Hi i have something id like to discuss and would welcome feedback on. I dont know if BLAQHAZE137 is still with us, i really hope he still is. Can we
explore his last statements a bit please.
“Days of the week are important but you have to know the real days of the week”
Im presuming the importance of this is because the days of the week are connected to the planets, and thus are “programs” or “themes”... Im
left with more questions though, so if you feel you can fill in the gaps that would be wonderful: What would be the correct days of the week? how many
times has the calendar been reset? What signified the starting point of this calendar count?. And who started it?
“planets influence the event (They are not what you think they are). The message is delivered in archetypal fashion (There is approximately 6, and
they are the real SUPER MODS). “
Ok so the planets are influencing our collective conscious by archetypal expressions. These are researchable because they have been laid out in
astrological terms, if you assume they are correct. What are the planets then? Are they just a lump of rock – or is BLAQHAZE137 pointing towards
them being parts our own psyche? ... does that mean that the sun in essence is our true nature then?
“The human brain is not what you think either and can be wiped clean and reprogrammed like a super computer. Look for colors... purple is
important... very important”
My guess would be that purple is a frequency. That this frequency can influence us in an archetypal fashion also. Angelic rays is something people can
look up and decide for themselves. White or light would be an expression of all of these things at once.
Or is BLAQHAZE137 pointing to purple being a combination of red and blue, meaning as Micheal said:
Isis = absolute 1 = gradual absolute capitalist = liberal = female = tax and spend = life giver = white and red
Osiris = absolute 0 = violent absolute capitalist = conservative = male = tax and save = life taker = black and blue
Purple then is the influence of both isis and osiris, life and death in balance?
It may be true that our senses are not giving us the full experience of reality, and thus its hard to think or experience out of the box. How would
someone "tune" themselves into different perspectives? Is meditation the key to allowing our consciousness to move beyond this current sensory
So far... from whats been presented here in this forum, id just like to bullet point some things to consider.
-Time is cyclical, history tends to repeat itself in terms of 40
-The planets influence our collective conscious, they are the software
-Our consciousness is an expression of this software running “our daily interpretations of reality is whatever archetype is present on a global
-Our reality, including ourselves is the hardware, which can be reprogrammed and manipulated by saturn
-Parans with fixed stars are used as fixed moments in time to broadcast intent
-Alignments of the earth, sun and then a planet can be used to broadcast intent
-Planets passing each other communicate. Thus programming them during alignments means they are used to carry messages from one planet to another.
When we get involved through ritual, we become the messenger of the gods at this point.
Comments welcome.
edit on 24-5-2015 by Z77ZABCD because: (no reason given)