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And God said...

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posted on Jan, 8 2004 @ 06:45 PM

Originally posted by TheRaven
I believe it may refer to the Trinity. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Note, when anyone questioned this plurality, Christian priests tried to resolve this sticky problem by using the concept of the Trinity (Father, Son and the Holy Ghost) or the heavenly angels to explain the plurality. The problem here comes that if they truly believed this, then why not use the proper plural translation in the first place? Substituting a singular term for the plurality of the Trinity or other heavenly agents amounts to dishonesty or subterfuge.

The Dark Bible

posted on Nov, 15 2004 @ 08:51 AM
well, psion, do you feel you've had your question answered? i know it's been here a long time, but i'd just like to see where you stand now.

posted on Nov, 15 2004 @ 02:08 PM
Considering the people of the time and practicing of oral tradition - practicing over and over and over again, keen on accuracy, I don't see how it could be an error. Wording was very important in pre-documented history. Just something to keep in mind. These days we could care less since we have spell-check and editors. If you were given something and told it was the 'word of God', would you dare change a word? Hm...

posted on Nov, 16 2004 @ 05:28 PM
Science leads to theory
Wisdom leads to fact

God,The Holy Spirit ,Jesus Is One , Jesus is part of God - always have been He only came in human/flesh form to die and take pain as a human so we could be delivered from disease,sin,hell & be given etenal life...& it is mentioned " Us /Our " in certain verses of the the bible does so He meant " The Trinity " & Angels (Spiritual Beings) ,He had all of Them (Angels) helping & we were formed in their image (spiritual) which is same as God's image ,which means PURE ,PERFECT ,LOVING ,FORGIVEFULL & IT GOES ON.....

But flesh detroyed man & for 1000's of years (from Adam ,Moses we as people ignored Him ,so He gave us the ULTIMATE GET OUT OF HELL CARD - PART OF HIM (JESUS) ,but the main choice is still up to us ,we don't have to make offerings anymore to receive forgiveness ,we just have to ask for forgiveness...

BTW " The Us " are millions as each of us have atleast 2 Gaurdian Angels ,& we were made/formed in Their Likeness ....

Doubt the one who makes us doubt

[edit on 16-11-2004 by ChandlerBing]

[edit on 16-11-2004 by ChandlerBing]

posted on Nov, 16 2004 @ 05:38 PM

Originally posted by ChandlerBing
BTW " The Us " are millions as each of us have atleast 2 Gaurdian Angels ,& we were made/formed in Their Likeness ....

How did you come up with at least two? I've only met one.

[edit on 16-11-2004 by saint4God]

posted on Nov, 16 2004 @ 06:21 PM
When studying spiritual warfare ,a person learn that much more than only 2 gaurdian Angels protect us ,sometimes (people who can see Them) have counted up to 16 & more by one persons side...but in study of warfare you get to know (by faith) that each of us have atleast 2 ,some even more.

But this is what i have learned with faith & trust ,but i will never argue with any1 not believing this as every1 have their own opinion / question if you are a Christian Do you think we only get attacked by one demon or more than one sometimes??

Like i said we are flesh (which means we are weak ,not one person on earth goes without sin everyday ,does not matter who you are & there is a demon for every diff sin...but then this is just my belief ,i do not & will not try to convince ayone/force and judge,as God gave us the freedom to choose which road we wanna take..i learned the hard way ,but i am SO glad that i did

Maybe you should ask your one Gaurdian Angel ,if you have another one - you wil know in your heart then

posted on Nov, 16 2004 @ 06:41 PM

Originally posted by ChandlerBing
But this is what i have learned with faith & trust ,but i will never argue with any1 not believing this as every1 have their own opinion / question if you are a Christian Do you think we only get attacked by one demon or more than one sometimes??

Touche', hadn't thought of that. Not even sure if the one I met was mine per say, but was offerening guidance nonetheless. Do you think specific angels are assigned to specific people then? I saw them more as an 'as needed' basis.

Originally posted by ChandlerBing
Like i said we are flesh (which means we are weak ,not one person on earth goes without sin everyday ,does not matter who you are & there is a demon for every diff sin...but then this is just my belief ,i do not & will not try to convince ayone/force and judge,as God gave us the freedom to choose which road we wanna take..i learned the hard way ,but i am SO glad that i did

I honestly never understood one demon per sin. It seemed they were a lot more versatile than that. In other words, I think a demon can influence an even enact multiple sins. I have no scripture to cite, just from my observations. Do you have any addition information/experience on the one demon one sin notion?

