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Thank you MODS...for Temporarily Stopping the Hate.....

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posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 03:10 AM

Originally posted by ThePublicEnemyNo1
reply to post by spav5

I understand what your saying and I certainly respect that opinion as I understand it. However, I'm not "mandating" anyone to do anything. I am just asking that we all wait to see what happens. I admitted that I previously passed judgement about this case and I have apologized in another forum for doing so. I will not apologize again however.

It's just that I feel, again imo, that the way we are conducting ourselves here at ATS, well...the way some of us are conducting ourselves is uncivilized at the very least and irrational at best in this regards.

If you disagree, then that's okay as well. I am just simply advising a peaceful solution to a tragic event. With that being said...can't we just wait to find out what happened? If it turns out that the MSM still screws the American population into a racial divide, well it is my opinion that maybe we didn't "Think About It First". When I say "WE" I mean us here at ATS.

I hope that made sense and no, I mean no sarcasm...this is a genuine call for unity on a permanent basis. We don't have to like one another because of our skin color, but we do or at least should (IMO) attempt to use some wisdom and apply common sense when it comes to the US Justice System.

I do understand the intent of your thread..and your plea. But I can't agree with stifling someone's point of view just because they are ignorant (of the facts).

Not in a forum anyway..and certainly not in this forum.


posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 03:20 AM

Originally posted by Flavian
reply to post by ThePublicEnemyNo1

I agree with all of that apart from the bit about the members in Florida can keep us up to date. Why? Unless they are serving Police Officers that are assigned to the case in question or they work for the Judiciary, what can they tell us? And even if they were, that would be totally unethical and could prejudice any trial.

Let justice run its course. The only people who know exactly what happened are the 2 involved and, hopefully by the end of the investigation, the Police and Courts.

I suppose you could be correct and I agree to a degree. However, I referenced the people of Florida because they are there and hopefully, as members of ATS, they will/would report the accurate info to the rest of us (for those who are far away, like me way out in Ca), who have no accurate knowledge of what's what besides what the MSM reports.

Maybe I'm being naive

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 03:25 AM
reply to post by spav5

Okay...point made and understood. You're right and an opinion/voice is an opinion/voice to be heard and I should respect that/those opinions. Yet, when things get uncivilized...shouldn't someone stand up and say " it, enough is enough" or am I overstepping?

I digress, but I still love Y'all!

I get all are entertaining/considering my voice/ maybe I should do the same. I just want peace is all and to allow the facts to come out prior to us infighting. Seems it's a tad bit too late for that, however, I overstand your intended message.

Thank You

edit on 3/28/12 by ThePublicEnemyNo1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 03:25 AM
Great thread, OP.

Only two people know what really happened. Neither of those people (as far as we know) are on this board right now, So the rest of us need to sit down and drink a big steaming mug of shut-the-heck-up.

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 03:27 AM
reply to post by ThePublicEnemyNo1

The point i am making though is that with criminal cases the media are not allowed by law to reveal too much (even if they actually had that information). They have pushed this more and more in recent years but if they go too far then they run the risk of causing a trial to collapse by potentially prejudicing said trial.

Therefore, whatever information comes out to locals in Florida through the media is either diluted and therefore not that accurate or it is pure made up.

Any criminal case should not be talked about in the media full stop until after trial. They really need to start enforcing the laws on this, all over the world (as many countries suffer from this problem nowadays). Hammer the news outlets with millions in fines every time they break the rules and they may go back to ethical practices.

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 03:34 AM

Originally posted by Leftist
Great thread, OP.

Only two people know what really happened. Neither of those people (as far as we know) are on this board right now, So the rest of us need to sit down and drink a big steaming mug of shut-the-heck-up.

Precisely! That's all I'm trying to say in addition to, providing our ATS community with unity and not one that appears to be divided when something like this serious case arises.

We are far smarter than that

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 03:44 AM

Originally posted by Flavian
reply to post by ThePublicEnemyNo1

The point i am making though is that with criminal cases the media are not allowed by law to reveal too much (even if they actually had that information). They have pushed this more and more in recent years but if they go too far then they run the risk of causing a trial to collapse by potentially prejudicing said trial.

Therefore, whatever information comes out to locals in Florida through the media is either diluted and therefore not that accurate or it is pure made up.

Any criminal case should not be talked about in the media full stop until after trial. They really need to start enforcing the laws on this, all over the world (as many countries suffer from this problem nowadays). Hammer the news outlets with millions in fines every time they break the rules and they may go back to ethical practices.

