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Advice for a girl that cant seem to get a date?

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posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 10:22 PM
Ok, gosh this is embarrassing, but I am a senior in high school and have never been on a date or even been asked out on a date. I just dont get whats wrong with me. All of my friends make it look so easy its like they have to beat the guys off with sticks. I just dont know what is making me so undateable to guys I mean I dont think im ugly cuz cute guys DO flirt with me and i dont think they would waste their time if i wasnt at least a little pretty and im in shape and people tell me all the time how funny i am so i just dont understand. I mean i would think that the problem is just that i need to make the first move but surely not every guy i have come in contact with in my life only dates girls who make the first move. So any advice on how to seem more dateable?

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 10:25 PM
reply to post by eyesontheskies

All I can go on is from my own senior year of high school. Almost 15 years ago.
Chances are you are to pretty, talented, and awesome for most/ all guys to think they have a chance.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 10:26 PM

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 10:28 PM
reply to post by eyesontheskies
You probably intimidate the young men of your social circle. Be patient, young lady. It'll happen.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 10:29 PM
Try giving some signals, like leaning in when talking or pulling ur hair back...smiling also as that usually tells guys that your into them.
It wont be about your looks, maybe they try but think your not interested

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 10:31 PM

Originally posted by emberscott

Self modding - Click here for more information.

Well,thats a new one .

Don't sweat it,the right guy will come along.
You have your whole lifetime ahead of you.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 10:33 PM
Just a suggestion. Wind the funny down a bit. At your age I would run from any girl I thought was funnier than me.

Thats what us guys have got with each other. A girlfriend that makes our mates laugh more than than we do is quite threatening. Don't matter when your older, laughs is what keeps a partnership going.

Laugh at his crap jokes, pretend he is clever and physically fit and you will get anyone you want. Gotta remember we are catching up with you physically and emotionally.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 10:35 PM
reply to post by kdog1982

Haha yeah i know i have my whole life for this but im afraid if i dont start soon i will be single forever. How terrible!

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 10:36 PM

Originally posted by eyesontheskies
Ok, gosh this is embarrassing, but I am a senior in high school and have never been on a date or even been asked out on a date. I just dont get whats wrong with me. All of my friends make it look so easy its like they have to beat the guys off with sticks. I just dont know what is making me so undateable to guys I mean I dont think im ugly cuz cute guys DO flirt with me and i dont think they would waste their time if i wasnt at least a little pretty and im in shape and people tell me all the time how funny i am so i just dont understand. I mean i would think that the problem is just that i need to make the first move but surely not every guy i have come in contact with in my life only dates girls who make the first move. So any advice on how to seem more dateable?

Your best bet is to stop trolling teh intrawebs as a woman and admit you are a guy.

That would be a start, anyway.

Every woman on earth can get a date with somebody. Fact. This is why I am 99.99998% sure yuo are a 40-year-old-man with cheetoh-stained fingertips.

Thanks for playing...

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 10:38 PM
Pics..... Just Kidding.

As has been said a few times, Be patient and things will happen. Don't think that you are missing out because you're not.
I used to wonder the same as a kid but what I thought I missed out on in my teens I certainly made up for in my 20's.

Best of luck and be patient......

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 10:39 PM
Do you ever get nervous around someone you like?

Do you ever get tongue tied?

Chances are that any guys that like you, feel exactly the same when your around.

Do any guys make a complete ass of themselves when they are around you? Do they say the wrong thing? Sweet profusely? Laugh at any stupid comment you happen to say......regardless of how funny (or unfunny it is)?

Lastly, don't look in the wrong places......Jocks are wankers and most will end up on minimum wage. Nerds, will get labelled as wankers until they graduate and then suddenly become the most attractive catch for any fem.

I personally think that you shouldn't worry about it until after collage. Males and females are monumentally stupid until they hit their mid 20's +. Unitl hard.....get your dream the world.

You never know, your perfect partner could be on the other side of the planet.....unknowingly waiting for you.
edit on 29/3/2012 by OccamAssassin because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 10:42 PM
reply to post by eyesontheskies

OK. girls often make the first move. Some don't even know they are doing so. Some do.

First, find a target! This is a very important first step. Be picky. If you are very cute, stunning or smart many guys are put off because THEY are just as confused, shy or whatever! Make sure he is unattached. Info from your girlfriends is quite valuable. Be careful that they do not respond with jealousy to put you off someone you like.

