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The Powers That Be have been real all the time. Their names? "ALEC".

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posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 07:09 AM

Originally posted by Danbones
.... they have multiple groups that inter lock like the tri lateral commission, the bilderbergers, the CFR, the "foundations", the cartels, the drug cartels, the G20, the G8

When you mention the drug cartels, you are really identifying sections of "government" in many cases. If we look around, we can ID quite a few ties.

For example, US troops are being used to guard poppy fields in Afghanistan. Turkey's government and military are eyeball deep in processing opium into heroin and transshipping it to Europe.

The twin topics of the CIA and drugs could literally fill books. And it does. CIA aircraft used for rendition (kidnapping) have crashed in Mexico with over three tons of coc aine on board in 2007. The CIA was flying coc aine into the Venice, Florida airport at the same time Mohammad Atta was there. Atta's girlfriend, Amanda Keller, says Atta would bring coc aine back from the airport to their apartment. The CIA flew uncounted tons of coc aine into Mena airport under the protection of Governor Bill Clinton in the 1990's.

The whole point being: Black ops (and black intentions) are a big part of the TPTB.

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 07:19 AM
reply to post by diakrite

This is exactly what Libertarians are aiming at, replacing ALL government with businesses. Ron Paul campaigned on the very idea. That includes destroying free primary education. In fact Paul was for destroying free primary education when he ran for President as a libertarian. One of the little facts all his "decades of consistency" zombies always seem to "forget"...

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 07:42 AM
reply to post by diakrite

I hate to break it to ya buddy, but ALEC is but a shark in an ocean populated by giant whales. They may be big, but they aren't even close to being at the top. Wanna know who is at the top? Google Rothschild.

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 08:04 AM
I must admit i did "lol" when i read the OP.

No offense intended at all to the poster in fact I congratulate him/her on their new found sense of awareness.

Unfortunately we need another 2 trillion people like the OP. This is just not going to happen.

I knew this stuff years ago and have been singing this song for just as long. People dont care unless it effects them directly and even then they just say" what can I do, nothing" and just give up.

The world is waking up too slowly for my liking and even then they will just wake up to a dream within the dream. The puppet masters have a greater perspective on this game than you think.

I'm hedging my bets. If I'm wrong we will all be free if I'm right we are all screwed.

just to make my stance clear I would rather be free and wrong than right and screwed.

But it looks like I might be proven right on this one.

I see nothing to indicate things are getting better.

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 08:05 AM

Originally posted by zarp3333
I don't know about any other ATS members but suddenly all the pieces of this global corporate conspiracy seem to becoming so utterly transparent that they are rubbing our noses in it.

It's become so troublesome for me that I'm having a hard time keeping my mouth shut to friends and family. In short, Evil, and I mean wIth a capital E, are simply taking over the govt and elections to make greater profits.

They have turned the education system into a factory of mindless zombies. They promote adult hating, anti-social animals who either end up in prison or on the dole and absolutely unaware of any civil rights.

My wife, kids and brothers don't want to hear about it. They've all told me to quit reading ATS. I feel like the main character in "Midnight Express" when he tried to walk around the stone column in the opposite direction.

Ignorance may just be bliss after all?

i feel your pain amigo, been there done that but at least my wife believes me although that's where it ends. i no longer try to tell anyone about anything really, i just go along living in two worlds because that's what it truly is two worlds.

you have the main stream gullible, everything is wonderful because obama told me so, people and you have informed, i know you're screwing us because the shoe fits, people. it's difficult for me sometimes not to mention things but in the end if you know, that's all that matters. you will be there for your family and be as ready as anyone cane be.

pick your battles wisely and just know that not everyone is meant to see the writing on the wall, that's what people like you and i are for.

edit on 28-3-2012 by LittleBlackEagle because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 09:08 AM
reply to post by diakrite

TY for the Post.
I found a website that might shed more light into this organization:

Have fun.

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 09:56 AM
Trying to rally support against groups like ALEC, frustrates me greatly. It seems like nobody cares! The majority of people are oblivious to this Orwellian nightmare we're living in. How can people be so greedy?

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 11:15 AM
reply to post by diakrite

Wow! I feel as if I have known about the elitist in control of every aspect of our lives for as long as i care to remember! I really don't understand how it is that people are just figuring this out today. It's pretty obvious that nothing happens by chance! It's kind of suspicious how certain people are able to gain massive amounts of monies and influence. The way our democracy works has never been random, has always been manipulated and this is nothing new! If we don't stand up and take back control, we will end up both poor and homeless!
We have been warned by our founding fathers about the dangers of monopolies, private banks and industry controlled political parties and individuals! Yet we have these entities none the less! Now what will we do about this? Can we even do anything to change this? Will these entities do anything in retaliation once we attempt to remove them from controlling our environment? Do we have courage enough to stand against this most evil of people before it's too late? These are all very important questions that need to be addressed or we will end up back in the dark ages! Then again we may end up there anyhow but we need to decide whether we will be hiding in a hole or fighting against tyranny and injustice when this is im posed upon us! Better to start the fight for our freedom now before there are so few of us to stand against this scurge then wait till after we have been reduced to a small percent of our original numbers! We are all that stands against this evil and noone else will ride in out of the setting sun to save our civilization! We need to start before it's too late! These men need to be jailed! they need to be questioned and we must not wait any longer!