Again, you're another level headed ATS member. I agree, I just would imo, rather us here at ATS, just remain neutral if possible until the facts come out and then have an open "CIVILIZED" discussion about the results.

Let me just say, I am no stranger to the legal system, as I am currently involved (or someone very very close to me where a criminal case will affect me) in a case that ATS permits me from speaking about (not murder/racism or anything near that). With that being said, due to my own personal experience(s), it is very difficcult to sit back and watch, hear and/or see others pass judgement in a case they have nothing to do with.

Maybe, I used my own personal emotions to justify this post and if I could go into detail more about my situation I would, but I can't or else I'll get banned (I was banned for three days last year for doing so). However, imo, whenever people start saying "Oh yeah he/she is guilty and this must be why" before the facts are in place, it just appears to me ridiculous. Hopefully, none of that mindset will be sitting on my jury pool.

As someone currently fighting for my legal right(s) in the state of California, it amazes me that some are so quick to pass judgement when looking from the outside.

Thank you for your input

edit on 3/28/12 by ThePublicEnemyNo1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 04:14 AM
Are you paying any attention at all?
Of course we are, are you>?

New information was also revealed Monday about the circumstances of Martin’s visit with his father in Sanford. Crump said that Martin was staying with his father’s fiancee, because he had been recently suspended for 10 days from his high school in Miami after an empty baggie that once held marijuana and still had some residue was found in Trayvon’s book bag

Martin challenging him by saying, “You got a problem with me?”

“Zimmerman said no,” the official said, citing Zimmerman’s account. “Martin said, ‘Now you do,’ and then punched him in the nose.”

Which proves martin was the agressor,
proves zimmerman acted in self defense,
proves that treyvon thugged up his last victim.

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 04:35 AM
reply to post by ThePublicEnemyNo1

Thank You.

Tired of the Hate.

edit on 28-3-2012 by sonnny1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 06:12 AM

Originally posted by ThePublicEnemyNo1
Whether it's Treyvon Martin, Rodney King, or the next un-named white/black/latino/asian person who is said to have massacred/killed or been beaten by their fellow human beings...blah...blah...blah or whomever else can conjure up and start a racial divide, I thank the Mods for putting a stop to this craziness. The facts need to come out.

Do we really need to depend on the MSM for the facts because obviously they can't get them right one way or another or refuse to do so? I would personally, rather wait for our fellow ATS'ers to report back at a later time and from Florida and let us know what's up.

All we are doing here in our own community called ATS, is forming biased opinions one way or another when it comes to race and it's quite frankly, embarrassing. I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE! Will you all please, calm down? Let the facts present itself...please. We are no better with our behavior right now than the MSM in regards to the Treyvon Martin case, yet we say, DENY IGNORANCE. Yeah right

I'm pleading with the entire ATS community to stop these one sided judgements and arguments. The majority of us were no where near the incident of Treyvon Martin/Zimmerman...none of us know what happened. All we do know is what the MSM has fed us. You all should be ashamed of yourselves for continuing to participate in this madness.

I thought we were all here to DENY IGNORANCE?

WHAT GIVES? If you're a racist or biased then go somewhere else to spew your hatred and leave ATS out of the picture! The facts aren't in yet...and neither is the jury.

When are we ever supposed to co-exist when all we do is pass judgement on one another?

Just stop ....please......PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Be mad at me all you want...THIS BEHAVIOR IS WRONG AND YOU ALL KNOW IT!
edit on 3/28/12 by ThePublicEnemyNo1 because: (no reason given)

well spoken,

i have to agree, the evidence isn't all in yet. i'm not making any judgement until all the facts come in. one thing i am willing to say.

i feel bad for the families of all involved. they are experiencing intense grief magnified by the glare of the news cameras.


posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 08:55 AM
I disagree with the way the MSM handled this case, downright lying is just wrong (but hey not really a big surprise).

I just think Treyvon isn't the cuddly little carebear we have all come to known, and if some people call me racist for that (which is retarded btw) so be it.

It's so easy to throw that word around with something like this, it loses it's meaning and just becomes another word to corner your opponent when you can't win anymore, just like "anti-semitism" is often falsely used by the jews.

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 08:59 AM
reply to post by benrl

I agree 100%/ This will all come down to gun controll.Best way Ive seen yet for martial law being implemented. A race war. As far as the op is concerned. It really is as simple as don't read the thread. If you got a problem with a t.v. show do you turn the channel? If you dont like the radio station your listening to, do you change the station? If you dont like a certain restaurant, do you go back time after time? I would suppose no is the answer.

