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White guy wanders into the ghetto. Stripped, robbed, and beaten..No media coverage.

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posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 01:17 PM

Originally posted by Hessdalen
at least they act the same way against each other....

and brown people

society indecline...

but its a big no-no if a white person is doing harm against a black one....(but the same is with muslim/arabic/turkish-people in europe...) so what can we do?
edit on 30-3-2012 by Hessdalen because: mindcontrol

Its a REAL sapiens sapiens issue. More followers within the vid. TRYING to ACT HARD as its said, SMH following anothers vibrations

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 01:18 PM
Absolutely horrible.
When I lived in Oakland, I couldn't even sit on my porch without getting cussed out for being white.
And that was the "nice" part of Oakland.

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 01:20 PM

Originally posted by Hessdalen
at least they act the same way against each other....

and brown people

society indecline...

but its a big no-no if a white person is doing harm against a black one....(but the same is with muslim/arabic/turkish-people in europe...) so what can we do?
edit on 30-3-2012 by Hessdalen because: mindcontrol

I hate gangs. They are becomming more and more of a threat to American society.

*My black is blacker than your black, so I'm going to hit you for being not where I'm from*

Is this basic mentallity of most of the street gangs.

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 01:20 PM

Originally posted by CALGARIAN

Originally posted by Chalupas Why do you think this gets no coverage?

#1. He was not killed
#2. None of the people were arrested and let go
#3. We know the whole story from the video, so.. nothing left to imagination.

see OP? he just proved to you why this is acceptable. we get to see what happened so it's ok. we don't need to make a big deal because again, it is what is expected of black people.

when the hell are you all going to wake up and see how bad you're all being played into the agenda?

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 01:23 PM
reply to post by Cavalier


really hard, its kinda the reason i am so far not planing to visit america because its seriously #ed up...the good old road trip can bring you into serious trouble...

and for what?

its all just greed...and a bad childhood...and a society that couldnt care less about these problems...

+24 more 
posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 01:24 PM
I want to write some very negative derogatory things on here right now...I really do. I'm not racist but it's very hard for me to trust black people because there are 10 bad ones for 1 good one. I mean seriously...they want to be treated more fairly but the behavior in 90% of them is from the hood. I know a couple of mid 20's black guys who grew up in the rich parts of white neighborhoods yet they act like they are from Compton. I just don't get it...never will and most white folks will never get it either.

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 01:29 PM
So what. Stuff happens all the time.

How many times do you see a black child in the news that's been abducted. Go check the missing child's website and see how many are.

The parents of Trayvon Martin wanted answers. They didn't get any cooperation from the police dept. So they sought outside help.

That is why the Trayvon - Zimmerman case is in the media.

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 01:30 PM

Originally posted by HawkeyeNation
I want to write some very negative derogatory things on here right now...I really do. I'm not racist but it's very hard for me to trust black people because there are 10 bad ones for 1 good one. I mean seriously...they want to be treated more fairly but the behavior in 90% of them is from the hood. I know a couple of mid 20's black guys who grew up in the rich parts of white neighborhoods yet they act like they are from Compton. I just don't get it...never will and most white folks will never get it either.

See be FAIR and look into the PAST of the AMERICANAZ and then consider the acts done by those who wore hoods in the past to those who were BROUGHT HERE and then reveirfy your statements with combined data from the past and present and notice HOW MUCH THESE RACES ALL RACES ARE THE SAME AND SEEM TO FOLLOW SIMULAR PATTERNES THRU TIME. This is what I mean I see all these derogatory statements about one race crime on another race yet none are acknowledging the crimes committed say 150 to 200 years ago on a race by another race within the AMERICANAZ. Be REAL and accept the entire species has multiple RACES SOME ARE EVOL AND SOME ARE OF LOVE OF ALL* THE RACES MAKING THE HUMAN SPECIES.... [/COLOR]

Or were looking for an excuse to lower the population here??
edit on 3/30/12 by Ophiuchus 13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 01:30 PM

Originally posted by HawkeyeNation
I want to write some very negative derogatory things on here right now...I really do. I'm not racist but it's very hard for me to trust black people because there are 10 bad ones for 1 good one. I mean seriously...they want to be treated more fairly but the behavior in 90% of them is from the hood. I know a couple of mid 20's black guys who grew up in the rich parts of white neighborhoods yet they act like they are from Compton. I just don't get it...never will and most white folks will never get it either.

Same with white people though right?

Like 10% are ok but 90% have that Klan mentality and would sleep with their sister at the drop of a hat.
I know a couple of white guys and they're from Oxford UK but they act like they're from Hicksville Trailer park.
I mean they want to better themselves and make some money but they keep living in a trailer and getting fat.

I just don't get it...

But then I'm the kind of person who generalises and knows 2 white people.... why would I get it?


Nice to generalise and talk crap huh?

edit on 30/3/12 by blupblup because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 01:31 PM
Send in George Zimmerman!!! He knows how to handle the problem showed in the OP video.....

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 01:36 PM
Ah yes more examples of this kind of idiocracy... Even if we do not have the whole story in a video, snippet, the hooting and hollowering and not to mention the stimulation these people are getting is sick...

They prob. all went to procreate afterwards...

everyone in that video are acting like idiots... This thread will not fix anything by the way...

