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Please stop posting about the most sick crimes you can find

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posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 08:59 PM
reply to post by liejunkie01

The forums you mentioned are actually BTS (BelowTopSecret) forums.
edit on 1-4-2012 by TheBandit795 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 09:07 PM
reply to post by rexusdiablos

We get it: there are awful and sick things happening in the world. We recognize and are aware of them. At what point do you say that you would rather not be aware of it? How much is too much? It's a personal judgement call.

Perhaps someone else could recommend that you aren't hearing enough and that there is so much more sick twisted news that should be read to make sure you're all safe and tidy and not missing out on "the truth." The truth is what you choose to believe, and not some static thing to be gotten.

Why not go to YouTube right now and watch all of today's stories of gruesome murders so that you can be sure to maybe avoid being caught in a similar situation yourself. Go ahead. See if you don't feel worse after all of it.

What some of us are saying is that our appetite for such things has been satiated. If you are hungry for more, DIG IN!!

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 09:07 PM
how can a vigilant mind in a changing world adapt if you begin filtering what takes place beyond the walls of your home from reaching your mind and preparing it for a possibility that is not up to you...

the people who commit the acts themselves don't have the same regard for life as you or I,
therefore it is imperitive we remain one step ahead in the thinking of current events,
regardless of their subjective appeal.

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 09:10 PM
My opinion just got cencored in bloculas space hoax thread and all i was saying was about do your research and quoted to blocula "keep digging cornelius ull find the master of this house" reference to planet of the apes film etc.that was at the end of the sentence wtf? because ATS didnt understand that quote they say it is off topic?.im entitled to my opinion as well which was on topic i just quoted that at last of the sentence.another guy was saying about satelites and ATS said he was off topic wtf..ATS sort it out please we were not off topic.

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 09:13 PM
The reason such crimes can happen is because those with the power to stop them pretend they don't happen. Ignoring them won't change the fact that they still happen. Crimes can't be ignored just because they're unpleasant.

ATS is the last place anyone should be advocating willful ignorance of world events.

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 09:15 PM
Everybody has there own right to view or not view what they wish. If 1 person thinks a story is worthy of posting compared to another who thinks it is just fear and goes away then they both made their choice. People do have a somewhat of a oh and ahh as you say but we also have a need to inform other no matter if they feel its important or not. It is all point of view.
Lets not try to say we are better but say that we want to share what we have found or know so others can see if they wish. The real world is a horrible place with crimes all the time and we want to keep up. Even if there isnt much there is nothing wrong with keeping track of what is going on. As the saying goes "the more you know"

Anyway i just wanted to add my 2 cents as i have a right to. I wish things could be happier and less pain and suffering but unless we go against human nature itself and basically give humans a huge overhaul then it will continue. Have a nice day and go outside and enjoy the freaking warm weather.

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 09:24 PM
That's why if I can't find anything really pertinent to post, I will ry to post something that is human interest or something I think is funny and would like to lighten things up a bit sometime because some of the topics are heavy. I feel we all deserve a light moment, but I see what your saying that generally doesn't get you many views. Perhaps Google is right, (although I try to avoid using Google just have my druthers) the search engines I do use are google enhanced.
But it never is in good form to advocate censorship, unless it's because of breaking the rules we all agreed to when we became members. That's just my two cents.

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 09:41 PM
I feel your answer to censor people just because you find the truth to be a little too much for your world view does not really have any bearing one way or the other.

So when an event like a ritual child sacrifice occurs, we should all just look the other way, and not talk about it, because it will cause negative feelings?

No %*#@ it will cause negative feelings from us, but I think that is a healthy response don't you?

By the way, I had no idea about the thread you reference in the beginning of your thread about the 3 sacrifices in Mexico to their Saint of Death until you created this thread and mentioned it.

Should we close your thread since it is effectively doing what you are railing against?

If you were to leave this thread open then it is really showing a hypocrisy, because again you are spreading this "fear sensationalism" to others at this point.

Just my 2 cents...

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 09:47 PM
reply to post by petrus4

Whether its relevant to me or not, I love hearing about the ****.
If you don't like it then just avoid it.
Its pretty easy to judge what the content of the thread will be.

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 10:01 PM
Hi Mate,
First post. While i totally understand your point of view, i think you may need to be a little more open minded, and think about what "deny ignorance" actually means. You may not want to read about these topics, and many people might agree. But to tell others they are not allowed to make threads or talk about them is plain old ignorant. While some people enjoy pretending these things dont ACTUALLY happen, and feel better not talking about them, others like myself feel more assured knowing whats going on in the world, and in some cases like your mexican sacrifices, find it interesting.

I wouldn't tell poeple im sick of hearing horrible war stories, so stop threading about it! Think you have a case of trying to enforce your own opinion on others, without thinking of other opinions.

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 10:33 PM
reply to post by petrus4

One more time, stop reading the posts that you do not like! Evidently, you keep selecting these threads to read?
Or, you can also stick your head in the sand, that will protect you!

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 10:36 PM
reply to post by petrus4

who are you to decide what is to be discussed on ATS?