Originally posted by ChandlerBing
Maybe you should ask your one Gaurdian Angel ,if you have another one - you wil know in your heart then

If I get a chance again. The first go at it he answered one question but was gone as I was asking another. I can understand why though, I had the answer to the important question.

posted on Nov, 16 2004 @ 07:08 PM
There is a demon in my belief for evey sin/or in other words (demon of depression,demon of alcholism/demon of anger/demon of disease & so it goes on & is like an army >> satan>general>soldiers....then you get other baddies like beezlebub and various others,but all have their " demons" doing their work for them-TO TURN US US flesh we cannot fight them all by example ..before Jesus was taken by the soldiers He prayed but He asked His apostles not to sleep but to stand guard and pray but they fell asleep and then Jesus was visited by satan...this tells us where there are 2 or more The Spirit will always be present ... the problem is we cannot always count ourselves in as the 2nd presence as we are flesh..

Jesus was/is flawless ,but why would He ask His apostles to stay awake & pray..THE MORE THE MERRIER!!! ,but take it His apostles could have been attacked by demons of laziness..??? ...but nonetheless it had to be so we could be forgiven in the end

Hey this is just my opinion what i know in my soul ,and i know i have lots more tol earn as i know nothing yet ,but i know we are protected ,we only need a little faith & it will grow so big that we will all have enough angels to protect us when the real fight will come...get ready now be prepared never doubt (which is our biggest problem,even me everyday i have to fight with doubt)

posted on Nov, 16 2004 @ 07:23 PM
each demon specialized, having it's own 'in' with a person. Sounds like some are graduating with honors while others are more frustrated. On the spiritual warfare topic, I was advised I was not to be involved in the fight between angels and demons (at least not while on Earth). I'm still confused to this day what that means really, but have to trust it until revealed. Do you think we'll have our separate fight or a joint role later on? I'm getting the hint that I need to be helping people here and now and not to worry about such things, but can't help being curious.

posted on Nov, 17 2004 @ 02:59 AM
IN genesis this is what us is refering to not angels. Angels are part of Gods creation just like us, they have no power other then that which God has given them, and are not the creator of the universe.



TRINITY= FATHER, Son, Holy Spirit

They are three persons, three seperate entities, yet one GOD. When we loosly use the word GOD, and think of a single person we are wrong. One did not create the others, GOD IS. GOD being all three parts, all have different roles and are used in different ways for the Fathers will. All are equal in power but not the same. The bible says the Father only knows the time for the return but that doesnt mean that the other 2 parts to the triune God are doing nothing. They are all working in perfection, 3 in 1. One of the roles of the son was to die, to be the sacriffice for us, the holy spirit resides within Christians. The holy spirit and th son are seperate becuase when jesus christ was baptised the holy spirit descended upon him in the form of a dove.

This is a tough concept to grasp.

[edit on 17-11-2004 by Scyman]

posted on Nov, 17 2004 @ 05:48 AM

Originally posted by saint4God
each demon specialized, having it's own 'in' with a person. Sounds like some are graduating with honors while others are more frustrated. On the spiritual warfare topic, I was advised I was not to be involved in the fight between angels and demons (at least not while on Earth). I'm still confused to this day what that means really, but have to trust it until revealed. Do you think we'll have our separate fight or a joint role later on? I'm getting the hint that I need to be helping people here and now and not to worry about such things, but can't help being curious.

We have warfare everyday ,just by saying no to something you know which is wrong is warfare,and helping others means that you are taking on their baddies to help them out are a decent spiritual human

posted on Nov, 17 2004 @ 06:00 AM
The meaning of life is relationships. We relate with people all our lives. Just as God is in an eternal relationship with God the Father, God the Holy Spirit, and God the Son. They are in a perfect relationship with each other and so closely knit that They are one. Just as a woman and man marry and become one flesh, they have children and become one family. It is a shadow of the Godhead. Using these plurals in certain parts of the bible is Gods way of showing us His nature.

Imagine the perfect love They must share. To be in perfect harmony with each other. No jealousy, no selfishness, no hatred, no badness only perfect goodness.

posted on Nov, 17 2004 @ 06:19 AM

Originally posted by rosebeforetime
The meaning of life is relationships. We relate with people all our lives. Just as God is in an eternal relationship with God the Father, God the Holy Spirit, and God the Son. They are in a perfect relationship with each other and so closely knit that They are one. Just as a woman and man marry and become one flesh, they have children and become one family. It is a shadow of the Godhead. Using these plurals in certain parts of the bible is Gods way of showing us His nature.

Imagine the perfect love They must share. To be in perfect harmony with each other. No jealousy, no selfishness, no hatred, no badness only perfect goodness.


posted on Nov, 17 2004 @ 06:30 AM

Originally posted by ChandlerBing
We have warfare everyday ,just by saying no to something you know which is wrong is warfare,and helping others means that you are taking on their baddies to help them out are a decent spiritual human

Ya, so I'm learning. Thanks for the dialogue and compliment!

Well said rosebeforetime, hadn't looked at it from that angle before.

[edit on 17-11-2004 by saint4God]

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