If anything create more of this....

edit on 30-3-2012 by Obl1vion because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 01:37 PM
Personally, I gotta agree with Dr. Bill Cosby on this one:

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 01:44 PM
that was a terrible thing to happen to anyone no matter what color. please dont try and turn it into a racial thing, two wrongs dont make a right, if you think the trayvon thing is being turned into a racial thing why are you fighting fire with fire it only causes more fire. you are comparing apples and oranges and adding fuel to the fire. if you have any kind of heart you would agree that this was an unfortunate incident as was trayvon but at least the guy in the video is still alive.

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by blupblup

Originally posted by HawkeyeNation
I want to write some very negative derogatory things on here right now...I really do. I'm not racist but it's very hard for me to trust black people because there are 10 bad ones for 1 good one. I mean seriously...they want to be treated more fairly but the behavior in 90% of them is from the hood. I know a couple of mid 20's black guys who grew up in the rich parts of white neighborhoods yet they act like they are from Compton. I just don't get it...never will and most white folks will never get it either.

Same with white people though right?

Like 10% are ok but 90% have that Klan mentality and would sleep with their sister at the drop of a hat.
I know a couple of white guys and they're from Oxford UK but they act like they're from Hicksville Trailer park.
I mean they want to better themselves and make some money but they keep living in a trailer and getting fat.

I just don't get it...

But then I'm the kind of person who generalises and knows 2 white people.... why would I get it?


Nice to generalise and talk crap huh?

edit on 30/3/12 by blupblup because: (no reason given)

Oh you're right...a lot can be said for white people too. I should have taken some time to cool off before writing, lol. I get the same way if I would have seen white people doing this to a black person. I have experience working with A LOT of black people out of high school about 10 years ago. 75% was black and I'm not generalizing when I say 90% acted like they came from the was a fact unfortunately. And unfortunately the stupid white boys tried to act the same way, lol.

edit on 30-3-2012 by HawkeyeNation because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by CodyOutlaw
Personally, I gotta agree with Dr. Bill Cosby on this one:

And the good Dr. was attacked for his words. Apparently he too is a raging bigot.

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 01:48 PM

Originally posted by thisguyrighthere

Originally posted by CodyOutlaw
Personally, I gotta agree with Dr. Bill Cosby on this one:

And the good Dr. was attacked for his words. Apparently he too is a raging bigot.

Yeah, I remember that, it made me so mad.

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 01:50 PM

Originally posted by ajay59

Originally posted by cuervo

Originally posted by CALGARIAN

Originally posted by Chalupas Why do you think this gets no coverage?

#1. He was not killed
#2. None of the people were arrested and let go
#3. We know the whole story from the video, so.. nothing left to imagination.

Absolutely. So many people are trying to make the Martin case about race but, really, it's about a horrible law that allows you to shoot people even if you can reasonably avoid the situation. There may or may not be racism involved but it is his detainment and then subsequent release that makes it such a big story.

Your'e right! We should all give up our guns and anything that might be used as a weapon so we can not stand up for ourselves from anyone or any thing! Yea, right. Can see right through your motivation!

Yeah, because that's exactly what I said, right? Whatever.

There is a difference between the right to bear arms (which I support) and the right to shoot unarmed civilians because you chose to chase them.

When you make that huge leap in logic of "You telling me I can't shoot unarmed people?! You must wanna take mah guns!!11!", it just hurts your argument. Please, coming from a guy who supports the 2nd amendment, please don't speak for our pro-gun position.
edit on 30-3-2012 by cuervo because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 01:52 PM

Originally posted by HawkeyeNation
Oh you're right...a lot can be said for white people too. I should have taken some time to cool off before writing,

Uh huh...

I get the same way if I would have seen white people doing this to a black person.


And would you have come out with your super facts and percentages?
Would you have had to "Bite your tongue" and not be "racist" if it was white people doing it?

Methinks not..

I have experience working with A LOT of black people out of high school about 10 years ago. 75% was black and I'm not generalizing when I say 90% acted like they came from the was a fact unfortunately. And unfortunately the stupid white boys tried to act the same way, lol.

Well this is the thing, It's actually a youth problem.
There are gangs of white kids, Hispanic kids, Asian kids, Black kids.... and they ALL act like idiots.

Beating people up... smashing bottles, hassling passers by, mugging people... punching and attacking people.

The ONLY reason this thread was even to try and say, albeit in a subtle way, "Look black people are bad, therefore Trayvon Martin is bad and not innocent"

There has been lots of it since the incident... the OP of this thread alludes to it/mentions it.

Lets all put race to one side, try and deal with the facts and quite talking ****

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 01:54 PM
I'm Bear Grylls
,I'm taking on a dangerous journey.Today I'm going into Compton,wearing a Dallas Cowboys football Jersey.

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 01:55 PM
reply to post by CodyOutlaw

i gave you a star, and i think bill cosby hits the nail on the head! the only thing i disagree with is that kids are gonna dress different, i dont think people should always judge someone based on how they dress, otherwise we would be demonizing, hippies, emo kids, skaters, preppies, yuppies, tattooed people, pierced people, headbangers, ravers, and we would basically be calling for a dress code as to how people should look. that is not the america that i know and love.

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