reply to post by eyesontheskies
As a girl who used to be in the same situation as you, I'll try to help you as much as I can. The advice in the posts above are pretty good. I wont
try to reiterate things others have already said. One thing you should keep in mind is that most guys in your age group aren't very interested in
relationships. All they really want is to party and have a good time, no strings attached. There isn't anything wrong with that, its okay to want to
explore and experience life and such. Patience and understanding is a must.
Its important that you don't, in desperation, jump on the first guy who shows interest in you. I only say this because I often hear stories all the
time about girls your age being with someone they really don't enjoy, simply because they don't want to be alone. It is better to wait for a guy who
will appreciate you than to date a jerk who doesn't. I'm sure you are aware of this without having to say it, but I just thought I would put it out
there, anyway.
Also, another thing to keep in mind is that you are on the cusp of a new life. Life after high school is completely different, and it will provide
more opportunities, especially if you plan on going to college. You will end up meeting people form all over the country, and your dating pool will
expand drastically. Take some time to figure out what you want in a guy/relationship. It's okay if you don't 100% know exactly what you want, but its
good to have a general idea.
Another good idea, as someone else suggested above, is to ask your close girl friends. My honest advice is to only ask girl friends that you trust
completely, and never ask a friend who has ever been spiteful toward you. Girls can be cruel toward each other for no apparent reason, especially when
it comes to dating, and many of them will give you bad advice simply for the pleasure of seeing you fail. I know those are harsh words and you are
probably thinking "Gosh, not my friends." but I'm telling you, I have had my best friends in the world undermine me in the worst ways out of jealousy.
Trust your instincts.
Once you have picked a few girl friends you know you can trust, ask them if they have any single friends they think you would get along with. To be
honest, this is how I met my fiancee, through a close mutual friend. But to be honest, I have also dated a few duds this way, too. Just keep clear
mind and don't get attached too soon. Another thing you can try is asking for advice from your girl friends on how to make yourself seem more
available to guys. This also carries the same risks as stated above, but it can also be very helpful. Just don't let them force you to do anything you
aren't comfortable with. The number one rule of dating is to always be yourself.
Another thing to keep in mind here is your GUY friends. This may sound silly, but 80% of the time guys have crushes on their female friends and don't
ever show it for fear of ruining the friendship. There is always a chance that could happen, if you decide to date a guy friend, but having a
relationship with anyone is about taking risks. Sometimes, you have to put yourself out there and sometimes you get burned, it happens to everyone.
just keep a clear head, and if you know things are working out then end the relationship before it gets too ugly.
I hope this huge rant helps you, even a little bit. The important thing to remember is to enjoy life, and don't get caught up in what everyone else is
doing simply to fit in. You have your whole life ahead of you, just sit back and enjoy the ride!!
edit on 30-3-2012 by ProjectBlue because:
add a few lines here and there