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Thank you MODS...for Temporarily Stopping the Hate.....

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posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 12:04 PM
And by doing this you're making another thread about Trayvon Martin...

Sorry couldn't help it. I made a similar thread to this one last night and people flamed me just like that and then one of the more mentally challenged mods who cant seem to locate the subject of a thread closed it under the auspices that I was discussing the case and not the fact that I was pissed about all the hate and all the different threads about the same subject.

But I totally agree with you. All the hate needs to stop and leave it up to the courts to decide.

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 12:25 PM
reply to post by ThePublicEnemyNo1

What makes you think anyone is going to listen to you?

If there was ever a place for people to change, the internet is not it. Sorry, but that's how it is.

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 01:10 PM
reply to post by ThePublicEnemyNo1

I feel ya, but I'm at the point where when I see a headline here and it doesn't appeal to me......I move on without reading it. I have no clue who Trayvon Martin is, what happened or who is to blame for whatever. It has to do with a racial issue and I've been a member here long enough to know that no one seems to get that it's not the color of a persons skin that's important. And for that reason ALONE, there will NEVER be any agreemnet among anybody about racial issues. Anywhere. Ever. People just aren't growing out of that phase.

People are generally stupid when it comes to this sort of thing so I do my part in denying ignorance by not taking part of the conversation to begin with. Now if EVERYone did this, there would be no conflicts right?

The trolls and paid shills would be left to bait each other. How fun would THAT be to watch.

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 03:56 PM
reply to post by ThePublicEnemyNo1

It was getting way out of hand.

I admit, it upset me too.

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 04:00 PM

I've said before that the Trayvon Martin issue is a BS strawman which doesn't matter, anyway. How many other people get shot on a daily basis in America? How many other black people get shot by white people, or white people who get shot by black people?

And yet you people pick THIS ONE CASE to finally decide to make a stink about it?

Why? What is so special about Trayvon, as opposed to any number of other people it has happened to?
edit on 28-3-2012 by petrus4 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 04:21 PM
Who are you to be saying this?
I guess you could fall into the category of those who should go then eh?

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 05:01 PM
Thank God!

And I don't even believe in him.

If I saw one more thread about "that kid" that got shot by "that guy" I was going to have an aneurism.

I was going to stop coming to this site awhile till it passed but stopped in today one last time.

Thank you MODS for stopping it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lots of people get killed in this country everyday by somebody for something.

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 05:14 PM
He was unarmed in a gated community carrying a can of iced tea and Skittles. What more do you need to know?

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 05:33 PM
reply to post by ThePublicEnemyNo1

What's even more insane is the fact that people on this website want people jailed for a racial slur! The Gov. doesn't have to remove our rights, the people are doing it themselves by supporting it.

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 06:09 PM
I too have become dismayed by the ignorance that has been exhibited here on ATS in the last few months. Issues such as the Trayvon case have exposed the seething hatred and animosity that apparently been lurking just beneath the surface.

Did anyone notice how the victims of fukishima were showing up at evac centers with what stuff they had to SHARE with their fellow humans? What happened in N.O. after Katrina? Our so -called civil society just isnt so civil after all.

I have been called names and attacked personally on this forum for having opinions that differ from other's opinions, including some moderators.

I orginally came to this website seven years ago because it was a place where I could find information about subjects that interest me and were being ignored in the MSM. ATS has become another blog of haters who if you DARE hold an opinion of your own, you will be attacked. I guess it's time to turn off the computer and start reading those boooks I have on my shelf that I keep meaning to get around to reading.

I am outta here.

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 06:06 PM

Originally posted by Starchild23
reply to post by ThePublicEnemyNo1

What makes you think anyone is going to listen to you?

If there was ever a place for people to change, the internet is not it. Sorry, but that's how it is.

It's just my hopes that some people may choose to apply wisdom and not speak in hateful ways of one another and at least wait until facts comes out.

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 06:29 PM

Originally posted by DOLCOTT
reply to post by ThePublicEnemyNo1

I did not realize ATS was a social club or a political movement. Why do we need to have a singular view for the community? Does ATS have some type of public position on all events that is portrayed for the ATS party?

Jeez, I thought this was a forum for the open discussion of news and events not a political party.

Just as you said, ATS is a place for the open discussions of news and events, plus a plethora of other topics. I don't recall mentioning any political parties either in my OP. Obviously, you have misconstrued my post. I guess you don't get it. That's okay

It is also my understanding that ATS is for others to express their opinions. However, that doesn't mean it's okay to express one's opinion in hateful ways when it comes to another human being's race/religion/sexuality or ethnicity. Some of that is my opinion some of this is determined by the T&C's of ATS.

ATS T&C's of Use
Here is a recap of a few of ATS T&C's of Use:

15). Posting: You will not Post any material that is knowingly false, misleading, or inaccurate. You will not solicit personal information from any member. You will not use information gathered from this website to harass, abuse or harm other people.

15a) Offensive Content: You will not Post forum posts, private messages, PODcasts, blog entries, videos, images, and other supported content, links to images or use avatars and/or signatures that are unlawful, harassing, libelous, privacy invading, abusive, threatening, harmful, hateful, vulgar, obscene, and/or disruptive. You will not use text, images, avatars or link to images or domains that contain gore, mutilation, pornography or illegal content. Doing so will result in removal of your Post(s) and immediate termination of your account.

