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The big secret is.....

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posted on Dec, 12 2013 @ 03:39 PM
Trouble with sign language? Dosed.

The real signing was elsewhere, last week, for those who can see.

posted on Dec, 12 2013 @ 03:43 PM
reply to post by XXX777

The Mandela event was supposed to be solemn etc. All we got was an hallucinating interpreter and a clowning President. Mainstream News was sure to show it to you. I believe 2014 is going to be rough. We are going to see financial and Administrative shock.

posted on Dec, 16 2013 @ 11:55 PM
Full Moon Tuesday, December 17, 2013. The 13th day of the 40-Week Cycle.

posted on Dec, 24 2013 @ 04:33 PM
Another L.

My friend thought it a good idea to time Mandela's death as an honor. He was raised from Type 3 Round 2 to Type 3 Round 3. I thought that was an interesting interpretation. I usually look for the negative aspect of things, but on the positive side this is yet another example of the number 33 signalling an upward movement.

Today is Tuesday, December 24, 2013, Type 3 Round 3 Week 3, and the 3rd day.

Theatrical News at 3 o'clock.... AP NEWS 3:00 PM EST ''Mikhail Khodorkovsky applies for Swiss visa''

Remember this is Week 3. Week 4 news... AP NEWS 3:32 PM EST ''Watt likely to have plastic surgery to repair nose''

posted on Dec, 24 2013 @ 09:13 PM
I don't know.... waiting for a event to take place seems a real slow and inefficient way to 'pass the word' among the elites

there's at least a million or more brokers or financier agents in the world that deal in milli-seconds of time to trade in the markets... so using MSM to publish 'coded' insights or messages seems way too slow

the only way that these mega-trends,,, or black-swan events can be orchestrated is by prior 'conspiracy' knowledge and the MSM are just acting as chronicalers and not whispering spies that pass on code-words

? One must have a team of eyes-&-ears researchers constantly tuned in to MSM to be up-to-date with the latest 'NEWS' or even that elite person that was supposed to be 'in the loop' would miss the communication that your 'week long' cycle was meant to reveal... sorry this is too far fetched for me to connect the dots concerning It's veracity or even reliability

Now, there are covert and secretive plots being carried out each day... with far reaching objectives
but as the 20 pages reveal to me --- absolutely nothing within is real .... or It is just a matter of bending the info/facts to fit a scheme - -------- after-the-fact....

the Holman example being replaced by Mandela is a case in point... where dead-ends are circumvented by employing a little imagination....

thanks for the mental diversion there XXX777
edit on th31138794136224162013 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 25 2013 @ 03:58 AM

St Udio
I don't know.... waiting for a event to take place seems a real slow and inefficient way to 'pass the word' among the elites

''Waiting for an event'' does not ''pass the word''. Waiting does not transmit the message. This method ~is~ slow because life is slow. Things take time. The whole scheme is based upon the 40 weeks of gestation. It takes a bit of time to build something. The message is transmitted rather quickly by mainstream media. The message is transmitted in the 40th week. I believe there are also intra-40-week inflection points, but the main message is transmitted in the 40th week and has a character or quality that is related to the archetypal theme of the current 40-week time period (I call those 40-week time periods Rounds).

there's at least a million or more brokers or financier agents in the world that deal in milli-seconds of time to trade in the markets... so using MSM to publish 'coded' insights or messages seems way too slow

The directional clues are given in the 40th week. Traders can trade as quickly or slowly as they want. The speed of order execution is not important. The ''speed'' of this scheme is set by the rotation of the Earth. 280 day & night cycles are going to pass by regardless of the activities of traders.

the only way that these mega-trends,,, or black-swan events can be orchestrated is by prior 'conspiracy' knowledge and the MSM are just acting as chronicalers and not whispering spies that pass on code-words

Correct. The market is rigged by prior conspiracy. You and I have no way of knowing what those powerful people are doing unless they clue us in. The media is not letting the riggers know. The media is letting the followers know.

? One must have a team of eyes-&-ears researchers constantly tuned in to MSM to be up-to-date with the latest 'NEWS' or even that elite person that was supposed to be 'in the loop' would miss the communication that your 'week long' cycle was meant to reveal... sorry this is too far fetched for me to connect the dots concerning It's veracity or even reliability

You do not have to ''constantly'' tune in. There are better things to do with life. Paying attention in the 40th week is good enough. I, however, constantly tune in as I attempt to learn the system. Those who know the system probably only focus on the 40th week and then they get busy building the world with their own individual projects. I imagine the intra-40-week inflection points are known at a more advanced level, and possibly are used as teaching moments. It ~is~ difficult to grasp when all you are aware of is your pre-conditioning.

Now, there are covert and secretive plots being carried out each day... with far reaching objectives
but as the 20 pages reveal to me --- absolutely nothing within is real .... or It is just a matter of bending the info/facts to fit a scheme - -------- after-the-fact....