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 10:37 PM
I didn't even know about that thread until you mentioned it in your post. Then I ran a search for it and read it. I didn't find anything sensationalistic about it, but I did learn a couple of things. First, I learned that there were human sacrifices occurring in Mexico, which I had previously been unaware. Second, I learned about some strange saint to whom they were making the sacrifice. Didn't know that prior to reading the thread either.

Funny though, I would have never read that thread if not for your thread. And to be perfectly honest, I wouldn't have read your thread if it hadn't been on the home page. I just thought I would take a look and see what it was about. I have been doing that a lot recently, just reading what's showing up on the home page or top topics.

But I am new to this site and still trying to get my footing. You see, I don't have the best social skills as most folks seem to have, or the depth of knowledge that some on this site have, or the sharpest wit, or the clarity of intellect. So I am just bumbling along, trying to learn new things and new ways to think ... Trying to improve myself and expand my knowledge ... And maybe even my world, a little bit.

Now, I agree with what you have posted, as some of the things posted on this site seem a little ridiculous, and I am learning to just avoid them instead of trying to engage in a conversation or dialogue.

The thing is, to censure something, even if you find it personally offensive, I just am not sure about that. It struck a memory, or something. I seem to recall something I think happened in the first gulf war. I seem to recall Barbara Bush being asked if she was going to greet the caskets of the returning dead Americans, and I think she replied, something to the effect, "Why would I want to expose myself to that?" I'll try to find and verify that. I didn't particularly care for that. And that's how I feel about your suggestion that these things be censured.

But I have to say, I wish you would have left it at that. I didn't care for it, but I could respect it. But then you go on to break out the ugly, judgmental guns ... Like,

"I think the central problem, is the quality of the actual people we get on this site, now."

"Actually, Leftist, the irony is that this sites decline in quality, has been directly proportional to the growth of it's population ... if I could have found a way to maintain the state of the net in the early 90's, indefinitely, I would have done it in a heartbeat."

How truly egotistical.

One of the reasons that I joined this site is because for years, I have watched this country go to sh@t, at least in my opinion. I formed the opinion from observing things around me and watching what most people refer to on this site as main stream media. I dont know if I am right or wrong, but I came to the conclusion that there was a very elite minority controlling this country through various means, namely, both political parties, our government, and the media.

At any rate, I was googling some stuff one day and found this site. I dived right in thinking maybe I could connect with some people. The thing is, I keep running across people like you ... very judgmental and impatient with the masses, like me ... Sound familiar? Some of you folks, and mostly the brightest ones, sound just how I imagine the elite sound.

What makes you so special?

BTW ... You can refer to me as a 'sheeple' if you want. I guess I am, because I am still learning things on here. For instance, I had no idea what was 'Rule 34' or 'Deepnet' until I was reading the replies to your thread and then googled them. I am ignorant of these things, so I guess I am not worthy to be on your site. Nice to see there is elitism even here ...

ETA: Here is what she said ...

In March of last year, as the invasion of Iraq began, Mrs. Bush told Diane Sawyer of ABC News that she wouldn't watch any television reports about her boy's war because, she said, "Why should we hear about body bags and death and how many? ... Oh, I mean, it's not relevant. So why should I waste my beautiful mind on something like that?"

Here is the link ...

Bush afraid to ...

edit on 2012/4/1 by Another10Pin because: (no reason given)

edit on 2012/4/1 by Another10Pin because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 10:47 PM

Originally posted by daynight42
reply to post by rexusdiablos

At what point do you say that you would rather not be aware of it? How much is too much? It's a personal judgement call.

Yes, our acceptance of reality is a personal judgment call. Censorship of reality as propositioned by petrus and advocated by you removes my freedom to make that judgment. Why should my access to truth and reality be limited by what you can and cannot cope with?

Originally posted by daynight42
Perhaps someone else could recommend that [...]

To whom are you referring? Why are you counting on an unidentified individual to make representative recommendations on your part? Why not simply state your own?

Originally posted by daynight42
The truth is what you choose to believe, and not some static thing to be gotten.

Incorrect. Truths can be either objective (factual, scientific) or subjective (personal, philosophical). What you’ve described is actually the opposite of the formal dictionary definition of truth.

That which is true or in accordance with fact or reality.

Sure, subjective truth in a very broad terminological and philosophical sense exists as a concept but to state that it is the only form of truth (which you have) is sensationally incorrect.

Originally posted by daynight42
Why not go to YouTube right now and watch all of today's stories of gruesome murders so that you can be sure to maybe avoid being caught in a similar situation yourself. Go ahead.

Looking and seeing are two different actions. Though I’m not actively looking for stories of pertinence to “gruesome murders”, should I see them I’m not going to intellectually and emotionally collapse to the extent that I cover my eyes and shut myself off from reality.

Originally posted by daynight42
What some of us are saying is that our appetite for such things has been satiated.

That’s easily the most sadistic and perverse statement I’ve come across on ATS in a while. Why did you have an appetite for stories of gruesome murders in the first place? What was it the finally satisfied your cravings?

