation for the fall. No new message is required as of yet. Similar to Elizabeth Smart disappearing was a message to take the market down one last time until her return 280 days later. Her return is simply the culmination. It was not a new signal. Her return was built into her disappearance.

40 weeks ago we were given clues to a continued upward move in the market, a time length being the entire 40 weeks up until the summer solstice, and then it is implied that the movement ceases and a new 40 week period begins as a downward movement until the body is revealed to be truly mortal at the gate of the gods in the winter.

That is my call. That is my interpretation of it so far.

posted on Jun, 21 2015 @ 02:36 PM
a reply to: Generation9

Well, from a European point of view, Greece certainly fits the bill. And there will be an aptly timed emergency summit on the matter in Brussels, tomorrow (Monday Jun 22). If no deal is reached on Greece's debt, the international markets are likely to take a big hit.

posted on Jun, 21 2015 @ 03:16 PM
a reply to: Sagarmatha

There ya go.

Oddly timed to coincide with the 9-month cycle (40 weeks, 280 days).

The church shooting has many people scratching their heads wondering what is going on. I don't like to think of these events as being contrived schemed plotted covert operations involving death, and yet we all know that this is exactly what war is. There is a politician involved. There is religion involved. There is race involved. Nine black turned red. Death. This all aligns with the 9-month cycle. Today is day 1 of the new count. This is the beginning of Greater Step 2, Lesser step 5, week 1.

We are still operating under the greater step archetype of the Great Mother (both good and bad female archetype, think Isis and the nurturing versus the destroying). Lesser step 5 is the Slaying Of The Dragon. The WTC 911 event happened during lesser step 5 years ago. I would not be shocked to see something happen that will plunge us deeper into war. The whole ISIS thing is way too contrived to ignore.

My current thought arrangement has the stock market selling off quickly and sharply for about 6 months until winter solstice and a possible headline news trigger. The winter solstice occurs in week 27 on Tuesday, December 22, 2015. I was reading online that there were 27 masters who pursued the murderers of Hiram.

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