16) Behavior: You will not behave in an abusive, libelous, defamatory, hateful, intolerant, bigoted and/or racist manner, and will not harass, threaten, nor attack anyone.

It's actually very disturbing that just for me to reply to your post, which I felt it necessary to do so, I feel as if I'm acting as a MOD, which is not my intent. But since you have completely and intentionally taken my post out of its obvious context, this is why I decided to post the above.
ATS T&C's of Use

reply to post by ThePublicEnemyNo1
What makes you think anyone is going to listen to you?

If there was ever a place for people to change, the internet is not it. Sorry, but that's how it is.

This part is to Starchild23. My post is not intended to "make others come to my way of thinking", its intent is to hopefully, get others to "recognize" how ridiculous it is to pass judgement on any other human being that has been accused of committing a crime before he/she has had a "LEGAL" chance to defend him/herself and to pass that judgement based on hate.

Have A Wonderful Weekend Everyone

For those that understand what my post is about or to those who at least tried to understand thank you!
edit on 3/30/12 by ThePublicEnemyNo1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 06:42 PM

Originally posted by Viking9019
Who are you to be saying this?
I guess you could fall into the category of those who should go then eh?

I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "fall into the category of those who should go"? Don't worry friend, I'm not asking you to explain it either

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 07:04 PM

Originally posted by 1AnunnakiBastard

Originally posted by ThePublicEnemyNo1

I'm pleading with the entire ATS community to stop these one sided judgements and arguments. The majority of us were no where near the incident of Treyvon Martin/Zimmerman...none of us know what happened. All we do know is what the MSM has fed us. You all should be ashamed of yourselves for continuing this madness.

I thought we were all here to DENY IGNORANCE?

OP, I think you didn't get the whole picture: There's a massive synchronized psyop for promoting racial/ethnic hate all over the internet, carried out by paid agents, trolls and shills of the NWO agenda. This wave of threads flooding many forums and popular blogs of mass access, is NOT a random event. It has a defined purpose of exploring this Zimmerman/Martin case to "divide and conquer" as you said.

Why this pysop is succeeding?? Because it's the Achilles heel of Americans. Easy target in an intolerant society of armed racist people. It's a time bomb activated and the ones behind this psyop will do everything in their power to incite as much hate as they can, towards a racial civil war in the USA. The sad part is that most of Americans are absolutely blind and unable to see what's going on.

edit on 3/28/2012 by 1AnunnakiBastard because: (no reason given)

edit on 3/28/2012 by 1AnunnakiBastard because: (no reason given)

edit on 3/28/2012 by 1AnunnakiBastard because: (no reason given)

edit on 3/28/2012 by 1AnunnakiBastard because: (no reason given)

When you put it that way, I suppose there could be some significant truth your post. I say significant truth because I personally had not thought of this Martin/Zimmerman case in that regard. Frankly, I do not to harp on anyone's race/ethnicity as it in my opinion serves no purpose for me in my life. Besides, I'm bi-racial, so race has never been a big deal to me personally, nor did anyone ever make a big deal of race when I was growing up, except my father, but it never affected my way of viewing others as I have always practiced viewing the world through my own eyes, not anyone else's. I'm sure we all view the world from our own eyes...but for some reason or another racism and pointing the fingers seems to make some people feel better. I dunno, just my opinion and the way I see it.

I'm am saddened by the fact that people around this planet are still racist and just being on the outside looking in, it appears that some people embrace racism. This is what I don't understand. I honestly just don't get it. I know what I hear them say, but it still makes no sense to me.

I however, will not give up on the fact that one of these days humanity will witness the first day when there is no racism. I guess, that depends on how long it takes people to figure out what it means to be a human being as we all are. The only thing biologically different about us is the male/female genitalia...other than that, we're all humans, we just come in different shapes, colors and sizes.

My OP was just a call for some unity regardless of race and to share our opinions regarding what may or may not turn out to be a criminal case.
edit on 3/30/12 by ThePublicEnemyNo1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 02:41 AM

Originally posted by SavedOne

Originally posted by ThePublicEnemyNo1
I'm pleading with the entire ATS community to stop these one sided judgements and arguments. The majority of us were no where near the incident of Treyvon Martin/Zimmerman...none of us know what happened. All we do know is what the MSM has fed us. You all should be ashamed of yourselves for continuing to participate in this madness.

So, none of us can express an opinion or take a position on any of these issues? Whenever a news event happens we should just sit here with our lips zipped because "none of us know what happened"? Perhaps you don't understand the purpose of discussion forums like those on ATS.

Of course anyone of us can "comment", however, can we really judge at this point? I think not and until we can do so we should follow the acts of civil law and act accordingly. I do understand ATS hap-heartedly my friend. I have been around since 2005 under the name of "hathorschild" so yes, I have some senority and yes I get it as well.

However, that doesn't dissolve wisdom nor the fact that we should all be patient and wise

IMO, conquer and divide is and will always be temporary....just look back at history

edit on 6/7/12 by ThePublicEnemyNo1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 02:54 AM

Originally posted by mwood
Thank God!

And I don't even believe in him.

If I saw one more thread about "that kid" that got shot by "that guy" I was going to have an aneurism.

I was going to stop coming to this site awhile till it passed but stopped in today one last time.

Thank you MODS for stopping it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lots of people get killed in this country everyday by somebody for something.

Yes they do, and that is what's so very unfortunate. Why are our fellow Americans being completely deleted prior to a fair trial? With no voice to speak in a public forum. This question goes beyond this case and with reason.

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