So if the thread offends you or makes you sad. Don't read it.Don't comment on it. Simple leave it alone. This is ATS there's something here for everbody. Racism, Seperatism, Hate. Fear. Crime. all are things we deal with in our lives. It really is as simple as if you have a problem with a Person, Place, Or Thing. Simple stay away from it.

Op I did not state this the way I did to offend you or make you angry. It's just how I handle said things. It works for me. It may not work for all.

edit on 28-3-2012 by openyourmind1262 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 10:34 AM
i fully agree with what you say,but i'm a white guy in a mixed relationship with a black girl. i see this crap every time we go out! i live in canada,and its here too. we both get the 'look' and try to get intimidated by people of both races. i worry abot our kids when they go out because there both colours. i dont hate any race of people and all my friends are of different races. this kind of story in the media is for one reason only,to create hate among us,and then the tptb can "fix" the problem with more rules!
we have had the police follow us because she is black and i have alot of tattoos,so we must be up to no good,meanwhile were just walking to the school to pick our kids up!
this is madness! people have to wake up and just respect their fellow man!
love is easier to express than hate
peace. by the way good post!

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 10:35 AM

Originally posted by ThePublicEnemyNo1

, sarcasm, just my genuine personal opinion. I respect all of you and your opinions. But, what is currently taking place in this regard is madness IMHO. Spreading any kind of hatred is just unnecessary in my opinion as well.

I mean no harm, just trying to bring some unity and calm by advising all to wait out the storm and view the facts regardless of personal ethnic/racial views.

I think part of the problem is that people equate disagreement with hate, and the two are decidedly different.

People should be encouraged to debate the case. That, in my opinion, is what ATS is all about. We gather here because it's a place for us to openly discuss issues rather than have them spoon fed to us by the mainstream media outlets. If I want to read troll posts I can do that by visiting the "kooks" over in the GLP forums The problems arise when people become overly passionate about their position, and then start attacking those with differing opinions.

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 10:52 AM

Originally posted by ThePublicEnemyNo1
I'm pleading with the entire ATS community to stop these one sided judgements and arguments. The majority of us were no where near the incident of Treyvon Martin/Zimmerman...none of us know what happened. All we do know is what the MSM has fed us. You all should be ashamed of yourselves for continuing to participate in this madness.

So, none of us can express an opinion or take a position on any of these issues? Whenever a news event happens we should just sit here with our lips zipped because "none of us know what happened"? Perhaps you don't understand the purpose of discussion forums like those on ATS.

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 10:55 AM
Because some people are closed minded and only hear what they want to hear...but in the end I have just took it with a grain of salt and try to Ignore Ignorance.

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 11:13 AM
reply to post by ThePublicEnemyNo1

We can be thankful the "court of public opinion" and or the "court of the media" has no legal authority.

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 11:17 AM
reply to post by ThePublicEnemyNo1

Deny ignorance ? Really. Denial of ignorance is what ? Agreeing with the post, agreement in full with all comments. I am not sure what you are asking for. The mMods only responsibility is to ensure that the posts and responses meet their level of decorum and ATS's use of unacceptable language.

I came to this site and have reccomended it to all my friends because of it's diverse subject matter and the diverse group who comment. I do not have to agree or like what I read. I do believe that the views and opinions expressed here should not be censored. I agree that we should be able to communicate without profanity or demeaning name calling other than that Let the voices be heard.

Your denial of ignorance shows how ignorant you truly are, if you are offended I offer no apology. Let everyone express their opinions however disturbing you may find them. I suggest if you find an opinion you disagree with, use your right to offer a counter perspective and educate and debate those, so you may change the minds and feelings of others.

We do not need another BIG Brother, the Feds and MSM are doing just fine.

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by ThePublicEnemyNo1

I did not realize ATS was a social club or a political movement. Why do we need to have a singular view for the community? Does ATS have some type of public position on all events that is portrayed for the ATS party?

Jeez, I thought this was a forum for the open discussion of news and events not a political party.

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 11:49 AM

Originally posted by benrl
I understand the thought behind this post, but in a way it's good.

I look at all the post as an easy way to spotthe people with ______

Whatever blank is

Be it

Gun control nut,

Gun nut,

Racist (goes both ways black or white)


Peoples response to this says more about them than what happen.

Every persons death is a tragedy to someone, In the park in my development they found a body today, I don't know the details yet, and frankly Im more concerned with that than two ppl in Florida, death is all around us but it's an election year so we get this situation constantly thrown in our faces.

Sadly it can bring out the worst in people, white, black, asian, Hispanic, it matters not.

I don't own a gun, but this is the way i see it.

It is better to have it, and not need it, than it is to not have it and then need it.

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