Uh... no... sorry. I am dropping gems in this thread. If it appears to you as though I am bending info/facts to fit a scheme, then remember that I ~am~ attempting to induct myself into this with very little help from authoritative sources other than Blavatsky and Neumann. This is real-time (albeit slow) science and pattern matching. The 40-week cycles are absolutely real. Hindsight actually is 20/20. For example, go back and read about the Chilean Miners Los 33 and really focus on the dates, the chart, and the mythical story being told as the 33 are brought up out of the tomb.

the Holman example being replaced by Mandela is a case in point... where dead-ends are circumvented by employing a little imagination....

When I speak of specific things such as the Horman case I am exercising my mind as well as making a blatant guess as to possible media stories that might be used as signals. The point here is to exercise my mind in an attempt to discover or tune in. If the Media actually use one of these ''guessed'' stories then I may draw a lot of attention to my scheme. Seriously, if Kyron Horman information had been broadcast as headline news in the 40th week you would be thinking differently. My guesses are not important unless they turn out correct. An incorrect guess has no effect. The idea is not to guess ahead of time and trade hoping to be right. The idea is to receive the message in the 40th week and trade with full knowledge that you are making the right directional trade. Being able to pump money out of the stock market at will is very powerful. What you do with it is up to you.

thanks for the mental diversion there XXX777

You are welcome. Again, this is difficult to grasp. It really runs counter to everything to have been programmed to believe about the structure of society and the nature of monetary systems. Don't forget that I often focus on the negative aspect due to my own bias. I was looking for something negative three weeks ago. That is why I was dwelling on the story of Kyron Horman. I was wrong there, but I was not wrong about the 40-week cycle. The 40 weeks came to an end and a major story was broadcast over and over again internationally so everybody had a chance to hear about it. Remember to focus on the archetypal theme of the time period. The time was the end of Round 2 and the beginning of Round 3, within Type 3. We were transitioning from Type 3 Round 2 to Type 3 Round 3. Think of the Savior stories.You know of Jesus because of his celebrated birth AND death, the story of the life of Jesus. The people running the Media want to celebrate the life of Mandela at his death.

edit on th31138794136224162013 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 25 2013 @ 05:18 AM
reply to post by XXX777

Another one of those half philosophical half nonsensical posts that do or say nothing except validating the OP as the one who "knows".

Either put your cards on the table (in English that we can all understand) or do not pretend to know "secrets".

You are like all the other guys who stumbled upon a few neat stories on the web. You think you know the secret picture, you know what is going on behind the scenes. While in fact, you know nothing.

There mere fact that you pretend to know things that we mortals don´t while still staying with your vague nonsensical comments (so it´s about language hm? How immensely insightful of you!) is enough to rate you in the "sad weirdo" category.

Have fun educating us mortals with your infinite wisdom.

I am tired of threads like this.
edit on 25-12-2013 by Nightaudit because: spelling

posted on Dec, 25 2013 @ 05:49 AM
I agree with your sentiments.
The over egged postings are too long and bounce around like a demented gerbil high on acid.

I am at a stage where I can state that I have been hearing the first cuckoo of spring a little early this year.

moderators may wish to consider a wee bit of moderating around a certain evangelical scribe and curtail the waste of space being created.

Whilst not wishing to see censorship imposed, peer pressure does not work for everyone so mods, step up to the plate please.

There is a saying that a secret is not a secret unless it's been told

posted on Jan, 1 2014 @ 02:47 AM
Don't let the winter get you down. But I understand your crankiness. So I am going to start the new year with the revelation that ''The big secret is.....'' the 40-week cycle of the international left.

Everything you need to know is in this thread. I have been convinced by the occurrence of Nelson Mandela's death in the most recent 40th week. You can start a fool, read the thread, progress to inquisitiveness and ultimately the understanding that the 40-week cycle and its originators are our biggest threat and have been for quite some time now. I've seen this for 18 years.

posted on Jan, 1 2014 @ 03:30 AM
The 40-week cycle is a time table for the synchronizing of International Leftist movements. I see it reflected in the movements of the U.S. stock market and Mainstream Media stories. The most recent 40th week was highlighted by the announcement of Nelson Mandela's death which I believe to be contrived and timed to occur in the 40th week. The International Left and the International Left inside the Mainstream Media honored Mandela in the 40th week of the 3rd archetype and 2nd round.

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 10:14 AM
Now we get a rabbit in Mandela's ear.... SOURCE

The International Left has been whispering in Mandela's ear for decades.

Oh. And before you reply with the standard, please know what you are talking about.

posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 01:52 AM
Here we are in Week 7. There are 3 weeks left. Remember the 10-20-10 thing? I talked about this years ago. The 3rd Round can frequently be seen as a consolidation for 10 weeks, a major move upward for 20 weeks, and another consolidation for 10 weeks. It is a stylized version of 20-20. You have 40 weeks. You want to divide them equally. The 3rd Round is about Separation or Duality. You can have 20-20 or you can have 10-20-10. Yin and Yang. Swerve.