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 11:35 AM
Sad, but very true. This is to be expected when the populace becomes lazy, ignorant, and complacent. They allow the government (monopoly on force) fall into the hands of few.

You know the old saying about absolute power...

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 11:38 AM

Originally posted by diakrite

Originally posted by Danbones
to bad the first layer of glasses to come off is probably just going to be the beer glasses

they have multiple groups that inter lock
like the tri lateral commission, the bilderbergers, the CFR, the "foundations", the cartels, the drug cartels, the G20, the G8


Absolutely true, but most of those groups, if mentioned at all, do not get a nice, big Op-Ed in the NYT, The WAPO, The LATimes etc. etc. They mostly toil in the shadows, because no-one dares to burn his fingers on them.

The freaky thing is, that a major newspaper publishes this.

It's not freaky. Various elite trying to knock down other elite by way of media warfare.

This is intra-elite wars taking place, just as it did before the fall of the Soviet Union...

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 11:42 AM
Amazing, but something that many have suspected for a long time.

Good to have some proof positive for once though.


posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by jcarpenter

Originally posted by Danbones
.... they have multiple groups that inter lock like the tri lateral commission, the bilderbergers, the CFR, the "foundations", the cartels, the drug cartels, the G20, the G8

When you mention the drug cartels, you are really identifying sections of "government" in many cases. If we look around, we can ID quite a few ties.

For example, US troops are being used to guard poppy fields in Afghanistan. Turkey's government and military are eyeball deep in processing opium into heroin and transshipping it to Europe.

The twin topics of the CIA and drugs could literally fill books. And it does. CIA aircraft used for rendition (kidnapping) have crashed in Mexico with over three tons of coc aine on board in 2007. The CIA was flying coc aine into the Venice, Florida airport at the same time Mohammad Atta was there. Atta's girlfriend, Amanda Keller, says Atta would bring coc aine back from the airport to their apartment. The CIA flew uncounted tons of coc aine into Mena airport under the protection of Governor Bill Clinton in the 1990's.

The whole point being: Black ops (and black intentions) are a big part of the TPTB.

I have known of the CIA and other government sectors involvement in the drug trade for a while now, but I live in Venice, Florida and had no idea of what you said regarding the CIA flying the coc aine directly into our airport. Not only that but Mohammad Atta bringing coc aine back to his girlfriend after coming from the airport?!

What I would give to know where and when those hangers could be accessed without being caught,

White gold my friend, poison, but gold nonetheless.

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 12:36 PM

I am still on the fence as far as Gun-Law goes, but even there, "Due Process" should be the norm, NOT the monetary influence of the moneyed elite.

Please don't be on the fence about gun laws. I live in the UK and mostly, the only people who have guns are police and criminals. People get shot regularly in this country by gangsters and crazy people, I would feel a lot more secure knowing that sane people could own a gun if they wanted to, legally.

If a criminal/nutter wants a gun, they can easily get one.
edit on 28-3-2012 by Wide-Eyes because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 12:52 PM
all of these threads about what the "TPTB" have done and are doing don't mean a damn thing. so, everybody has this info and what?......pause.....we all get P.O.'ed and nothing is done about it. george carlin said it well when in one of his last "comedy routines" he said "it's all bulls**t. drink the kool-aid, take your soma, because nobody is going to change it.

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 12:56 PM
I just cant help but think of how lame it is that all these "elites" are obsessed with money so much.
Jeeeeze, get a hobby guys

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 01:48 PM
reply to post by Wide-Eyes

You shouldn't.

The murder rate in the US is 3-4x that in the UK/Ireland. On top of that almost 3.5 MILLION guns ARE privately owned in the UK AND there's NEVER been any proof that guns reduce crime or make anyone safer.

Go look at this list and then tell me that guns make people safer:
edit on 28-3-2012 by captainnotsoobvious because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 03:36 PM
TPTB (the powers that be),

I personally feel that the way people use the term indicates the following:

TPTB are the people/groups who are responsible for the net outcome of the system's behaviours. There is actually no one group/person who could stake such a claim. Though I do agree there are some really big groups that have much influence, the world/US/Canada etc... doesn't seem to have any one person/group in control of everything. If this were indeed the case, there would in fact be much peace - as those who partook in the economic system would be there by prior knowledge and approval of such group.

TPTB would be in "CONTROL". They're obviously not..... things seem to have to be forced to this group's way of thinking or that group's way of thinking... or they might have built the "perfect" system. Corruption would in fact be the destruction of the system from within TPTB's domain.

