My own personal belief is that the universe is teaming with life. I would go as far as to say we will at some point discover life on "many" bodies
in our own solar system let alone the wider cosmos. A lot of it may well be a basic single cell organisms/small bacteria or maybe not but either way I
simply cannot comprehend why some people believe only planet Earth has life or has ever had life.
So out of curiosity I started looking at the numbers involved when thinking about how many stars & planets there could be in the entire universe to
try and put into context these staggering numbers and the (In my opinion) absurd thinking of some that we are alone.
I have put some number comparisons below, which highlight the incomprehensible numbers we are looking at.
Lets start from the bottom…
1 = You
65,000,000 or 65 Million = roughly the population of the UK
7,000,000,000 or 7 Billion or 7,000 Million = Roughly the human population on Earth
200,000,000,000 or 200 Billion or 200,000 Million = Estimated stars in the Milky Way galaxy
1,000,000,000,000 or 1 Trillion or 1 Thousand Billion or 1 Million Million = Estimated stars in our nearest major galaxy the Andromeda galaxy
100,000,000,000,000 or 100 Trillion or 100,000 Billion or 100 Million Million = Estimated stars in IC1101 the largest Galaxy Known (to date).
1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 or 1 Septillion or 1 Million Million Million Million = Estimated number of stars in the “observable”
Current estimates/ratios suggest that for each star in the Milky Way there are 1.6 planets and as more exoplanets are discovered this average is
expected to rise. This number does not even consider small bodies like moons etc.
So using this ratio there are at least 1.6 Septillion or 1.6 million million million million planets in the observable universe going by todays
(likely underestimate) of planets to stars ratio.
OR to put that number into context…
For EVERY SECOND there has been since the birth of the universe (using 13.7 billion years as the guide) to this day the number of seconds would not
even be anywhere near 1.6 septillion.
If fact 1.6 Septillion is around 3.7 MILLION times bigger than the number of seconds there has been since the universe began!!!
So for one final “let me put that into context” ratio/stat that means…
For EVERY ONE SECOND since time began there are roughly 3.7 MILLION PLANETS
This is just in the “observable” Universe and these stats don’t even include other small bodies such as moons & asteroids etc.
But hey guess what, according to some, life only happened on planet Earth apparently.
Planets to Stars ratio 1.6 est
Age of the universe