Do not forget we are in the 3rd Type so we have an overarching 3rd arche(Type) influencing our 3rd Round.

Shhhhhhh. Be verwy verwy quiet.

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 12:11 AM
I know you like pictures so here is a picture inside a picture....

Keep in mind that we have concluded the 8th Wednesday. Look at the precarious positioning of the DJIA daily chart. 8 Weeks. 40 trading days. The market is getting whipped up and down to maximum advantage.

posted on Feb, 17 2014 @ 11:32 PM
The 10-week consolidation is complete. We are in Type 3 - Round 3 - Week 11. I've got Valentine's Day charts for you sweethearts.

Take notice of how the traders really milk the mundane 200-Day Moving Average and leave the market tipped to the top side of the mundane 50-Day Moving Average...

Traders ran the stops above and below Week 40 and left the scales tipped upwards...

So now 20 weeks of sustained rally into another 10-week consolidation.

posted on Feb, 18 2014 @ 01:58 AM
reply to post by XXX777

That must be why all these business people are reading the morning paper with their coffee..

posted on Apr, 16 2014 @ 03:09 PM
The 10/20/10 pattern has not emerged, but that is alright. I have watched the cycle long enough to know that it is in fact real and I am not imagining it. If it was easy, then everybody would do it.

We are not seeing a rally in the markets, but so far this Dow refuses to sell off in any big way. The buyers always come in. I believe I am correct in my directional call.

I was looking for the current 40 weeks to be divided into 10, 20 and 10. I have previously seen 40-Week patterns of consolidation for 10 weeks, sustained rally for 20 weeks and then finally another 10 weeks of consolidation up at a higher level. The Mandela message in the previous Week 40 convinced me the markets are heading up. So I fully expected to see a common pattern in the market’s advance this time.

Because we are in Type 3 and Round 3 perhaps what we will see is a strict 20/20 division of the 40 weeks. The third archetypal story is about duality, so maybe Type Duality and Round Duality will most naturally manifest in a Dual/Dual way. If so, then there are less than two weeks remaining before the breakout event occurs.

We are currently in Type 3 – Round 3 – Week 19.

My call for a market top in late January 2015 is still viable. It could be precipitated by talks of bailout for the insurance industry later this year.

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 03:24 PM
Highest closing price daily. Highest closing price weekly so far.

If this can continue on the Dow chart, then we will have our breakout.

I know it is difficult for some to accept the reality of this, but it is very real. At the Week 40 lock we saw the contrived death of Mandela and a statue as tall as the Moon cycle with a Rabbit in the ear. I was initially looking for the 10-20-10 split because I have seen it before. The Dow actually did consolidate in the first 10 weeks of this Round, but the Nasdaq sold off. In the next 10 weeks the Dow moved in a tighter range and continued consolidating and basing. The Nasdaq continued selling off.

Now, in the Week 21, just a few days past the center point, we are seeing the Dow staging a breakout and the Nasdaq is even breaking above its downward sloping resistance. Look at the weekly charts. You will see it.

And think very carefully about your overall ''feelings'' concerning the market, and the public's ''feelings'' or how your friends felt, and the Media message that has been broadcast the past several months. I think there has been an obvious lull in the news cycle and a lot of distraction. I have personally seen a lot of articles about economic doom and stock market crashes. It is all noise. When you know the 40-Week cycle you can remain neutral and observe this noise with inner calm.

posted on May, 2 2014 @ 01:21 AM
The story of scary chart terrortory...

The chart shows how easy it is to be scared as hell thinking the entire economic scam is going to come crashing down. The other side of the coin is a pie in the sky idea of a market that is about to scream towards Dow 33K. It will scream alright. Until January 28, 2015.

But the break out is due and it is about to be printed on the weekly chart as well as the impressive daily chart. We are going higher on nothing. We are going into the air.

posted on May, 3 2014 @ 03:31 PM
The Dow chart shows the first 10 weeks covering a range above and below the 40th week close, and then another 10 weeks spent in the high side of that range.

The 20 weeks conclude, and the 21st week prints a new high WEEKLY closing price. There are daily closes higher, as well as several intraday trades, so this is not getting the attention it deserves in the market news. I am looking for a more decisive breakout well above the previous intraday prices. I think the news and market momentum were just not there this week.

posted on May, 3 2014 @ 09:42 PM
So I mostly thought this all seemed crazy as with most people in this thread. However I took your date of Nelson Mandela's death and tried applying your 40 weeks to it. So 280 days. I used a calculator and a calender and what day is exactly 40 weeks from his death?

September 11, 2014.

Definitely weird.

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