Next, when you walk past him, use his name. Start simply, a "Hi Mark" is all it takes. Look at him occasionally and let him notice. Smile. This does not mean stalk him. Opportunities will present themselves naturally. You may have to set one up now and again.

While he is putting his books away (without his mates around) walk up and engage him in conversation. Just ask how he felt about a teacher or another student.

Let nature take its course.

If the above does not work ask him out. You need to take as much pressure off as possible. Something like:

"Hi Mark,you interest me but I only see you at school. Could we go out a few times so we can get to knoe each other a little better."

Be honest.

If this does not work select second target and try again. Keep trying, it is a game, learn how to play it.

If you encounter a string of rejections DO NOT lower your standards.

Not every male goes to your school. Join a club or a sport where the males outnumber the females. If you are not into sport try debating clubs, chess clubs or the like.

It is a very important game and a fun one if you can take the pressure off yourself.


edit on 29-3-2012 by pheonix358 because: error

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 10:44 PM
try asking your friends at school to help you out maybe theres a guy interested,in you but is to shy to ask you out.and maybe your friends know but havent told you.just a suggestion.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 10:45 PM
I just moved to FL from Germany so I might be wrong here...

I am not much older than you myself -> (21, turning 22 soon
the best advise I can give you is:

If you are really into someone - go for it. Screw what other people think.
Don't be afraid of being denied, if one guy says no, there are still 100,000s waiting

If other guys are flirting with you you have nothing to lose.
don't worry though, high school is tough, everything gets easier afterwards!

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 10:53 PM
Sounds like you're not easy. Guys at that age are looking for a conquest most of the time, its difficult for a female with self respect to get a date because they are not typically going to give anything up. Make yourself seem a little more willing, not to the point of actually making him think you'll do anything, that can he dangerous, just be willing to talk about less mature crap. Be interested in him, not u. I don't know you, I'm just pointing out things my immature friends did bak in the day. You may have to bring yourself to their level to start and build dating confidence. College guys are worse, we grow up around 25.
edit on 29-3-2012 by DarkSarcasm because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 10:53 PM
Ha ha. This is rich. ATS is now a dating service?

Seriously though, if you are a young girl, don't worry. Your time will come. Most guys are more immature than girls their own age so they have a little catching up to do. As for the other girls seeming to get dates all the time don't sweat it.

Don't change yourself to be like someone else just to get something. Be yourself and the right person will come along before you know it.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 11:01 PM

Originally posted by TheXoor

Originally posted by eyesontheskies
Ok, gosh this is embarrassing, but I am a senior in high school and have never been on a date or even been asked out on a date. I just dont get whats wrong with me. All of my friends make it look so easy its like they have to beat the guys off with sticks. I just dont know what is making me so undateable to guys I mean I dont think im ugly cuz cute guys DO flirt with me and i dont think they would waste their time if i wasnt at least a little pretty and im in shape and people tell me all the time how funny i am so i just dont understand. I mean i would think that the problem is just that i need to make the first move but surely not every guy i have come in contact with in my life only dates girls who make the first move. So any advice on how to seem more dateable?

Your best bet is to stop trolling teh intrawebs as a woman and admit you are a guy.

That would be a start, anyway.

Every woman on earth can get a date with somebody. Fact. This is why I am 99.99998% sure yuo are a 40-year-old-man with cheetoh-stained fingertips.

Thanks for playing...

Your a loser. Im an 18 year old girl and whatever who cares if you dont believe me.
edit on 29-3-2012 by eyesontheskies because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 11:02 PM
As a guy that was socially awkward in high school. Nothing is wrong with making the first move. But make sure that you are fairly sure that they are interested. That aside, don't stress about it. I never dated in high school. Looking back, it was a great thing. High school had enough drama without all of that crap. College is right around the corner, you will enjoy the social scene much more, I assure you.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 11:04 PM
Plastic Surgery

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 11:05 PM
reply to post by eyesontheskies

Dear eyeontheskies,

Don't worry so much about dating, worry more about finding someone that you want to date. It is more worthwhile to be in a good relationship that to be in a relationship. Don't worry, take your time and you will find someone that suits you. Peace.

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