The post of mine to which your replying clearly stated that the tolerance of truth, while necessary, is personally painful for me:

Originally posted by rexusdiablos
the pains that cometh with truth

Let’s break this down:

The definition of appetite:

A strong desire or liking for something

The definition of tolerance

The ability or willingness to tolerate something, in particular the existence of opinions or behavior that one does not necessarily agree with.

What right do you feel you have to lecture and condemn your fellow ATS members that nobly tolerate the harsher side of reality when by your own words, it's a thing you possessed such a strong sadistic desire for that you’ve gluttonously filled your analogical belly?

edit on 1/4/2012 by rexusdiablos because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 10:51 PM
reply to post by petrus4

Basically what I got from your rant is: please stop reporting truth. You don't want to be reminded of CERTAIN crimes, but others are okay. You want people silenced, in essence. Don't read threads about crime if it bothers you so much. I find it humorous that you label yourself as an libertarian. You're exactly the type of person we need to fear in this country. You're exactly the type of personality that pollutes major media corporations; who don't want to be reminded of CERTAIN crimes. Only crimes that fit your agenda and perspective on social issues. How convenient.

I'm glad everyone doesn't have your mentality otherwise this wouldn't be the United States - it would be pre-war Germany.

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 11:11 PM
reply to post by petrus4

You took the words right out of my mouth...

thanks for the post.

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 11:12 PM
The lying trolls who keep screaming censorship at me, need to stop.

This is not about censorship. This is about the craving for negativity. The ceaseless, endless craving for drama. The obsession with problems, and the accompanying lack of desire to look at solutions.

I was not motivated to write the OP, in response to people's posting of said crimes by themselves. I am responding to the underlying motivation that people have, for posting the reports of said crimes.

I am going to keep saying this to every lying troll in this thread who accuses me of wanting censorship. I do not want censorship; I want you to start to want to stop being as sick as you are.

It is not about you wanting to be informed. It is about your glorification of how terrible certain things are.

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 11:15 PM

Originally posted by grandestconspiracyofall
reply to post by petrus4

Basically what I got from your rant is: please stop reporting truth. You don't want to be reminded of CERTAIN crimes, but others are okay. You want people silenced, in essence. Don't read threads about crime if it bothers you so much. I find it humorous that you label yourself as an libertarian. You're exactly the type of person we need to fear in this country. You're exactly the type of personality that pollutes major media corporations; who don't want to be reminded of CERTAIN crimes. Only crimes that fit your agenda and perspective on social issues. How convenient.

I'm glad everyone doesn't have your mentality otherwise this wouldn't be the United States - it would be pre-war Germany.

take your ridiculous opions somewhere else. liberalism is for children and perverts. It is people like YOU that are enemies of our culture.

"You're exactly the type of personality that pollutes major media corporations"

what are you smokin?

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 11:16 PM
reply to post by petrus4

It has nothing to do with some people craving sensationalism or anything negative like you say. Its about awareness, justice, and concern for the real crimes of this world and often, as in the sacrificial cases, its not even believed by people this is going on. My girlfriend and I were on watch duty in our town, over the children, especially leading up to Halloween and Christmas and Easter, and a few other dates, we knew what was going on. And told everyone to watch their kids like hawks. No one understands and until they do and get really really mad and get some investigations done its not going to change, they need to bust those groups often operating out of their own church's with ministers, doctors and judges invovled.

I see it as very positive to bring LIGHT to the real conspiracies behind things and the news.

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 11:20 PM
reply to post by petrus4

I do agree that "fear porn" is becoming very addictive to folks. I have found myself not long ago getting too much into horrible stories of violence and other dark media. I thought I was simply "educating" myself of the dangers out in the world, and to learn from others mistakes. Maybe there is some validity to that, but I found myself getting angrier and more cynical about the world in general. I started losing sight of some of the magic and wonders still left on Earth and in life in general. The loves in one form or another that we should all possess as healthy beings started to become a small memory. Needless to say, I realized it at some point and became aware of my "surfing" patterns and bookmarks. I have erased many.

On a more metaphysicaL level, I do believe in a way, (which is always misunderstood) that we do create our reality, both individually and en masse. These negative videos as you describe, for example, strike me as very toxic for our fast moving world. It feels like things are speeding up not only in technology, but in people getting more and more restless; as if on some deep level we know something needs repair. Granted, if there is an epidemic of, say, police brutality, I can understand having to witness some examples to examine the nature of the problem. This is where context becomes very important. Something like "here's a serious problem, let's examine it and discuss reasonable solutions and learn a thing or two". But if we just walk away angrier than when we sat down, then I do become concerned about the material posted on huge sites like ATS.

In a world with almost 7B people and a huge internet, there's always going to be incidents that end up under the magnifying glass. But this "magnifying glass" can distort what we see. We always joke about how bad the media reports things...more for ratings than insight, but we are all becoming addicts to negative adrenalin.

Bottom line I feel we continue to indulge in fear porn, we will energetically project these negative images upon the world and ourselves, and, collectively, things will possibly increase the manifestation of problems for us as a whole.

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