I'd summarize TPTB as an attempt at indicating frustration for the common man. There is no "common" understanding of the way things are being done - globally. If there are a few roads to take - there are many takers for all sides including those who advocate confusion (chaos).

It was once stated that the world was "FULL". (not that we've hit population limits). We've hit the end of our ability to generate organized growth of the human epoch, given the way we go about doing things and our various beliefs on the limiting factors of the economic/financial system.

It is my belief that it isn't the type of organisation that is important when considering what is best for people. There is no "system of organisation" that is void of pros and cons - ie nothing is going to remain perfect forever. It is the people within that system - when they require change on a grand scale - who are able to make those changes. Systemic change from the base is one that requires all parties in the system to concert their efforts in a collective unison. Education (in central organizational behaviour), trust, reasoning and inclusion (of all individuals in central organizational understanding) are central to perpetual systems.

We live in a world evolved from small entities - unconnected by such large scale systems - to highly globally connected systems. But our organization across the globe as a single entity and our individual education of said large scale activities and the limiting factors, haven't grown - in addition to the fact that we are adding automation. We are trying, through the use of sound bytes from politicians and media - to educate people on a growing populations demands for service/choice/complexity/freedoms/economic viability - in addition to trying to stem individual ego centered intentions/misunderstandings. It is a maddening and deafening discussion and potentially increasingly complex as more considerations get inserted.

The producers and consumers cannot be separate entities in a perpetual system - but doesn't coincide in a constantly growing large scale system - at least not ad-infinitum by limited human thinking.

I have been leader in various small volunteer organizations, as a hobby, and it is far easier in smaller groups to take a turn in direction, but also easier to debate such things.

Not that the flip side doesn't exist. The larger the organization, the slower and potentially better the debate. You also have much greater effort - proportional to the size of the group - But you have to have much, much greater co-ordination and end up working with statistics to understand the effects on enormous populations. The debate may not be as well understood - and for that reason not well executed on the order to change. The ability to communicate has to increase, with executive orders diseminated and understood.

This is true regardless of course, of whether you have capitalism, communism, anything ism.

I noticed the mention of associationism... If people don't conform to organization - who says what the rules are? (re: murder, land sharing, stealing, public facilities such as roads, sewage?, etc...). This can be worked out in small groups of people, who meet on some basis... the moment this gets larger - it is problematic. If you were to add modern technology, it is an even bigger disaster, waiting to happen - how does radio wave allocation go? Who takes care of ensuring dumping of toxic organic waste remains out of water capture areas? What of burning plastics?

I don't believe that the world can go without some form of organization - that is, if human beings are to have a liveable world.

It was also suggested that problems be allowed to get solved by nature... This is what I believe we are setting ourselves up for: Problems solved by human nature (not intelligent problem solving), and mother nature.

The issue of control is not one that is comfortable for anyone to discuss. I personally cringe when discussions come around for abortion for instance - likeminded people deal with problems much more easily

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 05:02 PM
reply to post by sensibleSenseless

By what you say then, it doesn't matter if TPTB are or are not all encompassing. By all accounts though, it looks very much like government/s are acting like cartels, (illegal) with common purpose. So I don't think it is for the general good of their voters, that is you and me, BTW. Since government power is quite real, acting in a cartel manner, only reinforces their power. What would be interesting, is to see how much common countrywide legislation tallies with elsewhere over the globe. Does nobody yet understand that our politicians have become so wealthy, that they do not give a shiiite about the voters, and Yes, wealthy as they are, they are but the frontmen. We just had a budget here in the UK, and COE, (Chancellor of the Exchequer) George Osborne stuck 37p on a packet of cigarettes, (that's well over half a dollar) and this from a guy who likes to powder his nose, what a hypocrite... No tax on his powder mind you.

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 06:38 PM

Originally posted by Deathtoignorance
reply to post by diakrite

Fantistic post! You even touched on one of what I consider the most psychologically and spiritually defeating facets of this issue. By this I mean a collegial, open, and unbiased dialogue amongst intelligent friends and relatives with regard to a REAL problem that not only effects us all, but is actually hurting us more every day it goes undiscussed. By far the most trying conundrum to me is that when I remove myself from my own inner musings, rantings, and rages, only then am I able to realize how MANY aren't there yet. GAH!

Seems as if we're all in mile 1 of an uphill, 100 degree marathon, and people don't realize they're running a race. Trust me people, it gets much harder somewhere around mile 13.

That was pure elegance my friend.
I hope because of my bump post here, someone reads what you wrote, that would have otherwise missed it.

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 06:52 PM
reply to post by diakrite

If what they want to do is privatize services and shrink the government...I'm all for it...I am sick and tired of the government using tax payer money as its personal bank account and pushing liberal social engineering agendas.

Your link actually took some fear away from a bout TPTB.

I hope they are taking their ideas from Ayn Rand.

Ever think the left is demonizing capitalism and big business because they are their completion for a socialist America?

That's how I see it.

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